Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A secular humanist Jew's thoughts on Yom Kippur: On atheism and theism, and on religion and organized religion
(Steven Jonas,

India: HC calls for new laws to protect Pandits’ religious places
(Kashmir Images)

“The State has no religion”: an Indian perspective
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Religious leader involvement poses problems for public schools
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Jesus>Religion: My Interview with Jefferson Bethke
(Ed Stetzer, Christianity Today: The Exchange)

The word is sacred in all religions: C.P. Rajasekharan
(The Hindu)

India: Jamiat chief says 'politics should never be done over religion'
(Business Standard)

Vanderbilt Divinity appoints lesbian dean
(Winnie McCroy, Edge Boston, Massachusetts)

Why public prayer is about more than culture wars
(Russell Moore, Huff Post Religion)

Nigeria: Muslim clerics say religion should be priority during national dialogue
(Channels Television)

Advocates target changing NC same-sex marriage ban
(Mitch Weiss, Associated Press, The State)

Government shuts down Catholic services on Navy base; Church locked; Priest threatened with arrest; TMLC files federal lawsuit
(Thomas More Law Center)

TMS petitions the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Autocam's Obamacare case
(Tom Ciesielka, Thomas More Society)

Hawaii's largest faiths oppose same-sex marriage bill
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News)

InterVarsity sued after woman says she was fired for getting divorced
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Muslim groups want ‘Allah’ ban extended to Borneo churches
(The Malay Mail Online, Yahoo! News)

Britain's underage Muslim marriage epidemic
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Wahabis indicted for preparing terrorist attack at chemical weapons destruction facility in Kirov region

Premier Medvedev praises Russian Muslims' role in combating extremism

Moroccans demand more from mosques
(Siham Ali, Magharebia)

Appeal postponed for Moroccan convert from Islam sentenced for ‘proselytizing’
(Morning Star News)

Vietnam: religious leaders petition for release of young prisoners of conscience
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Iraq blast hits Kirkuk Sunni mosque on Eid al-Adha
(BBC News)

Clerics rule besieged Damascus residents may eat dogs
(Sebastian Usher, BBC News)

European Court of Human Rights attacks UK newspapers for misleading reports
(Joshua Rozenberg, The Guardian)

Monday, 14 October 2013

StandWithUs campaign counters anti-Israel ads on Vancouver buses

Freedom to flourish: Is religious freedom necessary for peace, prosperity, and democracy?
(Conference held October 9-10, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

SSRN Top Downloads for Journal of Law & Religion eJournal : January 1997 - October 2013
(Social Science Research Network)

The top five new Law & Religion Papers on SSRN
(Marissa A. Dioguardi, CLR Forum, St. John's University School of Law)

Blame it on politics, not religion
(Matthew Adukanil, The Hindu)

ERLC hosts panel on religious liberty
(Joe Carter, Baptist Press)

Southern Baptists fight contraception regulation
(Tony Gonzalez, The Tennessean, USA Today)

Christians need to fight for religious freedom for all, not just themselves, Russell Moore says
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post Politics)

Experts: 'Chicago-style thuggery' used to oppress religious liberties in military
(Tyler O'Neil, The Christian Post)

ERLC challenges abortion clinic buffer zones
(Florida Baptist Witness)

Blood of a sacrifice, blood of a Muslim
(Mümtazer Türköne, Today's Zaman)

Muslims expect to strengthen solidarity during Eid al-Adha
(Sevgi Akarçeşme, Today's Zaman)

St. Vartan Cathedral: A Message to the World
(Mark Movesesian, The Armenian Church)

Introducing Oliver Ellsworth
(Kevin C. Walsh, Mirror of Justice)

Man cannot be stripped of British citizenship, rules Supreme Court
(Isabel McArdle, UK Human Rights Blog)

Ayatollah Khamenei's Annual Message on Hajj
(Iran Review)

Tattooed Jesus on billboards sparks controversy Texas
(Huff Post Religion)

Malaysia appeals court upholds ban on Catholic newspaper using "Allah"
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Malaysian court rules use of 'Allah' exclusive to Muslims
(Siva Sithraputhran, Reuters)

Court upholds enforcement of Christian arbitration agreement in wrongful death suit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Al-Hiwar TV: Islamists' loudspeaker in Europe
(Mudar Zahran, Gatestone Institute)

Iran holds trial of suspected Israeli ‘spies

Recent cases of violence and persecution against Christians, notably in Maaloula (Syria), Peshawar (Pakistan) and the case of pastor Saeed Abedini (Iran)
(Procedure File, European Parliament)

