Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 7 November 2013

EU Court of Justice rules sexual orientation valid ground for fear of persecution in asylum procedures
(The European Parliament's Intergroup on LGBT Rights)

Evangelical maximalism
(Gerald McDermott, First Things: First Thoughts)

Jacksonville rape sentence thrown out; appeals court rules judge factored in his own Catholic beliefs
(Larry Hannan, The Florida Times-Union)

Pope Francis cited in Illinois gay marriage passage by Catholic Speaker of the House Michael Madigan
(Huff Post Religion)

Senate bill on bias against gays finds support in Mormons
(Jeremy W. Peters, International New York Times - Politics)

Supreme Court's prayer debate spotlights a shift in Latinos' religious landscape
(Melissa Castellanos, Latin Post)

The real gay agenda
(Tom Carpenter, Huff Post Gay Voices)

U.S., Austrian Muslims to attend Vienna Kristallnacht ceremony

Understanding evangelicals and immigration reform
(Michael Gerson, The Washington Post Opinions)

Israel demolishes Church-owned house to expel a Palestinian family

Hindu radicals using Patel to build the tallest statue in the world

FIFA chief Blatter urges Iran to admit women to stadiums
(Ahram Online)

Robson on corporate religion and the ACA's contraception mandate
(Steven D. Schwinn, Constitutional Law Prof Blog)

Georgia: No to administrative liability for hurting religious sentiments
(Tatia Megeneishvili, The Messenger Online)

Grand Chamber judgment in Vallianatos and Others v. Greece: Reasons for excluding same-sex couples from “civil unions” under Greek law were not convincing in a case concerning civil unions in Greece
(European Court of Human Rights)

Quebec’s secularism charter heads to lawmakers
(Ron Csillag, Religion News Service)

Freedom vs. dignity: A sustainable history thesis for the Arab Spring
(Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

JFK's call for religious freedom can transform places like Pakistan
(Katrina Lantos Swett, The Christian Science Monitor)

Islamic Movement leader Salah convicted by Israeli court

Lithuanian Jews to get compensation for Holocaust, Soviet occupation

Keeping church at arm's length from state
(Ted N.C. Wilson - President, Seventh-day Adventist world church, Huff Post Religion)

Pakistan: Nizami incited war crimes using religion
(The Daily Star)

Many Sunnis and Shias worry about religious conflict
(Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project)

Music, literature and religion in German-Armenian cultural dialogue
(Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, The Armenian Mirror-Spectator)

MPs debate persecution of Christians
(Christian Concern)

Azerbaijan: "Tragicomedy and mockery of justice" (sentencing of Islamic theologian Taleh Bagirov)
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Response from scholars supporting "marriage conscience" religious liberty protection
(Thomas Berg, Carl Esbeck, Edward Gaffney, Richard Garnett, Douglas Laycock Bruce Ledewitz Christopher Lund Michael Perry Robin Fretwell Wilson, Mirror of Justice)

Senate adds stronger religious protections to workplace discrimination bill
(Jacqueline Klimas, The Washington Times)

ENDA, pathetic amendments, and the end of the fight for religious liberty
(Daniel Horowitz (Diary), Red State)

New sexual orientation, gender identity measure in employee non-discrimination act will threaten religious liberties, says Family Research Council
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post U.S.)

Dan Savage, Seattle’s gay mayor, ENDA’s big religion problem: Today in Gay
(Dan Avery, NewNowNext)

The ENDA of religious liberty? Special rights for sexual orientation
(John Stonestreet, BreakPoint)

Orthodox Handbook on Ecumenism presented at WCC 10th Assembly in Busan
(World Council of Churches and Conference of European Churches)

Research study suggests little “unfair treatment” of faith groups
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Prayer rules * Mystery exits * Naked ‘Priests’: Thursday’s Religion News Roundup
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Top court not likely to block town prayers
(Rick Garnett, CNN Opinion)

'Chhath' puja above religion for a Muslim family
(Business Standard)

Malaysia: ‘Religion creeping into Sarawak politics’
(FMT News)

Pilot claims denied Emirates job for wearing turban
(Daniel Shane, Arabian

Turkey: When the reference is religion
(Mehveş Evin, Hürriyet Daily News)

UK politicians collaborate with Muslim Brotherhood Islamists?
(Samuel Westrop, Gatestone Institute)

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

BJC to commemorate RFRA's 20 years with Symposium
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Catholic principal says Quebec rule prohibits teaching faith
(Catholic News Agency)

Fowler, Hertzke, Olson, & Dulk, “Religion and Politics in America: Faith, Culture, and Strategic Choices”
(Andrew Rosali, CLR Forum, St. John's University School of Law)

Mix of radical ideas and idealism drives Europeans to join global jihad
(Interview with Gilles de Kerchove, RT Op-Edge)

N.J. school district drops ban on Christmas carols
(Nathan Porter, The Washington Times)

Onward Christian Soldiers: Christian missionaries in North Korea
(Justin Rohrlich and Chad O'Carroll, Slate)

Teen poet sparks new debate on Islam in Denmark
(Clemens Bomsdorf and Ellen Emmerentze Jervell, The Wall Street Journal - Speakeasy Blog)

