Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Myanmar: No end to conflict without engaging the Rohingyan cause
(Jacob Zenn, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

Brazil's restrictions on abortion may get more restrictive
(Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, NPR Parallels)

Decrying Western influence: Kuwaiti conservatives object to mixed-company smoking at cafes
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

After political and legal battle in Texas, a state-by-state fight over abortion still ahead
(Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

Copyright and religion: an idiot’s guide
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Halloween is the feast of Satan, warns former 'witch high priest'. Should we be worried?
(Damian Thompson, The Telegraph)

Italian magazine says U.S. spies listened to pope, Vatican says unaware

Malawi: VP urged chiefs to disassociate religion from politics
(Sellah Singini & Andrew Silumbu, MANA Online)

The rise of Islamist Militancy in East Africa: Al Qaeda’s Next Target?
(Ahmed Salah Hashim, RSIS)

$900K verdict over Nazi death gas ‘jokes’
(New York Post)

The history of Halloween
(The Boston Globe)

Some Pa. districts banning Halloween in backlash
(Ivey DeJesus, The Associated Press,

Religious-discrimination claims on the rise: complaints include dress codes, working on the Sabbath, handling alcohol
(Melanie Trottman, Wall Street Journal Online)

Tempers flare as Hawaii Republicans desperately try to block same-sex marriage
(Nathan Eagle, Huff Post Politics)

Is it British to ban the face-veil?
(On Religion)

My face is not your property
(On Religion)

Costa Rica court: Church has right to speak on social issues
(Catholic News Agency)

Yoga as religion debate reaches India as court considers ancient discipline in physical education
(Huff Post Religion)

Italians question merits of Catholicism elective in public schools
(Eric J. Lyman, Religion News Service)

The Talmud: Why has a Jewish law book become so popular?
(William Kremer, BBC News Magazine)

NSA in Vatican? * Pope Parody? * Culture War Truce?: Wednesday’s Religion News Roundup
(David GIbson, Religion News Service)

Egyptian authorities arrest Muslim Brotherhood leader
(Voice of America)

Egypt: Draft law would effectively ban protests
(Eurasia Review)

Baby Ghadi's religion isn't on his birth certificate, a first for sectarian Lebanon
(Yasmine Hafiz, Huff Post Religion)

Fewer home-school families cite religion as their main motivation
(Katherine Burgess, Religion News Service)

The State and Synagogue Exchange, Part 1: Israelis and Israel’s religious establishment
(Shmuel Rosner,

Religion: Rethinking the whole 'nones' phenomenon
(Terry Mattingly - Scripps Howard News Service, The Republic)

New Jersey school district bans religious songs at winter concerts
(Jeff Goldman / The Star-Ledger, Religion News Service)

Religion and governance question in Nigeria
(Zebulon Agomuo, Business Day)

Religion News in Brief
(Associated Press, ABC News)

Neb. teacher loses job over religion event dispute
(Houston Chronicle)

Becket: Religious liberty doesn't stop at church doors
(Becky Yeh, One India News)

Maintain faith during persecutions, Iraqi bishop advises
(Catholic News Agency, Aleteia)

Call for Saudi Arabia to free journalist who supported women driving
(Eurasia Review)

Saudi women drive in protest
(Associated Press, The Jessamine Journal)

Egypt’s dark tunnel
(Adil E. Shamoo, Foreign Policy in Focus)

Hindus worldwide upset at ‘trivialization’ of Lord Ganesh in South Africa newspaper
(Eurasia Review)

‘I do’ knots for interfaith weddings – OpEd
(Rabbi Allen S. Maller, Eurasia Review)

‘Jihad now’ vs. ‘jhad later’: different means, same end – Analysis
(Navhat Nuraniyah, RSIS)

Islamists set fire to Armenian church in Syrian town

Egyptian court orders detention of student on 'insulting religion' charges
(Ahram Online)

FEMEN Turkey tweet criticizing religion causes rift with supporters
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Prisoner release sparking conflict in Netanyahu’s coalition
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Blame Canada: A donor state faces pressure to fund abortions through foreign aid
(Rebecca Oas, Turtle Bay and Beyond: International Law, Policy, and Institutions)

Quebec looks to tighten regulations on kosher, halal meat production

A more pluralist approach to European democracy support
(Richard Youngs, Kateryna Pishchikova, Carnegie Europe)

Thanksgiving and Hanukkah converge on “Thanksgivukkah” for the first time since 1888
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

For some Wiccans, Halloween can be a real witch
(Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

Can Israel have civil marriage without peace?
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Bill legalizing civil marriage in Israel submitted to Knesset

Paris Jew’s reburial in Israel ends legal battle

Tiananmen Square 'terror plot' raises security stakes
(Peter Ford, The Christian Science Monitor)

