Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Laïcité and Baby-Loup revisited
(Eleni Zaras, La Jeune Politique)

Ban on ‘Ex-gay’ bus adverts upheld in London court
(Hilary White, LifeSiteNews)

Hollande, démission ! Taubira, démission ! Valls, démission ! (Et Frigide, démission !)
(Le blog de Jeanne Smits)

A new Canterbury tale
(Editorial, The Hindu)

As a culture, losing our religion
(Michael Gerson, The Herald News)

Religion, race and politics: ASEAN’s Gordian Knot
(Luke Hunt, The Diplomat)

Church and state: Malta and marriage
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

In Hungary, Wilson visits during centenary of Adventist Church’s formal organization
(Adventist News Network)

In the Middle East, Wilson affirms church members’ community service
(Adventist News Network)

National security no reason to ban 'Jews of Egypt' documentary
(Linda Heard, Arab News)

Anti-Muslim rumours spread in central Myanmar – Analysis
(B. Raman, Eurasia Review)

The morality brigade – OpEd
(Robert Reich, Eurasia Review)

Jihad in Syria (Part II): The Assad regime perspective
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment)

Will Sri Lanka join the global movement of moderates? – Analysis
(Salma Yusuf, Eurasia Review)

Global Anglicans asked to speak up for Syria's children
(Anglican Communion News Service)

Author barred from Libya for being Jewish
(John Lichfield, The Independent)

U.S. Muslim, Arab-American delegation visiting Morocco to discuss political reforms
(Ibrahim Hooper, Council on American-Islamic Relations)

Muslims most religious community in France: Study
(Press TV)

Myanmar government struggles to contain anti-Muslim hostility
(Aye Win Myint, Reuters)

Bangladesh-Saudi ties rooted in history, religious bonds
(Saudi Gazette)

Scottish government funds pro-terror groups
(Samuel Westrop, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Kentucky House overrides 'religious freedom' bill veto from Gov. Beshear
(Beth Musgrave, The Miami Herald)

Brother Jed’s visit to campus sparks religious debate
(Scott MacWatters, Daily Toreador)

Myanmat sets new curfews after fresh violence
(Associated Press, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Why Obama, a Christian, hosts a Passover seder each year at White House
(David T. Cook, The Christian Science Monitor)

Pope's house ready, but he's staying in hotel
(Associated Press, National Public Radio)

Victims raise profile of ‘spiritual abuse’
(Tracy Simmons, Religion News Service)

Religious liberty threats: no longer a unifying idea of what they are
(Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service)

How historic Supreme Court gay-marriage case will unfold: Q&A
(Greg Stohr, SCOTUSblog)

Will the Court defend DOMA?: In Plain English
(Amy Howe, SCOTUSblog)

Gay-marriage rivals brush off snow to see historic arguments
(Nick Taborek, SCOTUSblog)

Pictures from the Court – Public line for same-sex marriage arguments
(Max Mallory, SCOTUSblog)

UK graphic designer 'refused job' because of Christian faith
(ASSIST News Service, Christian Today)

Arguments Transcripts will appear here on the same day the argument is heard
(Supreme Court of the United States)

Argument Audio will be available here at week's end
(Supreme Court of the United States)

Marriage in the dock — The Supreme Court considers same-sex marriage

Q. and A.: A decisive moment on gay marriage
(Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

New plea on “standing” on Proposition 8
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Same-sex marriage I: The constitutional standard (first posted Nov 30, 2012)
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Same-sex marriage II: The arguments for (first posted Nov 30, 2012)
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Same-sex marriage III: The arguments against (first posted Nov 30, 2012)
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Same-sex marriage IV: The Court’s options (first posted Nov 30, 2012)
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Monday, 25 March 2013

Gay marriage finds church support, religious foes as Supreme Court hearings begin
(Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post)

Surveys reveal attitudes to religious symbols at work
(National Secular Society)

Marriage on trial
(Emily Belz, World Magazine)

Monday’s Religion News Roundup: Super Sin * Papal Honeymoon * POTUS Passover
(Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

Muslim convert quits Catholic Church, says it’s too weak against Islam
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

In Brazil’s capital, Adventist prayer walk brings thousands to congress building
(Adventist News Network)

One year later Adventist pastor still in Togo prison
(Adventist News Network)

Human Rights Council concludes twenty-second session after adopting 39 texts
(United Nations Human Rights Council)

Same-sex marriage comes to the Supreme Court
(Calvin Massey, Religion & Politics)

