Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Want to know how 84% of the world sees iself: Study theology
(Alana Massey, Religion Dispatches: (A)theologies)

Pennsylvania woman confident death tax on partner's estate will be waived
(Ivey DeJesus, PennLive)

Defendants reshuffled in Pennsylvania gay marriage case
(Associated Press, The Patriot-News Central PA)

Rep. Saccone's 'In God We Trust' motto imposes religion in schools: PennLive letters
(Andrea McCormick, PennLive)

Athiest group changing its message
(Abe Levy, MySA)

Unity of religions? "G-d is not one!"
(Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz, Huff Post Religion)

Court overrules religion: Catholic business owners must offer contraceptive services under Obamacare
(L.J. Devon, Natural News)

Friday, 1 November 2013

[Entry into force] The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013
(Commencement Order, UK Statutory Instruments)

Adventist officers release statement regarding a local conference’s recent election of president

Arab readers digest: 18 must-read books on the Middle East
(Al Bawaba)

Belief that Jews killed Jesus is held by over a quarter of Americans, reports ADL survey on anti-Semitism
(Huff Post Religion)

Christians buried in mass graves, city destroyed in 'biggest Christian massacre' in Syrian civil war
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post World)

East Turkestan Islamic Movement behind Tiananmen suicide attack - China Communist Party member

Iran-Saudi geopolitical rivalry and future security equations in Middle East
(Mahsa Mah-Pishanian, Iran Review)

Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki urges greater U.S. support
(Thomas Omestad, United States Institute of Peace)

Islam's invented Golden Age
(Asad Q. Ahmed, Open Democracy)

Mufti asks Duma to regulate reception of theological education abroad for Russian Muslims

Salafi leader detained in Balashikha

Sexual radicalism: Imperial project, global Goliath
(Robert Oscar Lopez, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Shared buildings regulations following same sex marriage Act
(Evangelical Alliance UK)

Support for marijuana legalization among religious groups
(Joseph Goodman, RNS Blog: Public Religion Research Institute)

The global fight for children’s rights: Europe
(Austin Ruse, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

The role of the Church in an addictive society
(Evangelical Alliance Wales)

The Trojan horse of British secularism
(Melanie Phillips, Melanie's Blog)

United States: Jewish convert to Islam pleads guilty to incitement
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

What is religion in China? A brief history
(Wei Zhu, The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere)

Does America need a civil religion?
(Russell Arben Fox, By Common Consent)

Does America need a civil religion? (Panelists)
(Gus diZerega, David R. Dykes, Russell Arben Fox, Mark Galli, Rev. Anne Howard, REv. Peter Laarman, Rev. Dr. Jacqueline J. Lewis, Patheos Public Square)

Age of intolerance: the war on religion
(Barney Zwartz, The Age)

The good news of religion in schools
(Michael McGrath, Scottish Catholic Observer)

Religion meets politics as new Chief Rabbinate Council sworn in
(Ari Yashar, Arutz Sheva 7)

The crux of religious liberty: practice what we preach
(John Stonestreet, Religion Today / Breakpoint)

French Jewish leader: I dread far-right victory in 2017 elections

Racism lawsuit filed against Australian BDS supporter

Asia shares aspirations for justice and peace at the WCC assembly
(World Council of Churches)

National groups send a prayer to the Supreme Court
(Lawrence Hurley, Reuters)

ACLU opposes Diocese of Pittsburgh's effort to halt contraception portion of health care law
(Rich Lord, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Britain’s mosques are burning
(On Religion)

Global justice and the clergy: Judges, earthly and divine
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Shariah Law and Hudud: Understanding Its Objectives and Spirit
(Mohamed Bin Ali, RSIS)

The last remaining obstacle for ENDA: Religious liberty?
(Greg Sargent, The Washington Post – The Plum Line)

The ENDA Agenda: Conservatives and libertarians alike oppose this bill
(Ryan T. Anderson, National Review Online)

Appeals court deals blow to contraceptive mandate

Gilardi et al. v. US Dept of Health and Human Services
(US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit)

Muslim women can be forced to show faces under new West Australian law
(Australian Associated Press, The Guardian)

Kenyan pastors ask for guns amid Christian-Muslim violence
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Kenyan crackdown on militant Islamists fuels Muslim resentment
(Drazen Jorgic, Reuters)

Obama Administration mandate ‘trammels’ religious liberty
(Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online (The Corner blog))

A counter-letter on same-sex marriage and religious liberty
(Thomas Berg, Mirror of Justice)

Religious liberty and SSM: A response to concerns in Illinois
(Dale Carpenter, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Faith playing a role in Hollywood: Religion in movies a new form of education experts say
(Herb Schribner, Deseret News)

