Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

In Southern Mexico, religious liberty continues to grow despite history of intolerance
(Adventist News Network)

Dubai police chief says Muslim Brotherhood sows subversion in the Gulf
(William Maclean, Reuters FaithWorld)

Ireland to build one of Europe's largest mosques
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Spiritual insecurity: Religious freedom in Russia
(Video interview with Geraldine Fagan, The Economist)

Thousands of Adventist youth march across Brooklyn Bridge against violence
(Adventist News Network)

Myanmar ignored warning signs, U.N. says
(UPI Asia)

Our continuing religious liberty problem
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online)

Sudan's Arab Spring?
(Alsir Sidahmed, Arab News)

Ohio school says Jesus portrait has been taken down
(Dan Sewell, Associated Press, MSN News)

Syria in danger of replicating Christian exodus in Iraq
(Christian Post)

Where's the respect for religion on TV?
(Jim Bennett, Deseret News)

Liberia: Latter-day Saints identify with less fortunate – dedicated latrines, water wells
(The New Republic)

Three Bangladeshi bloggers arrested for offending Islam
(Sumon Francis Gomes,

Talking about religion and schools
(Kyle Church, Scoop Independent News (New Zealand))

In the quest for a better world religion and ideology should be equal partners
(Geoff Gallop, WA Today (Western Australia))

Alabama Senate committee approves bill saying religious employers not required to offer contraception coverage
(Mike Carson,

Requiring religious non-profit to pay rent for parking lot does not violate RLUIPA
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Israel set to jail teenage conscientious objector for eighth time
(Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian)

EVENT 12-30 August 2013: Building an Interfaith Community – Summer Course 2013
(The Ecumenical Institute, Bossey, Switzerland)

Les éditions LexisNexis publient le Traité de Droit français des religions
(Communiqué de presse, LexisNexis)

The Pope and China's Communist Party: More similar than you think
(Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Asia Society: Asia Blog)

Canadian court says police religious ruse did not violate murder defendants' religious freedom
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Virginia law on marriage officiants discriminates against Sikhs
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Fairfax judge strikes down law on licenses to perform marriages
(Press Release, ACLU)

Archbishop challenged on remedy for clergy error: Jones v Archbishop of Wales
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Uganda: Marriage bill and police war on Imams can only fail
(Ssemujju Ibrahim, The Observer)

Tunisia: NCA commission votes against enshrining Higher Islamic Council in constitution
(Agence Tunis Afrique Presse)

Egypt opposition demands ban of religious slogans in electoral campaigns
(Aswat Masriya)

Tanzania: Council demand release of priest's killer
(Issa Yussuf, Daily News)

Christian minister dies in Vietnam police custody
(Charisma News)

Wednesday’s religion news roundup: Shaming the divorced * guns and gays * faith and footwear
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Bracketing morality – The marginalization of moral argument in the same-sex marriage debate
(Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Black Christian News)

New study finds high clergy internet use; guidelines lacking
(Religion News Service)

In Burma, satellite images show extent of religious violence
(Charlie Campbell, Time)

Pope Francis stresses "fundamental" importance of women in church
(Naomi O'Leary, Reuters)

Canadian prisoners sue over lack of chaplains
(Ron Csillag, Religion News Service)

Women’s group objects to religious exemption on covering contraceptives
(Sara Jerde, The Columbus Dispatch)

Interests of all religions must be ensured in Jerusalem - Russian Foreign Ministry

North Carolina may declare official state religion under new bill
(John Celock, Huffington Post)

Defining marriage in the context of U.S. democracy
(Matthew Zaro Fisher, Huffington Post)

Whatever the Supreme Court decides, these nine charts show gay marriage is winning
(Sarah Kilff, The Washington Post Wonkblog)

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

How long will the pope’s honeymoon last?
(David Gibson, Religion News Service, The Washington Post – On Faith)

French veil ban: Government wants to broaden restrictions on wearing headscarf
(Jamey Keaten, Huffington Post)

Islam Europe’s reality: Turkey’s EU minister, Egemen Bağış
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Care for your job? Hide your religion
(Alessandro Calcagno, COMECE, EuropeInfos)

EVENT April 10, 2013: Faith, Public Life, and the Common Good featuring Jim Wallis and Michael Gerson
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Supreme Court asked to weigh in on religious group’s right to live communally
(Press Release (Emily Hardman), The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

The rise of interfaith marriage
(OUP Blog)

Gender segregation now mandatory in Gaza schools
(Dalia Nammari, Ibrahim Barzak, NBC News)

Africa finds an effective weapon against AIDS: religion
(Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Jihadis' exploitation of Muslim girls
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute of International Public Policy)

