Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 28 November 2013

EU Court puts France burqa ban in spotlight
(Gil Ronen, Arutz Sheva 7)

UK minister urges Afghan president to block proposals to bring back stoning
(Emma Graham-Harrison, The Guardian)

More on the French veil ban cases

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

‘Assad’s nun’: Catholic becomes controversial and unlikely power broker in Syrian civil war
(Diaa Hadid, Associated Press, National Post)

Al-Qaeda tries to indoctrinate Syria schoolchildren
(Waleed Abu al-Khair, Al-Shorfa)

Anti-adultery commandment makes a comeback – OpEd
(Rabbi Allen S. Maller, Eurasia Review)

Belgium moves towards granting euthanasia for sick children
(Robert Jan-Bartunek, Reuters UK)

Catholic Diocese of Nashville sues federal government over birth control coverage
(Shelley DuBois, The Tennessean)

Egypt's latest fatwas from Salafis and Brotherhood
(Raymond Ibrahim, Gatestone Institute)

Lawsuit claims religious pastors get unfair tax break
(Stuart Watson, NBC Charlotte)

Ohio Amish girl, family flee to avoid forced chemotherapy
(Associated Press, Worldwide Religious News)

Oregon petition aims to protect religious liberty
(Shawn M. Lindsay, Oregon Family Council, Oregon Faith Report)

Photo Galleries Judge orders 14 Lev Tahor children placed in foster care
(The Canadian Press, CBC News Montreal)

Polish constitutional court to review ban on ritual slaughter

Poll: Plurality of Americans support Iran deal, half say U.S. should defend Israel

The 25/11 attack, five years later – Analysis
(Prem Mahadevan, ISN Security Watch via Eurasia Review)

Time for soft talk with Myanmar is over – OpEd
(Dr. Habib Siddiqui, Eurasia Review)

Understanding the headlines requires understanding religion and the ideas behind the guns
(Bill McKenzie, Dallas News Opinion)

French burqa ban challenged in top European court
(Elaine Ganley, The Hindu Times)

Supreme Court upholds gay discrimination ruling in hotel case
(Rosalind English, Law & Religion UK)

Christians who denied gay couple hotel room lose UK court case
(Estelle Shirbon, Reuters)

Airport chaplains let fliers connect with heavens
(Scott Mayerowitz, Associated Press, The Detroit News - Religion)

French veil law: Muslim woman's challenge in Strasbourg
((includes description of veil types), BBC News Europe)

Feminists urge Europe court to uphold French veil ban
(Ahram Online)

Birth control coverage: it's the misogyny, stupid
(Jessica Valenti, The Nation)

American jurisprudence has made a mess of religious freedom
(Eric Teetsel and Andrew Walker, The Federalist)

50 years after death, C.S. Lewis is as popular as ever
(Terry Mattingly - Scripps Howard News Service, The New Republic)

French veil ban upheld in controversial court case
(Thomas Hubert, France 24 International News)

From Scientology to FLDS, expert claims governments are raiding nontraditional religious groups like never before
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

More on the French veil ban cases

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Special role of Orthodox Church should be stated in Constitution - Nilov

Proposal for enshrining special role of Orthodoxy in Constitution sparks
(ITAR-TASS News Agency)

Opinion: Why France shouldn’t be the model for Quebec’s freedom of religion
(William Johnson, The Montreal Gazette)

U.S. move of Vatican embassy draws fire
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Mississippi high school student victorious in lawsuit challenging school’s religious assemblies
(American Humanist Association)

French Jewish leader: Majority of Jews too afraid to put kids in public school

Attack on Iran’s Embassy: Who are the Abdullah Azzam Brigades?
(Ahmed Salah Hashim, RSIS Commentaries)

With mega-menorah, Dutch Christians help Jews come out of their shell
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

Algerian church attacked again
(World Watch Monitor)

$140-a-day fine for refusing ‘brit’
(The Times of Israel)

Rash of blasphemy accusations after Pakistan church bombings
(World Watch Monitor)

For academics, religion is a conflict of interests
(Margaret Somerville, Mercator Net)

Richard III Reburial – Open the dressing-up box?
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Civil rights coalition updates app for TSA complaints
(Bart Jansen, USA Today)

Adulterers may be stoned under new Afghan law
(Reuters, Kabul, Al Arabiya)

‘Jewish Taliban’ ordered to return to Quebec
(Lori Lowenthal Marcus, The Jewish Press)

12 Yr old Jew not knockout victim, attacker bullied to attack him
(Lori Lowenthal Marcus, The Jewish Press)

Angola denies banning Islam after outcry
(Ahram Online)

Universities can segregate women and men for debates, says university guidance
(National Secular Society)

1993 religious freedom act is at heart of contraception case
(David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times)