Kazakhstan: Baptist faces one year in jail, Hare Krishna community ordered halted for three months
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Christian apologetics: The evangelistic wave of the future?
(Richard D. Land, The Christian Post Opinion)

ENDA senate vote renews religious liberty fears
(CBN News)

Euro-skepticism and the future of the common security and defense policy
(Dieter Dettke, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

WCC general secretary sees hope for the ecumenical movement
(World Council of Churches)

Iranians jailed for ‘house church’ attendance
(World Watch Monitor)

France: Anti-Semitism now mainstream
(Guy Millière, Gatestone Institute)

Ousted general in Egypt is back, as Islamists’ foe
(David D. Kirkpatrick, International New York Times Middle East)

Toward peace and prosperity in Middle East
(Michael Armanious, Gatestone Institute)

Israel goes ahead with second round of Palestinian prisoner release
(Herb Keinon, The Jerusalem Post)

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

No immediate decision on Texas abortion law appeal
(Associated Press, The Big Story)

Special Report: As Egypt's Brotherhood retreats, risk of extremism rises
(Michael Georgy and Tom Perry, Reuters)

Israel renews cooperation with U.N. Human Rights Council

Saudi Arabia frees man jailed for Mohammad tweets - sources
(Angus McDowall, Reuters UK)

India police say Islamists behind attack on opposition rally
(Jatindra Dash and Frank Jack Daniel, Reuters)

Three new Carolina churches drop Boy Scouts of America
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post Opinion U.S.)

Massive battle leaves 128 dead as Islamic militants attack Nigerian forces
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post World)

Survey | 2013 American Values Survey: In Search of Libertarians in America
(Public Religion Research Institute)

Harmful practices against women and girls can never be justified by religion – UN expert
(Heiner Bielefeldt, UN News Centre)

CFP: the Fifth Annual Religious Legal Theory Conference at Emory Law School
(Marc O. DeGirolami, CLR Forum, St. John's University School of Law)

Remembering International Religious Freedom Day - OpEd: The Hill
(Robert P. George, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Religious liberty arguments in Hawaii same-sex marriage debate
(Thomas Berg, Mirror of Justice)

In Hungary, anti-Semitism rises again
(Marianne Szegedy-Maszak, International New York Times)

Sit on the U.N. Security Council? Saudi Arabia would prefer not to
(John Bolton, The Weekly Standard)

‘Locked-in mentality’ of Church of Ireland members criticised
(Patsy McGarry, The Irish Times - Religion & Beliefs)

Quebec Catholic school principal fights for right to teach religion course with faith
(Charles Lewis, National Post)

Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor warns against ‘privatising’ religion
(Ian Dunn, Scottish Catholic Observer)

School district sued for contracting with religious institution
(Cece Heil, ACLJ, The Moral Liberal)

Atheist shoemaker now targetting godless babies
(Sarah Rae Fruchtnicht, Opposing Views)

WCC’s 60-year journey for gender justice continues
(J. Ayana McCalman, World Council of Churches)

New Mexico lawmaker's objection to Yoga in schools is a stretch
(Cavan Sieczkowski, Huff Post Politics)

Hinduism: Australia's fastest growing religion
(Stephen P D'Souza,

Christians under fire in Egypt
(Todd Daniels, International Christian Concern, Religion Today)

Himalayan hotbed: Tensions spike in divided Kashmir
(Wieland Wagner, Spiegel Online International)

Which contributes more to forgiveness, sympathy or free will?
(Michael McCullough, Big Questions Online)

Keeping the faith: Student organizations call for equal religious accomodations
(Connor Moriarty & Mariah Schlossmann, The Miami Student)

Zimmerman Gun Raffle * Machine Gun Preacher * Is Yoga Religious? : Tuesday’s Religion News Roundup
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Becket Fund will represent EWTN, Alabama in HHS suit
(Catholic News Agency)

Remembering the origins of RFRA
(J. Brent Walker, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Suzan Johnson Cook defends her work on religious freedom and explains why she left
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Archbishop William E. Lori teaches Christians how to explain and defend religious liberty
(Deacon Keith Fournier, Catholic Online)

Immigration ‘personal,’ Baptist leader says
(Bob Allen, ABP News)

Christianity and the Founding Fathers: Exploring America’s purported religious origins
(Christian Belanger, Essay Contest Winner, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Religious early-childhood programs ask Pa. lawmakers to limit state's regulatory role
(Peter Jackson, Daily Journal)

WaPo religion blogger: Christian belief ‘scarier than Halloween’
(Katie Yoder, NewsBusters)

Muslim boy called 'terrorist,' booted from bus after reciting Arabic prayer: Lawsuit
(Cavan Sieczkowski, Huff Post Religion)

AU defends contraceptive mandate
(Bob Allen, ABP News)

Religion and the public space: a German view in Italy (4)
(Nick Baines's Blog: Musings of a restless bishop)

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