Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Iranian president crosses paths with wife of jailed Pastor Saeed Abedini
(Anna Kuta, Religion Today)

Billy Graham's letter to Iran's President Hassan Rouhani calls for release of Pastor Saeed Abedini
(Huff Post Religion)

Archbishop Myers, coadjutorized!
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Catholic chaplains given marching orders barring service to gay couples
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Baptist chaplaincy rules called consistent with military policy
(Gregory Tomlin, Baptist Press)

Secularist group fighting town seal
(Jake West, Indiana Daily Student)

Conservatives promote House bill to protect opponents of gay marriage
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Faith schools 'selecting wealthy pupils by the back door'
(Graeme Paton, The Telegraph)

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Benedict emerges from silence, defends his abuse record in letter to prominent Italian atheist
(Associated Press, Worldwide Religious News)

Russia’s top Islamic cleric protests court’s ruling to outlaw translation of the Quran
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Russian Muslim clerics warn of unrest over ban of translation of Koran
(Alissa de Carbonnel, Reuters)

EVENT, 3 October 2013: The Abortion Debate, Westminster, Central London
(Ann Fuedi and Gregg Cunnigham, Christian Concern)

EVENT, 3-5 October 2013: Religious Freedom in Education, McGill University
(Kaitlin Davella, McGill Reporter)

Parti Quebecois religion plan gets support from retired Supreme Court judge
(The Canadian Press, Maclean's)

OSCE Meeting on freedom of religion and belief
(Jura Nanuck, Central-European Religious Freedom Institute)

India: Government releases data of riot victims identifying religion
(Bharti Jain, The Times of India)

Neutrality in religious matters
(George Schoebe, The Windsor Star)

Religion and liberalism under scrutiny in new collection
(University of Bristol)

Google launches 'Constitute' site for exploring world's constitutions
(Lorenzo Franeschi-Bicchierai, Mashable)

Nigeria: Religious re-education
(Cornelius Afebu Omonokhua, Daily Trust via AllAfrica)

A journey of faith, from Germany to Jerusalem
(Matti Friedman, The Times of Israel)

Religion and school admission policy In Ireland: a recent example
(Kevin Denny, Blog: Economics more-or-less)

Playing the race card will only poison our national melting pot
(Victoria White, Irish Examiner)

Religious Sisters file first class-action lawsuit against controversial HHS mandate
(Emily Hardman, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Pope Francis’s welcome new tone
(The Editors, Bloomberg)

Explore the world’s constitutions with a new online tool
(Google Official Blog)

Court says spousal privilege does not apply to couple in civil union
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

USDA, Vermont pregnancy center settle religious liberty case
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

Motion to ban non-medical circumcision introduced in Sweden
(JTA, Haaretz)

Of God and Caesar: Religion and state in Russia and elsewhere
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Tajik Islamists pin renaissance on secular female candidate
(Farangis Najibullah, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

When the United Nations did good: Os Guinness and religious liberty
(Thomas Kidd, Patheos Blog: The Anxious Bench)

Weekend of terror highlights high and rising religious hostilities in Kenya and Pakistan
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Pakistan's Christian minority faces life on increasingly dangerous margins
(Abubakar Siddique and Majeed Babar, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

Pakistan’s Christian leaders demand security after bombings
(World Watch Monitor)

Pakistan religious scholars declare attacks on minorities un-Islamic
(Global Times)

Kenya terror: Militants kill anyone who can't recite the Koran
(Religion Today)

Five things to know about Al-Shabab
(Charles Recknagel, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

Nairobi hostage crisis: a different type of terror - expert
(Ekaterina Shubnaya, Jay Johnson, Voice of Russia)

‘White widow’ terrorist may have been killed in Kenya attack
(Jewish Press News Briefs)

Shebab fighters say still holding hostages in Kenya mall siege
(Ahram Online)

No communion for Nancy Pelosi: Vatican court head
(Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times)

Niqabs and burqas: the UK’s pop-up debate
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

A new Intifada?
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute)

Jordan Islamists slam Egypt's Brotherhood ban
(Ahram Online)

Syrian Christians may get pulled into civil war
(Stephen Starr, Religion News Service)

Human rights, refugees, and the conflict over the Western Sahara
(Joseph K. Grieboski, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

Religious violence in Burma: Meikhtila, convenient to forget
(Charlotte England, London Student)

