Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Church of England discusses overhaul of 'rude and unchristian' Synod
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Little Sisters of the Persecuted
(Grazie Pozo Christie, Real Clear Religion)

OIC delegation visits Rohingya refugee camps amid protests
(Reported by Thin Thiri for RFA’s Myanmar Service; translated by Khet Mar; written in English by Rachel Vandenbrink, Radio Free Asia)

Panelists lament loss of experience at IRS Exempt Organizations Unit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Conscientious objectors and religious freedom
(Elizabeth Cassidy, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

How to mark the battle of Mohamed Mahmoud?
(Amira Howeidy, Ahram Online)

Fate of military trials in Egypt's constitution to be decided on Sunday
(Ahram Online)

EVENT, 23 November 2013: Initiative for Religion in the American West: AAR Kickoff Saturday, 10-12:30
(University of Wyoming, Religion in American History (Blog))

EVENT, 18 November 2013: Our American Epic: Taylor Branch on Telling the Story of the Civil Rights Movement
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community celebrates its new cultural outpost in Kenner
(Juliet Linderman, The Times-Picayune)

Religion debate forces schools to stop Christmas drive
(Crandall Sims, ABC Columbia)

Illinois bishop plans gay-marriage exorcism
(Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

Islamophobe retires * Sunni-Shiite violence * Mauritania’s slavery
(Omar Sacirbey, Religion News Service)

Sinterklaas, Zwarte Piet and the ethics of public debate
(Religion Factor)

West Java: fakes conversion to Islam to be marry, Christian soap actor risks jail
(Mathias Hariyadi,

An absurd push for separation of religion and state in Canada
(Mira Sucharov, The Daily Beast: Open Zion)

Montreal Jewish hospital to defy charter banning religious symbols

With echoes of France, debate on religion divides Quebec
(Krishnadev Calamur, NPR Parallels)

Free Thought Exchange brings atheists to church for dialogue
(Kellie Moore, Religion News Service)

Methodist bishops asked to charge one of their own for performing gay wedding
(Renee K. Gadoua, Religion News Service)

In Turkey, religious minorities still struggle for equality
(Jordan Sekulow, The Washington Post – On Faith)

Greek consortium wins tender to build first mosque in capital
(Karolina Tagaris, Reuters)

Insight: Russia fears return of fighters waging jihad in Syria
(Alissa de Carbonnel, Reuters)

Analysis: Meet the 4 most influential U.S. Catholic bishops
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Saudi Arabia: Grand mufti backs police action
(Arab News)

Mixed-sex dorms in Turkey: Much ado about nothing
(Aylin Kocaman, Arab News)

Bangladesh, anti-Hindu pogrom to avenge death of a young Muslim
(Sumon Corraya,

Azerbaijani President attends opening of Orthodox Religious and Cultural Center of Baku and Azerbaijan Eparchy

Curfew in Pakistan after sectarian clashes in Rawalpindi
(Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

Last Afghan Jew is committed to staying, despite instability
(Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

Al-Qaeda struggles to control its affiliates – Analysis
(Rajeh Saeed, Al-Shorfa via Eurasia Review)

Fundamental Rights Agency's surveys on hate crimes against Jewish, Muslim and LGBT groups in the EU
(Reported by Human Rights Without Frontiers)

Egypt, Patriarch Tawadros ordains 18 new priests

The unkindest cut: Anti-Semitism comes roaring back
(Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, Patheos Blog: The Velvet Kippah)

So what if George W. Bush wants to convert the Jews?
(Mark Silk, RNS Blog: Spiritual Politics)

Myanmar Muslims, Buddhists urged to build mutual trust
(Arab News)

Human rights abuses are rampant in Burma
(Nang Lao Liang Won, The Washington Post Opinions)

Friday, 15 November 2013

First 'gay divorce' attempted in Kentucky
(Andrew Wolfson, Courier-Journal)

Bill Clinton urges reconciliation in surprise trip to Myanmar
(Joseph J. Schatz, The Christian Science Monitor)

New HHH ruling said strongest yet on citing religious freedom concerns
(Sean Gallgher, Today's Catholic News)

Hungary: Survey on anti-Semitism in Europe flawed

Tokyo court convicts Salvation Army major for defaming Christian church in Japan
(Japan Daily Press, Worldwide Religious News)

Vatican downplays mob threats against Pope Francis
(Eric J. Lyman, Religion News Service)

Husband of jailed Pussy Rioter hopes to see her next week
(RFE/RL's Russian Service, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

A Conversation on Freedom of Religion or Belief (transcript)
(Baroness Warsi, Council on Foreign Relations)

Salt Lake City, heart of Mormonism, is 2013’s National Bible City
(Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Does the pro-life movement have a prayer?
(Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Truth in Action Ministries, Religion Today)

All eyes on Sri Lanka as Commonwealth summit begins
(World Watch Monitor)

Lords begin consideration of “Asbo Bill”
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Kazakhstan: Censorship "is not censorship", tightened censorship planned
(Forum 18 News Service)

