Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 30 September 2022

Cuban dictatorship expels superior of Jesuits from the island
(Catholic News Agency)

Judge hears arguments challenging New York’s new gun law
(Michael Hill, Associated Press)

Israel: Ultra-Orthodox protesters block Jerusalem intersection over draft
(Associated Press)

After Supreme Court backs praying coach, no sweeping changes
(Luis Andres Henao, Associated Press)

3rd Circuit remands RLUIPA challenge to sex-offender treatment program
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

California Civil Rights Department sued by HAF for unconstitutionally misrepresenting Hinduism
(Hindu American Foundation)

Nonreligious women of color convene to talk Christian nationalism, reproductive rights
(Alejandra Molina, Religion News Service)

France: Supporters of statue of St. Michael the Archangel in small French town vow to fight removal order
(Charlotte Evans and AC Wimmer, Catholic News Agency)

Panelists discuss conflict between LGBTQ+ rights, religious liberty
(Ethan Brown, Virginia Law Weekly)

Algeria: “A government will never uproot faith in Jesus from the hearts of Algerians”
(Jonatán Soriano, Evangelical Focus)

After Pope outreach, Nicaragua's Ortega calls Church a 'dictatorship'
(France 24)

How the US Congress is trying to fight against Uyghur forced labor
(Religion Unplugged)

Religious ‘switching’ patterns will help determine Christianity’s course in U.S.
(Alan Cooperman, Pew Research Center)

Brazil: Afro-Brazilian religions targeted by counter-cult violence in Brazil
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Recognised, studied and put to good use: Religious actors in global affairs
(International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD))

Religions for Peace partners with the Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion
(Religions for Peace)

The Role of Religious Actors in Dialogues For Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention in Afghanistan: A Case Study in The Faculty of Shari’a (Islamic) Law And The Faculty of Public Policy, Kabul University
(Mohammad Afzal Zarghoni, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin)

Ensuring and monitoring the right to freedom of peaceful assembly during pandemic the focus of ODIHR event
(The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)

Professor Mark Movsesian on The New Thoreaus
(YouTube Video, The Bech-Loughlin First Amendment Center)

Pro-life groups ask DC Circuit for freedom to peacefully express their views, same as other orgs
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

City employees did not show sincere religious objection to COVID vaccine
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

What this ‘sleeper case’ could mean for public schools and the separation of church and state
(Mya Jaradat, Deseret News)

Iranians are ready for a different approach to religion and government
(Zoha Qamar, FiveThirtyEight)

Iranian women have been rebelling against restrictions since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 – with renewed hope that protests this time will end differently
(Pardis Mahdavi, The Conversation)

Italy: Civil, church authorities back migrants as Italy poised for hardline policy
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Newsom’s pro-choice billboards citing Bible verse draw rebukes from religious leaders
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

Bangladeshi Buddhists denied justice for a decade
(Union of Catholic Asian News)

European governments accused over 'suppression of Muslim civil society'
(Simon Hooper, Middle East Eye)

Iraqis embracing allocation of state budget for Arbaeen pilgrimage: poll
(International Quran News Agency (IQNA))

Yeshiva University’s battle for religious freedom
(Tom Farr and Mitchell Rocklin, Religious Freedom Institute)

UN releases Uighur human rights report despite Chinese intimidation
(Eric Patterson, Providence Mag)

Myanmar: In a world of crises and tragedy, we must not forget about Myanmar
(Benedict Rogers, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

OSCE diplomats received evidence of Russian crimes against religious communities and religious figures of Ukraine
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Ukrainian religious actors and organizations after Russia's invasion: The struggle for peace
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Estonian government demands that Metropolitan breaks with Kirill
(Christian Network Europe)

Russian bishops: Nation must recognize conscientious objection to war
(Jonathan Luxmoore, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Azerbaijan: Conscientious objector jailing "very unexpected decision"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

This time, will U.S. Supreme Court finally clarify rights of same-sex marriage dissenters?
(Richard Ostling, GetReligion)

Effective Altruism and Religion: Synergies, Tensions, Dialogue
(Dominic Roser and Stefan Reidener, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

Zimbabwean government blames religious anti-vaxxers for deadly measles outbreak
(Cyril Zenda, Religion Unplugged)

Belgium: Recognition of religions raised at the OSCE: Belgian delegation replies
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Belgium: Discriminatory system of recognition of religion raised at the OSCE
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

As religious affiliation declines, America needs religious freedom more than ever
(Jorge Gomez, First Liberty)

Texas judge's courtroom prayer ceremonies upheld by U.S. appeals court
(Nate Raymond, Reuters)

FFRF blasts appeals court’s ‘theocratic’ decision over Texas courtroom prayer
(Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Argentina: Are civil rights at risk in Argentina?
(Cecilia Fernández Castañón, Fair Planet)

Blasphemy Day: Raising awareness about religious tolerance, criticism
(Aaron Reich, The Jerusalem Post)

ND Law establishes new Murphy Fellowship for students studying law and religion
(Denise Wager, University of Notre Dame Law School)

Anglican Church of Southern Africa asks parishes to highlight the plight of the Palestinian people
(Anglican Ink)

Guernsey anti-discrimination law small business exemption rejected
(BBC News)