Hanoi, fresh attacks on Thai Ha Catholics’ property
(J.B. An Dang,

Saudi killed in religious police chase: Report
(Ahram Online)

Sri Lanka’s Tamils head to polls
(Catherine Clifford (video), News Wires (text), France 24 International News)

Russia puts Pussy Riot hunger-striker in isolation
(Ahram Online)

Parents to shape policy on religion in schools
(Katherine Donnelly,

Dress code at Islamic school that forces female teachers to wear a hijab regardless of religion
(Suzannah Hills, Daily Mail)

Prayer at school board meeting may be the last
(Renee Standera, WISTV)

European bishops commemorate Edict of Milan
(Catholic Culture)

Preserve religious freedom in adoptions
(The Detroit News)

Quebec charter about excising religion, supporters say
(Giuseppe Valiante, Sun News)

Secular Quebec revolts against religious symbol ban
(World Magazine)

The nonsense of “mistaken identity” hate crimes
(Omid Safi, Religion News Service)

Paterson street-naming dispute results in federal lawsuit by mosque leaders
(Joe Malinconico,

Malaysia: Muslims can only change their religion at the Syariah court
(TMI, Malaysia Chronicle)

What are religious values ?
(Sri Balagangadaranatha Mahaswamiji, The New Indian Express)

Why should Christians care about science?
(Jennifer J. Wiseman, Big Questions Online)

Civil union law is 'mind-control experiment' says Colorado State Senator Kent Lambert
(Michael Allen, Opposing Views)

Drug paraphernalia charges burdern Rastafarian teen's free exercise rights
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

More on the Nairobi Terror Attack

More on the conflicts in the Middle East

More on the Proposed Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Monday, 23 September 2013

Eastern Europe: Freedom of religion or belief still under serious threat
(Martin Banks for Human Rights Without Frontiers, Central-European Religious Freedom Institute)

Saudi's regional solidarity, prosperity celebrated by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
(Al Bawaba News)

Sikh who teaches at Columbia University beaten in possible hate crime
(Victoria Cavaliere, Reuters)

Nigeria: "Boko Haram has no qualms in killing innocent people", said Mgr. Kaigama
(Agenzia Fides)

Kenya says all hostages freed in mall siege
(MSN News)

Tunisians join Mourabitounes terrorist group
(Jamel Arfaoui, Magharebia)

Tunisia's Islamists resist proposal to step down
(Ahram Online)

Morocco to train Malian imams
(Siham Ali, Magharebia)

France: Man arrested for death threat against Toulouse Jewish school
(JTA, Jewish Press)

Reggie Littlejohn: The One-Child Law, the Party’s tool to stay in power
(Giulia Mazza,

Peshawar massacre, Indian Christian leaders: All places of worship must be protected
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Peshawar, two suicide bombers attack Protestant church : over one hundred dead and 130 injured

Delga, Egypt: After Islamist attacks, Mass is back

Deeper than God: Ronald Dworkin's atheism
(Stanley Fish, The New York Times Opinionator)

Burqa Battle * Baby Messiah * Bacon Attack: Religious Freedom Recap: Sept. 16-23
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

France's Sikhs want right to wear turbans in schools

Bill aims to shield religious freedoms from taxman
(Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times)

True religion unites, never divides mankind: Farooq
(Press Trust of India, Business Standard)

The Westgate Mall attack and the future of terrorism
(Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

Rafsanjani urges insightful efforts to stop religious extremism in region
(Fars News Agency)

Muslims in Maryland petition schools to close on two Islamic holidays
(Jonathan Vankin, Opposing Views)

Atheism starts its megachurch: Is it a religion now?
(Katie Engelhart, Salon)

Nigeria: No religious marginalization in Kwara – Gov. Ahmed
(Premium Times)

‘A nation that adopts Islam as a religion, development as vision and justice to rule’
(HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Saudi Gazette)

Fatah-linked group claims responsibility for Israeli soldier's death
(World Bulletin)

Religious freedom motion passes in Ontario
(News Brief, JTA)

October 9, 2013: International Symposium on Asia, 10 years of AsiaNews

The last tweets from an American jihadist in Somalia

Religion and reproductive rights: Looking for common ground
(Jacob Glass II, New Security Beat (Wilson Center))

Analysis: Failing to address the root causes of violence in Iraq
(IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis)

UN, Muslim NGOs draw closer
(IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis)

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