Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 13 January 2014

Fear and faith: global persecution of Christians increases
(Evangelical Alliance)

Get thee to a nunnery
(Timothy George, First Things: On the Square)

Hindus in Bangladesh rattled by a string of attacks
(Hassan Haq Inu, Firstpost World)

How might cooperation play a role in evolution?
(Martin Nowak, Big Questions Online)

Is Eric Holder making up gay marriage law as he goes along? Or is this how progress happens?
(Emily Bazelon, Slate)

New Iran agreement includes secret side deal, Tehran official says
(Paul Richter, Los Angeles Times)

Obamacare’s many loopholes: Forcing individuals and taxpayers to fund elective abortion coverage
(Sarah Torre, The Heritage Foundation)

York University’s religious accommodation decision the correct one, dean writes
(Graham Slaughter, The Star (Canada))

Chicago cardinal stresses accountability amid past clergy reports
(Catholic News Agency)

Federal abortion funding harms women, experts tell Congress
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

The Arab World: Trying times ahead
(Ranjit Gupta, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)

Mobs Led by Buddhist Monks attack two Christian churches at Hikkaduwa in southern Sri Lanka during Sunday worship
(D.B.S. Jeyaraj,

Nigerian leader signs anti-gay law, drawing U.S. fire
(Felix Onuah, Worldwide Religious News)

UK: Christian counsellors ban therapy aimed at 'converting' gay patients
(Patrick Strudwick, The Guardian)

Disturbing YouTube video of Russian thugs burning Quran, beating up Muslims sparks police investigation
(, Al Bawaba)

APPLICATIONS DUE January 15: Inquiry on Law & Religious Freedom Visiting Scholar Program
(Center of Theological Inquiry)

EVENT, 24 January 2014: Law & Religious Liberties Symposium, Tempe, AZ
(J. Reuben Clark Law Society & St. Thomas More Legal Society, Sandra Day O'Connor School of Law - Great Hall)

EVENT, 28 January 2014: Mohler/Douthat/Prager on religious liberty
(Owen Strachan, Pathos Blog: thoughtlife)

UK faith minister warns of religious freedom crisis, in Vatican newspaper
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Sumatra: in one month authorities block the construction of five churches
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Mawlid 2014: Muslims Observe Prophet Muhammad's B'day [PHOTOS]
(International Business Times - Religion)

Mauritanians condemn call to kill author
(Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)

Earlier appellate decision in Texas church property case withdrawn in light of new state supreme court ruling
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

It is Muhammad’s birthday! Rumi’s take on Muhammad as the Prophet of Love
(Omid Safi, RNS Blog: What Would Muhammad Do?)

Yemeni educators take a stand against terrorism and extremism
(Faisal Darem, Al-Shorfa)

I found Islam through my business dealings: Canadian Catholic discovers Islam
(Yusuf Ali Bernier, OnIslam)

India Constitution wrongly interpreted to deny rights to minorities: Minister

US researcher speaks on religious freedom, meets pope
(Kellie Yoder, Mennonite World Review)

The Irish and Asian Buddhism is a story that goes back 14 centuries
(Laurence Cox, The Irish Times - Religion & Beliefs)

High court rejects review of Arizona's 20-week abortion ban
(Bill Mears, CNN)

Pope looks to developing world in appointing new cardinals
(Jim Yardley, International New York Times)

Q&A: Quebec minister defends religious ban
(Daniel Lak, Al Jazeera)

Religion and the law: The Jais raid on the premises of the Bible Society of Malaysia has put into focus the Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Amongst Muslims) Enactment 1988 of Selangor
(The Star Online (Malaysia))

Kalashnikov asked the Patriarch shortly before his death if he is guilty in killing people with his gun

Rajshahi: Islamists kill young Catholic who complained about anti-Christian violence

Indonesian jihadists taking up arms in Syria
(Okky Feliantiar, Al-Shorfa)

India's riot-displaced decry 'evictions'
(Sophie Cousins, Al Jazeera)

Are liberals too "special" to go to church?
(Elizabeth Drescher, Religion Dispatches: (A)theologies)

Gay marriage and the eclipse of religious liberty
(Denny Burk, The Southern Blog, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)

Haiti - Religion : For the first time in its history, Haiti has a Cardinal
(Haiti Libre)

Pressure to have fantasy wedding threatening marriage, warns Rowan Williams
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

The continuing legacy of Sir John Templeton

Rewards offered for Maghreb terrorists
(Jamel Arfaoui, Magharebia)

Why Christians shouldn’t support Dennis Rodman’s North Korea circus
(Jonathan Merritt, RNS Blog: On Faith & Culture)

Pope says abortion evidence of 'throwaway culture'
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, ABC News)

What the quenelle!? * Burned books * Utah’s unions: Religious Freedom Recap: Jan. 6-13
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

Iran, 6 world powers agree to nuclear deal terms
(Nasser Karimi of Associated Press, MSN News)