In a world of crises and tragedy, we must not forget about Myanmar
(Benedict Rogers, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Thursday, 29 September 2022

EVENT, 29 September 2022 (12PM CDT): “The New Thoreaus”: How the law should treat religious “Nones”
(The University of Texas at Austin)

Wednesday, 28 September 2022

A win for religious freedom in high school sports

Alabama high school sports to accommodate Saturday Sabbath teams, ending federal lawsuit
(Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times)

WEBINAR, 28 September 2022 (10:30AM ET): Religious Freedom, Violence, and U.S. Policy in Nigeria
(U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

EVENT, 28 September 2022 (5:30PM EDT): "Others in Their Own Land" film screening and panel discussion (Washington, DC)
(U.S. Baha'i Office of Public Affairs)

Blasphemy and Choudhury v. the United Kingdom revisited in light of the attack on Rushdie
(Natalie Alkiviadou, Strasbourg Observers)

Starmer tells Labour summit he had to ‘rip antisemitism out,’ to loud applause
(The Times of Israel)

“Jai Shri Ram” on the streets of Leicester as India’s Hindu nationalism stretches beyond its borders
(Ellis Heasley, FoRB in Full: A blog by CSW)

Exporting religious hatred to England
(Arshad M. Khan, Modern Diplomacy)

Statement by the Northern Catholic Bishops on the current economic crisis for the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul
(Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference)

Criminal damage to the Colston statue: AG’s reference
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

The GOP’s Christian supremacy problem
(Sarah Posner, Moment Magazine)

Book review: Rights and Liberty in the Western Legal Tradition
(Mark David Hall, Public Discourse: The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute)

Podcast: Brett Scharffs discusses human dignity with Peggy Fletcher Stack

Cardinal Parolin: Nuclear weapons threaten human existence
(Linda Bordoni, Vatican News)

Peacebuilding, the focus of latest ‘Women’s Voices’ webinar
(KAICIID Dialogue Centre)

Italy: Top Italian prelate tells new government church will not be silent
(Elise Ann Allen, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse)

Italy: Giorgia Meloni marches to victory in Italy: What does the Vatican think of her election?
(Clemente Lisi, Religion Unplugged)

Japan: The church linked to Abe’s killing, Japan’s political troubles
(Zaheena Rasheed, Al Jazeera)

Summary of the 10th Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
(Masamichi Kamiya, Religions for Peace)

Afghan Taliban deputy calls for reopening schools for girls
(Riazat Butt, Associated Press)

Pakistan Church demands criminalizing torture
(Kamran Chaudhry, Union of Catholic Asian News)

WCC begins work to bring HIV back to national agendas with focus on sustainability
(World Council of Churches)

Canada: Senate committee looks at Islamophobia across Canada
(CBC News)

Canada: Quebec Muslims share fears and concerns at travelling Senate hearings
(Émilie Warren, CBC News)

Messianic Jews vs. Orthodox Jews: Now a libel case (over allegations of a non-theological fight)
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Muslim male inmate entitled to religious exemption from strip searches by female-to-male transgender guard
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Benin in the dock at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Orthodox Church leader says Russian soldiers dying in Ukraine will be cleansed of sin

Satanic Temple suing Indiana over state’s near-total abortion ban
(Matt Christy and Nexstar Media Wire, The Hill)

India cracks down on Islamic group for 'anti-national activities'

Indian Church steels itself for govt onslaught
(John Dayal, Union of Catholic Asian News)

Statement about Sikh student handcuffed over dagger required by religion
(University of North Carolina at Charlotte)

Tajikistan’s ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses illegal, UN Human Rights Committee says
(Massimo Introvigne, Bitter Winter)

Q & A with Nury Turkel, Chair of U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom
(Susan Crabtree, Real Clear Politics)

Weekly Highlight #223: COVID-19: Exploring faith dimensions: Religious engagement through and beyond COVID-19; religious tourism; spirituality
(Berkley Center, Joint Learning Initiative, WFDD)

South Sudan: Archbishop of Juba: "Tribalism is the enemy of peaceful coexistence and incompatible with faith"
(Agenzia Fides)

Kenyans 'clash' over plans for monthly prayers at the presidency
(Ghana Web)

Iran’s anti-veil protests draw on long history of resistance
(Amir-Hussein Radjy, Associated Press)

Pope presses Muslim dialogue message with Bahrain visit
(Associated Press)

Hindu advocates sue California, arguing bans on caste discrimination misrepresent beliefs
(Richa Karmarkar, Religion News Service)

Interfaith group hosts Hill briefing on Christian nationalism
(Jack Jenkins, Religion News Service)

Jerusalem church leaders thank Jordan’s king for defending their rights
(Catholic News Service)

Consequences of Russian aggression in Ukraine discussed at the COMECE Autumn Assembly in Brussels
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU))

Ukraine religious leaders call for return of POWS, criticize ‘referendums’
(Catholic News Service)

Carson v. Makin: Implications for students’ civil rights in taxpayer funded religious schools
(Suzanne Eckes and Preston Green, Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law & Religion)

Tolerance as the supreme political principle
(Michael D. Thomas, Law & Liberty)

Serbia's conservatives seek textbook ban over 'LGBT ideology'
(Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty)

Hong Kong: The stakes of Cardinal Zen’s trial
(Nina Shea, Hudson Institute)

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