Sikh groups working on anti-bullying plans in Lower Mainland, touring Surrey schools
(Larissa Cahute, Vancouver Desi)

UC Irvine students try 'speedfaithing'
(Paloma Esquivel, Los Angeles Times)

A Most Masculine State: Gender, Politics, and Religion in Saudi Arabia, by Madawi Al-Rasheed
(Pernille Arenfeldt, Times Higher Education)

It’s a moot point, but Paganism may be the fastest growing religion in Britain
(Yorkshire Post)

Religion without God
(Mark Movesesian, First Things: First Thoughts)

Attempts being made to divide society on basis of religion: PM
(PTI, Firstpost.India)

With vacant space, Conservative and Reform temples turn to Orthodox
(Uriel Heilman, JTA)

Supreme Court to consider religious prayer at government meetings
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Al Quaida list and the use of prerogative powers
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Women bishops in Wales: Just conforming to culture?
(Andrew Grey, On Religion)

Keep context in mind: Welsh women bishops
(Manon Ceridwen James, On Religion)

Putting down roots in new soil
(Patrick H. Daly, General Secretary, COMECE, EuropeInfos: Christian Perspectives on the EU)

One child and... actually how many parents did you say?
(José Ramos-Ascensão, COMECE, EuropeInfos: Christian Perspectives on the EU)

Arabs in the Andes? Chile, the unlikely long-term home of a large Palestinian community
(Palash Ghosh, International Business Times)

New contraceptive coverage suit stems from employee frustration with Obamacare website
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Giving and God: Why do people give to charities?
(Michael De Groote, Deseret News)

Thousands of Ethiopian Jews gather in Jerusalem to celebrate return to Israel on Sig’d holiday
(Daniel K. Eisenbud, The Jerusalem Post)

Billy Graham * Santa Cruz * Greece v. Galloway : Friday’s Religion News Roundup
(Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

Vietnamese Catholics jailed despite protests
(World Watch Monitor)

Some find path to Navajo roots through Mormon Church
(Fernanda Santos, International New York Times)

Granddaughters of an infamous homophobic U.S. pastor find grace in Montreal
(Matthew Hays, The Globe and Mail)

Folk Saint Maximon celebrated by Mayan followers in Guatemalan Highlands
(Associated Press, Huff Post Religion)

Turkish lawmakers enter parliament wearing headscarves, breaking an old taboo
(Associated Press, The Washington Post Middle East)

New limitations window in Minnesota has generated 18 clergy abuse cases
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Belgium considering unprecedented law to grant euthanasia for children, dementia patients
(Associated Press, The Washington Post – Health & Science)

Israeli city divided by religion after close vote
(Aron Heller, Associated Press, Yahoo! News)

Eritrea – Christian prisoner dies, mass arrests resume
(Open Doors)

Many Egyptians turning to Christ despite violence
(Mission Network News)

Britain: "A world capital for Islamic finance"
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Stojan Andov: the verdicts against Archbishop Jovan are incomprehensible to the civilized world!
(Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric)

The President of the Family Division on family law, morality and religion
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Kenyan president's trial at ICC postponed
(Mike Corder and Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press)

Syria: Mass graves in Sadad: 45 Christian civilians killed by Islamist militias
(Agenzia Fides)

British courts are 'no longer Christian' says top judge to reflect modern multicultural society
(Jack Doyle, Mail Online)

USCIRF letter to President Obama on upcoming meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, October 31, 2013
(US Commission For International Religious Freedom)

Why did Time fabricate a quote? Correct
(geoconger, Patheos Blog: Get Religion)

Malaysia PM says curb on use of 'Allah' key to stability
(Brenda Goh and Shadi Bushra, Reuters)

Sandra Roberts will be recognized by Adventist body
(David Olson, PE Bloggers)

EU Balance of Competences Fundamental Rights Review
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

WCC: Participants connect assembly theme to their realities
(World Council of Churches)

Evangelical visits to BYU signal a new evangelical-Mormon detente
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Saudis release blogger after 20 months in prison
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Missouri Supreme Court denies benefits to same-sex partner of killed state trooper
(Danny Wicentowski, Riverfront Times)

Austrian Jews laud museum boss who quit over restitution issues

European groups set up ‘proactive’ brit milah task force

NY state legislators ask governor to hold bill on tax exemption for yeshiva
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Christianity and the Dark Side: What about Halloween?
(Albert Mohler, Religion Today)

18% of Americans say they’ve seen a ghost
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

New Cardinals * Blue Cardinals * Luther Insulter! Thursday’s Religion News Roundup
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

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