UN resolution on religious tolerance and freedom of expression welcomed
(ARTICLE 19 and Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), IFEX)

Human Rights First welcomes U.N. text on religious intolerance, calls for more governmental action
(Brenda Bowser-oder, Human Rights First)

Egyptian political turmoil spurs Jewish refugees to chronicle ‘second Exodus’
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

Cyprus verdict could inhibit Hezbollah operations in Europe
(Ron Kampeas, JTA)

Same-sex marriage
(Feature, The Jurist)

The marriage debate through a child’s eyes
(Jennifer Marshall, The Foundry)

Protecting religious freedom in schools
(K. Hollyn Hollman, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

3 Tibetans sentenced in immolation cases
(Edward Wong, The New York Times)

India: Religious faith twists gender, as men cross-dress in Kerala
(Big News Network)

Egypt: Salvation Front condemns violence at Muslim Brotherhood HQ
(Aswat Masriya)

Rwanda Christians mark Palm Sunday
(Jean d'amour Mbonyinshuti, The New Times)

US Commission on Civil Rights: Public comments on religious liberty accepted until April 21
(God Discussion)

Kenyan Muslim groups call for restraint before election verdict

Liberia: Muslim Council urges legislature on Christian group's petition
(The Inquirer)

Nigeria: Clerics appeal for peace as Christians observe Holy Week

Lawmaker backs plans plans for Liberia's restoration to Christian nation
(Heritage News)

Buddhist-Muslim violence spreads in Myanmar
(Aye Aye Win, Associated Press, ABC News)

Buddhist-Muslim clashes in Meikhtila – Analysis
(B. Raman, Eurasia Review)

Nepal: Truth and reconciliation law betrays victims, says HRW
(Eurasia Review)

The never-ending pogroms in Myanmar – Analysis
(Dr. Habib Siddiqui, Habib Siddiqui)

Myanmar government warns religious violence could threaten democratic reforms
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

University apologizes for 'stomp on Jesus' lesson
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

Commission sounds alarm on religious liberty threats
(Paul Strand, CBN News)

Malaysian Hindu Temple holds Kumbaahisegam after yearlong renovation
(Eurasia Review)

The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims
(BBC News Asia)

Civil Rights Commission: Can nondiscrimination, religious liberty principles coexist?
(Alex Murashko, Christian Post)

Crowds protest same-sex marriages in French capital
(RIA Novosti)

Ashrawi slams lack of permits for Christians on Palm Sunday
(Ma'an News Agency)

The good, the bad, and the unsettling: On the “New American Haggadah”
(Sharon Brous, Los Angeles Review of Book)

The kerfuffle over wearing foreign clothing
(Sabria S. Jawhar, Arab News)

B’nai B’rith welcomes normalization of relations between Israel and Turkey
(Eurasia Review)

Typologies: A hindrance to understanding Islamist movements in post New Order Indonesia – Analysis
(Vinay Kumar Pathak, Eurasia Review)

Pope Francis v. The New Evangelization?
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Gay marriage support hits new high in Post-ABC poll
(Jon Cohen, Washington Post)

Religious freedom in Bulgaria
(John Feffer, Huffington Post)

Sen. Mark Warner announces gay marriage support
(Catalina Camia, USA Today)

Pope Francis tells Benedict: 'We're brothers'
(Associated Press, Fox News)

New Pope opens Holy Week at Vatican on Palm Sunday
(Frances D'Emilo, ABC News)

Williston pastors say churches should have option to decide on whether to allow concealed guns
(Associated Press, Yahoo! News)

Russian Church hopes new head of Anglican Church will not allow female bishops, same-sex marriage

Jewish community makes considerable contribution to strengthening of ethnic, religious dialogue in Russia

MP govt to set up budget hotels at religious tourist sites
(The Indian Express)

Oy vey, Christian soldiers
(Maud Newton, The New York Times Global Magazine)

Melissa Rogers speaks!
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Colorado approves same-sex unions
(Jack Healy, The New York Times)

On marriage and religious liberty
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online)

Will gay rights infringe on religious liberty?
(Mark Stern, CNN Opinion)

(WARNING: This is a roundtable debate. You may want to turn down your speakers before clicking.) Keeping the Faith: The role religion plays in the gay marriage debate
(Elizabeth Tenety, The Washington Post Politics)

Teachers may proceed with Free Exercise challenge to board's ending of sick leave use for religious holidays
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

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