Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 22 July 2013

France stands by veil ban after riots
(reporting By Nicholas Vinocur; editing by Mark John, Reuters)

Paris riots sparked by police identity check on veiled Muslim woman
(Angelique Crisafis, The Guardian)

Religious hardliners declare 'jihad' on Afghanistan's TV talent shows
(Zubair Babakarkhail, Kabul and Rob Crilly, The Telegraph)

ADL: Anti-Semitism down nationwide, up in N.Y. and N.J.

Extremism escalating in the West Bank
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute)

Revealed: Buzz Aldrin took Holy Communion on the moon (but NASA kept it secret)
(Mail Online)

Moldovan activists accuse lawmakers of secretly adopting 'gay-propaganda' law
(Alla Ceapai, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

NM attorney general not defending gay marriage ban
(Barry Marsley, Associated Press, Alamagordo Daily News)

Pendleton prison violating inmate's religious freedom
(Tim Evans,

A crime to conduct a same-sex or polygamous religious wedding ceremony in Indiana?
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

USCIRF calls on Ethiopia to release religious freedom advocates on trial
(United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Judge blocks North Dakota's restrictive abortion law
(Bill Mears and Ashley Killough, CNN)

A pedestal too high: Is marriage too good for people?
(Michael De Groote, Deseret News)

England aims to curtail online porn via new protections, restrictions
(Jamshid Ghazi Askar, Deseret News)

Who speaks for Catholics in the military on religious freedom?
(John Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register)

Clarifying next step on contraception dispute
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

The legal circus that killed Proposition 8
(Frank Schubert, The Public Discourse)

Judge to decide if Indiana city can allow churches to display crosses on public land
(Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post)

A conscientious objector poses a challenge to the Israeli military
(Isabel Kershner, New York Times)

Protestant churches feel the heat in Kazakhstan
(Christian Aid Mission)

Ohio same-sex couple sues so ailing spouse's death certificate will identify him as married
(Zack Ford, Think Progress)

The Iranian threat in Latin America
(Jaime Darenblum, The Weekly Standard Online/Hudson Institute via Eurasia Review)

The myth and reality of Venezuela-Iran ties
(Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, IDN-InDepthAnalysis)

Americans hold different views of what “religious” means
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Erosion of religious liberty
(Editorial Board, Deseret News)

Trial of Dutch gay activists adjourned in Murmansk

Islamic Renaissance Party won't back pro-govt candidate in Tajik presidential election

Recognition of same-sex "marriages" leads humanity to end of world - Patriarch Kirill

Lutherans may discuss disputes over joint worship
(Tim Townsend, The Washington Post)

British government to investigate discrimination against Jews
(Trevor Grundy, The Washington Post)

Tanzania: State condemns religious bigotry
(Daily News)

Exploring religious diversity in communist Cuba
(Mary Loftus, Emory News Center)

Jail inmates break religious barrier to fast together
(The Hindu)

Myanmar president urges prevention of turning communal conflict issue into racial, religious one
(People's Daily News)

Group targets ‘fake’ monks, religious swindlers
(Cherry Thein, Myanmar Times)

Ban sought on religious parties, politics in mosques
(One India News)

Prisoner free exercise cases – July 21, 2013
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Five myths about Pope Francis
(William Donio Jr., First Things (First Thoughts Blog))

Pope Francis embarks on historic trip to Brazil, where protesters await
(Eric Marrapodi and Miguel Marquez, CNN Belief Blog)

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Catholic youths converge on Rio to see 'Slum Pope'
(Debora Rey, Associated Press)

Iran opposes Israeli-Palestinian talks
(Albawaba News)

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Archeologists say unearthed King David’s palace

EEOC sues United Cellular for religious discrimination in failing to accommodate Seventh-day Adventist work needs
(US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

Female footballers covered head to toe inflame Islamists
(Christopher Stephen & Caroline Alexander, Bloomberg)

It’s rabbi versus rabbi in $17 billion dot-kosher battle
(Ellen Rosen & Hugo Miller, Bloomberg)

Rocket attack kills custodian of Syrian Shi'ite shrine in Damascus

UK court ducks position on circumcision
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Judge rejects conversion therapy group’s attempt to have SPLC case thrown out
(Southern Poverty Law Center)

Norfolk couple's lawsuit challenges same-sex ban
(Scott Daughtery, The Virginian-Pilot)

County clerk wants same-sex marriage halted
(Elizabeth Aguilera and Chris Nichols, U~T San Diego)

New skirmish over same-sex marriage
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Orthodox Jews denied benefits for refusing to work Saturdays
(Jessica Elgot, Huffington Post United Kingdom)

