Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Religious leader demands separate pilgrimage ministry
(Hinndustan Times)

Religious service set for Jersey City mayor-elect, new council members
(The Jersey Journal)

Wash. gay wedding flowers case goes to court; consumer protection vs. religious freedom
(Fox News)

Friday, 28 June 2013

10th Circuit en banc gives big win to Hobby Lobby in challenge to contraceptive coverage mandate
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

A day later, same-sex marriage advocates make 5-year decision
(Marjorie Cortez, Deseret News)

An impressive start by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on International Religious Freedom
(God and Religion Politics UK)

Assault on pastors' meeting in India shows depth of extremist hostility
(Morning Star News, Christian Today Australia)

Attention now turns to Utah's Amendment 3
(Marjorie Cortez, Deseret News)

Azerbaijan: Conscientious objectors amnestied, imam and driver not freed
(Forum 18)

BHA welcomes new EU Guidelines on Freedom of Religion and Belief
(British Humanist Association)

Building on history: An interview on social justice and religious liberty with Nancy Kaufman
(Sally Steenland, Center foe American Progress)

European churches welcome EU move to link aid to religious freedom
(The Catholic Spirit)

Final HHS rule fails to protect constitutional rights of millions of Americans
(Press Release, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Finalized rules let religious groups opt out of contraception mandate
(Dan Merica and Kevin Bohn, CNN)

Former Guantanamo detainee's suit alleging free exercise violations dismissed for lack of jurisdiction
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Fossil fuels are a faith issue
(Richard Cizik, Washington Post)

Germany faced with "loudspeaker jihad"
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Go to the barricades for religious liberty
(Timothy Dolan, New York Daily News)

Gov. Mike Pence apologizes for removal of gay marriage Facebook comments
(Chris Sikich,

How should you explain the same-sex marriage debate to your children?
(Russell D. Moore, Christian Post)

Main Greek Orthodox cathedral not targeted in Damascus attack

My country ’tis of thee: Evangelicals score highest on patriotism
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

New EU guidelines on religious freedom welcomed by European Evangelical Alliance
(Mark Caplin, Christian Today Australia)

New HHS contraception mandate final rules
(Department of Health and Human Services)

Obama administration finalizes birth-control mandate in healthcare law
(Elise Viebeck, The Hill)

Obamacare contraceptives impose religious burden, US appeals court rules
(Warren Richey, The Christian Science Monitor)

Pakistan court throws out blasphemy charge against pastor
(World Watch Monitor, Christian Today Australia)

Pell: "The Pope does not want the Vatican to be seen as a renaissance court"
(Gerard O'Connell)

Rare religious rights success in Vietnam, after persecution of faith
(Christian Today)

Religion rights expert identifies antiprotestant network
(Paul D. Stevens, Russia Religion News)

Russian state to renovate cathedral in Nice, hand it over to Russian Orthodox Church

Saudi clerics back lower haj quota this year due to Mecca construction

Special Report: Myanmar gives official blessing to anti-Muslim Buddhist monks

Stem-cell trial a victory for science, and for life
(Will Allen, National Review: The Corner)

Supreme Court got it wrong in Prop 8 and DOMA decisions
(Liberty Institute, Herald Online)

Supremes’ quiet hit on ObamaCare
(Jim Towey, New York Post)

Syrian Christians: 'Why is America at war with us'
(CBN News)

The real fights over gay marriage are just starting
(Susan Page and Catalina Camia, The Washington Post)

USCIRF concerned about Russian blasphemy bill and the status of freedoms of religion and expression
(Katrina Lantos Swett, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Vietnam: Catholic lawyer in jail on false charges prays and fasts before his trial

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Assault on pastors' meeting in India shows depth of extremist hostility
(Morning Star News)

Attack on Greek Orthodox cathedral in Damascus leaves at least four people dead

Babson president apologizes for soccer team’s anti-Semitism in ’78
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Dzokhar Tsarnaev inspired by Hamas founder, indictment reveals
(Lori Lowenthal Marcus, The Jewish Press)

France’s soaring antisemitism brings out the Jewish defense league
(The Jewish Press)

Hate speech provision in Human Rights Act struck down
(David Akin, News Canada)

Islamists in UAE jails tortured: Rights groups
(Ahram Online)

Moscow City Court refuses to quash sentence for Pussy Riot member

OU disagrees with but respects Supreme Ct’s rejection of Defense of Marriage Act
(Lori Lowenthal Marcus, The Jewish Press)

Pamela Geller banned from England
(The Jewish Press)

