Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 25 November 2013

Islamic “marriage” ceremony at home declared invalid by Court of Protection
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Neo-Nazi’s victory in Slovakia spurs Jewish call for action

Why religion belongs in school
(Rabbi Danny Rich, Haaretz)

Religion Clause picked in ABA Journal's Blawg 100 rankings
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

When will Kenyans firmly take a stand on fake religion?
(Edith Kimani, The Nairobian)

How the Messianic Jews story is playing in Israel
(Sarah Posner, Religion Dispatches)

Hindu community plans new temple in Katy
(Carol Christian, The Houston Chronicle)

20,000 mark birth of Sikh religion in Black Country parade
(Express & Star)

Muslims defend their culture against all attacks. Christians could learn from them
(Cristina Odone, The Telegraph)

Human rights ombudsman criticizes idea to include premise on Orthodoxy's role in Russia in constitution

Charles Taylor on religious liberty
(Andrew Koppelman, Balkinization)

Putin shows faith, kisses Madonna icon at Vatican
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, MSN News)

Norwegian FM to Simon Wiesenthal Center: "Government will not propose a ban on ritual circumcision"
(Simon Wiesenthal Center)

Birthplace of religion Göbeklitepe aims for more recognition
(Özgür Korkmaz, Hürriyet Daily News)

UN expert urges Malaysia to reverse decision that restricts use of ‘Allah’ to Muslims
(Heiner Bielefeldt, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)

Clergy taxes * A Christian returns * Yeshiva allegations : Monday’s Religion News Roundup
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

An urgent call for justice for Rohingya Muslims
(Joseph K. Grieboski, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

Jersey safeguarding inquiries: update
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Killing of Christian leader in Nepal appears religiously motivated
(Morning Star News)

TJ Joseph, Christian teacher accused of blasphemy (and mutilated) is fully acquitted
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Nuns say critical scene in ‘Philomena’ was made up
(Ronan McGreevy, The Irish Times - Religion & Beliefs)

Afghanistan considers reintroduction of public stoning for adulterers
(Emma Graham-Harrison, The Guardian)

Afghanistan: Reject proposal to restore stoning
(Human Rights Watch)

The European Parliament Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief 4th Newsletter
(European Parliament Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief)

Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe
(WHO Regional Office for Europe and BZgA, BZgA Federal Centre for Health Education)

Harvard students apologize for blog on Jews and Jesus killing
(JTA, The Jewish Press)

Egypt: Why not us?
(Michael Armanious, Gatestone Institute)

Saudi men arrested for offering free hugs in Riyadh
(BBC News)

Islamic terrorists looking for financing to step up activities - Uzbek security officer

Convert from Islam flees Iranian authorities’ torture, threats
(Morning Star News)

Will ‘Knockout the Jew’ be labeled hate crime in New York? (VIDEO)
(Lori Lowenthal Marcus, The Jewish Press)

Russia: Catholic and Protestant "extremism"?
(Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18 News Service)

Sobyanin: Moscow has enough mosques

Migration issues contribute to rise of xenophobia, religious hatred, ethnic crime in Russia – concept

Top official of Uzbekistan-Iran friendship society jailed for spreading Shia books - TV

Five Hizb-ut-Tahrir members convicted in Chelyabinsk

Defying administration ban, Al-Azhar students protest, call for strike
(Ahram Online)

Over sixty churches, monasteries destroyed in Syria

Advent preparation: Embracing the story behind Christmas
(John Stonestreet, BreakPoint via

Obama administration leaves Christian pastor behind in Iran 'deal'
(Katie Pavlich,

Putin to begin visit to Italy with a meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican
(ITAR-TASS News Agency)

Group of Duma deputies mulling mentioning of "Orthodoxy's special role" in Russian Constitution

The 9th World Assembly of Religions for Peace closes in celebration

Global religious leaders counter rising hostility with call to “welcome the other”
(Religions for Peace 9th World Assembly)

Globally, religious minorities fare worst in Middle East
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Sunday, 24 November 2013

At a Jewish conference, German president marvels at return of Jews
(News Brief, JTA)

Understanding the deal with Iran
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Religion and law round-up – 24th November
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Westminster Faith Debates

Faith and family, society’s double helix
(Daniel Blackman, Mercator Net)

Nigeria: How not to use religion for political gains
(Osby Isibor, Leadership)

Belgian Senate will vote on bill to extend euthanasia to children with disabilities on November 26
(Alex Schadenberg, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition)

