Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Nigeria: Lamido challenges Islamic clerics to guide political leaders
(Tina Akannam, Vanguard)

José Manuel Barroso meets with high-level religious leaders - Statement
(Eurasia Review)

Statue of Hindu goddess Saraswati near White House
(Eurasia Review)

US Muslim sues FBI over 'months of torture on unspecified charges'

Islamophobia label poor response to UK protests - OpEd
(Emre Kazim, Common Ground News Service)

Religion, the problem or solution in US-Pakistan relations - OpEd
(Robert Chase, Common Ground News Service)

Gay marriage bill in UK must be amended for religious freedom, says Catholic Church
(Myles Collier, Christian Post)

Illinois Bishop faces challenging audience at talk on same-sex marriage
(Michael Clancy, National Catholic Reporter)

The Global Divide on Homosexuality: Greater Acceptance in More Secular and Affluent Countries
(Andrew Kohut et al., Pew Research Center)

HSLDA files appeal for rehearing on Romeike case
(Michael Farris Jr., HSLDA)

Jewish federations support egalitarian space at Western Wall
(Michele Chabin, The Washington Post)

School need not accommodate teacher's Tuesday Sabbath
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Louisiana passes bill encouraging student use of school space for prayer
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Erie summit focuses on connection between religion, youth behavior
(Dana Massing,

600 sign up to Holyrood petition to make opting out of religion in schools easier
(Herald Scotland)

We should all exercise a little more tolerance
(John H. Redekop, Abbotsford Times)

Bible classes in Texas labeled as 'unconstitutional' after controversial study
(Myles Collier, The Christian Post)

Religious Zionism's moment of truth
(Dryor Eydar, Israel Hayom)

A religious call for immigration reform
(Alison Bauter, The Journal Times)

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Targeting the Scouts
(William C. Duncan and Michael T. Worley, National Review Online - The Corner)

Jury rules in favor of teacher fired while pregnant
(Lisa Cornwell,

Lords give overwhelming backing to gay marriage
(Peter Dominiczak, Robert Winnett and John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Britain: Islamic temporary marriages on the rise
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Egypt court chips away at influence of president
(Ben Hubbard, The New York Times)

Turkey's violent protests in context

The Bishop of Rome as a European
(Patrick H Daly, EuropeInfos)

French Jewish community rips plan to honor Arafat

Atheists to start 1-800 hotline for doubters
(Dan Mercia, CNN Belief Blog)

Airline kicks 100 Jewish students off plane for not putting away phones
(CBS Altanta)

Patients’ rights at the crossroads | Opinion
(Monica Harrington, San Juan Journal)

Church marriage culture to be aired at SBC
(Dwayne Hastings, Baptist Press)

Keep calm and apply the European Convention on Human Rights – Paul Harvey
(1 Crown Office Row, UK Human Rights Blog)

Hindus want Quebec Soccer Federation disciplined on turban ban
(Canadian Free Press Release & Media Distribution Service)

Citing risk to adoptions, Missouri gov. vetoes anti-Shariah bill
(Omar Sacirbey, Religion News Service)

Obama's Christmas tree tax is back
(Daren Bakst, Heritage Foundation)

Cardinal Koch visits Ukraine to deepen Catholic-Orthodox dialogue

Separating state and religion at the Western Wall
(Susan Weiss, Jerusalem Post)

Government shuts down at least a dozen house churches in Hainan Province
(China Aid Association, China Aid News)

Religious liberty and complacent Christianity
(Samuel Martinez, The Christian Post)

Russia Religion News updated June 2, 2013
(Monitoring news media reports about religion in Russia and other countries of former USSR, Stetson University)

Russian expert thinks religious feelings law bad for Orthodox Church
(Vladmir Oivin interviewing Roman Lunkin, Religiia i zakon via Russia Religion News - Stetson University)

Ukraine: Rectification of communist church confiscations still unresolved
(Institute for Religious Liberty, Russia Religion News - Stetson University)

Student denied diploma, fined $1000 for a feather
(Local 15 (Mobile, AL))

Healing the modern family, with faith and a fish
(Elizabeth Scalia, First Things)

Victory in Murfreesboro
(Luke Goodrich, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Let us pay: £10m bill to axe religion in schools
(Ian Swanson, Scotsman.con)

Ohio State president, under fire for anti-Catholic joke, won't keynote parochial graduation
(Fox News)

Records sealed over Ind. church in vitro lawsuit
(Charles Wilson, ABC News)

Anti-blasphemy law creates a tinderbox in Pakistan
(Affan Chowdhry, The Globe and Mail)

