Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 12 December 2013

If Scientology is now an official religion, the Jedi constitute a church, Yoda is a prophet, and the Force a deity
(Archbishop Cranmer, Cranmer Blog)

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

A rare “win” for Scientology – Supreme Court
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Pope Francis’ big year
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

UKSC holds that the activities of the Church of Scientology are religious
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

UK Supreme Court says Scientology is a religion, allows wedding
(Luke MacGregor, Reuters)

Opinion in Scientology case
(Press Summaey, The Supreme Court)

Scientology: religion redefined in Supreme Court judgment
(The Week)

Church versus state: Scientology faces unholy war after court ruling
(Ian Johnston, The Independent)

Fighting in Central African Republic is not about religion, archbishop says
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Native American inmates fight hair length provision
(Brian Lyman, Montgomery Advertiser)

Who is Pope Francis?
(Alyssa Bender, OUPblog)

India’s top court restores law banning gay sex
(Nirmala George, Associated Press, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Hobby Lobby as a religious establishment
(Mark Silk, RNS Blog: Spiritual Politics)

National Cathedral bids a warm, prayerful goodbye to Nelson Mandela
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Christian radio host Dobson sues over health care
(Quad-City Times)

Event examines state of free exercise of religion, landmark legislation
(Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Believers have right to influence public processes, state - Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin

Hindu group wants a monument on Oklahoma Capitol grounds
(Greg Horton, Religion News Service)

Court of Appeal calls on Supreme Court to resolve conflict between UK and Strasbourg law
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Same-Sex Marriage from 29th March 2014?
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Romanian state TV airs Christmas carol about burning Jews
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Russia arrests presumed Hizb ut-Tahrir envoy

Minsk administration bans public events organized by sexual minorities

OIC blames free speech for "Islamophobia" in West
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Pakistan mob kills one over alleged desecration of Koran
(Ahram Online)

Free businesses to act with conscience
(Mary Ann Glendon, The Boston Globe)

Victory for nonprofits
(Eric Baxter, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Malaysia's 'Allah' ruling widely criticised
(Matt K. George, World Watch Monitor, Christian Today - World)

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

After two weeks, Lev Tahor judgment still hasn’t been executed
(Jason Magder, The Montreal Gazette)

Congressional Testimony: USCIRF Commissioner Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser testifies before House Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee Hearing - "Human Rights Abuses in Egypt," December 10, 2013
(United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Human Rights Day: Still pursuing religious freedom
(Mary Ann Glendon, Reuters: The Great Debate)

IGE holds region-wide conference on religion, security and citizenship in Central Asia
(Institute for Global Engagement)

Most U.S. Catholics call addressing clergy sex abuse a top priority
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

Report claims 30,000 Eritreans kidnapped in 5 years
(Julius Mbaluto, World Watch Monitor, Christian Today - World)

Shaw Air Base mulls holiday display after protest
(Associated Press, Air Force Times)

Texas legislator touts new law protecting Christmas in schools
(Will Weissert, The Associated Press, Dallas News)

The Iraqi Jewish archive: Should the U.S. send it back?
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

The politics of Jesus' birth
(Chris Seiple, Institute for Global Engagement)

Turkey badly needs to liberalize its secularism
(Şahin Alpay, Today's Zaman)

Minnesota: Suit seeks release of files of former Duluth priests accused of abuse
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Human Rights Day, 10 December 2013
(2013 Theme: 20 Years Working for Your Rights, United Nations)

Human rights to enhance human dignity
(World Council of Churches)

Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 10 December 2013

The Iranian Charter of Citizens’ Rights
(Nazila Ghanea, EJIL: Talk!)

Dispatches: Human Rights Day, Russian Style
(Rachel Denber, Human Rights Watch)

Atheists face death in 13 countries, global discrimination: study
(Robert Evans, Reuters)

"Ukrainian government no longer represents Ukrainians!"
(Gennadiy Drushenko, Post Release)

Religious Studies and Theology: New Titles 2014

Empire State Building honors Human Rights Watch

"Ukrainian government no longer represents Ukrainians!"
(Gennadiy Drushenko, Post Release)

Thomas Klau, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations: EU missed opportunity to offer membership to Urkaine
(France 24 International News)

Over 100 civil society activists have signed an appeal to the President, Government and political forces of Ukraine demanding to convene an Assembly of National Reconciliation
(Gennadiy Drushenko, Vice President of the Institute for European Integration, Kyiv, Press Release & Appeal)