Venezuela tries to weaken human rights watchdog
(Yvette Betance, The Heritage Foundation)

Myanmar police failed to stop killing, arson: HRW
(The Indian Express)

Northern Ireland's ban on gay marriage to be challenged by Amnesty in court
(Henry McDonald, The Guardian)

SEA’s biggest church opens amid rising religious debate in Malaysia
(Boo Su-Lyn, The Malaysian Insider)

Stephanopoulos features atheist on Easter Sunday discussing...religion?
(Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters)

Lord Carey of Clifton, David Cameron and “persecuted Christians”
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Kyrgyzstan: Criminal prosecutions to punish registration applications?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Islamist fighters slip back into Timbuktu and are repelled by French and Malians
(Scott Sayare, The New York Times)

Myanmar fire kills 13 Muslim students, adding to Buddhist-Muslim tensions
(Whitney Eulich, The Christian Science Monitor)

Egypt: Coptic Christians must be protected from sectarian violence
(Catholic Information Service for Africa)

Uganda: Seventh-day Adventist Church rejects marriage bill
(Luke Kagiri, New Vision)

Uganda: Loopholes in the marriage and divorce bill – OpEd
(Haji Nsereko Mutumba, New Vision)

Ethiopia: Muslim protesters face unfair trial
(Human Rights Watch)

Parents: Speechless after Pope hugged disabled son
(Associated Press, The Miami Herald)

Insight: Pope to review Vatican bureaucracy, scandal-ridden bank
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

How many U.S. Christians believe Christ's 'second coming' will happen soon? More than you may think
(Dominique Mosbergen, Huffington Post)

Muslims redefining community
(Engy Abdelkader, Huffington Post)

Brazilian evangelist has big plans for U.S.
(Andre Tartar, Religion News Service)

Groups: Remove Jesus portrait from Ohio school
(Lisa Cornwell, San Francisco Chronicle)

The war on generosity
(Luke Moon, The Institute on Religion & Democracy)

Texas: Judge rules city must let religious charities feed the hungry
(David Ward, Deseret News)

Philippines: The Supreme Court as religious enforcer
(Oscar Franklin Tan, Philippine Daily Inquirer)

Nigeria: Jonathan to terrorists: ‘Stop using religion to justify violence’

Pope Francis’ humble actions cut across religious lines
(Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun-Times)

Monday, 1 April 2013

Krauthammer warns: Gay marriage case could lead to all-out ‘assault on religion’
(Madeleine Morgenstern, The Blaz)

Christians and religious liberty in America on Easter Sunday, 2013
(Ken Klukowski, Breitbart)

Government lifts universal church ban
(Angola Press)

Liberia: Christians call for referendum
(E.J. Nathaniel Daygbor, The New Dawn)

Uganda: Catholic church leadership on trial
(The Independent)

NATO air strike kills two Afghan children, nine Taliban fighters
(Radio Free Europe)

Myanmar president directs security forces to use force to quell communal violence – Analysis
(B. Raman, Eurasia Review)

Antagonism among Muslims in Sri Lanka – OpEd
(Dr. Daya Hewapathirane, Eurasia Review)

British judges reject bid to deport Muslim cleric
(Alan Cowell, New York Times)

India: Muslim law board gives in to gender
(Iftikhar Gilani, Daily News & Analysis)

Anti-atheist discrimination at the post office
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Witness: Man yelled about God after church killing
(Seattle Post Intelligencer)

Francis to pray at tomb of Peter, first pope, in visit to Vatican necropolis
(Frances D'Emilo, Montreal Gazette)

Cardinal Timothy Dolan: no gay marriage but church could be more welcoming to gays
(Associated Press, Huffington Post)

President Obama offers Easter and Passover greetings
(Eurasia Review)

Abbas and Abdullah sign deal to 'defend' Jerusalem and its sacred sites
(Al Bawaba News)

In his first Easter as pope, Francis calls for peace in his own style
(Emanuella Grinberg, CNN)

Georgian Church against ratification of European Charter on minority languages
(Civil Georgia)

Pontiff Shivamurthy Murugarajendra Swami for distance between politics and religion
(ND Shiva Kumara, The Times of India)

Oh! what a lovely conclave
(Stella Fletcher, OUP Blog)

Uyghur jailings highlight Chinese media controls
(Radio Free Asia)

Nigeria: 14 Boko Haram militants killed in Kano raid
(Samantha Stainburn, Global Post)

Religion ghost in school voucher story?
(Bobby Ross Jr., Patheos Blog: GetReligion)

Myanmar president warns against religious intolerance
(AFP, Radio Australia)

MIC threatens action against Zul Noordin for belittling Malaysian Hindus
(Anisah Shukry, FMT News)

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