Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 10 March 2014

Can an Israeli-Palestinian business coalition push leaders to make a deal?
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Abbas cannot make concessions on any core issue
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute)

AJC, ADL opposing Maryland anti-boycott measure

Petition in Poland seeks referendum to legalize ritual slaughter

Religion and law round up – 9th March: A fairly busy week: the Mormon temple in Preston, Welsh devolution, women in the C of E episcopate, selling “church treasures” – and more
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Move to repatriate Spanish Jews prompts frenzy, but excitement may be premature
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

Ma'aloula nuns freed in exchange for 150 rebels held prisoner
(Paul Dakiki,

Nuns and other Christians in Syria: Finally, a little good news
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Kidnapped nuns thank negotiators after being freed in Syria
(The Guardian)

Letter on release of kidnapped Syrian nuns
(Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, World Council of Churches)

Nuns released by Syrians after three-month ordeal
(Anne Barnar & Hwaida Saad, The New York Times)

Fast track for Virginia and Nevada marriage cases (UPDATED)
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

The 50th anniversary of the (re-)birth of the First Amendment
(Andrew Cohen, The Atlantic)

Don’t make ‘religious freedom’ a pawn in the culture wars
(Leah Ward Sears, David Blankenhorn, Time)

Saudis put terrorist label on Muslim Brotherhood
(David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times)

Opposition to Maryland rail line bidder raises questions about accountability for Holocaust
(Katherine Shaver, The Washington Post)

Fleeing Lev Tahor sect members sent back to Canada

Priest's role in telemed abortion ban challenged

Religious Garb and Grooming in the Workplace: Rights and Responsibilities
(US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

France to return Nazi-looted art as ‘Monuments Men’ hits French screens

What do state constitutions say about vouchers?
(Sasha Volokh, Volokh Conspiracy (Washington Post))

UN starts Central African Republic investigation
(John Heilprin, Associated Press)

Young Pakistanis are asking: If there can be secular Jews, why not atheist Muslims?
(Mina Sohail, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

India: Muslims told to take part in poll process
(The Times of India)

Pope Francis wants you to get over him
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

What it means to be Catholic now
(Peter Manseau, New York Times)

Commentary: Pope Francis’ first year: An assessment
(Joseph Kurtz, The Washington Post)

How to really measure the 'Francis effect'
(Daniel Burke, CNN Living)

Cardinal Dolan: Pope Francis opened door to gay civil unions debate
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Mississippi lawmakers feel pressure over religion bill
(Associated Press, Washington Post)

US Supreme Court lets the Episcopal Church keep Falls Church property
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Spared a church trial in one region, Methodists may find censure in another
(Renee K. Gadoua, Religion News Service)

Comic superhero Ultraman slain by Malaysian censors because of “Allah”
(Stuart Grudgings, Reuters)

Malaysian ministry bans use of term 'Allah' by non-Muslims
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

Arab envoys say no to Israel as Jewish state
(Miami Herald via The Associated Press)

India in post-2014 Afghanistan: Challenges and opportunties – Anaysis
(Dr Shanthie Mariet D Souza, Eurasia Review)

Taliban threatens to disrupt Afghan elections
(Al Jazeera America)

Religious Freedom - Complaint against French MP Rudy Salles - Rapporteur on a motion "The protection of minors against excesses of sects " at the PACE
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom – Articles)

By a 48% margin, entrepreneurs pray more than non-entrepreneurs, study finds
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews flock to lower Manhattan to protest Israel's proposed draft of religious citizens to its army
(Associated Press via Daily News)

Colleges should teach religion to their students
(Marshall Poe, The Atlantic)

Jehovah’s Witnesses and objections to blood transfusion
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Sunni Muslim institution in Egypt issues fatwa over the film 'Noah'
(Amro Hassan, Los Angeles Times)

Methodist church drops case against minister who performed NY same-sex marriage for his son
(Associated Press, Star Tribune)

Myanmar and Sri Lanka: The modern axis of Buddhist hate
(Jake Scobey-thal, Foreign Policy, The Reporter)

Dalai Lama representative: Tibetan spirit still strong, Beijing must listen

Orthodox patriarchs urge peace in Ukraine, agree on council
(Dasha Afanasieva and Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Why should we care about Crimea?
(Gerard M. Gallucci, TransConflict)

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Ballot is battleground for Israeli town torn by religion
(Maayan Lubell, Reuters)

Catholicism growing in heart of Muslim world
(John L. Allen Jr., Boston Globe)

China: Kunming Terrorist Attack
(Col. R. Hariharan, South Asia Analysis Group)

