Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Examining the government’s record on implementing the International Religious Freedom Act
(Chris Seiple, Institute for Global Engagement, Testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security)

Trades union rights, the Romanian Orthodox Church and Article 11 ECHR
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Convicted murderers win Article 3 case against whole life sentences in Strasbourg
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

The Hope: An end to the religious freedom chasm in Turkey
(Archon Dr. Cary J. Limberakis, D.M.D., Philanthropy by Philoptochos)

Same Sex Marriage Bill – Report, 2nd Day Summary
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Religious Freedom Seminar in Son La Province, Vietnam
(Institute for Global Engagement)

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Ball State comes under scrutiny for hiring professor who wrote book on intelligent design
(Fox News)

Catholic hospitals at odds with bishops over birth control mandate
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Christian B&B owner ordered to compensate gay couple takes fight to Supreme Court
(Hayley Dixon, The Telegraph)

City council meeting begins with prayer despite recent warning

Egypt and North Africa's religious tumult
(Ahmed Charai, The National Interest)

European Court of Human Rights protects church autonomy, allowing rejection of priests' trade union
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

European Court rules clergy cannot unionize over church’s objection
(Mark L. Movsesian, CLR Forum)

Federal judge will hear arguments on Michigan gay marriage ban, adoption in October
(Associated Press, Detroit Free Press)

Fleming pushes to expand religious speech in military
(The News Star)

Indiana fails religious freedom
(Rod Dreher, The American Conservative)

Indiana makes criminals of pro-gay clergy
(Candace Chellew-Hodge, Religion Dispatches)

Keep American government and religion separate and keep it peaceful
(Glen Mollette, Wilson County News)

Leaving religion but finding community
(Becky Garrison, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Muslims on Twitter outraged over Obama’s Ramadan wishes
(Jessica Chasmar, The Washington Times)

Oklahoma gay marriage case drags on into ninth year
(Chris Casteel, The Oklahoman)

Opponents to Boy Scouts policy to launch alternative
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Outsourcing of allternative school to Christian institution violates establishment clause
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Outsourcing of alternative school to Christian institution violates Establishment Clause
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Prosecutor orders arrests of Muslim Brotherhood leaders after violence that killed dozens
(ABC News)

Putin praises Russia's Muslims

Ramadan in Jakarta, the extremists announce a raid "against alcohol and pornography"

Removal of Islamist Morsi in Egypt a source of hope in Israel
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Russia: Orthodox relics block Jehovah's Witness meeting
(Forum 18 News Service)

Russian Supreme Court upholds ban on Muslim headscarves in Stavropol schools

Slow down: Indiana's 'new' marriage law isn't real
(Jerame Davis, The Bilerico Project)

Summertime poses many challenges in observing the Ramadan fast
(Helen Branswell, The Globe and Mail)

Texas House passes restrictive abortion measure
(Josh Rubin, CNN)

US military is accused of hostility toward religion
(Boston Herald)

USCIRF calls for new efforts to address statelessness on second anniversary of South Sudan’s independence
(Press Release, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

USCIRF urges Obama, Kerry to press China on religious freedom, human rights
(Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post)

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Burma President’s dangerous refusal to condemn Buddhists for violence against Rakhine Muslims
(Emma Lo, Foreign Policy in Focus)

How a Mormon website ended my hunt for Orthodox Jewish bridesmaid dresses
(Arielle Landau, New York Daily News)

India: Madhya Pradesh, clergymen “in danger” due to the anti-conversion
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Outrage over radical Haredi mob attack on Haredi soldier
(The Jewish Press)

Protest against same-sex marriage being prepared in Moscow

Tibet, police shoot Buddhist monks: one is dying

UPDATE: Car bomb wounds 53 in Shia Beirut suburb
(Ahram Online)

USCIRF statement on faces of Chinese persecution
(Press Release, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Third ICLARS Conference – Discount Registration Deadline extended to July 15, 2013
(International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies)

Ramadan dress-code: Residents draw the line
(Bindu Suresh Rai, Emirates 24/7)

HRW calls for Morocco to stop sealing houses to punish activists
(Eurasia Review)

Integrating the philosophy of Tawhid: An Islamic approach to organization – Analysis
(Murray Hunter, Eurasia Review)

Refusal to register an Orthodox clergy trade union breached right to freedom of association
(Press Release, European Court of Human Rights)

Bodh Gaya attack: The story of culpable neglect
(Ajai Sahni, Rediff News)

Arab Spring: Mirror, mirror on the wall
(Abdullateef Al-Muhlim, Arab News)

All change again in the Middle East: But what will the future hold for the Christian minority?
(Steve Dew-Jones, World Watch Monitor)