The audacity of Pope: Three ways Pope Francis could seriously rock the boat
(John Feffer, Foreign Policy in Focus)

Engaging with religion and the religious
(Aurangzeb Haneef, The Express Tribune)

Don’t stop believing: religion has a place in Australia’s future
(Peter Sherlock, The Conversation)

In God we trust: Photographing the intersection of Islam and Culture in Bangladesh
(Munem Waif, Time LightBox)

Private Member’s Bill submitted to Scottish Parliament to ban religious representatives from education committees
(Deacon Nick Donnelly, Protect the Pope)

Bill submitted to Scottish Parliament that would abolish religious representatives on education committees
(National Secular Society)

Religious people most likely to adopt in England
(Christian Today - Society)

Al Qaeda-linked group strengthens hold in northern Syria
(Gul Tuysuz, Raja Razek, and Nick Paton Walsh, CNN)

Ottawa Catholic School Board ties religion curriculum to responsible technology use
(Neco Cockburn, Ottawa Citizen)

Premature bomb explosion in Quetta, Pakistan seminary latest in slew of attacks in region
(Jonathan Wolfe, Opposing Views)

Global warming and religion: Faith upon the earth
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Christian ministry, Focus on the Family, praises Russia, doesn't mention corruption, persecution (video)
(Michael Allen, Opposing Views)

Religion cannot be forced on children in Italy
(Roberta Lunghini, West / Welfare Society Territory)

More parents make obscure religion the reason for home schooling

The primal role of religion
(Ammar Ali Hassan, Al-Ahram Weekly)

Cows tread on Hindus in western India as part of ancient ritual
(AFP, Australia Network News)

28 people killed in church stampede; politicians banned from attending Nigeria churches
(Morgan Tait, The Christian Post World)

Supreme Court hears landmark religious liberty case
(Emily Hardman / Eric Rassbach, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Town of Greece v. Galloway - Case at a glance
(American Bar Association)

Town of Greece v. Galloway - Argument recap
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Town of Greece v. Galloway - Full transcript of oral arguments
(Supreme Court of the United States)

Does the Constitution require least-common-denominator prayer?
(Daniel Blomberg, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

5 facts about the U.S. Supreme Court’s public prayer case
(David Masci, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

Let us pray? Supreme Court divided on God in government
(Bill Mears and Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

Say a prayer for the Supreme Court: Can the justices settle the world’s religious differences?
(Dahlia Lithwick, Slate)

Supreme Court wrestles with how ‘religious’ prayer should be at public meetings
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

BJC: local government prayer violates consciences, undermines voluntary religion
(Cherilyn Crowe, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Pastor George Nathaniel loses bus driving job for praying with students
(Doris Quitanilla, Opposing Views)

Malcolm Gladwell tells of the power of forgiveness
(Eric Schulzke, Deseret News)

Contraceptive mandate challenge transferred from D.C. to Michigan Federal Court
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

The rabbis vs. the Redskins: A religious case against offensive nicknames
(Rabbi Aaron Frank and Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, CNN Belief Blog)

The No Religious Test Clause and the Constitution of Religious Liberty: A Machine That Has Gone of Itself
(Gerard V. Bradley, Notre Dame Law School)

Poll: Americans strongly favor Israel, wary of Iran entanglement

Russia: Members of banned Jehovah's Witnesses congregation on trial
(, Russia Religion News (Stetson University))

Marvel Muslim girl superhero Kamala Khan destroys bad guys as well as stereotypes
(Yasmine Hafiz, Huff Post Religion)

Lawmakers approve gay marriage in Illinois
(Monique Garcia and Ray Long: Clout Street, Chicago Tribune)

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood finds havens abroad
(Abigail Hauslohner, The Washington Post Middle East)

Stanford Law School has a strange new clinic devoted to 'religious liberty'
(Brian Leiter, Business Insider)

Stanford's (interesting and important) religious-liberty clinic
(Rick Garnett, PrawfsBlawg)

Does religion really spoil the holidays?
(Shayne Looper)

The end of religious liberty in the Land of Lincoln
(Robert Gilligan, Real Clear Religion)

New WCC Central Committee elected
(World Council of Churches)

Tattoo removal * Atheist Scripture * Hillsong’s Flourishing: Wednesday’s Religion News Roundup
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Karpal not right in calling to deregister religion-based parties, says PAS
(The Malaysian Insider)

Part 2 Lobbying Bill on hold: Early closure of power stations
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Should corporations have right to religious freedom?
(Bonnie Erbe, The Republic)

Mumbai: Does religion allow breach of high court orders, judge asks
(Rosy Sequeira, TNN, The Times of India)

Turkish PM backs single-sex dorms
(Agence France-Press, Arab News)

Youth leader killed in Tanzania church attack
(Julius Mbaluto, World Watch Monitor)

Egyptian court rejects Muslim Brotherhood’s appeal on ban

Palestinians: We do not trust the Americans
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute)

Religion Roundtable: How would you respond to Benjamin Franklin, who said, “The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason”?
(Chris Thomas and Muhammad Haq, The Anniston Star)

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