Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Florida Republican’s anti-Sharia bill would ban courts from recognizing Jewish divorces
(Stephen C. Webster, The Raw Story)

The other Salem witch trials
(Owen Davies, OUP Blog)

Chinese government gives house churches 'silent approval', says expert
(Quan Wei, The Gospel Herald)

Cemetery desecration signals power of Libyan Islamists
(Geoffrey York, The Globe and Mail)

Nigerian Christians denounce pressure to grant Boko Haram amnesty
(The Christian Post)

North Korea continues to make threats as Christians suffer

Gay marriage around the world
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

State legislation restricting use of foreign or religious law
(The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Religious courts in the West: We're not in Kansas any more
(The Economist [Erasumus: Religion and public policy])

Duma approves 'blasphemy bill' in first reading
(Alexander Winning, The Moscow Times)

California bill would eliminate tax breaks to punish Boy Scouts for excluding gays
(Associated Press, Fox News)

Can Pope Francis and Xi Jinping normalize Vatican-China relations?
(David Gosset, Huff Post Religion)

Prof. Robert P. George: Religious liberty cannot exist without marriage
(The Sutherland Institute, YouTube)

Singapore's High Court throws out challenge to gay sex ban
(Jessica Seah,

Petition in support of German homeschooling family passes 100,000 mark
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

The Constitution and graduation ceremonies in church
(Lyle Deniston, National Constitution Center, Yahoo! News)

Austria recognizes Alevis as religious community
(World Bulletin)

UK: LibDem MP wants to separate marriage registration from religion
(National Secular Society)

‘Allahu Akbar’ at Israeli ambassador's Paris residence
(Itamar Eichner, Ynet News)

Ireland Communion and Confirmation funds end

ACLU: Prison not allowing Muslim prayer

Ancient Chinese Buddhist temple faces demolition
(The West Australian)

Authorities promise Russia's Buddhists their full support
(Lyudmila Alexandrova, Itar-Tass)

Liberia: Administrator advises Muslim Congress students
(The Inquirer)

Protesters march to cathedral, chanting for unity of Egyptians
(Aswat Masriya)

Religion and politics: High office, low church
(The Economist [Erasumus: Religion and public policy])

Nigeria: Anglican cleric condemns proposed amnesty for Boko Haram
(Jide Jegede, Premium Times)

Human Rights Watch urges Egypt to solve Muslim-Christian strife
(Aswat Masriya)

Somalia: Information Minister accuses Al Shabaab of attack on Sheikh
(Garowe Online)

France’s top rabbi leaves post after accusations of plagiarism, lying about education
(Associated Press, The Washington Post Europe)

Religious freedom must not violate the rights of children - Oye Lithur
(Ghana Web)

Russia becomes definitive owner of cathedral building in Nice

Arizona weighs unemployment tax break for churches
(Arizona Daily Sun)

Clergy join gun control debate with pleas, prayers in 24-hour vigil
(Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post)

Possible saint gets a big military honor from White House
(Caleb K. Bell, Religion News Service)

Egypt: Address recurring sectarian violence, says HRW
(Eurasia Review)

Vatican spokesman denies report that Benedict XVI is ill
(Marta Jiménez, Catholic News Agency)

Pakistan: Mullahs to Monks: Why is our clergy angry and violent? - Analysis
(Suba Chandran, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)

Ivanishvili on Georgian Orthodox Church
(Civil Georgia)

Women praying at Western Wall arrested in Jerusalem (VIDEO) (PHOTOS)
(Aron Heller, Huff Post Religion)

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

“Unofficial” comment on religious liberty & Obamacare’s mandate
(Institute for Public Affairs)

Supreme Court cases send mixed messages on religious freedom
(Deborah Gyapong, The B.C. Catholic)

Former Utah Gov. Michael Leavitt tells UVU conference now is the time for discussion on religious liberty
(Joseph Walker, Deseret News)

Western Wall compromise raises hopes, but still faces obstacles
(Ben Sales, JTA)

In the Middle East, not America, Christians are actually persecuted
(Jonathan Merritt, Religion News Service)

How skeptics and believers can connect
(T. M. Luhrman, International Herald Tribbune)

Hate speech has no place in a synagogue
(Rabbi Michael White and Rabbi Jerome Davidson, The Jewish Week New York)

Executive Order continuing the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
(The White House)

Attendance at religious services lowers risk of depression, Canadian study finds
(Graeme Hamilton, The National Post)

Sexuality more like religion than race: Column
(William Mattox, USA Today)

