Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Adoption, sexual orientation and charitable status: St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

On the topic of religion in Vietnam: So you really think we are atheists?
(Pham Hoang Mien, Mien's Blog)

Should Muslims be asked to sign a charter rejecting violence?
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Ukip MEP who supported Muslim code of conduct urged halal slaughter ban
(Rajeev Syal, Rowena Mason and Daniel Foggo, The Guardian)

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Al-Qaida's bloody gamble
(Robert Collins, Center for a New American Security)

The 'shiksa' scandal that wasn't
(Ruthie Blum, The Jerusalem Post)

Who are the 'satanists' designing an idol for the Oklahoma Capitol?
(Gideon Resnick, The Atlantic)

Ukip MEP says British Muslims should sign charter rejecting violence
(Rowena Mason, The Guardian)

MLK estate wants his daughter to give up his Nobel
(Kate Brumback, Associated Press, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Orthodox feminists’ group objecting to egalitarian section at Western Wall

After Polish ritual slaughter ban, competitors carve up a lucrative market
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

MacDill glitch exposes transfer woes for gay military couples
(Howard Altman, The Tampa Tribune)

Priest who headed clergy addiction center is going to jail for fraud
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Utah proposal dictates transgender bathroom use
(Annie Knox, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Ninth Circuit stays ruling on California change therapy ban
(Liberty Counsel)

Why the Brotherhood failed
(Barak Barfi, World Affairs)

Happy Tenth Birthday to Mirror of Justice
(Rick Garnett, Mirror of Justice)

Butte Central teacher fired over pregnancy pledges 'legal action'
(Kelley Christensen, The Montana Standard)

Religious groups to back Obamacare contraceptive mandate
(Tom Howell Jr., The Washington Times)

European Court of Human Rights intervenes in Artsakh Conflict
(Harut Sassounian, Asbarez Post)

European Court of Human Rights, Opening of the Judicial Year

In Ukraine, Adventists share message of hope amid political crisis
(Yuriy Kuzmenko, Adventist News Network)

What does religious liberty stand upon?
(Elise Hilton, Acton Institute Power Blog)

Turkish religious affairs minister to publish Islamophobia report
(World Bulletin)

New ERLC head narrows legislative agenda
(Bob Allen, ABP News)

Scotland's same-sex marriage bill is passed
(BBC News)

Georgia Senate approves bill allowing religious holiday displays in schools
(Michelle Wirth, Atlanta NPR)

New York City public school kids getting new Muslim, Lunar New Year holidays
(Erin Durkin, New York Daily News)

Islamic rights group: investigate Bangladesh
(Associated Press: Julhas Alam in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Maamoun Youssef in Cairo contributed to this story, - World)

US official says Rohingya repatriation not yet possible

"Extreme religious liberty rights"
(Mark Barrett, First Things: Religion and Public Life)

FRC hires new directors for Centers of Religious Liberty, Dignity of Human Life
(Pr Newswire, Digital Journal)

Stymied, gay rights supporters try a new tactic — blocking access to the Idaho Senate as 44 get arrested
(Katy Moeller, and the Associated Press, Idaho Statesman)

Reason and revelation: Why Christians need philosophy [in the marriage debates]
(Sherif Girgis, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Afghan wins refuge from Daily Express – Athalie Matthews
(1 Crown Office Row, UK Human Rights Blog)

Egyptian priest claims church attack was Muslim Brotherhood ‘revenge’
(World Watch Monitor)

Va. gay marriage ban due for federal court hearing today
(Associated Press, TimesDispatch)

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks to receive Becket Fund's Canterbury Medal
(Kristine Arriaga, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Hobby Lobby thanks Kansas Attorney General for Supreme Court case support
(PR Newswire)

Hobby Lobby owners speak out on HHS Mandate
(Joseph Sunde, Acton Institute Power Blog)

Muslims, our natural allies
(Robert P. George, First Things: Religion and Public Life)

Indiana Supreme Court hears arguments in home schooling organization's challenge to retaliation finding
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Judge orders Lev Tahor kids to foster care
(Allison Jones, The Canadian Press, Brampton Guardian)

Church permitted to intervene in suit against internal Revenue Service over political activity by 501(c)(3)'s
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Utah files first arguments in same-sex marriage appeal
(Dennis Romboy, - Utah)

Britain says it had role in 1984 India temple raid
(Raphael Satter and Katy Daigle, Associated Press, - World)

Op-Ed: Outreach to interfaith families strengthens the Jewish future

Same-sex marriage and the Jews
(Sam Schulman, Mosaic)

Human sexuality, the Archbishops’ statement, and the Dromantine Communiqué
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Free speech wars: The blasphemy fashion police
(Douglas Murray, Gatestone Institute)