Iranian Jewish community to Obama: Seize 'unrepeatable' chance to mend ties with Iran
(The Jerusalem Post)

Indonesian woman honored in Salt Lake City for efforts against pornography
(McKenzie Romero, Deseret News)

What comes next?: A forum on the end of the two-state paradigm
(Noura Erakat, Joel Beinin, Mondoweiss)

Israel uncovers Gaza terror tunnel ending near kibbutz kindergarten

Turkish students detained for Nazi salute say they were joking
(Today's Zaman)

Malaysia court rules non-Muslims cannot use 'Allah'
(BBC News Asia)

9th Circuit Hears oral arguments by Proposition 8 backers for disclosure exemption
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Prop. 8 campaign wants disclosure laws waived
(Bob Egelko, SF Gate)

When tears speak louder than words
(Siraj Wahab, Arab News)

Two million Muslim pilgrims begin annual hajj in Mecca
(News Wires, France 24 International News)

Muslims start hajj pilgrimage with smaller numbers amid controls over virus
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Why are Muslims finding it harder to complete the haj?
(S.B., The Economist Explains)

Some Haj traditions lost to modernity
(Doha Shata, Arab News)

Dagestanis studying at Islamic schools in "crisis countries" should return home - leader

Police detain 67 LGBT activists at rally in central St. Petersburg

Pussy Riot singer Samutsevich's sentence upheld

Church and State refuse Rome funeral for Nazi war criminal
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, ABC News)

Powerful Philippine sect shuts down Manila
(Jason Gutierrez, AFP, Arab News)

Iran ‘abuses’ Christians’ national and international rights
(World Watch Monitor)

Dagestan leader: "Islamic terrorism" misleading term

Temple Mount closed, 3 Jews arrested for saying Sh’ma Israel
(Jewish Press)

Ovadia Yosef, influential Israeli spiritual leader, dies at 93
(Mike Schwarz, Cnn)

Chancel Repair Liability & Mineral Rights: Law Changes
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

The war in Syria: Rebel atrocities
(S.B., The Economist [Pomegranate: The Middle East])

Israeli Ambassador donates to Nima Chief Imam (Ghana)

Traditional marriage group sues IRS alleging illegal release of tax returns to opponents
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

The Supreme Court’s curious constitutional U turn over prisoner rights – Richard A. Edwards
(1 Crown Office Row, UK Human Rights Blog)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Religion and law round up – 13th October
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Saturday, 12 October 2013

A bridge between Western science and Eastern faith
(Kim Severson, The New York Times)

China relentless in persecution of house churches
(International Christian Concern, Religion Today)

French journalist is prosecuted under 19th century press law for questioning Islam during a radio debate
(Peter Allen, Mail Online)

Kenya: Mosque that serves all regardles of religion
(Ishaq Jumbe, Standard Digital News)

The Nobel peace prize: Peace comes dropping slow
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

5 facts about the hajj
(Fatima Ghani and Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center: Factank)

Can online Communion be a substitute for the real thing?
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Shahbag: Religion and politics in Dhaka’s public square
(Nayma Qayum, The Revealer: A Daily Review of Religion & Media (NYU))

'It's very good news' Malala didn't win the Nobel Peace Prize: Pakistani Taliban
(Henry Austin and Mushtaq Yusufzai, NBC World News)

A year on from Malala’s attack – keeping education out of the battle
(The Global Coalition for Conflict Transformation)

As China targets jihad talk and India sees rise in sectarian conflict, 3 things to know about the Asian giants
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Muslim beard row boys now banned from school
(The Telegraph)

Richard Land inauguration as Southern Evangelical Seminary President includes call to excellence
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

“Religious Liberty and Economic Liberty: Twin Guarantees for Human Freedom"
(Rev. Robert A. Sirico, Acton Institute Houston Luncheon Highlights)

Incidents of hostility to religion in America nearly double in annual survey
(PR Newswire)

Finally! A voice in the Shoura Council
(Sabria S. Jawhar, Arab News)

Controversial issues fill US Supreme Court docket
(Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues)

Values Voter Summit to tackle hot-button social issues
(Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times)

Women of the Wall vs. Women of the Wall: Organization splits over controversial decision
(Judy Maltz, Haaretz)

Egypt: Christians scapegoated after dispersal of pro-Morsi sit-ins
(Amnesty International)

Richard III reburial: MoJ to challenge decision for judicial review?
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Russia: Compendium of recent persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses
(Willy Fautré et al., Human Rights Without Frontiers)

ECtHR rejects Grand Chamber referral of Russian Jehovah’s Witness case

Syria: Rebels execute Alawite civilians in Latakia Province
(MISNA, Eurasia Review)

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