Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Saudi clerics protest women driving, blaming U.S. for anti-ban campaign
(Associated Press, Huff Post Religion)

Freedom From Religion Foundation files complaint against Montgomery Police Department
(Catalina Trivino,

Authors respond to recent discussions of free will, perseverance,
(Ansley Roan, Big Questions Online)

Enhancing freedom of religion or belief in the EU
(Hans Noot, European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)

Northern Iraq no longer safe for Christians
(World Watch Monitor)

Supreme Court asked to stop gov’t discrimination against church signs
(David Cortman, Jeremy Tedesco, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Clerics call on UN military force to secure Central African Republic
(World Watch Monitor)

Update: Filings on health care law [Supreme Court on contraception]
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Is a common fear of Iran driving Israel and Saudi Arabia together?
(Ron Kampeas, JTA)

VIDEO. Prison ferme pour une croisade contre les témoins de Jéhovah

Egypt gunmen open fire on Coptic Christian wedding in Cairo
(BBC News Middle East)

The exception: How Denmark saved its Jews from the Nazis
(Gerhard Spörl, Spiegel Online International)

Russian investigators delve into bus bombing in Volgograd
(Sergei L. Loiko, Los Angeles Times)

Social hostilities involving religion rise in Russia as 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi approach
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Ukraine Jews see alleged beating of Jewish man as symptom of mounting nationalism
(Cnann Liphshiz, JTA)

Anglican Bishop’s refusal to consider gay man for ordination upheld by New Zealand Human Rights Review Tribunal
(Frank Cranmer (Mark Hill QC guest columnist), Law & Religion UK)

Israel, Israeli swimmers face discrimination at events in Arab countries

Atheist group set to sue Montgomery, Ala., over program that dispatches trained clergy to crime scenes
(Sterling Beard, National Review Online (The Corner blog))

EU rejects measure calling abortion a human right
(Alec Torres, National Review Online (The Corner blog))

Santa Clara University president triggers abortion uproar
(Tracy Seipel and Josh Richman, San Jose Mercury News)

Vatican halts remarriage debate before it starts
(Associated Press, Time)

When no one wants to raise the parents
(Elizabeth Scalia, First Things)

Methodist court to consider growing opposition to gay ban
(Renee K. Gadoua, Religion News Service)

Christian activists pray and fast to protest nuclear dangers in Busan and beyond
(World Council of Churches)

World Council of Churches stands by as Christians perish, churches wither
(Malcolm Lowe, Gatestone Institute)

Three more states could legalize gay marriage by year’s end
(Reid Wilson, The Washington Post)

Restructuring America's approach to international religious freedom
(Joseph K. Grieboski, The Hill)

S.D. joins states pressing Supreme Court on contraceptive coverage issue
(Argus Leader)

Monday, 21 October 2013

Christianity is not going away
(Mark Tooley, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Evangelical leader preaches pullback from politics, culture wars
(Neil King Jr., The Wall Street Journal)

French Secularism and Europe
(Patricia Duval, European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)

Protection of religions - big and small - is state’s duty
(Bashy Quraishy, European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)

EVENT, 25 October 2013: Education and the Human Person in the Jesuit Tradition
(sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Campion Hall, Oxford)

Analysis || The irreparable split in Israel's Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox community
(Yai Ettinger, Haaretz)

Sacre secularism! * Blasphemous prayer * State circumcisions?: Religious Freedom Recap: Oct. 14 – 21
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

NJ Nuptials * Baby Francesco * Bush’s socks: Monday’s religion news roundup
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Thanksgiving and secularization
(Martin Marty, Sightings – The University of Chicago Divinity School via RNS)

Op-Ed: How to stop killing in the name of God
(Avi Weiss, JTA)

Struggle over religion fuels Tuesday’s Jerusalem mayoral election
(Joel Greenberg, Miami Herald)

Wa. court to decide suit on religion in the workplace
(Lornet Turnbull, Seattle Times, Union-Bulletin)

Religious beekeepers win court battle over tax technology
(Rhiannon Williams, and agencies, The Telegraph)

At BYU, Baptist says Mormons and evangelicals 'may go to jail together'
(Tad Walch, Deseret News)

Leading Indonesia beyond religion
(Salim Osman, The Straits Times, The Nation)

Russia’s top breast-feeding expert arrested for running a ‘cult’
(Simon Shuster, Time World)

Ethiopian immigrants create an Israeli tradition out of Africa
(Roy (Chicky) Arad, Haaretz)

A Clear and Present Danger: Religious Liberty, Marriage, and the Family in the Late Modern Age — An Address at Brigham Young University
(Albert Mohler,

SBC leader says religious liberty under assault
(Bob Allen, ABP News)

Quebec euthanasia bill would destroy religious freedom
(Wesley J. Smith, LifeSiteNews)

Get ready for National Marriage Week
(Eric Metaxas, Breakpoint)