Senate passes immigration bill with provisions for camp counselors, religious refugees
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Uzbekistan: Court ignores UN appeals, jails Muslim man for "extremism"

EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief (full text)
(The Council of the European Union)

EU strengthens religious freedom
(Mike MacLachlan, UCA News)

The Church and Society Commission of CEC welcomes EU guidelines on freedom of religion or belief
(Conference of European Churches)

CSW welcomes new European Union Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Canada's changing religious landscape
(Analysis, The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Uruguay’s abortion law withstands challenge as consultation ballot fails to force referendum
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

As Texas considers new abortion restrictions, polls show complex debate
(David Masci, Pew Research Center)

YouTube removes video calling on Keys to cancel Israel concert
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Algeria's Protestants want their churches back
(Illia Djadi, World Watch Monitor)

As the reproductive health law goes before the Supreme Court, Filipino church holds prayer vigil
(Asia News)

For Indian Christian leader, religious freedom is a human right that must be defended, not just proclaimed
(Nirmala Carvalho, Asia News)

The real problem with Rick Perry’s comments about Wendy Davis
(Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine)

Supreme Court rejects appeals from Arizona, Nevada involving right of same-sex couples
(Associated Press, Washington Post)

ACLU says prison still not accomodating Muslim prayers
(Brandon Smith, Indiana Public Media)

Manjot Singh, observant Sikh, ejected from movie theater for wearing ceremonial religious sword
(Aaron Sankin, Huffington Post)

Big Hobby Lobby victory on HHS Mandate in Tenth Circuit — Part 1
(Ed Whelan)

Hobby Lobby Opinion
(Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals)

Making religious liberty more than a Hobby
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review: The Corner)

10th Circuit overturns denial of Hobby Lobby injunction
(Press Release, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Republican battles over Medicaid turn to God and morality
(David Morgan, Reuters)

Hobby Lobby wins partial victory from appeals court in health care challenge
(Brianna Bailey,

In broad win, small business gets preliminary injunction against required ACA emergency contraception coverage
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious freedom is a human right
(James Heilpurn, Deseret News)

Marriage and justice are wounded, but not fatally
(Matthew J. Franck, First Things)

Both sides on same-sex marriage focus on next battlegrounds
(Erik Eckholm, The New York Times)

The Supreme Court, you, me, and the future of marriage
(Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson and Robert P. George, The Witherspoon Institute (Public Discourse Blog))

Orthodox claims to Catholics are settled in Russia - Archbishop Pezzi

Far-right Israelis stir tensions over Jerusalem’s Temple Mount/Noble Sanctuary holy site
(Allyn Fisher-Ilan, Reuters)

Princeton Seminary and yeshiva shouldn’t get state funds, suit says
(Kelly Heyboer, The Washington Post)

Nashville attorney expects to move quickly on gay rights in TN after ruling
(Bob Smietana and Heidi Hall, The Tennessean)

Religious orders reject Government plea for contribution to €58m Magdalene redress scheme
(Joe Humphreys, The Irish Times)

Florida firm wins exemption from contraception mandate
(Elaine Silvestrini, The Tampa Tribune)

Religious symbols in schools
(Federico Gomez, The Patriotic Vanguard (Sierra Leone))

UK Government must help stop religious persecution
(Christian Today)

Dalai Lama: No more 'wolf in monk's robes'?
(Didi Kirsten Tatlow, International Herald Tribune)

Tibet can no longer stand alone: a call to interreligious solidarity
(Peter Dziedzic, Huffington Post Religion)

Does it matter that young people in Britain aren't religious?
(Nelson Jones, New Statesman)

U.S. keeps joining the forces of jihad
(Clare M. Lopez, Gatestone Institute)

Massachusetts - Cardinal bars a priest's speech
(Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times)

Wedding dance flash-mob, viral vicars and the law
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Factbox: List of U.S. states that permit gay marriage

Federal Court speaks, but couples still face state legal patchwork
(Jeremy W. Peters, The New York Times)

High Court strikes down DOMA but leaves fate of Proposition 8 uncertain
(Analysis, The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)

Reactions to gay marriage wins at Supreme Court
(Corrie Mitchell, Religion News Service)

Analysis of same-sex marriage cases — Installment 1: A separate test for LGBT discrimination?
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Analysis of same-sex marriage cases — Installment 2: What about Section 2 of DOMA?
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Analysis of same-sex marriage cases — Installment 3: The amazing power of a decision based on standing
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Bad news for marriage, good news for government power
(William Duncan, ScotusBlog)

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