Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

In milestone, gay marriage prevails at Supreme Court
(Tom Strode, Baptist Press)

Marriage: The Court picks a side
(The Editors, National Review Online)

Justice Anthony Kennedy's contempt
(Rich Lowry, Politico)

'Jesus wept' or tears of joy? Faithful react to gay marriage rulings
(Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

Scalia: 'High-handed' Kennedy has declared us 'enemies of the human race'
(Tim Grieve, National Journal)

Chris Christie blasts gay marriage ruling
(Maggie Haberman, Politico)

House hearing on religious minorities in Syria
(Mark Movsesian, First Things)

Obama: I won’t make churches conduct gay marriages
(Joel Gehrke, The Washington Examiner)

What did Obama really say today about churches and same-sex marriage?
(Deacon Greg Kandra, Patheos)

Knesset bills would define Israel as Jewish state
(The Jewish Press)

French Jew convicted of defamation in al-Dura case
(The French Press)

Supreme Court ruling sets up new wave of gay marriage battles
(Chicago Tribune)

Federation Council backs ban on adoptions of Russian children by same-sex couples (updated)

Russian, Greek parliamentarians are concerned about violence against Christians in Syria

Russian upper house passes bill to punish offense to religious feelings (updated)

Egypt risks civil war in clashes between Sunnis and Shiites

Egypt prosecution orders arrest of six new suspects in Shia lynchings case
(Ahram Online)

Convicted burglar to lead church
(Rebecca Quilliam, The New Zealand Herald)

The DOMA case — Part 1
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online: Bench Memos)

The Prop 8 case — Part 1
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online: Bench Memos)

The bigger picture
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online: Bench Memos)

Prop 8 dismissed, legalizing gay marriage in California; DOMA ruled unconstitutional
(KPCC with NPR/AP)

United States v. Windsor (slip opinion) [REPAIRED LINK]
(Supreme Court of the United States)

Hollingsworth v. Perry (slip opinion)
(Supreme Court of the United States)

Supreme Court's mixed decision on marriage
(Ryan T. Anderson, The Heritage Foundation: The Foundry)

ACLU fights Evansville plan for public crosses
(Charles Wilson, Associated Press,

Supreme Court: DOMA is unconstitutional; Prop. 8 does not have nationwide standing
(Mark Sherman, Deseret News)

Supreme Court: Gay marriage legal in California, DOMA unconstitutional
(Philip Bump, The Atlantic Wire)

Two major rulings back gay marriage
(Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

Supreme Court DOMA decision rules federal same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional
(Ryan J. Reilly, Huffington Post Politics)

Supreme Court allows gay marriages in California
(Greg Stohr, Bloomberg)

US Supreme Court overturns gay marriage provision
(BBC News)

LIVE BLOG: Court overturns DOMA, passes on gay marriage
(Eyder Peralta, NPR)

US supreme court strikes Doma and kills Prop 8 in gay rights victory – live
(Tom McCarthy, The Guardian)

Here's who can marry after the Supreme Court's Prop 8 decision — and how soon
(Alexander Abad-Santos, The Atlantic Wire)

As rulings are announced, cheers and tears among waiting crowd
(Erin Banco, The New York Times)

Supreme Court set to rule on gay marriage
(Jess Bravin, The Wall Street Journal)

The future of religious liberty
(Benjamin Domenech, Real Clear Religion)

Supreme Court could make history on same-sex marriage, or not
(Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

EU guidelines on promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

New Gettysburg museum explores role of faith in Civil War
(G. Jeffrey Macdonald, The Washington Post)

Prime Minister seeks consensus on regulating religious tourism
(Arif Shafi Wani, Greater Kashmir)

Is conflict in Nigeria really about persecution of Christians by radical Muslims?
(Christian Today)

Sacking GP from government drugs advisor post for ‘anti-gay’ views was lawful
(Alasdair Henderson, UK Human Rights Blog)

UK Government called upon to address religious freedom violations
(Christian Today)

Threat to one faith endangers freedom for all, warn leaders
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

Illegal crude trade funds religious extremists in Kazakhstan - financial police

S.C. auto dealer sues US over health care law
(Jared Hunt, Charleston Daily Mail)

Court orders TA to enforce closing of stores on Shabbat
(Aviel Magnezi, Ynet News)

Disney : lesbiennes pour tout-petits
(Le blog de Jeanne Smits)

European genealogy societies raise concerns about EU data protection regulation
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