Growing demand for exorcist priests in Ireland
(Nick Bramhill, Ireland)

Pa. pastors to defy church, perform gay marriage
(Associated Press, Edge Boston, Massachusetts)

Employer defeats EEOC’s religious discrimination pattern or practice case by establishing undue hardship defense
(Seyfarth Shaw LLP" Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and Howard M. Wexler, Lexology)

Former Kansas AG sanctioned by state supreme court over abortion clinic investigations
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

French lawyer disbarred for motion to replace Jewish judge
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

City-owned cemetery officials reverse decision to censor 'Jesus' from headstone of pastor's wife
(Courtney Nunes, Opposing Views)

Quebecois Jewish community: We are not alone
(Sam Sokol, The Jerusalem Post)

A startling number believe you can be Jewish Jesus follower; why it's not as crazy as it sounds
(Michael Schulson, Religion Dispatches)

Europe's shudder at circumcision
(James McDonald, Haaretz)

The C of E used to be the Tory party at prayer. Now Justin Welby is Polly Toynbee in a cassock
(Dan Hodges, The Telegraph - Religion)

Chance to find out more about Hindu religion and philosophy
(Reddicth & Alcester Advertiser)

Opinion: In politics, religion, culture — we are better off for a change
(Martha J. Pierce, The Olympian)

Family of Egyptian righteous gentile rejects honor

Utah defends marriage law against challenge, saying it promotes better parenting
(Dennis Romboy, Deseret News)

Faith and freedom depend on each other
(Ed Feulner, The Washington Times)

Motion for a resolution: The protection of the rights of parents and children belonging to religious minoritie
(Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe)

The protection of the rights of parents and children belonging to religious minorities (text, PDF)
(Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI and other members of the Assembly, Council of Europe)

The religious fight to legalize marijuana
(Katie Rucke, Mint Press News)

Pussy Riot's Alyokhina calls off her milder penalty plea (updated)

Pussy Riot's Tolokonnikova back to penitentiary after her health improves

Swiss religion magazine circulates women cardinals petition
(Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter)

Bill proposing to deprive sexual minorities of parental rights withdrawn from State Duma

Heads of Tatarstan's regions ordered to put in place system to register religious extremism

Britain: Scandal-plagued Muslim school "dysfunctional"
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Al-Warraq church attack: From wedding to funeral
(Ahram Online)

Egyptian writer may face jail for accusations of defaming religion
(Ahram Online)

Confucianism and Liberal Education for a Global Era
(Tu Weiming, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

A Charge to Keep: Christian Responsibility in the Global Crisis of Religious Freedom
(Thomas F. Farr, Baylor University)

Saudi Arabia: Abuses in international spotlight
(Human Rights Watch)

Al-Qaeda inspired group claims responsibility for deadly Ismailiya attack
(Al Bawaba)

The Veil Illuminated: Photographer Drew Tal reimagines the niqab in new exhibit – OpEd
(Angel Millar, Eurasia Review)

‘Global persecution of Christians is the unreported catastrophe of our time’ – persecution in Burma
(Lucy Olofinjana, Evangelical Alliance UK)

Editorial: Utah needs no new law to protect students’ religious liberty
(The Salt Lake Tribune)

Secular vs plural in Scotland’s schools
(Kieran Turner, Evangelical Alliance Scotland)

Christie administration drops appeal of same-sex marriage case
(Bill Mooney, PolitickerNJ)

‘Judicial oligarchy’ ushers in NJ same-sex ‘marriages’
(Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow)

Russia: Muslims "fed up" with "not being allowed to read these texts"
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Christian persecution has increased in 20 countries
(Aid to the Church in Need International, UCAN)

Will Radical Islam be defeated?
(Allotey, Henry Kpakpo, Ghana Web)

Lords express concern at “rushed” Lobbying Bill
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

4,500 new Muslims from Europe perform pilgrimage
(Arab News)

Knesset panel advances bill requiring two-thirds majority to negotiate Jerusalem

Sunday, 20 October 2013

All restrictions on celebrating Christmas in public schools lifted by Missouri, lawmakers override gov.'s veto
(Katherine Weber, The Christian Post)

Bomber tied to Al Qaeda kills dozens in Syrian City
(Ben Hubbard, The New York Times)

Dean of Washington's National Cathedral: It's a sin to oppose homosexuality
(Religion Today)

Fight for religious freedom is 'central battle' in the Middle East: British PM
(Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press, CTV News)

Islamism and politics in Zanzibar: Religious hatred in paradise
(Danja Bergmann,

Kelvin's conundrum: Is it possible to believe in God and science?
(Peter Crutchley, BBC Religion & Ethics)

New Mixed Up Chorus aims to bridge London’s faith communities
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Challenges for religion in contemporary society

New Zealand: Anglicans in clear over gay-man case
(Morgan Tait, The New Zealand Herald)

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