Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 17 August 2013

5 things to know about Egypt, as churches burn, a mosque is sieged & hundreds die
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

US judge bars Oklahoma from implementing anti-Sharia law
(Reuters, The Jerusalem Post)

Irish government set to compel Catholic doctors to perform abortions‏
(Eurasia Review)

Studying Southeast Asian Religious Conflicts: Bringing Back Religion
(Kumar Ramakrishna, RSIS Commentaries)

Egypt's Christians face unprecedented attacks
(Hazel Haddon, Al Jazeera)

Abortion viewed in moral terms: fewer see stem cell research and IVF as moral issues
(Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project)

Al Qaeda leader's 'I told you so' on Egypt
(Peter Bergen, CCN Opinion)

A call for interracial, religious unity at BEC
(India Stoughton, The Daily Star)

Religious media begins transition
(Patrick Cloonan, Trib Live)

'Merry Christmas' bill comes to Tennessee in latest effort to preempt war on Christmas
(Nick Wing, Huffington Post Religion)

Friday, 16 August 2013

In Egypt, mob burns Adventist Church in Assiut
(Adventist News Network)

Why do Sikhs want to serve in the military?
(Celeste Headlee with Major Kamaljit Kalsi, NPR Faith Matters)

Russell Moore: From Moral Majority to 'Prophetic Minority'
(Naomi Schaefer Riley, The Wall Street Journal)

Dutch town transfers ancient cemetery to Jewish community

As long as Nepal is crippled by caste, it shall remain an economic untouchable
(Christopher Giles, The Telegraph)

Emboldened by misguided Western policies, Brotherhood pursues scorched earth tactics
(Eurasia Review)

In God's name, or baby 'Messiah,' competing claims of religious freedom
(Mark Oppenheimer, The New York Times)

Zoroastrian tombs found in Xinjiang

Malaysia's escalating religious intolerance must stop
(Eric Paulsen, Malaysia Chronicle)

Egypt bloodshed: UN pleads for restraint as Muslim Brotherhood calls for 'Friday of anger'
(Radio Australia)

Egyptian military chief vows to rebuild Coptic Churches
(Associated Press and AFP contributed to this report, Fox News)

Romania implored to return communist-seized churches
(Adelaide Mena, National Catholic Register)

Presbyterian head seeks gay-wedding ban for unity's sake
(Simon Collins, The New Zealand Herald)

Muslim group blasted for planning mass demonstration on Sept. 11
(Fox News)

What caused Syria’s civil war? Syrian Anglican priest gives his take on how the current conflict came into being
(Revd. Nadim Nassar)

Richard III, reburial and judicial review
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Japanese visits to shrine on war anniversary anger China
(Antoni Slodowski, Reuters)

Terrorists inciting religious conflict in M. East must be stopped - Russia

Young men raise funds for Syria jihad in Russia's Tatarstan Republic

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin surprised by Lukin's stance on same-sex "marriage"

Should marijuana be legal for religious purposes?
(Eliyahu Federman, Huffington Post Religion)

Why we should keep government and religion separate
(Phil Dirkx, The Tribune)

Religious freedom is an oxymoron
(Sun Sentinel)

Maintain the separation between church and state
(Herald Online)

NM court upholds religious leader's convictions
(Barry Massey, The Kansas City Star)

Religious leaders want same-sex marriage conscience clause
(Herald Scotland)

Indonesian president calls for religious tolerance
(The Hindu)

Russia: Rise in legal proposals affecting religious freedom
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

US: Boko Haram is exploiting religion to make Nigeria ungovernable
(Chineme Okafor, Thie Day Live)

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Air Force sergeant relieved from duty after disagreeing with openly gay commander
(Brent McCluskey,

The Arab world is on the brink of radicalizing
(Michael Hirsh, National Journal, Defense One)

PBS series ‘Life of Muhammad’ explores diverse opinions of prophet
(Menachem Wecker, Religion News Service)

Rastas talk reparations at Jamaica gathering
(David Mcfadden, Associated Press, Yahoo! Finance)

Suspended Vatican accountant linked to suspect spiritual group
(Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency)

African Religious Liberty Congress promotes peaceful coexistence
(Adventist News Network)

Sufi Muslims feel the heat of Indonesia’s rising intolerance
(Andreas Harsono, The Jakarta Globe)

Egypt looking depressingly like Iraq
(Erin Evers, Human Rights Watch)

L.A. will pay $950,000 in attorneys' fees in RLUIPA lawuit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Federal court says Alien Tort claim for LGBTI persecution in Uganda can proceed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Islamists debate their next move in tense Cairo
(David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times)