Nixon vetoes Mo. international law measure
(Chris Blank, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

In Kenya, court’s interim order gives Adventist students Sabbath off
(Adventist News Network)

Czech court OKs religious compensation plan
(The Fresno Bee)

New Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem to be enthroned July 4

Speakers at Pakistan conference stress religious harmony, mutual respect
(The International News)

Ethiopia: Dissenting voices take to the streets
(Konye Obaji Ori, The Africa Report)

McCreary is letting religion off too easily
(Belfast Telegraph)

Patriarch Kirill says pilgrimage development from Russia to help Greece to cope with crisis

Families sacrifice to pay for religious schools
(Bill Bowman, Asbury Park Press)

IRS also targeted religious, pro-life, pro-marriage groups
(Edward Lee Pitts, Religion Today)

I'm gay, but I'm not switching to a church that supports gay marriage
(Eve Tushnet, The Atlantic)

U.S. Senate loses champion of religious liberty
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee)

Gallup’s “Influence of Religion” survey
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Ohio archdiocese illegally fired pregnant teacher, jury finds
(Associated Press, Los Angeles Times)

Church and state: Like a prayer
(The Economist)

Gay marriage would 'force Queen to break sovereign promise'
(Alice Philipson, The Telegraph)

Humor in the New Testament
(Leonard J. Greenspoon, OUP Blog)

London Declaration on Anti-Semitism: Seeking to criminalize criticism of Israel
(Stuart Littlewood, The Palestine Chronicle)

Islamic freedom in ASEAN – Analysis
(Murray Hunter, Eurasia Review)

Will Myanmar’s extermination campaign ever end? – OpEd
(Dr. Habib Siddiqui, Eurasia Review)

GCC: Hezbollah terror group
(Sultan Al-Tamimi, Arab News)

In this age of globalization, religious hostilities and restrictions cross borders in 62% of countries
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Egypt's top court undermines key tool of Morsi's rule
(Kristen Chick, Christian Science Monitor)

David Cameron launches probe of Islamic extremism in Britain
(Henry Chu, Los Angeles Times)

King Henry VIII was never a Protestant
(Allen Massie, The Telegraph)

Woolwich murder suspects remanded in custody
(BBC News)

Turkey: Taksim is not (yet) Tahrir – Analysis
(James M. Dorsey, Eurasia Review)

Analysis: Erdoğan no longer almighty
(Murat Yetkin, Hürriyet Daily News)

What's really fueling the Turkish protests?
(Charles Recknagel, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty)

Laïcs contre islamistes : où un printemps turc pourrait-il mener le pays?
(Alexandre Del Valle, Atlantico)

Thomas Browne – religion as passion and pastime, part 3: Religio Medici II
(Roz Kaveney, The Guardian)

Monday, 3 June 2013

Ethiopia: Thousands protest political repression
(Kirubel Tadesse, Associated Press, The Miami Herald)

Why Christian groups oppose America's anti-prostitution stance
(Melissa Steffan, Christianity Today)

Religious liberty is ‘endangered,’ warns Hispanic Christian leader
(CNA Daily News, DFW

One lawyer's religious brief for marriage equality
(Elaine McArdle,

Turkey's secular backlash
(Robert Ellis, Gatestone Institute)

Protests in Turkey reveal a larger fight over identity
(Tim Arango, The New York Times)

Turkey's leader blames rioting on extremists
(Sebnem Arsu, New York Times)

Loud applause follows Mormons Building Bridges along Utah Pride Parade route
(Pat Reavy, Deseret News)

Archbishop of Canterbury: Gay marriage bill will undermine family life
(Nicholas Watt, The Guardian)

EEOC claims trucking company must accommodate Muslim employee’s religious objections to transporting alcohol
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Analysis of California's bill to remove Boy Scout tax-exemption (SB 323 ... Oppose)
(Church State Council)

The war on terror is over: Now what?
(Clare M. Lopez, Gatestone Institute)

The data are in: Religious private schools deserve a second Look
(William Jeynes, Witherspoon Institute)

Obama, God, and the profits
(Mark Rizeni, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Calvinism committee issues report, urges SBC to 'stand together' for Great Commission
(Michael Foust, Baptist Press)

Pope appeals for release of hostages in Syria
(AP, ABC News)

Rhode Island: Catholic Church’s influence declines in gay marriage debate
(Associated Press, CBS Connecticut)

Israel’s chief rabbis receive death threats over Women of the Wall prayer
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Pope leads Catholics in first worldwide 'Holy Hour'
(Philip Pullella,

American Humanist Association sues city of Lake Elsinore to stop cross monument
(American Humanist Association)

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