Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 8 July 2013

Lords examines Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill
(UK Parliment)

Video link to Parliamentary debates

Same-Sex Marriage Bill, legal issues debated
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Statement by the Fiqh Council of North America on Ramadan and Shawwal 1434 (2013)

Islam, Egypt and political theory: Échec mate
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Same-sex marriage may be a nonissue for Christie
(Matt Katz,

Tunisia: Amina appeal verdict delayed

Somalian rape victim, 13, stoned to death
(The Guardian)

Where Evangelicals disagree: Dippers divided
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Far from Kotel, Women of the Wall pray with police protection
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Israeli Cabinet advances proposal to draft haredi Orthodox men
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Israel: Emunah sues Chief Rabbinate to allow female kosher supervisors
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Homosexuality and the pews: Seven signs influencing congregational acceptance of gays and lesbians
(David Briggs, Association of Religion Data Archives)

Jewish access to Ma’arat HaMachpelah to be limited during Ramadan
(The Jewish Press)

Ahmadinejad calls his Holocaust denial major achievement
(The Jewish Press)

Hundreds of Chicago Muslims march for Morsi
(The Jewish Press)

Someone needs to hold Pakistan to account on religious freedom
(Nasir Saeed, Christian Today)

Amnesty International suspects post-Soviet special services of abducting, torturing wanted Islamic extremists

Russia forbids religious organizations to be set up by personae non grata

Card. Gracias: solidarity and support for Buddhists after the attack on the sacred tree

Seoul, a "Rosary marathon" for the canonization of the Korean Martyrs

For Catholic Church, "no coup d'état took place in Egypt"

Islamisation gets a boost in Jakarta, as Supreme Court suspends the sale of alcoholic beverages

For Hassan Rouhani, a strong government does not limit individual freedoms

Saudi beheaded for murder: Ministry
(Ahram Online)

Fla. school’s ban on Easter egg hunt invitations lifted
(Alliance Defense Fund (press release))

Same-sex parenting: [akin to] Child abuse?
(Robert Oscar Lopez, The Witherspoon Institute, Public Discourse)

Street preachers protesting homosexuality assaulted at Seattle's Pridefest
(Melissa Barnhart, The Christian Post)

Catholics urged to speak truth 'with love' in religious freedom fight
(Mark Zimmermann, Catholic News Services)

FEMEN activist arrested in Istanbul for anti-Islamist protest

Egypt's lesson for political Islam: politics comes first
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Global restrictions on religion increased following the Arab Spring
(Katie Reilly, Pew Research Center)

Freedom of religion means freedom to leave Islam
(Teoh El Sen, Astro Awani)

Catholics dramatically shift views on homosexuality in last decade
(Elizabeth Tenety, The Washington Post – On Faith)

New law allows religious proselytizing in Mississippi public schools
(Hemant Mehta, Patheos)

Educated Muslim women challenged to know their religion
(Ludovick Kazoka, All Africa)

Malaysia: Controversial religious child conversion bill to be withdrawn
(International Business Times)

MP Alex Greenwich to introduce bill prohibiting expulsion of students based on sexuality; religious schools oppose
(International Business Times)

Tweeting, Muslim, policy-wonk mayor wins over 'cow town' Calgary
(David Agren, The Christian Science Monitor)

Israeli cabinet approves ultra-Orthodox conscription law
(Voice of America News)

West Bank soldiers told to respect Ramadan
(The Jerusalem Post)

Thousands of haredi girls prevent Women of Wall from praying by Western Wall
(Jeremy Sharon, The Jewish Post)

Nigeria: Horror after school dorm set on fire
(Adamu Adamy,

Terror strikes Bodh Gaya, serial blasts rock Mahabodhi Temple
(Law Kumar Mishra & Abdul Qadir, The Times of India)

Death toll rises to 51 in Monday clashes between Egypt army and pro-Morsi protesters
(Ahram Online)

Egypt and the process of democracy
(Ta-nehisi Coates, The Atlantic)

An independence day for Egypt's secularists?
(Michael Hirsh, The Atlantic)

Interview with Feisal Abdul Rauf
(Nicholas G. Hahn III, RealClearReligion)

Gay rights vs. religious freedom
(Dale Hansen, The Detroit News (blog))

At issue: Religious freedom [Wisconsin RFRA]
(Steven Verburg, Wisconsin State Journal)

Arya v London Borough of Waltham Forest: is anti-Semitism a “philosophical belief”?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Abu Qatada is gone—but the debate is far from over
(Mark Elliott, Public law for everyone)

