Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 21 June 2013

As Spain's people drift from Catholic Church, government cozies up
(Andres Cala, The Christian Science Monitor)

D.C. imam provides counseling, weddings and prayer space for gay Muslims
(Krista Kapralos, Huffington Post Religion)

“Green” coffins a catalyst for change on India
(Samir K. Purkayastha, Albany Tribune)

Religious bias cited in schools' federal lawsuit against CIF over new leagues
(Aram Tolegian, Daily News Los Angeles)

Court halts unorthodox funeral plans that included dismemberment, burial without casket
(Alan Riquelmy, Rome News Tribune)

Constable applicant sues county
(Brad Stutzman, Statesman)

Iraqi Shi’ite fighters flock to Assad’s side as Syria’s sectarian split widens

Laws can shrink our sacred space
(Edward A. Morse,

Fortnight opens with Vespers in St. Paul's
(The Catholic Free Press)

Religious restrictions on rise since Arab Spring, says study
(The Times of Israel)

Religious group apologizes to gays for ‘undue suffering’
(David Crary, The Journal Gazette)

Religious diversity in Norway: Methodism
(The Foreigner)

SBY urged to do ‘homework’ on religious minorities
(The Jakarta Post)

Islam remained akin to my religious identity
((Jerald F. Dirks), Arab News)

Russia and Kazakhstan’s contribution to inter-religious dialogue
(Vestnik Kavkaza)

Arab Spring adds to global restrictions on religion: 5.1 Billion people live with high restrictions
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Pope: "Think of the hypocrisy in the Church: how much it hurts us all"

Arab Spring Adds to Global Restrictions on Religion
(Report, The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Marriage and civil rights
(Ryan T. Anderson, The Heritage Foundation: Culture Watch)

Religious freedom in Viet Nam
(Universal Periodic Review - 18th session of the UPR Working Group, International Institute for Religious Freedom)

Syria: Sabra now says he doesn't know bishops' whereabouts
(WorldWatch Monitor)

New York: For graduates of Avi Weiss’ academy, ordination comes with controversy
(Ben Harris, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Alleged KKK member arrested for device to ‘defeat Israel’s enemies’
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Islamic militants bomb UN compound in Somalia
(Lori Lowenthal Marcus, The Jewish Press)

Egyptian girl dies in ‘female circumcision’ operation
(The Jewish Press)

Poland: Memorial to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising vandalized

Saudi Arabia to deport Lebanese who back Hezbollah
(The Jewish Press)

Russia: Three people belonging to Hizb ut-Tahrir detained in Dagestan (updated)

Extremism overpowering Indonesia
(Mohshin Habib, Gatestone Institute)

Indonesia: Discrimination, threats and intimidation against Ahmadi community in Cianjur continue
(Asian Human Rights Commission)

For Christian leader, Hindutva does not represent hope for India
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Somalia's Islamist Shebab, a still-powerful force
(Ahram Online)

Convictions of faith healing parents upheld
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

U.S. group that 'converted' gays closes its doors and apologizes
(Daniel Trotta, Reuters)

Wisconsin Sikhs to memorialize last year's shooting with religious rites, fundraising run
(Dinesh Ramde, Associated Press)

NH court: no scholarships for religious schools
(Holly Ramer, (via AP))

Civil rights and marriage
(Ryan T. Anderson, Heritage Foundation: The Foundry)

G8 concerned by the increasingly sectarian nature of the Syrian conflict
(Interfax (Russia))

After court rules, California gay marriage fight may go on

US President undermines Catholic schools after Vatican Prefect praised them
(Scottish Catholic Observer)

Same-sex marriage, affirmative action rulings all but certain next week
(David Lauter, Los Angeles Times)

Same-sex Marriage Bill—Committee, 2nd day
(David Pocklington, Law and Religion UK)

County, in change of heart, says Maum Meditation Center qualifies as a religious institution
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Law and the lively experiment in colonial Rhode Island
(Scott Douglas Gerber, Providence Journal (RI))

Ex-gay group Exodus International shuts down, president apologizes
(Religion News Service)

Five questions and answers about the same-sex marriage Issue
(Jim Denison, The Christian Post)

Supreme Court strikes down anti-prostitution pledge as condition of AIDS funding
(Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

When love grows cold
(David French, National Review Online: The Corner)

Lourdes pilgrimage site closed: floods force Catholics to evacuate
(Bob Edme, Huffington Post Religion)

Exodus International shuts down: Christian ministry apologizes to LGBT community and halts operations
(Huffington Post)