Statement from the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists on the Massacre in Cairo | jadaliyya

Pope, religious freedom advocates lament Egyptian violence
(Catholic News Agency)

Canada condemns attack on religion in Egypt
(Terry Pedwell, Global News)

Churches torched across Egypt in anti-Coptic violence by Morsi loyalists
(Al Ahram)

6 April Youth Movement says Copts receiving 'threats' nationwide
(Al Ahram)

Is this the end of the Arab Spring?
(Room for Debate, The New York Times Opinion Pages)

Tunisians join fight against terrorism
(Jamel Arfaoui, Magharebia)

Nouakchott imam preaches against extremism
(Bakari Gueye, Magharebia)

LA producer of anti-Muslim film released from prison
(The Jewish Press)

Convicted Novosibirsk imams ready to go to Strasbourg court

Pa. abortion pill mandate case to be appealed to US Supreme Court
(Alliance Defense Fund)

Fixing America’s failing families: An interview with T.D. Jake
(Jonathan Merritt, Religion News Service)

Judge considering whether NJ must allow same-sex marriage in wake of US high court ruling
(Associated Press, Washington Post)

The Orthodox Church’s role in Russia’s anti-gay laws
(Jamie Manson, National Catholic Reporter)

‘Bias’ against SSM?
(Katrina Trinko, National Review Online)

Most students applying for state voucher program attend private schools
(Associated Press, Journal-Sentinel)

'Inclusive Mosque Initiative' opens doors to women-led prayers and gay Muslims in Britain
(Yasmine Hafiz, Huffington Post)

Reformers want Congress to end ban on pulpit politicking
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Regulation of church, nonprofit political speech 'untenable,' report finds
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post Politics)

Congress should ignore report calling for legalization of pulpit politicking, says Americans United
(Americans United)

Religious defense OK’d in pot case
(Associated Press, The Maui News)

New Jersey Court to hear same-sex marriage case
(Kate Zernike, New York Times)

Missouri legislator files suit to be exempted from contraception mandate in state health plan
(Tim O'Neil, St. Louis Post Dispatch)

Sen. Marco Rubio: Prayer in Congress proves freedom of religion
(The Washington Post)

Lone Jewish voice favors public Christian prayer in key Supreme Court case
(Nathan Guttman, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Breakaway Va. Anglican congregation to appeal property case to Supreme Court
(Michael Grybosky, The Christian Post)

Orthodox human rights advocate is ironic about Lukin's suggestion to legalize unisex "marriages" step by step

Split 3rd Circuit denies en banc rehearing in contraceptive coverage case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pakistan’s religious minority problem
(Robert P. George, Ahmadiyya Times)

Authorities ‘building fences’ between faiths, say religious leaders
(Boo Su-Lyn, The Malay Mail)

Freedom is rooted in truth and justice
(Most Rev Bernard Blasius Moras, The New Indian Express)

Recalling what freedom of religion meant to the Founders

Hundreds die as Egyptian forces attack Islamist protesters
(David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times)

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Antwerp haredi schools forced to choose between censorship and subsidies
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood assaults 22 Christian churches

Faith in God inspired Martin Luther King, Jr.
(John A. Murray, USA Today)

Hadassa Margolese, fighter for religious tolerance, quits Beit Shemesh
(Ben Sales, The Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Hindu guru arrested for Bodh Gaya attack

Kuwait bans Sunni cleric’s show for hate speech
(The Jewish Press)

Milan’s Jews cut ties with Muslim group over Israel slurs
(The Jewish Press)

Moscow needs new mosques, not open-air prayer platforms – Alexeyeva

Syrian splits Shiite clergy in Iraq, Iran
(Ali Mamouri, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Vatican says ‘no confirmation’ on death of Jesuit in Syria
(John L. Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter)

"Proposition 8" case ends
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

FFRF seeks probe of Tennessee magistrate who ordered boy’s name changed
(Freedom from Religion Foundation, Secular News Daily)

Lutherans elect Elizabeth Eaton first female presiding bishop of ELCA
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Nearly 300 killed as Egyptian forces storm camps
(David Kirkpatrick (Mayy El Sheikh contributed reporting from Cairo, and Alan Cowell from London), The New York Times)

Morsi supporters 'torch three churches' in Egypt
(AFP, Fox News)

Massacre of Islamists by Egyptian military likely strategic
(Haroon Moghul, Religion Dispatches)

Christians must oppose anti-Muslim discrimination
(Jonathan Merritt, Religion News Service)

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