Okla. legislature passes bill forbidding courts from using foreign, religious law
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

In Ohio Amish community, sports and song before several members head to prison
(Associated Press, Worldwide Religion News)

Study: Religious schools perform better than public, charter schools
(Nap Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Proposed new prayer section at Western Wall could mark victory for liberal Jewish streams
(Associated Press, The Washington Post – Middle East)

Shmuel Rabinovich, Western Wall Rabbi, supports mixed gender prayer section
(Daniel Estrin, Huffington Post)

U.S. envoy alarmed over anti-Muslim events in Sri Lanka
(Associated Press, Al Arabiya)

'They stood shouting at us to come out and be killed': Anti-Muslim violence in central Burma has left thousands of people homeless
(Peter Popham, The Independent)

India aims to end unlawful detention of Muslims
(Deutsche Welle)

A homeschool legal case that deserves the nation's attention
(Barrett Duke, Baptist Press)

German homeschoolers case has implications for religious freedom in America
(Erin Roach, Baptist Press)

Trailblazing cardinal recognized for leading movement to protect religious freedom

Reproductive justice, religious liberty, and pluralistic democracy
(Sally Steenland, Center for American Progress)

Virginia county faces $60,000 bill following legislative prayer suit
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee)

Religion news in brief
(The Washington Post – On Faith)

Church of England gives blessing to recognising civil partnerships
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Tyranny of the majority: ‘Military and religious groups are using religion to divide people’
(Press Release, The Express Tribune (Pakistan))

HKS panel encourages religion in the public sphere
(Bharath Venkatesh, The Harvard Crimson)

HHS contraceptive mandate threatens more than religious freedom
(Sheila Liaugminas, LifeSiteNews)

Force ‘gay marriage’ on Northern Ireland through courts: Amnesty International
(Hilary White, LifeSiteNews)

Kazakhstan: Never too old to be fined
(Felix Corley, Forum 18)

Religious Liberty Chair backs litigants opposing HHS Mandate
(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Understanding the Muslim world
(Robert Repino, OUP Blog)

Australian broadcasting changes terminology after Hindus protest
(Eurasia Review)

Am I a dangerous extremist? Are you? – OpEd
(Alan Caruba, Eurasia Review)

Military archdiocese objects to Catholic 'extremist' label
(Catholic News Agency)

ERLC to HHS: Mandate is 'religious persecution'
(Tom Strode, Baptist Press)

Knights of Columbus call for end to HHS mandate
(Catholic News Agency)

French Senate approves gay marriage
(RIA Novosti)

Florist sued for refusing service to gay couple
(Associated Press, Komo News)

South Africa gay 'cure' school found guilty of human rights violation
(Dan Littauer, Gay Star News)

Russian lawmakers back prison terms for religious offence
(Gabriela Baczynska, Reuters)

Lebanon’s sects game: The problem with its byzantine political system
(Aryn Baker, TIME Magazine)

India: 'Bharatiya Janata Party will bring law against religious conversions if voted to power’
(The Hindu)

Rhetoric versus reality: The contraception benefit and religious freedom
(Elizabeth Sepper and Alisha Johnson, Religion & Politics)

Applying God’s law: Religious courts and mediation in the U.S.
(Pew Forum)

Toronto dad upset he's not allowed to watch daughter's swim class
(Jenny Yuen, Toronto Sun)

We cannot preach our religious doctrine as our politics and win
(B.J. Paschal, The News Sentinel)

Army email labels Christian ministries as “domestic hate groups”
(Todd Starnes, Fox News Radio)

“Anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia and religious intolerance” deeply entrenched in Maldivian political discourse: Dr Shaheed
(Minivan News)

New equality guidance "recommends best practice" rather than creates new rights, says expert

When a religious display is not a sign
(Charles Haynes, Delaware Online)

John Paul II statue in Poland at Jasna Gora will be world's tallest sculpture of beloved pontiff
(Monika Scislowska, Huffington Post)

Can a Catholic hoops conference save college sports?
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Vatican gets behind adult stem cell research
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

Vandals again torch a Jewish religious object
(Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal)

“Must the Little Sisters of the Poor Implement the HHS Mandate?”
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Center for Law and Religion Forum)

EVENT, April 15, 2013: Believing in Russia - Religious Policy after Communism
(Geraldine Fagan, Kennan Institute)

Sect doctor could face jail for Chile abuse
(The Local)

NC minorities remain worried after religion bill is pulled
(Amanda Greene, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Jehovah's Witnesses in southern Russia face new charges
(RIA Novosti)

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