White churches uncommonly quiet after Zimmerman verdict
(Jeffrey Weiss, CNN)

Churches grapple with clothing and what’s appropriate as summer heats up
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

Religious progressives predicted to outnumber conservatives, survey finds
(Katherine Bindley, Huffington Post Religion)

Democrat's Freedom to Pray proposal gains GOP support
(USA Today)

Fuller Seminary President responds to concerns about student-led LGBT group on campus
(Melissa Barnhart, Christian Post)

Hobby-horse journalism on Hobby Lobby, part 1
(Matthew J. Franck, National Review Online: Bench Memos)

Hobby-horse journalism on Hobby Lobby, part 2
(Matthew J. Franck, National Review Online: Bench Memos)

Religious circumcision and the courts – again
(Frank Cranmer, Law and Religion UK)

Religious progressives predicted to outnumber conservatives, study finds
(Katherine Bindley, Huffington Post)

Mormons Building Bridges expands outreach, brings LGBT and LDS communities together
(Ray Parker, The Salt Lake Tribune)

German homeschooling family turns to US High Court for asylum
(Baptist Press Staff, Religion Today)

Friday, 19 July 2013

ICLARS Conference discount registration by July 19; book rooms by July 22
(International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies)

ICLARS Conference discount registration by July 19; book rooms by July 22

Israel reacts strongly to new EU guidelines that may change little on the ground
(Cnann Liphshiz, JTA)

Burke’s wise counsel on religious liberty and freedom
(William F. Byrne, The Imaginative Conservation (Blog))

Evangelical groups divided on issue of military chaplains and gay marriage
(Elizabeth Flock, U.S. News)

Marijuana-infused faith challenges the definition of religion
(Mark Oppenheimer, The New York Times)

Judge recuses from marriage equality case
(Zach Ford, Think Progress)

House GOP ends federal marriage defense
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Churches may be stripped [of artwork], CBC warns after ruling
(Ed Thorton, Church Times)

Sri Lanka: Public officials and state institutes responsible for religious and racial disharmony – OpEd
(Shenali Waduge, Eurasia Review)

Church in the Metropolis
(Peter J. Leithart, First Things (First Thoughts Blog))

Polish Jews continue Kosher slaughter despite ban
(The Jewish Press)

Poland’s Tusk trying to resolve ritual slaughter ban, diplomat tells Jewish group

National Organization for Marriage defends ex-gay therapy as a religious liberty
(Zack Ford, Think Progress)

Hobby lobby wins preliminary injunction
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Arab Spring quickly turning into Arab nightmare – OpEd
(Zaher Mahruqi, Eurasia Review)

Burma arrests six Buddhists for role in Muslim massacre
(Aye Nai, Democratic Voice of Burma)

Hobby Lobby wins a stay against birth control mandate
(Jonathan Stempel, Reuters)

Georgetown insurance to cover contraception
(Penny Hung, The Hoya)

Australian Jews protest rehiring of men responsible for Maccabiah tragedy

World abandons C. African Republic in hour of need, MSF says
(World Watch Monitor)

Islamic woman valedictorian at Israel's top medical school
(Diana Bletter, Huff Post Religion)

David Cameron on same-sex marriage: I am proud we have had the courage to change
(David Cameron, London Evening Standard)

Speech, terror, and gay rights: The First Amendment in 2013
(Jason Willick, Devil's Advocate)

Defending the religious liberty of those who defend us
(Ken Blackwell, Charisma News)

Raelians: Swastika reclamation day
(Josh Lipowsky, JTA)

Shame! Queen Elizabeth signs same-sex “marriage” into law
(Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Homosexual “marriage” attacked in Estonia
(Paul Oldenburg, Talpa brusseliensis christiana)

Parliamentary Inquiry into Abortion on the Grounds of Disability

2 Malaysians charged over photo that riled Muslims
(Sean Yoong, Associated Press)

Facebook removes page of Hungarian Antisemitic website
(The Jewish Press)

Worth worrying about? Same-sex marriage and religious freedom
(Richard W. Garnett, Commonweal Magazine)

Orthodox Jews denied benefits for refusing to work Saturdays
(Jessica Elgot, Huffington Post UK)

State officials balk at defending laws they deem unconstitutional
(Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post)

British appeals court upholds asylum denial; returning boy to be circumcised and raised as Muslim does not violate his rights
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religion & Wikipedia: The 'edit wars' rage on
(Yasmine Hafiz, Huff Post Religion)

Feds pushed to recognize gay marriages
(Michael Gormley, Associated Press, ABC News)

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