Montreal Jewish Hospital won’t comply with a ban on religious symbols
(Lori Lowenthal Marcus, The Jewish Press)

Employer offered reasonable accommodation to Muslim employee for noontime prayer
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Angola steps up ban on mosques in the country
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Reports say Angola outlawed Islam

Personal consultation with solicitor must be offered before terror questioning, rules High Court
(Matthew Flinn, UK Human Rights Blog)

A federal judge’s significant decision: Clergy tax-free housing allowance is not constitutional
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Freedom From Religion Foundation v. Lew (opinion and order)
(United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin)

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Bangladesh: ‘Attacked Hindu communities in Lalmonirhat left unsecured’
(Dhaka Tribune)

French court fines publishing house for five anti-Semitic books

Schechter schools considering embracing patrilineal descent
(Uriel Heilman, JTA Telegraph)

Second school drops out of 'Operation Christmas Child' following atheist lawsuit, parents vow to raise money on their own
(Katherine Weber, The Christian Post U.S.)

Tony Blair's faith projects: From extremism to malaria nets
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Court holds that tax code's parsonage allowance violates Establishment Clause
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

St. John's Law School welcomes Rabbi Yaron Catane, former legal counsel to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
(St. John's University School of Law)

Texas to have another Hindu Temple
(Eurasia Review)

‘Atheist mega-churches’ effort spreads in U.S. after success in Britain
(Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press, Missoulian)

Indonesia: Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma flouts constitution
(Jakarta Globe, Ahmadiyya Times)

Aging expert Vern Bengtson: Boomers will return to church
(Janice Lloyd, Religion News Service)

If corporations are Christians
(Lorelei Lard,

Rare moment: Holidays about religious freedom overlap
(Michael J. Grossman,

Religious freedom: cases & examples
(Support Religious Freedom)

Religious trusts and their parent denominations: just who’s in charge?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Friday, 22 November 2013

‘Asylum’ request focusing attention on anti-Semitism in Sweden
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

Rowan Williams on C.S. Lewis and the point of Narnia

Tunisians adjust to terror at home
(Yasmin Najjar, Magharebia)

The Original Statue of Liberty of US
(Press Release Christian News Wire, Crossmap)

School declares no ‘Joy’ for the faithful this Christmas
(Tom Tilloson, Bizpac Review)

Feud between Turkey's Erdogan and influential cleric goes public
(Seda Sezer; additional reporting by Asli Kandemir and Humeyra Pamuk; editing by Nick Tattersall and Ralph Boulton, Reuters UK)

Radicals' use of Islamic Charities continues in South Asia
(Irfan Al-Alawi, Gatestone Institute)

Spain: Islamic radicals infiltrate the military
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Jihadists could end Christianity in Syria if given power, says nun
(World Watch Monitor)

Shanghai's forgotten Jewish past
(James Griffiths, The Atlantic)

Seven girls quit school in Chita not allowed to wear headscarves
(ITAR-TASS News Agency)

No-fly Muslims * Muslim mayor * Tweeter jailed
(Omar Sacirbey, Religion News Service)

Start of Hanukkah this year earliest since 1888
(Phil Anderson, The Topeka Capital-Journal)

Texas defunding abortion providers violates a woman’s ‘right to life,’ pro-abortion group says
(Dustin Siggins & Ben Johnson, LifeSiteNews)

Modern missionaries: Shrinking Catholic Church imports priests
(Simone Salden, Spiegel Online International)

Religious groups rally around U.N. climate talks in Warsaw
(Eric J. Lyman, Religion News Service)

50th anniversary * Massachusetts Puritans * Homeland churches: Friday’s Religion News Roundup
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Jewish sect says exodus from Quebec tied to clash with education authorities
(Allan Woods, The Star (Canada))

Pope Francis calls for full religious freedom in the Middle East
(Cindy Wooden, Catholic Herald)

Group that led charge against gay marriage changes tack
(Steve Law, Portland Tribune)

Federal court says contraceptive coverage accommodation for religious non-profits likely violates RFRA as non-profit suits keep being filed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Civil rights advocacy group says banks closed more accounts of Muslims
(Mark Hicks, The Detroit News)

White Earth Chippewa Indians adopt new constitution with religious protections
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Russia, attacks on Jehovah's Witnesses and Pentecostals increase under anti-extremism law
(Nina Achmatova,

Indonesian Ulema want mosques in Madura Island hotels "to fight vice and immorality"
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Nepal, civil society and religions against kidnapping of child brides
(Christopher Sharma,

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