Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 28 February 2014

EVENT, 28 February 2014: The changing profile of Catholic Church institutions
(Prof. Dr. Rik Torfs & Prof. Dr. Patrick Daly, Mgr. Willy Onclin - Academic Session, KU Leuven)

Oxon Ad Clerum: Bishops’ Pastoral Statement
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Upset Hindus urge ‘Mara Hoffman’ to withdraw Lord Ganesh swimwear‏
(Eurasia Review, Eurasia Review)

Philippines, Card. Quevedo: "Peace in Mindanao, chief commitment for local Church"

Islamists demand levy from Christians in Syrian city
(Stephen Kalin and Robin Pomeroy, Reuters)

North Korea rejects request for the release of arrested Christian missionary

Radical cleric rejects ‘Islamic tax’ in Syria
(The Associated Press, Arab News)

Intolerance against Christian's in Europe: February Report
(Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe)

Danish ‘halal’ ban stuns Muslims
(Ghazanfar Ali Khan & P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News)

Fundamentalist Christians seek to use Council of Europe to entrench religious privilege
(National Secular Society)

Calls for UK to work with Ukrainian church
(Michael Trimmer, Christian Today - UK)

Ukraine: A kamikaze interim government has been appointed
(Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Arizona's anti-gay bill veto unlikely to end 'religious freedom' movement
(Chelsea J. Carter, Ben Brumfield, and Tom Watkins, CNN)

Let authority of 'hidden law' rule in Arizona
(Jonah Goldberg,

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Who’s afraid of Christian Zionism?
(Robert Nicholsom, The Times of Israel)

Mormon church pushes back on planet misconceptions
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Myanmar leader backs Buddhist monks’ calls for laws to ‘protect’ religion, race
(Win Naung Toe and Nay Myo Tun, Radio Free Asia)

After veto in Arizona, conservatives vow to fight for religious liberties
(Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post)

Storming Zion: A historical account of government raids on new religious movements
(Stuart Wright, World Religion News)

Vladimir Putin doesn’t need to invade Ukraine. He can destabilize it from the Kremlin.
(Anne Applebaum, Slate)

Religious liberty after Arizona
(Ben Domenech, The Federalist)

Religious liberty is a just cause—except when it's used to justify intolerance
(Ron Fournier, National Journal)

Arizona governor's veto: On the right side of history
(Miguel de la Torre, ABP News)

Ukraine's changing churches: Moscow's (religious) reply to Kiev
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy]))

Saving Ukraine: How the West can help
(The Economist)

Dozens killed in Nigeria by armed fighters
(Al Jazeera America)

Google ordered to take anti-Muslim video off its platforms
(Maura Dolan, LA Times)

Islamophobia: From unfounded fear to racism
(Fatma Yilmaz Elmas, Journal of Turkish Weekly)

Saudi Arabia’s virulently sectarian geo-policies behind resurgence of Al Qaida in Iraq
(Zayd Alisa, Eurasia Review)

Amid obstacles and fears, Manila shows readiness to sign peace deal with MILF

Strong support for Israel in U.S. cuts across religious lines
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

Israel's Muslim holy places: Battle of the believers [VIDEO]
(The Economist [Pomegranate: The Middle East]))

Israel-Palestine talks: It's gone quiet
(The Economist [Pomegranate: The Middle East]))

ECtHR judgement an affront to memory of the victims of Armenian genocide
(World Council of Churches)

George Herbert on clergy and the law
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Texas ban on same-sex marriage nullified
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Symposium: Under a straight-forward reading of constitutional text and history and fundamentals of corporate law, Hobby Lobby’s claims fail
(Elizabeth Wydra, SCOTUSblog)

Ultra-Orthodox parties bar yeshiva students from enlisting
(Jta and Aron Donzis, The Times of Israel)

Hezbollah takes lead in pounding Syrian rebels
(Mona Alami, Detroit Free Press)

Kyrgystan: Freeing belief communities from state interference "a mistake"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Catholic Magazine 'America' denounces Uganda's harsh anti-gay laws: Jesuit editors speak out
(Huffington Post)

African voices in Catholic divorce debate boost conservative side
(John L. Allen Jr., The Boston Globe)

Christians more hostile to benefit claimants than their clergy
(Andrew Brown, The Guardian)

Founder of Liberation Theology hailed at Vatican
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press via Bloomberg Businessweek)

Protest of half a million Haredim to shut down Jerusalem on Sunday
(Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu, Jewish Press)

Syria: Jihadist group imposes rules of submission on Raqqa Christians
(Paul Dakiki,

Turkey: Erdogan's mad idea for president: turning Hagia Sophia into a mosque
(NAT da Polis,

YouTube ordered to take down anti-Muslim film
(Ahram Online)

Jordan arrests 10 gays over get-together party
(Ahram Online)

Jordan terror suspect criticises jihadist tax on Syria Christians
(Ahram Online)