When the right to religion conflicts with a changing society

Belarus: Baptist worship raided, Catholic priest "will be tried"
(Olga Glace, Forum 18 News Service)

Sharon's legacies — in life and death: How should we die Jewishly and with dignity?
(Jane Eisner, The Jewish Daily Forward)

It’s about women’s health and rights
(Donna Barry, Center for American Progress)

Obamacare overreach tramples Little Sisters: Our view
(The Editorial Board, USA Today)

In response to ‘Freedom of religion does not guarantee exemption from law’
(Joe Puchner, The Crimson White)

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Religion and Law round-up – 12th January
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

AP Enterprise: Brawl hurts Berlin Jewish community
(Kirsten Grieshaber, Associated Press)

Forced conversion of Hindu girls on the rise: Pakistan Hindu Council
(Hinduism Today)

Let Little Sisters minister to poor – OpEd
(Deroy Murdock, Boston Herald)

My view: Same-sex marriage decisions and 3 attacks on religious freedom
(Michael Worley, Deseret News)

Archbishop of Canterbury to visit Ecumenical Patriarch in Istanbul
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Ex-Shin Bet chief leaves Denmark following torture accusation

True religion cannot be basis of hatred: Manmohan
(The Tribune India)

'Score-settling' in C. African Republic kills 13
(Hippolyte Marboua | The Associated Press,

Freedom of religion untrampled: Opposing view
(Cecile Richards, USA Today)

Resolution critical of Israel passes preliminary Modern Language Association vote

Doctors prevail in dispute over Jehovah’s Witness, blood transfusion
(Ed White, Associated Press, CBS Detroit)

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Dean Mr Michael Tritos: the imprisonment of Archbishop Jovan is a stain and disgrace for the 21st century civilization!
(Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric)

East Lancashire Muslim and Christian household figures revealed
(Bill Jacobs, Lancashire Telegraph)

When the right to religion conflicts with a changing society

Meet al-Qaeda's new poster boy for the Middle East
(Colin Freeman, The Telegraph)

Analysis: Obama's grand plan for Mideast shrinks
(Matthew Lee, Associated Press - The Big Story)

Hardline monks rally Sri Lanka as Buddhist front
(Katy Daigle, Associated Press - The Big Story)

Utahns call for civility in contentious same-sex marriage debate
(Dennis Romboy, Deseret News)

In our opinion: On gay marriage, Utah must protect its laws and democratic processes
(Deseret News)

Religion is driving a wedge between Malaysians
(Sri A.K. Rasa, Yahoo! News)

Religion and politics do mix
(William B. Bradshaw, Huff Post Religion)

Egypt: Ultraconservative Salafis gamble on Charter
(Laura Dean and Sarah El Deeb, ABC News)

Vietnamese Jesuits mark 400 years of mission with a solemn Mass

Bangladesh is in trouble
(Gwynne Dyer, Arab News)

Saudis in Pakistan – Analysis
(C. Raja Mohan, Observer Research Foundation)

Why UN resolution adopted Iran’s ‘World Against Violence and Extremism’ proposal? – OpEd
(Interview with Gholamali Khoshroo, Iran Review)

Israel's ex-PM Ariel Sharon dies
(BBC News)

U.S. to recognize 1,300 marriages disputed by Utah
(Charlie Savage and Jack Healy, The New York Times)

West Java: Islamists close down children’s public library
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Wicca and religious discrimination in employment
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Malaysia: Adhere to procedures on religious matters – Pairin
(Murib Morpi, The Borneo Post Online)

Nearly 500 dead in Syria fighters' clashes, claim activists
(Associated Press, Arab News)

Syria, Iraq and al-Qaeda: The jihadists may have gone too far
(The Economist)

Jewishness: Who is a Jew?
(The Economist)

The case for gay marriage is made in the freedom of religion
(Miles Kimball, Quartz)

Friday, 10 January 2014

Alliance welcomes both ASBO and Plymouth Brethren decisions
(Evangelical Alliance UK)

How US Evangelicals fueled the rise of Russia’s ‘pro-family’ right
(Adam Federman, The Nation)

Irish Catholic, Protestant churches urge politicians: Keep talking for peace
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Plan to open another Holocaust museum in Budapest faces criticism—from Jews
(Ruth Ellen Gruber, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Vatican - Pastoral workers killed in 2013
(Agenzia Fides)

Insights on the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian politics
(Interview with Marina Ottaway, The Journal of Turkish Weekly)

A quiet voice in a world of trouble, Cole Durham works for religious liberty
(Eric Schulzke, Deseret News National Edition)

Russian LGBT community does not expect "sodomy" article to be restored in Penal Code

Russian Orthodox Church supports debate on anti-sodomy law

Idea to return criminal liability for homosexuality is logical - Orthodox human rights activist

Australia: Education reviewer Kevin Donnelly makes case for more religion to be taught in public schools
(ABC News Australia)

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