Turkish pastor arrested on human trafficking accusations
(Barbara G. Baker, World Watch Monitor)

Qatar's big ambitions: An interview with Dr. Mehran Kamrava
(Interview with Mehran Kamrava, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

Miss. legal settlement shelters women, children in need
(Joe Infranco, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Developments in challenges to contraceptive coverage mandate
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court in unusual move gives interim relief on grooming rules to Muslim prisoner
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

OSCE hate crime report shows: Hate crimes against Christians a serious problem in Western Europe
(Newsletter, Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe)

Hate Crimes in the OSCE Region: Incidents and Responses
(Annual Report for 2012, OSCE / ODIHR)

'God's Double Agent'
(Interview with Bob Fu by Tim Morgan, Christianity Today)

Publications: Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe

Religious Freedom Restoration Act - 20th Anniversary

20 years later, religious rights law being tested in ways not foreseen
(Patricia Zapor, The Catholic Free Press)

Thursday, 14 November 2013

‘Christianity will become extinct’ in religion’s ancient homelands if sectarian attacks continue: U.K. minister
(Matthew Holehouse, The Telegraph, National Post: Holy Post)

Religious freedom anniversary highlights divisions among current and former allies
(Peter, People for the American Way)

Panel Discussion: Restored or Endangered? The State of Free Exercise of Religion in America
(Religious Freedom Center / Newseum)

History and impact of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (video)
(Charles Haynes introducing Buzz Thomas; Panel Mark Chopko, Rabbi David Saperstein, Steve McFarland, Moderator Holly Hollman, Religious Freedom Center / Newseum on YouTube)

Religious liberty and the contraceptive mandate in the ACA (video)
(Discussion: Lori Windham and Daniel Mach, Ira Lupu moderator, Religious Freedom Center / Newseum on YouTube)

Free religion in a diverse society: Current and future challenges (video)
(Douglas Laycock, Religious Freedom Center / Newseum on YouTube)

NSS tells EU presidents that secularism should be “at the heart of the European project”
(National Secular Society)

Christian coronations of future monarchs face legal challenge
(Caroline Davies, The Guardian)

Jonathan Sacks on European Anti-Semitism, Israel’s Chief Rabbinate, and more
(Yair Rosenberg, Tablet)

Extremists are driving Christians out of their homelands. We must act.
(Baroness Warsi, The Telegraph)

New Scientology Center opens in the north of Israel
(Scientology Newsroom)

European, American Orthodox rabbis stand up for Israel’s Chief Rabbinate

Sakena Yacoobi wins Opus Prize, $1,000,000, for founding The Afghan Institute of Learning (VIDEO)
(The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Huff Post Religion)

The Druze militias of southern Syria
(Aymenn Al-Tamimi, Joshua Landis: Syria Comment)

Sobriety and spirituality linked for teens in treatment
(Eurasia Review)

Morocco, Mali sign religious affairs accord
(Siham Ali, Magharebia)

Indian Mujahideen as a terror model — Analysis
(Dr Shanthie Mariet D'Souza and Dr Bibhu Prasad Routray)

5th Circuit allows Sikh RFRA lawsuit to proceed
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

State Department names Boko Haram a terrorist organization
(Katherine Burgess, Religion News Service)

Haram and Ansaru terrorist designations of Boko Haram and Ansaru
(Media Note, United States Department of State)

Jean Bethke Elsthain and religion: The scholar who would not be constrained (1941-2013)
(Debra Erickson, The Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion)

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA): A threat to free markets and freedom of conscience and religion
(Issue Brief, Family Research Council)

After controversy, Bordentown Regional School District to review religion policy
(Jeannie O'Sullivan, Burlington County Times)

As Christmas nears, religious hostility intensifies
(Liberty Institute)

Humanists warn public schools over Franklin Graham’s ‘Operation Christmas Child’
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

London professor Eileen Barker shares knowledge of religious cults
(Janeicia Neely, The Maroon (Loyola University New Orleans))

Steadfast opposition to public prayer took small-town litigant to Supreme Court
(Ron Kampeas, JTA)

Christian shot dead in Kenya for 'spreading wrong religion'
(Morning Star News, The Christian Post World)

In Italy, religious minorities struggle (vainly) for official recognition
(Anna Momigliano, The Daily Beast: Open Zion)

Circumcision and the law: A clash of entitlements
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Italian rabbi mulling lawsuit over firing

The mindfulness business: Western capitalism is looking for inspiration in Eastern mysticism
(The Economist)

Court invalidates couple's agreement negotiated before Bet Din for lack of formalities
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

'Christian' speaker tells public-school students how to be 'dateable'
(Olga Khazan, The Atlantic)

Spain: Catholics believe in end to privileges
(Esther Tejedor, El País (English))

Rabbis raised with Christmas: Growing number come from intermarriages
(Julie Wiener, JTA)

LGBT People, the Religions & Human Rights in Europe
(Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Snakes in a church: Should the law protect the religious liberty of serpent-handlers?
(Tamara Tabo, Above the Law)

Bill threatens private schools' religious liberty
(Loren Heal, Heartland)

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