Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 2 December 2013

Defending religious freedom from Obamacare
(Matthew S. Bowman, The Washington Times)

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Address of churches and religious organizations on EU integration of Ukraine
(Institute for Religious Freedom (Ukraine))

Armenia offers alternative civilian service to conscientious objectors
(Jehovah's Witnesses Newsroom)

Echoing John the Baptist at Advent
(Philip H. Pfatteicher, OUPblog)

EU condemns Ukraine excessive force against protestors
(Eurasia Review)

Large Europe majorities for assisted suicide: survey
(Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor, Reuters)

New U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, Kenneth F. Hackett, presents credentials to Pope Francis

Religion and law round-up – 1st December
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The other Arab awakening
(Thomas Friedman, The New York Times Opinion Pages)

The work of Fabrice Balanche on Alawites and Syrian Communitarianism reviewed by Nikolaos van Dam
(Joshua Landis, Syria Comment)

Under MacArthur's gaze, a Filipino nun sees hope in Tacloban's ruins
(Anna Mulrine, The Christian Science Monitor)

EVENT, 2 December 2013. “New Perspectives on Antisemitism and Islamophobia: Racialization and Religion.” Discussion and book launch in London
(European Association for Jewish Studies)

Saturday, 30 November 2013

A deadly conflict of interest: Why euthanasia in Belgium is so out of control
(Sourced both from Tom Mortier and Alex Schadenberg's blog, Care Not Killing)

Belgian Senate will vote on bill to extend euthanasia to children with disabilities on 26 November
(Alex Schadenberg, Care Not Killing)

Iran’s darker purpose – OpEd
(Neville Teller, Eurasia Review)

Kazakhstan creates new initiatives to combat religious extremism
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pope expresses hope for reunion with Orthodox Patriarch
(Kerri Lenartowick, Catholic News Agency)

Professors challenge previous notions of Renaissance
(CORDIS, Eurasia Review)

Tunisia: Growing concerns cross-border trafficking increases jihadis’ power
(Eurasia Review)

Is this public pool giving special privileges to a certain religious group?
(Breanna Deutsch, The Daily Caller)

Ukrainian President Yanukovych 'outraged' by violence
(BBC News Europe)

Islam tops the list, but other topics on the rise in scholarly religion
(Marcia Z. Nelson, Publisher's Weekly)

American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature 2013 wrap up
(Alyssa Bender, OUPblog)

An interview with Mohsin Hamid
(Robert Repino, OUPblog)

A detailed look at Syria’s Islamist, jihadist groups
(Leela Jacinto, France 24 International News)

Egypt's draft constitution bolsters military, bans religious parties

Egypt's draft constitution enshrines army role in politics
(Reporting by Asma Alsharif and Omar Fahmy; editing by Alistair Lyon; editing by Alistair Lyon, Reuters)

China aims to harness religious beliefs to promote harmony
(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; editing by Clarence Fernandez, Reuters)

Center for Law and Religion Forum named a top law blog
(Mark Movesesian, First Things: First Thoughts)

Regime shelling in northern Syria kills at least six as rebels re-enter historic Christian town
(Al Bawaba)

Islamophobia in Russia
(Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg, Arab News)

Motherland Lost: The Egyptian and Coptic Quest for Modernity
(Hudson Bookstore, The Hudson Institute)

Why Sunnis fear Shiites: The true nature of the Syrian Conflict—and the Middle East’s (needs download)
(Hillel Fradkin, Lewis Libby, The Hudson Institute)

Obamacare, Dante, and what women really want
(Maura Shea, Catholic News Agency)

Sudan: Sharia, women & religious freedom
(Robert P. George, Baptist Press)

This is women's healthcare?
(Maggie Lawson, Catholic News Agency)

Ukraine: Police violently break up Independence Square protests at 4 a.m. today; many injuries reported (VIDEOS AND UPDATES)
(Kyiv Post)

First woman bishop In UK and Ireland installed by Anglican Church
(The Huffington Post United Kindom)

Muslims and Jews unite to challenge Poland's halal and kosher meat ban
(Jessica Elgot, The Huffington Post United Kindom)

Behind mask of secularism, France hardens face towards Islam
(AFP, Worldwide Religious News)

The Charter's veiled threat against Montreal's Muslims
(Isabelle Bourgeault-Tassé, Huffpost Style Canada)

Superheroes and faith: How religion plays a role in the comic book industry
(Herb Scribner, Deseret News National Edition)

The Bible, Channel 5: 'A pastor in America did 3,000 baptisms as a result of the TV series'
(Benji Wilson, The Telegraph)

France reaffirms limits on Muslim headscarves, veils
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters India)

Monopolies, markets and the pope: Left, right, left, left
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Egypt: Deeply restrictive new assembly law
(Human Rights Watch)

Double rooms, gay couples, Christians and the clash of rights
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Jesus the Muslim hippie
(Gabriel Said Reynolds, First Things)

