Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Egypt Christians on the defensive as Islamists wage hate campaign in south
(Associated Press, CBS News)

Forced Marriage, Parliament and the courts
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Why new Israeli women's group opposes feminist activists at the Western Wall (+video)
(Christa Case Bryant, The Christian Science Monitor)

What is religious freedom?
(Robert P. George, Catholic Exchange)

American rapper tweets inpsirational quote from an LDS prophet
(Sarah Petersen, Deseret News)

Pope steps up financial controls at Vatican
(Agence France-Press, Hürriyet Daily News)

Plaintiff drops abuse case against Vatican
(Steven Dubois, Associated Press)

Hobby Lobby wins temporary restraining order on contraceptionmandate
(Loren Heal, Heartlander)

Christian university first to renew its lawsuit over HHS Mandate
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Wedding venue turns away same-sex couple
(Marcus McIntosh, KCCI (Iowa))

Pope Francis is unsettling – and dividing – the Catholic right
(David Gibson, U.S. Catholic)

Citing Gandhi, US launches faith-based community initiatives body
(Business Standard)

Ethicist Shaun Casey to oversee religious engagement for State Department
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

What’s being hidden in the faith-based initiative
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Jihad unleashed on Egypt's Christians
(Raymond Ibrahim, Human Events)

Why study religion? Ask Secretary of State John Kerry!
(Emily Reimer-Barry, Catholic Moral Theology)

Study shows minorities most likely to favor longer lives
(Corrie Mitchell, Religion News Service)

Uzbekistan: Religious freedom survey, August 2013
(Forum 18 News Service)

Suit challenges revised contraceptive coverage mandate accommodation for non-profits
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

U.S. failing to address terror against Nigerian Christians, warns expert
(adelaide Mena, National Catholic Register)

Calling church leaders to defend religious freedoms
(Donald Conkey, Cherokee Tribune)

Postal worker refuses to ship gun for religious reasons
(Rick Couri, KRMG)

Religious women in the US are having more children
(Julie Kent, Cleveland Leader)

Church defection website shuts ‘due to change in canon law’
(Irish Times)

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

As peace talks kick off, right wing intensifies efforts to influence outcomeE
(Rom Kampeas, JTA)

Can a Hebrew charter school teach the language but not the faith?
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Syriacs continue battle over religious buildings
(Vercihan Ziflioğlu, Hürriyet Daily News)

Women of the Wall, shielded by police, raises Torah scroll and blows shofar

Veil ban in French universities a ‘bad idea’
(France 24 International News)

AJC slams anti-Israel cartoons in German press
(AJC - Global Jewish Advocacy)

State Department launches new Office of Faith Based Community Initiatives
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Secretary Kerry's remarks at the launch of the Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives
(United States Department of State)

U.S. military document teaches atheism is a suicide risk
(David Edwards, The Raw Story)

Soldier disciplined for religious comment on Facebook fighting back
(BizPac Review)

Ruling in same-sex marriage case could take two weeks or more
(Jessica Parks,

Religious university balks at ‘accommodation,’ re-files suit over Obamacare’s contraception mandate
(Tom Howell Jr., The Washington Times)

Eminent theologian Seán Freyne dies
(Patsy McGarry, The Irish Times)

Anti-Semitic graffiti painted on Ohio mausoleum
(The Jewish Press)

India: For the first time, Catholic to be vice president of the Maharashtra State Minority Commission
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Bomb kills 11 in Karachi, including children, Islamabad bishop expresses solidarity
(Jibran Kahn,

Dispelling the myth of a ‘Christian nation’
(Charles C. Haynes, The Washington Post: On Faith)

Gay Muslims in Turkey: torn between religion and sexuality
(Agence France-Press, France 24 International News)

Islam's `Night of Power' and the terror alert
(Hussein Rashid, CNN Belief Blog)

Supreme Court will re-examine prayer at government meetings
(Melissa Steffan, Gleanings)

Francis and Benedict on gay priests
(Aaron Taylor, First Things)

Cullman County Prayer Caravan sponsor not afraid to take stand against atheists' demands
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

U.S. senators urge release of Islamists in Egypt
(Aya Batrawy and Maggie Michael, Associated Press, CTV News)

Federal faith-based partnership reforms grind slowly ahead with new OMB memo
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Slow-walking the faith-based rules
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Faith in values: religious liberty + marriage equality = harmony, not dissension
(Sally Steenland,

Orthodox activists come to Navalny headquarters to protest his support of LGBT community