FBI releases 2012 hate crime statistics
(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Almost 2/3 of anti-religious crimes in US targeted Jews in 2012
(Lazar Berman, The Times of Israel)

Judge denies injunction to block use of CPA money for church
(Sara Brown, Vineyard Gazette)

State employee appealing contraceptive coverage mandate asks 8th Circuit for injunction pending appeal
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

U.S. Supreme Court to hear landmark Hobby Lobby case
(Emily Hardman, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Court to rule on birth-control mandate (UPDATED)
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Obamacare and religion and arguing off the wall
(Micah Schwartzman and Nelson Tebbe, Slate)

Supreme Court to take up Obamacare contraception case
(Bill Mears, CNN Politics)

Cert granted in Hobby Lobby, Wood, Clark, and Conestoga Wood (Order List)
(United States Supreme Court)

A new anti-terrorist law in Russia: Feeding the insurgency through corruption and police abuses
(Jean-François Ratelle, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

Court passes on discovery requests in case challenging NYPD's surveillance of Muslims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Uzbekistan: Muslims sentenced for discussing Islam and praying
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

National Bible Week: Learning with Don Kraus, OUP Bible editor

U.S. and Saudis in growing rift as power shifts
(Robert F. Worth, International New York Times Middle East)

Article 6 ECHR and restitution of church property in Romania
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Francis’ new selfie * Buddha’s new birthday * Mormon work zone: Tuesday’s Religion News Roundup
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Monday, 25 November 2013

2014 EU elections: A call by the European Humanist Federation to stand for secularism and human rights
(European Humanist Federation)

9th Circuit: domestic partners get spousal benefits
(Bob Egelko, SF Gate)

Georgia plans inter-agency group on religious minorities
(Civil Georgia)

Muslim benefactor will match contributions to Mormon church's typhoon relief
(Majorie Cortez, Deseret News)

Sikh students try to bring clarity to their religion, identity
(Morgan Baskin, Sikh 24)

EVENT, 27 November 2013. ABTTF and Rhodes, Kos and Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity Association are for the first time co-organising a UN side event
(Palais des Nations, Meeting Room XXVII, Geneva)

EVENT, 27 November 2013. Forthcoming Grand Chamber hearing in a case concerning the face-ban veil in France
(The European Court of Human Rights)

Egyptians unite to repair houses of worship
(Mohamed Mahmoud, Al-Shorfa via Eurasia Review)

European court to hear France veil case
(Press TV)

History’s most powerful rabbi
(Yehudah Mirsky, First Things)

Oldest Buddhist shrine uncovered in Nepal may push back Buddha's birth date
(Dan Vergano, National Geographic)

How JFK’s religion changed American public life
(T.J. Whittle, The Washington Post – On Faith)

God delivered the Pilgrims—and my people
(Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, The Wall Street Journal - Opinion)

Menurkey, other Thanksgivukkah tchotchkes find runaway success
(Elizabeth Dilts, Reuters)

German bishops push reform to welcome divorced Catholics
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Armenian monastery finds unlikely saviour in Arab sheikh
(Tengri News)

Court confronts religious rights of corporations
(Adam Liptak, International New York Times)

U.S. justices to weigh corporate religious rights
(Lawrence Hurley, Reuters)

Supreme Court to decide whether to tackle religious liberty, contraception mandate
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News)

Mumbai 26/11: Five years later, some media lessons – analysis
(Monish Gulati, Eurasia Review)

Pope looks east for possible Church reforms
(UCAN India)

Organization promoting religious freedom deploys atheist billboards
(Karl de Vries, Fox News)

Struggle for PAS' Soul: Ulama and non-Ulama Partnership Stays
(Yang Razali Kassim, RSIS Commentaries)

SBC entities defend ministerial housing allowance; judge's ruling heads to appeal
(Tom Strode, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Russian police uncover Islamist ‘terrorist finance’ gang
(RIA Novosti)

Extremist haredi Orthodox sect staying in Canada
(News Brief, JTA)

What can atheism learn from religion?
(Alain de Botton, NPR TED Radio Hour)

Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei endorses Geneva nuclear agreement
(Radio Zamaneh, Eurasia Review)

Nigeria: Boko Haram attacks not inspired by religion - Badeh
(Solomon Ayado, All Africa)

Syria peace talks to begin Jan 22, UN says
(France 24 with Reuters, AFP, France 24 International News)

Report: Death toll of Syrian children exceeds 11,000
(Al Bawaba)

Tony Blair: Use education to combat ignorance that terrorists exploit
(Peter James Spielmann, Associated Press, The Montreal Gazette)

Court: Contraceptive mandate splits religion into worship or good works
(Jeremy Weber, Christianity Today: Gleanings)

Putin and the pope: Romes one, two and three
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

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