Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 17 February 2014

Kazakhstan: Criminal conviction, large "moral damages" - and new criminal case?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Niqabs in court and tribunal proceedings: the story continues
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

As atheist TV characters increase, here are 5 of the best
(Chris Stedman, RNS Blog: Faitheist)

Death by faith: Why the snake handler refused treatment
(Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

Sunday, 16 February 2014

An atheist meets an al-Shabab 'recruiter'
(Gabriel Gatehouse, BBC News)

Are attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh religiously motivated?
(M. Sophia Newman, Religion Dispatches)

Haiti's first cardinal remains a priest of the people
(Peter Granitz, NPR)

In Kansas, right joins left to halt bill on gays
(John Eligon, International New York Times)

Nigeria's Boko Haram 'in village massacre'
(BBC News)

Same-sex marriage laws, religious business owners on collision course
(Bill Sherman, Tulsa World)

Same-sex marriage moving swiftly back toward Supreme Court
(David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times)

Scientists are more religious than you think
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, RNS Blog: Faith & Reason)

Jamie Coots, well-known Middlesboro preacher, dies from snakebite
(Bill Estep,

Comment: Islam and religious tolerance
(Sheikh Ishaak Nuamah, Ghana Web)

Religion and law round up – 16th February
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

'Religion classes' for 200 men from Syria's Homs: governor
(The Daily Star (Lebanon))

Tajik mullahs set to learn marketable skills
(Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

Hezbollah says will quit Syria if Arabs stop meddling
(Erika Solomon and Laila Bassam, Reuters)

Iraq Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr quits politics
(Deutsche Welle)

Islam, the American way
(Lee Lawrence, The Christian Science Monitor)

Hindus urge Kenya’s President Kenyatta to visit Kisumu Sikh temple to show support to Sikhs
(Eurasia Review)

Saudi-Pak ties in top gear
(Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Arab News)

In Egypt, a chasm grows between young and old
(David D. Kirkpatrick and Mayy El Sheikh, International New York Times)

Ukrainian protesters end occupation of City Hall
(Maria Danilova, Associated Press, Deseret News)

British court uses Anti-Social Behavior Order against Islamic radicals
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Hamas criticizes PA decision to drop religion on identity cards
(World Bulletin)

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Churches and charity law: where do things stand after the Preston Down Trust ruling?
(Stephanie Biden, Christian Today - Comment)

MEPs Van Dalen and De Jong present unique report on freedom of religion
(Press Release, European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom – Articles)

Taking a long view on Syria and the Sunni-Shiite divide
(David Ignatius, The Washington Post Opinions)

When the Little Sisters succeed, religious freedom succeeds
(Kathryn Jean Lopez)

Palestinian Authority to remove religion from ID cards
(Ma'an News Agency)

Here we go again: Religion in Romania’s schools
(Bucharest Life)

Religious attire banned from Cape Town school
(SAPA, News24)

Religion's conceptual shape-shifting is maybe its survival mechanism at work
(Giles Fraser, The Guardian)

Review of ‘The Rise and Decline of American Religious Freedom’ by Steven D. Smith

Politics and religion: Malawi presidential running mates and Peter's choice of Chilima
(Pastor Robert Masikamu, Nyasa Times)

Religion News Service says 'The Lego Movie' contains scriptural themes
(Eric J. Lyman, The Hollywood Reporter)

Researcher explains modern political religious landscape
(Nick Simon, The Hoya (Georgetown University))

Malaysia: Aceh’s shariah negates Islam as religion of mercy
(Azis Anwar Fachrudin, The Malaysian Insider)

Judge, Notre Dame attorneys spar in school's health care law appeal
(Manya Brachear Pashman, Chicago Tribune)

TTP under Mullah Fazlullah: What next for the Pakistani Taliban?
(D Suba Chandran, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)

The Arab Spring is not over
(Jimmy Carter, Al Jazeera)

Pope Francis meets with Cypriot president, discussing religious freedom
(Catholic News Agency)

Car bomb kills 12 officers in south Pakistan
(Associated Press, Boston Herald)

Christian land issue raises decades-old anxieties
(Samya Kullab, Rayane Abou Jaoude, The Daily Star (Lebanon))

Judge in Malaysia dismisses charges against three Shia
(Celine Fernandez, The Wall Street Journal)

Why Salafist-takfiris should worry us
(Rami G. Khouri, The Daily Star)

Valentine's Day: Love’s enemies (Unlikely allies unite against a holiday)
(The Economist)

Dates, religion and authority: Love's friends
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

The Central African Republic: Sectarian savagery
(The Economist)