First Maharats graduate; roles for Orthodox women take leap forward
(Anne Cohen, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Cincinnati Archdiocese appeals award to teacher fired for IVF pregnancy
(Bridgette Dumap, Huffington Post Religion)

Police consider lifting Jilbab ban
(Farouk Arnaz, The Jakarta Globe)

Catholic leaders mark Fortnight for Freedom
(Mark Schlachtenhaufen, The Edmond Sun)

Syrian war becomes religious conflict
(Trib Live)

Religious education does not attempt to indoctrinate school pupils
(Herald Scotland)

Why religious liberty became controversial: the left and Jean-Jacques Rosseau
(William Haun, Public Discourse)

As Guides say goodbye to God, is there any Christianity left in public life?
(Cristina Odone, The Telegraph)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Girl Guides drop promise to 'Love My God' from oath
(Huffington Post United Kingdom)

Activists: 15 years later, religious freedom law falls short
(Corrie Mitchell, Washington Post)

Marriage, democracy, and the court
(Ryan T. Anderson, National Review Online)

Russia’s parliament votes to ban adoption by married foreign gays
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Being gay at a Catholic university
(Michael O'Loughlin, Religion and Politics)

Deplorable (abortion legislation)
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review; The Corner)

Murkowski becomes 3rd GOP senator for gay marriage
(Catalina Camia, USA Today)

Special Report: Syria's Islamists seize control as moderates dither
(Oliver Holmes and Alexander Dziadosz, Reuters)

Somali Islamist rebels attack U.N. base, 22 dead
(Abdi Sheikh, Reuters)

Tunisia imams reject extremism
(Jamel Arfaoui, Magharebia)

N.Y. yeshiva: Decision to boot students from plane ill conceived, not anti-Semitic
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

United States: Nadler defends victims of rape, reproductive rights
(The Jewish Press)

Jewish victims of lynch attempt: We didn’t shoot for fear of jail
(Yori Yanover, Jewish Press)

Terrorist receives doctorate from Hebrew University
(Anav Silverman, Jewish Press)

Human Rights report says protect gay marriage critics
(The Christian Institute)

Pakistan: Christian women were attacked and paraded naked by a mob with the support of the ruling party
(Asian Human Rights Commission)

Punjab: young Christian dies under torture in police custody with 22 broken bones
(Jibran Khan,

Latinos' changing views of same-sex marriage
(Mark Hugo Lopez and Danielle Cuddington, Pew Research)

Gaza: Hamas imposes Islamisation on schools, endangering Catholic institutions

Istanbul rocked by protests and police violence
(NAS da Polis,

American leadership required for international religious freedoms
(Rahat Husain, The Washington Times)

Pope Francis meets with President of European Commission over economy, religious freedom
(D. Beeksma, God Discussion)

Erdoğan and Europe : Eleven years of misunderstandings
(Ariane Bonzon, Press Europ)

U.S. Attorney to discuss religious freedom, hate crimes with interfaith group
(Bob Smietana, The Tennessean)

Korea, a new cathedral on the border to reconcile Seoul and Pyongyang
(Joseph Yun Li-sun,

EU challenges the UN and OIC on press freedom
(Assyrian International News Agency)

The 5 ways gay marriage can win at the Supreme Court
(Molly Ball, The Atlantic)

Islamists form human chains around Luxor governor's office
(Ahram Online)

Coming to a Mass near you: St. Joseph
(Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

Kenya’s Christians and Muslims unite to combat addiction
(Fredrick Nzwili, The Washington Post)

Priests urged to focus on freedom effort
(Catholic Sentinel)

State Dept. ‘deeply concerned’ over Turkey’s prosecution of Nisanyan

Islamists press blasphemy cases in a New Egypt
(Ben Hubbard and Mayy El Sheikh, The New York Times)

When the ultra-Orthodox advocate religious freedom
(William Kolbrener, Haaretz)

Vision of a world which relegates religion to the private and personal realm
(Herald Scotland)

Study finds religion more important in South
(Angel Coker, The Crimson White)

Bishop Callahan to kick off religious freedom campaign
(Mike Tighe, LaCrosse Tribune)

Court upholds refusal to allow church to run religious services in city homeless shelters
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Federal judge frees Geneva College from government requirement on health coverage
(The Tribune-Review)

Judge's religious comments during sentencing are not reversible error
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Suit challenges NYPD's Muslim surveillance program
(Ryan Deveraux, The Guardian)

Religions seen slow to go green; Pope has chance to inspire
(Alister Doyle, Reuters)

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