More laws are needed as religion declines, top judge says
(Miranda Prynne, The Telegraph)

Friday, 29 November 2013

Clergy employment: Church of England rector wins appeal on jurisdictional issue
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Court says free exercise challenge to blood alcohol test not clearly Raised
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Dolan: Catholics 'outmarketed' on gay marriage
(Associated Press, ABC News)

Dozens killed in fresh attacks in central Nigeria
(World Watch Monitor, The Christian Post World)

Egyptian activist arrested amid government crackdown on dissent
(Patrick Kingsley, The Guardian)

Ethical concerns as Belgium liberalises euthanasia laws
(RTÉ News)

Former Klan leader accused of burning cross in mostly black SE Alabama neighbourhood
(The Associated Press | The Canadian Press, Yahoo! News)

How did the Bible spread? Jerusalem exhibit traces a remarkable journey
(Christa Case Bryant, The Christian Science Monitor)

Indonesia: Religious minorities suffer from state persecution
(The Jakarta Post)

Iran’s Foreign Minister rules out talks with Israel

Methodist Church begins mass consultation on gay marriage
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Nepal elections 2013: The Fall of Maoists
(Sisir Devkota, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)

Political Islam is no threat to Indonesian democracy
(Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir, The Jakarta Post)

Religious leaders urged to promote children welfare

The mucky glory of a free press
(Douglas Murray, Gatestone Institute)

Threat of Indian Mujahideen: The long view – Analysis
(Dr Shanthie Mariet D Souza and Dr Bibhu Prasad Routray, Eurasia Review)

UN consensus builds to send force to Central African Republic
(World Watch Monitor, Christianity Today Australia)

Vigilante group formed in Bangladesh to stop Christian activities
(World Watch Monitor)

Church of England proposes 'blessings' for gay marriage
(Belinda Goldsmith, Reuters)

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Church of England considers 'weddings in all but name' for same-sex couples
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Egypt court sentences girls to prison over pro-Morsi rallies

Hindus upset at Lord Vishnu’s misrepresentation on ABC’s ‘Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.’‏
(Eurasia Review)

Hizb ut-Tahrir recruiter detained in Kyrgyzstan

Nigerian Islamic police destroy 240,000 bottles of beer in Kano
(Ibrahim Shuaibu, Reuters UK)

Non-theist group erects 8-foot-tall atheist symbol near Nativity scene site in Chicago's Daley Plaza
(Jeff Sharpiro, The Christian Post U.S.)

President Adams’s 1798 Proclamation For a “Day of Humiliation and Prayer”
(Marc O. DeGirolami, CLR Forum, St. John's University School of Law)

Tajikistan: Quacks making a comeback
(Konstantin Parshin,

Promoting Religious Freedom and Peace through Cross-Cultural Dialogue
(Silvio Ferrari and Fabio Petito, ISPI - Italian Institute for International Political Studies)

Is gratitude the queen of the virtues?
(Robert Emmons, Big Questions Online)

Religions for Peace 9th World Assembly - Summary of Events

Pope issues first Apostolic Exhortation: Evangelii Gaudium
(Vatican Radio)

Pope Francis lays out a blueprint for his papacy in ‘Evangelii Gaudium’
(Eric J. Lyman, Religion News Service)

Evangelii Gaudium: Second impressions
(Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter)

What must we overcome as a culture or as individuals for gratitude to flourish?
(Robert Emmons, Big Questions Online)

Pope Francis denounces ‘trickle-down’ economic theories in critique of inequality
(Zachary A. Goldfarb and Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

Pope Francis understands economics better than most politicians
(Heidi Moore, The Guardian)

Did Angola ban Islam? 'There is no war on islam or any religion,' says government
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post World)

Thanksgiving-Hanukkah overlap allows search for shared themes
(Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel)

Inside the First Amendment: On Thanksgivukkah, give thanks for religious freedom
(Charles C. Haynes, The Leaf Chronicles)

The first Thanksgiving: Wampanoag autumn stew
(Kendra Nordin, The Christian Science Monitor)

Happy Thanksgivukkah! Five things Thanksgiving and Hanukkah have in common
(Katy Steinmetz, Time News Feed)

Turkey, pumpkin pie, and religious freedom
(Rob Bluey, The Foundry (blog))

Jewish leaders, believers ready for Thanksgivukkah
(Herb Scribner, Deseret News International)

French court upholds scarf dismissal

Another AAP leader Kumar Vishwas in trouble, hauled by Minorities Commission for 'hurting religious sentiments'
(India Today)

French Muslim challenges veil law
(BBC, Updated News)

Religion Without God by Ronald Dworkin – review
(Jeremy Waldron, The Guardian)

S.A.S. v. France ('the French veil case') before the Grand Chamber
(Webcast of the hearing, European Court of Human Rights)

In Malaysia, the majority is protected from the minority

Armenia: Jailed conscientious objectors freed - but alternative service applications missing?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Stop deferring to human rights court, says senior judge
(Owen Bowcott, The Guardian)

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