Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Marriage redefinition ‘a line we will not cross’
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

Same Sex Marriage Bill – Committee, 3rd Day Summary
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Monday, 24 June 2013

Examining the government’s record on implementing the International Religious Freedom Act
(Thomas Farr, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

All-or-nothing strategy on women's quality legistlation ends with nothing
(Thomas Kaplan, The New York Times)

Christians' views vary on gay marriage
(Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Church leaders in Jamaica hold revival meeting opposing efforts to overturn anti-sodomy law
(The Washington Post via AP)

Across the Middle East, hatred between Sunnias, Shiites becoming more virulent
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Uruguay's abortion law withstands challenge as consultation ballot fails to force referendum
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Guard kills Jewish man in Jerusalem
(Isabel Kershner, The New York Times)

Orthodox Jewish women: Leading the way
(Angela Jimenes, The New York Times)

Last call for 'the saloon priest'
(James Barron, The New York Times)

Mosque dream seen at heart of Turkey protests
(Tim Arango, The New York Times)

Bloomberg and NYPD sued for spying on Muslims

More overreach by the NYPD (surveillance of Muslims) - OpEd
(The New York Times)

Hoag Hospital's abortion ban linked to new Catholic partner
(Jill Cowan and Anna Gorman, Los Angeles Times)

This vicar's disco dance gives hope to the Church of England
(Andrew Brown, The Guardian)

A Qur'an theme park in Dubai is likely to please no one
(Nesrine Malik, The Guardian)

Police investigate 'hate crime' after item found near mosque
(The Guardian)

Jindal vetoes 'surrogacy for hire' bill
(Tom Strode, Baptist Press)

Pew: Media's gay marriage support evident
(Erin Roach, Baptist Press)

Kenya: Religion should not divide us
(Steve Kinuthia, The Star)

The spiritual poverty of Nigeria's ruling elite
(Douglas Anele, Vanguard)

Nigeria: CBN denies freezing religious bodies' accounts
(Bukola Idowu, Leadership)

Syria: Looming Sunni-Shia crisis
(Dmitry Sedov, Oriental Review)

Towards resolving Myanmar's Kachin conflict
(Richard Johnson, In-Depth News Analysis)

US agrees to meet with Taliban
(RIA Novosti, Eurasia Review)

The Alawites of Syria: Is this the end for one Middle Eastern, Gnostic faith?
(Angel Millar, People of Shambhala)

Church of England creating 'pagan church' to recruit members
(Radhika Sanghani, The Telegraph)

Mormons to use technology in missionary work
(Brady McCombs, AP)

Crucifixes are banned in the schools of France, Macedonia and Georgia
(Clemente Ferrer, Kashmir Watch)

Abortion in Ireland
(John Aroutiounian, First Things (First Thoughts blog))

Russia: Eight readers of Islamic theologian arrested
(Forum 18)

Colo. rights case ruling favors transgender girl who wasn’t allowed to use girls’ bathroom
(Associated Press, Washington Post)

Supreme Court sidesteps big ruling on Texas affirmative action
(Bill Mears, CNN)

Ryan Anderson’s uphill fight to change young minds on gay marriage
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post)

Bangladesh: Rajshahi, Muslim mayor: I want Christian schools for my city
(Sumon Corraya,

What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense
(Sherf Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, Robert George, Encounter Books)

Thousands rally in São Paulo, Brazil, for religious freedom
(Mark A. Kellner, Adventist News)

Egypt: Islamist mob attacks Shia village killing four

Syria: Monk killed at Franciscan convent in Al-Ghassaniyah

Bishop urges parishioners to fight for religious freedom
(Shane Ersland, Temple Daily Telegram (TX))

On winning the marriage debate
(Eric Teetsel, Witherspoon Institute)

Exodus International flees the promised land
(Mark H. Creech, Christian Post)

8 things to know about the upcoming Prop 8 ruling
(John Myers, News 10 (Sacramento, CA))

The house’s abortion game changer
(Frank Cannon, Jeffrey Bell, National Review: The Corner)

Losing our religion
(Bill O'Reilly, Courier-Post)

Prikhodko will be in charge of media, justice, religious affairs

Israel: Cabinet okays extension of Daylight Saving Time
(Herb Keinon and Lahav Harkov, The Jerusalem Post)

Lawrence schools settles 'anti-Orthodox' firing case
(Stephen J. Bronner, Five Towns Patch)

Russian region to ban religious symbols and clothes for students
(Russia Beyond the Headlines)

Religion's place is not in sports promotion
(Magnus Hendell, Sun Sentinel)