Vital interests vs. democratic ideals – OpEd
(Patrick J. Buchanan, Eurasia Review)

Justice Department invokes employer mandate delay in argument for dismissal of Liberty University's ACA challenge
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Liberty University ObamaCare case not moot as Department of Justice claims
(Liberty Counsel)

The toppling of Morsi is a blow for secularism – OpEd
(Muhammad Asim, New Civilisation)

Sharif gov't to adopt new security policy to end extremism in Pakistan
(Muhammad Tahir, Xinhuanet)

Attorneys seek ruling in Illinois gay marriage case
(Associated Press, State-Journal Register (Springfield, IL))

Oregon City software entrepreneur (claiming religious justifications) sentenced for tax evasion; owes $7.1 million
(Helen Jung, The Oregonian)

Sindicatul “Păstorul cel Bun” v. Romania - Grand Chamber Judgment
(Full text, European Court of Human Rights)

European Court of Human Rights: Religious autonomy trumps right to unionize
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Refusal to register a trade union for priests on account of the autonomy of religious communities is not unreasonable
(Press Release, European Court of Human Rights)

Clergy and trade unions: All out, brothers
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Radical but risky changes afoot at the European Court of Human Rights
(Andrew Ticknell, UK Human Rights Blog)

Confusion reigns over start of Ramadan in France
(Audrey Racine & William Hidlerbrandt (video), Amara Makhoul (text), France 24 International News)

Italy: "Fighting in the Name of Allah"
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

ACLU to challenge Va. gay marriage ban in court
(Markus Schmidt, Richmond Times-Dispatch)

The new state-by-state fight over gay marriage
(Molly Ball, The Atlantic)

Church of England to draft new legislation on women bishops
(Trevor Grundy, Religion News Service)

CofE General Synod, legal issues
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Groups say religious liberty in military is in danger
(Todd Starnes,

Pope Francis decries ‘globalization of indifference’
(Alessandro Speciale, The Washington Post)

Joel Hunter pays a price for political activism
(Mark I. Pinsky, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Indian Buddhist sites hit by blasts
(Indrajit Singh, Huffington Post)

Court says it lacks jurisdiction to stop Gitmo force feeding as Ramadan nears, but president could end practice
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

President sends Ramadan greetings to Muslims in U.S. and around the world
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Catholic diocese settles wrongful-death lawsuit during jury selection in Independence
(Judy L. Thomas, The Kansas City Star)

Key issues in annual U.S.-China strategic & economic dialogue
(The Virginia Gazette)

Religious groups take immigration aim
(Seung Min Kim, Politico)

Religious leaders condemn attack on Mahabodhi temple
(Chamikara Weerasinghe, Daily News)

Washington Post diversifies further with religious site
(Madeline McMahon, Bloomberg)

Religious intolerance down sightly in Indonesia
(Stephanie Hendarta, The Jakarta Globe)

Bishops say concerns remain over final contraception mandate
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

Ohio Republican slams ‘intentionally intolerant’ same-sex marriage ban
(Eric W. Dolan, The Raw Story)

John Kerry asked to raise human rights issues with China
(The Indian Express)

Same-sex couples applying for marriage could face jail time
(Krista Henery, WLFI (Indiana))

Ohio church goes to court to block protesters
(Associated Press, (Akron Beacon))

Legal leverage: Laws to fight pornography aren't being used, anti-porn activists say
(Sara Israelsen-Hartley, Deseret News)

Federal judge temporarily blocks part of Wisconsin's new abortion law
(Brendan O'Brien, Reuters)

Same-sex marriage bill (report, 1st day summary)
(David Pocklington, Law and Religion UK)

Tax evader, claiming religious justifications, sentenced to over 8 years in prison
(Howard Friedman, Religion clause blog)

How secular is Europe? A tale of two cultures
(John Haldane, ABC (Australia))

'Ender's Game' author Orson Scott Card responds to critics: The gay marriage issue is 'moot'
(Grady Smith, Entertainment Weekly)

ACLU lawsuit aims to overturn Pennsylvania's ban on gay marriage
(Trip Gabriel, The New York Times)

ACLU moves to challenge NC gay marriage ban
(Caitlin Owens, Charlotte Observer)

Morsi supporters attack Christian targets in Egypt after removal of president
(Morning Star News)

Monday, 8 July 2013

Catholic bishops cry wolf
(Editorial Board, LA Times)

Got democracy? From Egypt to the U.S., religion and secularism must embrace women’s rights
(Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, The Washington Post – On Faith)

In Greece, a case study on Islam in Europe
(Akbar Ahmed, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Lutherans face looming crisis with hope
(Bruce Myers, Episcopal News Service)

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