OIC opens office in Brussels to fight "Islamophobia" in Europe
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Texas abortion bill falls after dispute over vote
(The Associated Press contributed to this report, Fox News)

Vulnerability Assessment of Syria’s Christians
(World Watch Unit, Open Doors International)

Oasis: a "shared grammar" for Islam and Christianity in the face of secularism
(Bernardo Cervellera,

More on US Supreme Court same-sex marriage rulings

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Abortion clinic, activists file federal lawsuit against North Dakota’s new abortion limits
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

C. S. Lewis, evangelical rock star
(T. M. Luhrmann, The New York Times)

Disney Channel show 'Good Luck Charlie' to introduce same-sex couple
(Abby Stevens, Deseret News)

From father knows best to father doesn't matter
(Ken Johnson, The Christian Post)

How songs like Macklemore’s “Same Love” change the marriage debate
(R. J. Snell, First Things (First Thoughts blog))

Pentagon celebrates gay troops
(Rowan Scarborough, The Washington Times)

Pope Francis: Christianity is incompatible with anti-Semitism
(Alessandro Speciale, Religion News Service)

Uzbekistan: Extradited and given 12 years' imprisonment
(Forum 18)

What you should know about marriage
(Ryan T. Anderson and Sarah Torre, The Heritage Foundation: The Foundry)

Religious freedom: EU reaches historical agreement
(Letizia Orlandi, west (Welfare Society Territory))

Rulings to come Wednesday on Prop 8, DOMA
(Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle)

76% of countries engaged in initiatives to reduce religious hostilities and restrictions, new study finds
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Exposing the Church of England plan to recruit Pagans using a Pagan church
(Steve, On Earth as it is in Heaven (Blog))

Marriage on the ropes: Time to reverse a trend
(Eric Metaxas, BreakPoint, Religion Today)

Update: 3-U.S. justices narrow workers' ability to press bias cases
(Jonathan Stempel and Lawrence Hurley, Reuters)

Court orders Tel Aviv to enforce law banning business on Shabbat
(The Jewish Press)

US immigration bill may hurt Jewish summer camps
(The Jewish Press)

Is it about relifious liberty or really about contraception?
(Brantly Millegan, AlteAleteia)

British ‘Jewish police’ force to protect mosques
(The Jewish Press)

From darling to outcast: Mikey Weinstein’s crusade against religious coercion in military
(Ron Kampeas, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Russian Church slams rights group's alleged pro-Western ideas

Wahhabism expansion in Russia leads to growth of Islamophobia

An adjunct's vindication [Florida professor rehired]
(Scott Jaschik, The College Fix)

Islamic cannibalism
(Ali Salim, Gatestone Institute)

A Galileo moment for Nancy Pelosi
(Robert Royal, The Catholic Thing)

Custos of the Holy Land: Fr Franҫois Mourad killed by Islamist insurgents in al-Ghassaniyah

A series of attacks shakes the country, a church hit in Baghdad
(Joseph Mahmoud,

Yes, pro-life laws are popular in Texas
(Michael New, Nation)

NY Assembly kills Gov. Cuomo's 'Women's Equality Act' over abortion plank
(Melissa Barnhart, Christian Post)

Suit challenges state construction grants to religious higher education entities
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court makes it harder to sue businesses for discrimination, retaliation
(The Washington Post)

Is yoga instruction religious? San Diego court case may decide
(Lilly Fowler, The Washington Post)

Jamaica church leaders rally for anti-sodomy law
(USA Today)

Officials say Egyptian Sunni Muslims kill 4 Shiites, charging they were spreading their faith
(The Washington Post)

Unitarians launch talks on divesting from fossil fuels
(The Courier-Journal)

Iran and Israel are similar, after all
(Sefi Rachlevsky, Haaretz)

Bishop Olmsted: The freedom faith gives
(The Catholic Sun)

Religious leaders welcome Musharraf’s treason trial
(Asim Hussain, The News International)

Religious freedom erosion threatens all rights – panel
(Adelaide Mena, Albany Tribune)

Excluding religious schools narrows reach of education tax credit
(Kathleen Ronayne, Concord Monitor)

Catholics to rally for religious freedom
(The Augusta Chronicle)

Karachi observes Shab-e-Barat with religious fervour
(The Nation)

Civil liberties groups sue to stop N.J. from awarding $11M in grants to two religious schools
(Anthony Campisi,

Catholics, Baptists come together over conscience rights bill
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

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