Canada: CAIR-CAN, the NCCM and "The Islamic victimhood narrative"
(Raheel Raza, Gatestone Institute)

The truth about missionaries
(John Stonestreet, BreakPoint)

New foundation promotes religious freedom as good for business
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News National Edition)

New Zealanders losing religion
(Sean Martin, 3 News)

Coke * Mennonites * Religioussippi : Tuesday’s Roundup
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Monday, 3 February 2014

Al Qaeda breaks link with Syrian militant group ISIL
(Oliver Holmes, Reuters)

Bangla court establishes BNP-Jamaat fountainhead of terrorism
(Bhaskar Roy, South Asia Analysis Group)

FFRF appeals Big Mountain Jesus shrine to 9th Circuit
(Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Graph: Americans becoming more accepting of homosexuality; less accepting of extramarital relationships
(Tobin Grant, RNS Blog: Corner of Church and State)

Haynes: Do corporations have religious freedom?
(Charles C. Haynes, The Greely Tribune)

Kidnapping sparks Benghazi bloodshed
(Fathia al-Majbari, Asma Elourfi and Ali al-Gattani, Magharebia)

Malaysian court jails man who raped, then married minor
(AFP, Gulf News)

Recent prisoner free exercise cases
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Scotland's assisted suicide bill is an offence to our human dignity
(Kevin McKenna, The Guardian | The Observer)

Taliban talks and the Four Horsemen: Between peace and apocalypse
(D Suba Chandran, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)

Where is Egypt going?
(K.P Favian, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses)

The end of American exceptionalism
(Peter Beinart, National Journal)

Exceptionalism doesn't work that way
(Peter Berowitz, National Journal)

Ethics questions arise as genetic testing of embryos increases
(Gina Kolata, International New York Times)

Olson and Boies, legal duo, seek role in 2 cases on gay marriage
(Jeremy W. Peters, International New York Times)

The Dutch debate doctor-assisted suicide for depression
(Nadette De Visser, The Daily Beast)

Religious restrictions and hostilities hurt business: Pakistan and Egypt
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Commentary: Blasphemy charges pervert Islam’s teachings
(Qasim Rashid, Religion News Service)

Sunni-Shiite violence soars in Pakistan
(Naveed Ahmad, Religion News Service)

Sri Lanka rejects US allegations over religion, democracy and rights records
(Asian Tribune)

Erdogan, the Cemaat, CHP: A troubled triangle over religion's place in Turkey
(Tulin Dalgolu, Al-Monitor)

Mississippi most religious state, Vermont least religious
(Frank Newport, Gallup Well-Being)

Is this what religion has become in Kenya?
(James Mwangi and Tony Malesi, Standard Digital Media)

The Scottish independence referendum debate has significant religious dimensions
(Norman Bonney, British Politics and Policy at LSE)

Saudi Arabia criminalizes ‘terrorists’ defaming state’s reputation, disturbing order

Faith leaders wrestle over growing support for marijuana
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Egypt’s draft anti-terrorism law sparks concern about censorship
(Alistair Sloan, X index: the voice of free expression)

Harlem police chief stops Facebook posts about religion
(Mike Miller,

Ukrainian Jewish group asks Israel to help with security

Religion and Culture: Mixed-faith Hindu weddings are on the rise
(Katherine Davis, Southern California Public Radio)

UAE summons Qatari ambassador over Muslim cleric's criticism
(reporting by Sami Aboudi, Amena Bakr and Yara Bayoumy; editing by Mark Heinrich, Reuters)

Sunday protection in Europe: A binding agreement instead of simply election promises
(Anna Echterhoff, COMECE, europeinfos)

Religious, mythological films making a huge comeback
(Spencer Senonson, The Badger Herald)

European Elections and Evangelisation
(Frank Turner SJ, europeinfos)

Mountain States Mennonites take step toward gay ordination
(Elizabeth Evans, Religion News Service)

Richard III, update and corrections
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Court to review religious law once hailed by Democrats but now used to battle Obamacare
(Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

Al-Qaeda disavows any ties with radical Islamist ISIS group in Syria, Iraq
(Liz Sly, The Washington Post)

In Iran, opposition leader goes home
(Jason Resaian, The Washington Post)

Somali Muslim girl's adoption by lesbian couple halted by community in Harrow, citing religious beliefs
(HuffPost Religion)

Anelka gesture comic Dieudonne banned from UK
(BBC News)

Hawaii Supreme Court says permit requirement to enter reserve did not infringe free exercise rights
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Brian Grim becomes Foundation president
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Religion rules in Russia: Why does freedom of religion and belief continue to cause conflict in post-Soviet Russia?
(Alexander Verkhovsky, X index: the voice of free expression)

Mission creep — defending religious tolerance and free speech
(Rachael Jolley, X index: the voice of free expression)

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