Millett, who helped author important RFRA brief, confirmed for D.C. Circuit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Egypt: No acknowledgment or justice for mass protester killings
(Human Rights Watch)

Marriage and burial obligations of the Church of England
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Senate confirms Millett to DC Circuit using new majority rules
(Ed O'Keefe and Paul Kane, The Washington Post Politics)

Hillel warns Swarthmore chapter over rejection of Israel guidelines

Air Force base takes down Nativity scene following complaint
(CBS Charlotte)

One-wife rule hits Arab homeowners in Turkey
(Gülistan Alagöz, Hürriyet Daily News)

Why is France ready to intervene in the CAR?
(Armen Georgian, France 24 International News)

Canada split over hijab-style Muslim police uniform
(Ségolène Allemandou, France 24 International News)

Tennessee: Security guard pleads guilty to Federal charges of defacing religious objects
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Festivus beer can pole will share Florida capitol rotunda with nativity display
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Canada sends ex-Jobbik leader packing before Montreal speech

Polish Appellate Court refuses to order removal of cross hanging In parliament
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Jesus Christ named history's most successful meme
(Heather Saul, The Independent)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Pope, with Egyptian Catholic leader, prays for Middle East Christians
(Francis X. Rocca, The Catholic Register)

The last taboo: It’s harder in America to come out as an atheist politician than a gay one. Why?
(Jennifer Michael Hecht,

Central African Republic mobs launch sectarian attacks
(Krista Larson, Associated Press, Worldwide Religious News)

Egypt Brotherhood leader denies inciting violence
(Associated Press, Worldwide Religious News)

Montreal blogger harshly critical of Hasidic Jews wins libel suit brought against him by three prominent leader
(Graeme Hamilton, National Post)

Polish court approves crucifix in parliament
(St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Festivus pole to go up in Florida Capitol rotunda
(Jim Turner, Orlando Sentinel)

The double assault on religious freedom
(Michael Worley, NRO (The Corner blog))

New York: New hope for ‘Agunot’ women trapped by separated husbands

Lawsuit calls on Duluth Diocese to identify priests accused of abuse
(Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune)

Jackson man pleads guilty to federal civil rights charge of desecrating religious paraphernalia
(The United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Tennessee)

Satanists propose monument on Oklahoma capitol grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

White House holiday page now up on its website
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Russia to oppose inclusion of sections on sexual orientation in international documents

UK: Trial begins for "soldiers of Allah" accused of murdering British soldier
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Russia: Amnesty could apply to Pussy Riot members - newspaper

Hopi Indian sacred objects sold in Paris auction despite protests
(Alexandria Sage, Reuters)

Elton John performs in Moscow, protests homophobia

Belarus: KGB releases priest, but house arrest and treason investigation continue
(Forum 18 News Service)

It is unacceptable for constitution to give preference to any one faith - Russian premier

Church and people in Ukraine demand autonomy from Moscow
(Nina Achmatova,

Culture wars: Holiday struggle over public spaces still very much alive (+video)
(Harry Bruinius, The Christian Science Monitor)

Interfaith harmony: Pakistan President urges clerics to promote sectarian tolerance
(APP, The Express Tribune)

Muslims are having fewer children than you might think
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Malaysia: Egyptian Muslims treasure history, why can't we?

Australia: Impact of religion on peace, prosperity and justice
(Everald Compton, The International New Magazine)

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Holiday displays at Wisconsin Capitol include Festivus pole, atheists' nativity scene
(Scott Bauer, Associated Press, Star Tribune)

In Ukraine protests, young Jews are marching with ultranationalists
(Talia Lavin, JTA)

Atheist banner joins religious displays at Fla. capitol
(Jessica Palombo, WFSU)

Guestview: The emerging role of religion in Egypt
(Grand Mufti Shawky Allam, Reuters FaithWorld)

Unofficial English translation of Egypt's new draft constitution now available
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Netanyahu says recognition of Jewish state is ‘minimal requirement for peace’
(Michael Eilner, Herb Keinon, The Jerusalem Post)

Caesarean Escalation, Judges on Human Rights and Happy Birthday – the Human Rights Roundup
(Sarina Kidd, UK Human Rights Blog)

The Church and asylum: “So I went knocking on all the doors of powerful people in Brussels’’
(Johanna Touzel, EuropeInfos: Christian Perspectives on the EU)

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