Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 20 September 2013

Girls' empowerment movement is a global game-changer (article from April 2013)
(Gordon Brown, The Christian Science Monitor)

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Pakistan's internet censors seek help from Canadian company
(Katharine Houreld, Reuters)

Pope says Church must end obsession with gays, contraception, abortion
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

Islamists raise the stake, as bombs are found on Cairo metro

Qaeda-linked fighters tighten grip on Syria border town
(Ahram Online)

Adventist Church sues U.S. city for ‘blatant’ religious liberty violation
(Elizabeth Lechleitner, Adventist News Network)

Near-unanimous House approves religious minorities special envoy
(J.C. Derrick, World Magazine)

Al-Jazeera America * Kosher Smartphones * Honest Homeless: Wednesday’s Religion News Roundup
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Divine support may reduce parental stress, increase satisfaction
(David Briggs, The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA))

Scotland: Another street preacher arrested
(Breaking Case News, The Christian Legal Centre)

Dalai Lama urges peace in Myanmar, asks monks to 'remember the Buddhist faith'
(Yasmine Hafiz, Huff Post Religion)

Hopes are high for Iran's 'diplomatic sheikh' on eve of UN visit
(Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor)

U.S., business appeal on birth-control mandate
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Conestoga Wood appeals Obamacare contraceptive mandate to U.S. Supreme Court
(Heather Stauffer, Central Penn Business Journal)

Headscarf incident in Sudan highlights a global trend
(Sandra Stencel and Brian J. Grim, Pew Research Center Fact Tank)

Putin’s concerns about extremism shared by other Russians
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center Fact Tank)

Kosher smart phone arrives as ultra-Orthodox tech taboo shifts
(Nathan Jeffay, The Jewish Daily Forward)

New bipartisan bill protects groups that don’t support same-sex marriage
(Ed O'Keefe, Washington Post)

Religious freedom for the right to die? Court orders boy to receive blood transfusion against religious beliefs
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post World)

Bill introduced by House Republicans offers broad exemptions to opponents of same-sex marriage (and non-marital sex)
(Dale Carpenter, Volokh Conspiracy)

Protecting religious liberty in the marriage debate
(Ryan T. Anderson, The Foundry (blog))

The Russian Church official offers rough punishment for provoking behavior in public places

Electronic vs pipe organ: Re: St Peter, Wolverhampton
(David Pocklington)

L’Église de France crée un service national d’accueil des victimes de dérives sectaires
(La Croix)

Labrador leads bipartisan coalition in introducing Marriage and Religious Freedom Act
(Press Release, Congressman Raul Labrador)

Ontario to debate religious rights motion in wake of proposed Quebec charter
(Global Post)

Quebec should be as tolerant of religious diversity as it has been of sexual orientation
(Robert Leckey and Robert Wintemute, The Montreal Gazette)

Mormons join Hawaii’s gay-marriage fight, but with a new approach
(Peggy Fletcher Stack, Salt Lake Tribune)

Pope Francis: Church can't 'interfere' with gays
(Eric Marrapodi and Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

Russian Church official urges to reconsider the concept of tolerance

Analysis: Pope Francis stuns the church. But will it have a lasting effect?
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Gay marriage collides with religious liberty
(Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, Wall Street Journal Headlines)

Pape François : « Je rêve d’une Église mère et pasteur »
(La Croix)

Attacks on Christians escalate in Egypt, Nigeria
(Raymond Ibrahim, Gatestone Institute)

Religious liberty threats pose 'real danger' in Indonesia, Burma
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

State-backed faith schools a 'precious' right, says Archbishop
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Half of Russians to vote for Orthodox party - poll

Calls for debate on Muslim veil mount in Britain
(Jill Lawless, The Associated Press, The Independent)

Parents angry after high school freshman taken on field trip to mosque, offered the Koran
(Sarah Rae Fruchtnicht, Opposing Views)

Is religious tolerance the new universal job requirement?
(Sarah Padbury, World Magazine)

At Texas prayer service, temple members recall the Aaron Alexis they knew
(Leslie Minora, The Washington Post)

Will Rick Warren lead a Christian movement for gun control?
(Jonathan Merritt, Religion News Service)

‘Secular safe zones’ offer campus shelter to atheist students
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Atheists and humanists launch Freethought Equality Fund PAC
(Katherine Burgess, Religion News Service)

U.S. Catholics really like Pope Francis
(Herb Scribner, Deseret News)

NY state pastor among Methodists defying church law
(Renee K. Gadoua, Religion News Service)

Sloppy sixth circuit ruling rejects challenge to HHS mandate
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online: Bench Memos)

Russian court upholds ban on planned LGBT events

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Gen. Boykin on Air Force sec. nominee: Will she protect religious liberty of Airmen?
(Michael W. Chapman, CNS News)