The Times on Abu Qatada
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

I know Abu Qatada – he's no terrorist
(Victoria Brittain, The Guardian)

TIME Magazine highlights Myanmar's religious problem
(Nehginpao Kipgen, Huff Post World)

Religious dispute in Myanmar – The Time cover story
(Dr. Tint Swe, South Asia Analysis Group)

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Abu Qatada: Tories to fight next election on wholesale human rights reform, says Chris Grayling
(Christopher Hope and Tim Ross, The Guardian)

Egypt: Coptic Christian priest shot dead
(Chris Irvine, The Telegraph)

Religion and law round up – 7th July
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

29 boarding school students burned alive, shot dead by Islamist militants in Nigeria
(Adamu Adamu, Michelle Faul, Associated Press, NBC World News)

Political crisis in Egypt coincides with highest government restrictions on religion and high intolerance
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

United States v. Windsor on SCOTUSblog

Hollingsworth v. Perry on SCOTUSblog

Service brings scorn to Israel’s ultra-Orthodox enlistees
(Isabel Kershner, International Herald Tribine)

Saturday, 6 July 2013

'Religion has not divided us'
(H. R. Bhardwaj, The New Indian Express)

Egypt’s revolution betrayed: Fuel for Al-Qaeda fires – OpEd
(Eirc Walberg, Eurasia Review)

Is the growth of the nonreligious good or bad? Americans are divided
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Judges, lawyers already putting Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling to work in pending cases
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Pakistan bankrolls terrorist group
(Mohshin Habib, Gatestone Institute)

Religious groups, including LDS Church, sign open letter against birth control mandate
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News)

Standing together for religious freedom: An open letter to all Americans

Under Ataturk's gaze: On the ground in Taksim Square
(Samuel Ramos,

Why Morsi is wrong for his people
(M.D. Nalapat, Gateway House)

Friday, 5 July 2013

Costa Rica 'accidentally' legalises gay marriage
(Tim Walker, The Independent)

Op-Ed: Gay marriage will override American religious liberty
(Eliot Elwar, Digital Journal)

The chuppah awaits: Liberal Jews drive the U.K.’s equal marriage campaign
(Rabbi Danny Rich, Haaretz)

To fight religious monuments, atheists plan their own symbols
(Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times)

Anti-Muslim acts rising in France, anti-Islamophobia group says
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Embassy Row: Church and state issues in Romania
(James Morrison, The Washington Times)

Church could take control of secular schools under new deal, report says
(The Huffington Post UK)

Japan: Supreme Court throws out appeal against testimony of Aum Shinrikyo members
(Ida Torres, Japan Daily Press)

Abortion-drug mandate not affected by administration's delay of parts of health care law
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Religious freedom: The diplomatic dimension

Punjab CM assures religious freedom to Christians
(Jago Punjab [India])

Egypt: Religious channels shut down
(Basil El-Dabh, Daily News Egypt)

Egyptian Army and Islamists in deadly clashes

Top Egyptian Muslim and Christian leaders support army-sponsored transition
(Yasmine Saleh, Reuters)

What's next in Egypt?
(Jim Denison, Religion Today)

Egypt's Pope praises recovery of 'stolen revolution'
(Timothy C. Morgan, Christianity Today)

Vatican issues first text co-written by two popes
(Agence France-Press, France 24 International News)

Study shows shift in support for LGBTQ rights within religious groups
(Jeff Schapiro, Christian Post)

Pakistan: One person killed in Islamic fundamentalist attack against a Peshawar Protestant church
(Jibran Khan, Asia News)

Justice Department wants Christian home-schoolers deported in name of tolerance
(Michael De Groote, Deseret News)

Spiritual counselor's challenge to fortune telling ordinance dismissed on ripeness grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

On July 4th, cherishing precious religious freedom
(Jennifer S. Bryson and AnnElizabeth Konkel, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Pope Francis issues first 'joint' encyclical
(BBC News)

The big enchilada: Are same-sex marriage bans now illegal?
(Roger Parloff, CNN Money (Fortune Blog))

The 'religious freedom' ploy to block healthcare coverage of birth control
(Jill Filipovic, The Guardian)

Same-sex marriage supporters strategize to overturn Florida ban
(Anthony Man, Sun Sentinel)

What's next [in Prop 8] for gay marriage foes?
(Emily Hamann, The Journal (Humboldt County, CA))

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