Murder of Jiri Fielder, researcher of Jewish heritage, being probed in Prague

Profane, award-winning 'Book of Mormon' musical coming to Salt Lake City
(Tad Walch, Deseret News)

Before Crimea was an ethnic Russian stronghold, it was a potential Jewish homeland
(Jeffrey Veidlinger, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Iran's Rohani to visit Saudi Arabia
(Al Bawaba News)

Pakistan's new security policy and madrases: Will it curb the venom? - analysis
(Gaurav Dixit, Eurasia Review)

Nuns kidnapped in Syria freed
(Al Jazeera America)

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Google battles legal fallout of copyright ruling on anti-Islamic film
(Rory Carroll, The Guardian)

New study reveals who reads the Bible – and why
(David Briggs, The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA))

Court holds middle school in Florida not covered by Federal Equal Access Act
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Call for Iran to free women activists
(Human Rights Watch)

50 powerful women religious leaders celebrate on International Women's Day
(Huff Post Religion)

Religion and advertising: Competing to be the real thing
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

How we miss the point of International Women’s Day–and how to get it right.
(Omid Safi, RNS Blog: What Would Muhammad Do?)

International Women's Day 2014: Inspiring Change

Religious Freedom & Business Foundation upcoming events
(Brian J. Grim)

Iraqi women protest against proposed Islamic law in Iraq
(Suadad Al-Salhy, Reuters)

Serbs decry plans to move Tesla’s ashes to church
(Jovana Gec, Associated Press via The Salt Lake Tribune)

‘Religious freedom’ bill days away from vote in Mississippi
(Reid Wilson, The Washington Post)

Syria's Christians find themselves, once again, persecuted and taxed for their religion
(Adam Wernick, Public Radio International)

Millennial generation less religious, more liberal

Russian Orthodox Church sings from Putin hymn sheet on Ukraine
(Gabriela Baczynska, Reuters)

Kansas Senate leaders won’t pass religious freedom legislation this year
(Bryan Lowry, The Wichita Eagle)

Rift deepens between Women of the Wall activists
(Spencer Ho, The Times of Israel)

Ex-AUM cult member Hirata sentenced to 9 years in prison

LDS temple worship, non-domestic rates and Article 9 ECHR
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Use of ‘Allah’ still unresolved for Malaysia’s Christians
(Matt K. George, World Watch Monitor)

Experts tell Netanyahu to remove criminal sanctions clause from haredi draft bill
(Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post)

Regional consultation on promoting the freedom of religion and beliefs in ASEAN
(Muhammad Hafiz, Game Magazine)

Pope Francis’s first year: Faith, hope—and how much change?
(The Economist)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Painting inspires dialogue between Jews and Catholics in Poland
(The Jewish Daily Forward)

Court strikes down entirety of Md. county’s ‘forced speech’ law for pregnancy centers
(Matt Bowman, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Indiana couples file federal lawsuit to recognize same-sex marriage
(Tim Evans, Indy Star)

Crucial Obama visit to Saudi Arabia requires decisive action
(Riad Kahwaji, INEGMA)

Dalai Lama in Washington, D.C.: China 'great' but government system is 'harmful'
(Matthew Pennington, Deseret News)

Protesters denounce the Dalai Lama as a ‘dictator’
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

The Dalai Lama and the cult of Dolgyal Shugden
(Robert Thurman, Huff Post Religion)

Ukraine fights for its truth
(Roger Cohen, International New York Times OpEd)

The terms of our surrender (same-sex marriage)
(Ross Douthat, The New York Times Op Ed)

No white flag. Ever. (same-sex marriage)
(Michael Cook, MercatorNet blog: Conjugality)

Russia vows retaliation if sanctions imposed
(Al Arabiya News)

All contact lost with Ma'aloula nuns. Syria will sink further into war for another 10 years
(Paul Dakiki,

Malaysia bans an Ultraman comic
(Al Jazeera America)

Fears mount that Boko Haram could bring Nigeria to the brink
(Courtney Brooks, Aljazeera America)

Abbas: I will not recognize Israel as Jewish state
(The Jerusalem Post)

Event announcement (March 12): American Constitution Society briefing on the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate
(Kali Borkoski, SCOTUSblog)

Malaysian opposition leader Is sentenced
(Associated Press via The New York Times)

Four men whipped in Nigeria court after being convicted of gay sex
(Associated Press in Lagos, The Guardian)

'Noah' banned in several Middle Eastern countries
(The Hollywood Reporter)

Study: Protestant work ethic isn’t just Protestant anymore
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

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