Philip Berg dead: Farewell to the rabbi who made Kabbalah the religion of stars
(Tim Walker, The Los Angeles Times, The Independent)

Obamacare: Court declines company request to block contraception mandate
(Warren Richey, The Christian Science Monitor)

Jordan jails six for trying to join Syria jihadists
(Ahram Online)

London steps up Islamic finance ambitions
(Ahram Online)

Curfew in Delga, a Islamist-held town where Christians cannot live

First Armenian Orthodox cathedral consecrated in Moscow
(Nina Achmatova,

Cardinal Dolan: Obamacare regulation continues to attack religious liberty
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online: The Corner)

Mother wins right to name her son Messiah

Os Guinness: Liberals and conservatives are getting religious freedom wrong
(Interview by Judd Birdsall, Christianity Today)

Court defends right to hand out Bibles at gay pride festival; 'victory' for religious liberty
(Tyler O'Neil, The Christian Post)

With eyes on neighbors, Azerbaijan and Israel intensify ties
(Cnann Liphshiz, JTA)

Two injured from rocks thrown by Arab worshippers on Temple Mount
(News Brief, JTA)

Report: Belgian government website compares Israel to Nazi Germany
(News Brief, JTA)

Danish coalition partner adopts anti-circumcision motion
(JTA, The Jerusalem Post)

How Egypt's Coptic Christians can keep the Arab Spring fresh
(Editorial, The Christian Science Monitor)

ERLC president Russ Moore inaugurated in Washington, D.C.
(Baptist Press Staff, Florida Baptist Witness)

Veils and ignorance: defendant not allowed to wear niqaab when giving evidence
(Alasdair Henderson, UK Human Rights Blog)

Red Mass speaker Robert P. George announced
(Today's Catholic News)

Muslim publics share concerns about extremist groups
(Pew Research Global Attitudes Project)

Uzbekistan: Church piano, pulpit, carpet, refrigerator seized
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Ruling: Provide birth control despite religious objections
(Dan Horn,

‘One Nation Under God’ aims to create common ground, promote religious freedom
(Cecily Markland, East Valley Tribune)

European bishops warned of growing restrictions on religion
(Catholic News Agency)

PQ minister’s advice for religious minorities: Accept Quebec values
(The Globe and Mail)

Noted scholar Martha Nussbaum speaks on religious intolerance
(Hanna Lustig, The Daily Beacon)

Don’t subject non-religious hospital patients to Catholic principles
(Danielle Shay,

Saudi minister slams religious police over lingerie shop threats
(Courtney Trenwith, Arabian Business)

Indonesia affirms freedom of religion
(Yenny Herawati, Khabar Southeast Asia)

As denominations decline, numbers of unpaid ministers rise
(G. Jeffrey MacDonald, Religion News Service)

Media review: Al-Jazeera America lives up to its unbiased promise
(Rem Rieder, Religion News Service)

Buddhist community ponders apparent link between their faith and Navy Yard shooter
(Michelle Boorstein and Elizabeth Tenety, The Washington Post)

Religious freedom agency loses attempt to dismiss former employee's discrimination suit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Tajik Islamists nominate rights campaigner for president

Yemeni man sentenced to hand and foot amputation for armed robbery
(Amnesty International)

Gender-specific abortion: law and ethics
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

British college "unbans" burqa
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Religion at work: Who's listening?
(Joyce S. Dubensky, Huff Post Religion)

Politics and religion: Quebec's secular attire debate opens a Canadian can of worms

Nigerian army claims raid kills 150 Islamists
(AFP, Dhaka Tribune)

VIDEO: Talks of Human Rights Court reforms
(BBC News, Huffpost Video)

Religious pluralism, global peace, and higher education
(Joseph L. Subbiondo)

VIDEO: Focus on impact of religion during international film festival in Italy
(Rome Reports)

PQ opens door to ‘improving’ religion plan in charter of values

Religious communities in Kosovo meet
(World Bulletin)

Today’s letters: ‘Government offices no place for religious statements’
(Paul Russell, National Post)

Solving the problem of child marriage
(Moshin Habib, Gatestone Institute)

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, endorses diplomacy over militarism
(Jason Rezaian, The Washington Post)

Sunnis say sect targeted in southern Iraqi city of Basra, with 17 killed in 2 weeks
(Associated Press, Worldwide Religious News)

‘Halal hotels’ lure Turks, not Arabs
(Zehra Aydoğan, Hürriyet Daily News)

Contentious Turkish mosque project stirs sectarian Sunni-Alevi unrest
(Jonathon Burch, Reuters)

Rabbis push Congress on immigration reform
(Katherine Burgess, Religion News Service)

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