Bahrain arrests 4 for 'religious insult' on Instagram
(Ahram Online)

Among the snake handlers
(Peter Lawler, First Things)

How Arizona’s anti-gay bill will hurt the religious
(E.J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post)

Indian ministry to discuss developing Islamic endowments
(Kuala Lumprur, Reuters)

Federal judge rules Texas' gay marriage ban is unconstitutional
(Robert T. Garrett, Dallas News)

Arizona governor's veto aimed at own party's right
(Bob Christie, Associated Press)

Kerry likens Uganda anti-gay law to anti-Semitism and apartheid
(Lesley Wroughton, Reuters)

Experts say immigrants are changing the U.S. religious landscape
(Meredith Somers, The Washington Times)

Rift at Jewish school in Manhattan over canceled plan for Israeli-Palestinian talk
(Jacob W. Sotak, New York Times)

Syrian Christians sign treaty of submission to Islamists
(Elhanan Miller, The Times of Israel)

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Attacks on religious freedom amount to 'sophisticated warfare' on Christians, say top journalist, legal scholars
(Paul Stanley, The Christian Post Politics)

Banned Sikh group never advocated violence, former leader says
(Sunny Dhillon, The Globe and Mail)

Bishop to lead parliamentary inquiry into foodbanks and food poverty
(News Release, Church of England)

Canada's ambassador for religious freedom weighs in on controversial Arizona bill
(Jessica Murphy, Sun News)

Is the right's "religious liberty" campaign about to backfire?
(Kevin Drum, Mother Jones)

Little Sisters of the Poor formally file appeal in birth control case
(Alison Knezevich, The Baltimore Sun)

Mohler: Religious liberty threat growing
(James A. Smith Sr., Baptist Press)

Pakistani Taliban say government must embrace Islamic law
(Saud Mehsud, Reuters)

Pastors, lay people agree: religious liberty declining in U.S.
(Pennsylvania Pastors Network)

S. Korean missionary jailed in North seeks mercy
(Eric Talmadge, Associated Press)

Why did Harvard and the YMCA stray from their Christian roots?
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post)

Notice & Call for Papers for Annual Symposium of IASJF: Proposals Due 15 March 2014
(The International Academy for the Study of the Jurisprudence of the Family)

Why 6 federal judges have struck down state gay marriage bans, in their own words
(Niraj Chokshi, The Washington Post)

Arizona governor vetoes bill on denying services to gays
(Aaron Blake, The Washington Post)

Arizona religious-freedom bill becomes test case
(Tamara Audi and Jacob Gershman, The Wall Street Journal)

No, this is not Jim Crow for gays – Understanding Arizona S.B. 1062
(Paul Mirengoff, Powerline)

Arizona bill sparks debate about religious objections to gay marriage
(Michael Lipka and David Masci, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

Morocco, counter-terrorism, and the U.S - Africa Summit
(Ahmed Charai, Foreign Policy Research Institute)

Ronald Reagan's City of God
(Paul Kengor, RealClearReligion)

After ban, Danish gov’t minister to examine science of ritual slaughter

Making sense of global terrorism now
(Fernando Reinares, Elcano Royal Institute)

Mormon Apostle: Believers should join together to defend free exercise of faith
(Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Mormon Newsroom)

Teenage jihadists, car burnings and Muslim-only cemeteries
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Survey: Americans turn sharply favorable on gay issues
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

One-third of Millennials who left their religion did it because of anti-gay policies: survey
(Jaweed Kaleem, Huff Post Religion)

Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims voice their concerns on religion based discrimination in India to the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief
(National Council of Churches in India)

Indonesia’s religious freedom ‘in peril’
(World Watch Monitor)

Indonesia Report 2014
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Dozens dead as sectarian violence continues in central Nigeria
(World Watch Monitor)

Arabs riot on Temple Mount ahead of Feiglin’s debate on Jewish Prayer
(Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu, Jewish Press)

Reform and Conservative Jews upset over plans for Robinson’s Arch
(JTA, Jewish Press)

World Russian People's Council threatens with legal prosecution to those who try to capture churches in Ukraine

Patriarch Kirill calls on Ukrainian authorities not to interfere in church affairs

The first Saudi Woman to become an editor-in-chief
(Samya, Patheos Blog: Muslimah Media Watch)

Kathmandu: the invasion of naked holy men sparks protests among residents
(Christopher Sharma,

New Israeli 'divide and rule' law to separate Arab Christians and Muslims
(Joshua Lapide,

New Ukraine acting president Turchynov is Baptist pastor
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Ukraine names Baptist pastor as acting president
(Timothy C. Morgan, Christianity Today)

Profile: Olexander Turchynov
(BBC News)

Oleksandr Turchynov’s Baptist faith may help defuse Ukrainian crisis
(Olga Rudenko, Religion News Service)

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