A steady path to Supreme Court as gay marriage gains momentum in states
(Adam Liptak, International New York Times)

Mothering in an age of gendered Islamophobia
(Wood Turtle)

Does interfaith dialogue work?
(Drea Parker, Holli Emore, Peter Laarman, Adrian Warnock, Patheos Blog: Public Square)

Richard III’s DNA and section 25 Burial Act 1857
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Friday, 14 February 2014

A Christian-Muslim crisis of faith in Africa
(Editorial, The Christian Science Monitor)

Constitution protects religion, ObamaCare notwithstanding
(Dorinda Bordlee, The Hill)

Cult leader or Third Holy Saint, can the (UK) Supreme Court tell us the answer?

Nepal: Sushil Koirala takes over as Prime Minister
(Dr. S. Chandrasekharan, South Asia Analysis Group)

Peru: Women seek justice over sterilization
(Latinamerica Times)

Polish Rabbi fired over kosher slaughter scandal
(JTA, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Pope Francis urges Jewish-Catholic cooperation
(Stephanie Butnick, Tablet)

Religious memes can hurt and help religion all at once
(Herb Scribner, Deseret News National Edition)

Texas suspends first doctor under new abortion law
(Reuters, Al Jazeera)

The development of home-grown jihadist radicalisation in Italy – Analysis
(Lorenzo Vidino, Elcano Royal Institute via Eurasia Review)

Tunisia pursues mosque neutrality
(Mona Yahia, Magharebia)

Why didn’t FDR help European Jews? Hints in his decision to intern Japanese Americans
(Rafael Medoff, Tablet)

Sacrificial love
(Rev. J. John, Evangelical Alliance UK)

Pope Francis talks language of love with couples on Valentine's Day
(Laura Smith-Spark, CNN Belief Blog)

On Feast of St. Valentine, a papal blessing
(Eric J. Lyman, Religion News Service)

Flowers from Gaza exported to Europe for Valentine's Day
(Arirang News)

National Marriage Week recognizes foundations of society
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

The bloody history of Saint Valentine: The martyred Roman priest who officiated marriages
(Huff Post Religion)

Should there be one Ukraine?
(Alexander J. Motyl, World Affairs)

Marriage and celibacy: Lifelong grace one day at a time
(Betsy Childs, First Things: Religion and Public Life)

Snow love * Show love * No love lost: Friday’s roundup
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Modern society at odds with authentic love, scholars reflect
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

Celebrate Valentine's Day and monogamy
(Alan Caruba, Warning Signs)

How to save marriage in America
(Richard V. Reeves, The Atlantic)

Federal judge strikes down Va. ban on gay marriage
(Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

Judge corrects Virginia same-sex marriage ruling
(Tal Kopan, Politico)

The presidential Bible class: Abraham Lincoln's diligent reading of the Good Book informed the Gettysburg Address
(Tevi Troy, The Wall Street Journal)

French vigilance on anti-Israel speech provoking backlash
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

Rod Dreher admits he goofed on gays in the Boy Scouts
(Mark Silk, RNS Blog: Spiritual Politics)

Jindal's Reagan Library religious freedom salvo draws fire
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

Belgium: Lawmakers vote for children's 'right to die' euthanasia law
(Laura Smith-Spark and Diana Magnay, BBC News)

No love for Valentine's Day in Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus
(Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

Saudi cleric: celebrating Valentine's Day is 'immoral'
(Al Bawaba)

Right wing activists protest Valentine's Day in Indian-controlled Kashmir
(Global Times)

Muslim organizations warn of ‘dark world’ of Valentine’s Day
(The Jakarta Post)

A Buddhist guide to Valentine's Day
(Janet Nima Taylor, CNN Belief Blog)

Hopes for peace in Syria shared with members of Syrian opposition
(World Council of Churches)

Israeli-Palestinian youth choir makes peace through song
(Michele Chabin, Religion News Service)

Pro-Kremlin lawmaker: Jews destroyed Russia

Vigil protests anti-Semitic messages targeting New Mexico deli

Capital punishment, same-sex marriage, and the Constitution: What role for the courts?
(Michael Perry, Mirror of Justice)

UK’s ‘first suicide bomber’ in Syria sends shockwaves
(Al Bawaba)

Seminary buys robot to study the ethics of technology
(Amanda Greene, Religion News Service)

Algeria leads effort against terror financing
(Walid Ramzi, Magharebia)

Car bomb outside mosque in Syria kills dozens
(Diaa Hadid and Bassem Mroue, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Duluth diocese sued for sex abuse documents
(Tom Olsen, Forum News Service,

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