Malawi Muslims asked to propagate their religion with open arms
(Nyasa Times)

Belarusian Orthodox Church wants death penalty to be abolished

Church leaders join other religious reps in call for bipartisan support for climate action
(Christian Today Australia)

Religious advice should not involve political interest, says Nasheed
(Minivan News)

N.H. Supreme Court fight likely for education law
(Joey Cresta, Seacoast Online)

President Carter says Catholic Church should ordain women; all religions should promote gender equality
(Huffington Post Religion)

Religious freedom bill among new Kentucky laws starting Tuesday
(Tom Loftus, The Courier-Journal)

Prayer in government protected

Myanmar govt condemns Time magazine cover
(Asia One)

Sunday, 23 June 2013

European Court of Human Rights rules on expressing religious beliefs at work
(Antonia Latsch, The Human Rights Brief, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law)

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Ahmadi Muslims: facing persecution abroad, but finding a home in the US
(Ruxandra Guidi, Global Nation)

Catholics unite in prayer to stand up for religious freedom in America
(Deidre Haggerty,

Charity debate rumbles across Canada
(The Vancouver Sun)

Extremism rises among Myanmar Buddhists
(Thomas Fuller, The New York Times)

Immigration flap over conscientious objection resolved peacefully
(Kimberly Winston, The Washington Post)

Is there an Article 9 right to express illiberal or eccentric views?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Italian Cardinal urges strong support of Mideast Christians
(Estefania Aguirre, Albany Tribune)

Maddy Blythe, Georgia student, reportedly kicked off Christian football team over gender
(Meredith Bennett-Smith, Huffington Post Religion)

Obama’s remarks about Catholic schools spark new fight with church
(Ben Wolfgang, The Washington Times)

Pope Francis tells journalists to attack hypocrisy
(Thomas Reese, National Catholic Reporter)

Religious school in Pakistan bombed, leaving 14 dead
(Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times)

Special Report: Deepening ethnic rifts reshape Syria's towns

Squamish Sikh Society to celebrate freedom of religion this weekend
(Larissa Cahute, Vancouver Desi)

Supreme Court decision on gay marriage won’t be last word
(Ben Boychuk and Joel Mathis, Daily Herald)

The war between the Liberation Theology movement and Rome is over
(Gianni Valente, Vatican Insider)

Friday, 21 June 2013

Second Annual International Freedom Event
(27 June 2013, IGE and other sponsors)

Religious, political, spiritual—something in common after all?
(Roger S. Gottlieb, OUP Blog)

Cert. petition filed in middle school graduation speech case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

You're a good man, Cardinal Dolan
(Michael Potemra, The Corner)

Liberal Jewish groups unleash on doomed abortion bill
(Ron Kampeas, The Jewish Press)

Israel rejects report of ‘recycled’ IDF abuse of Arab children
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Updated: Kotel security guard shot and killed a homeless Jewish man
(The Jewish Press)

How exactly will the HHS mandate kill religious freedom?
(Gail Finke, Catholic Exchange)

Canada's polygamy laws upheld by B.C. Supreme Court
(CBC News)

Fortnight for freedom for all
(Maureen Ferguson, Real Clear Religion)

Do you have a Saturday night to spare for freedom?
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review-- The Corner blog)

Lebanon's apartheid laws
(Khaled Abu Toameh, GateStone Institute)

Israeli Jew killed by the police at Western Wall

China: Xinjiang 19 Uyghur sentenced: "They spread extremism on line"

Texas school district apologizes after muting valedictorian’s speech
(Emily Wilkins, Dallas News (Trail Blazers blog))

Fortnight for Freedom 2013 Begins Friday
(Marjorie Jeffrey, Catholic World Report)

Religious liberty ain’t the Bishops’ job
(Rebecca Ryskind Teti, Catholic News Agency)

Members of Congress speak up for God and marriage
(Andrew T. Walker, The Heritage Foundation: The Foundry)

Politicians who back law on equal rights for gays may be excommunicated - Moldovan Orthodox Church threats

Obama in Northern Ireland: The Prods, the Papists and the Prez
(B.C., The Economist: Erasmus Blog)

Opinion: How the 'Francis effect' could rescue the church
(John Gehring, CNN Belief Blog)

Religious freedom is not a ‘second-class right’
(Mary Ann Glendon, Washington Post (On Faith blog))

Marriage redefinition and religious freedom
(Kim Daniels, National Review: The Corner)

New book on the EU accession to the ECHR
(Antoine Buyse, ECHR Blog)

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