Lavrov warns against threat of Islamic caliphate in Syria

Presbyterians stir debate by rejecting popular new hymn
(Bob Smitana, The Washington Post)

Pope Francis is unsettling – and dividing – the Catholic right
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Saudi Arabia: Shoura eyes new system to regulate Zakat distribution
(Arab News)

Americans sharply divided about dramatically extending human lifespan, poll finds
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

28-day Ramadan? Saudi Supreme Court to meet over moon sightings to determine date of Eid 2013
(Yasmine Hafiz, Huffington Post Religion)

Analysis: Pope Francis, the improbable pop culture icon
(Jeffrey Weiss, The Washington Post)

Non-churchgoers more likely to smoke than churchgoers, says Gallup Poll
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Former school employee who suffered religious pressure can proceed on discrimination and retaliation claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Wire service exempt from state anti-discrimination ban in refusal to publish article on religious beliefs
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious leaders urge gov't efforts for Kaesong park resumption
(Yonhap News Agency)

Ex-maternity hospital master: Catholic church should back off
(News Talk)

Bridging religious divide for Eid
(Anisha Anand, The Times of India)

Cleric advocates Christian-Muslim relations
(Ghana Web)

Geopolitics trump religion in Iran-Azerbaijan relations
(Caroline Farris, The Diplomat)

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A French town bridges the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims
(Alissa J. Rubin, The New York Times)

Argentina's 'slum priests' focus on helping over converting
(Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times)

Islam's 'Night of Power' and the terror alert
(Hussain Rashid, CNN Belief Blog)

Nigeria attacks by Boko Haram could be crimes against humanity, says ICC Prosecutor
(United Nations News Centre)

Street prayer, Ramadan, and the burqa: Secularism à la Française
(Emma-Kate Symons, SSRC Forums)

12 private schools cleared for tax credit program
( (South Carolina))

85 members of Congress file brief in biggest religious liberty Supreme Court case in last half century
(Editors Blogs, Meridian Magazine)

George Will, unchurched, defends religion
(G. Tracy Mehan, III, The American Spectator)

Religion and the American Republic
(George F. Will, National Affairs)

Abortion is different in Europe because religion is different in Europe
(Amanda Marcotte, Slate)

Philippines: Will RH limit freedom of religion?
(Garrick Bercero, Filipino Freethinkers)

Hasan: ‘We are imperfect Muslims trying to establish the perfect religion’
(CBS Houston)

The new front in the struggle for religious liberty
(Joe Carter, Acton Institute Power Blog)

How many U.S. Sikhs?
(Pew Research Center)

Religious leaders’ views on radical life extension
(Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project)

Presbyterians stir debate by rejecting popular new hymn
(Bob Smietana, Religion News Service)

Nigeria and the girl child bride: Culture, constitution and religion
(Mary Ajoke Akangbe, Africa on the Blog)

Can Ireland make Catholicism cool?
(Paige Brettingen, The Atlantic)

Syria conflict destroys churches & mosques, desecrates icons (PHOTOS)
(Yasmine Hafiz, Huff Post Religion)

The new article of faith for Canadian law schools: Same-sex marriage
(Bradley Miller, Public Discourse)

Full transcript of Pope's in-flight press remarks released
(Catholic News Agency)

Boko Haram likely guilty of crimes against humanity, murdering Christians, ICC says
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post World)

Not an Arab Spring, nor an Islamic Winter
(Ramzy Baroud, Al Arabiya)

Air Force agrees that officers may take secular version of commissioning oath
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Tashkent, Christians and Muslims increasingly targeted by authorities

God's bankers: Church of England wages war on loan sharks
(Hans Hoyng, Spiegel Online International)

French senator receiving death threats over anti-shechitah stance
(News Brief, JTA)

Police ask haredim, Women of the Wall to ‘avoid confrontation’ over Ramadan concerns
(News Brief, JTA)

Op-Ed in Vatican paper raps ‘unrestrained anti-Semitism’ at Belgian music fest
(News Brief, JTA)

Is an imam an employee? – Hasan v Redcoat Community Centre
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Over 50% support same-sex marriage in Taiwan: poll
(Focus Taiwan)

Religious objections to health law multiply
(Marcia Coyle, Daily Report)

Is yoga religious? Understanding the Encitas Public School Yoga Trial
(Candy Gunther Brown, OUPblog)

Madhya Pradesh, Hindu's holy book now mandatory in all schools
(Nirmala Carvalho,

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