Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 24 March 2014

EVENT, 24 March 2014: Everybody's Business: The Legal, Economic, and Political Implications of Religious Freedom
(12 noon - 5:30 pm, Religious Freedom Project of the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

A comparative analysis of laws pertaining to same-sex unions
(W. Cole Durham, Robert Theron Smith & William C. Duncan, SSRN)

Economic growth higher where governments do not regulate women's headscarves
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

The Law Society’s practice note on sharia-compliant wills
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Sharia law in UK: calls for Parliamentary inquiry
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Sharia law to be adopted into UK legal system for first time

Confucianism, democratization, and human rights in Taiwan
(Joel S. Fetzer and J. Christopher Soper, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

Religious exemptions — a guide for the confused
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy via The Washington Post)

High court with vocally devout justices set to hear religious objections to health-care law
(Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

In our opinion: In Hobby Lobby case, freedom is under threat
(Editorial, Deseret News)

Religious case at Supreme Court could affect Obamacare and much more
(David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times)

Survey: Up to 40 percent of Hungarians accept anti-Semitic attitudes

UN envoy rules out new Syria talks 'for time being'
(The Daily Star (Lebanon))

Marriage equality: In America today the rich have the money and the social capital
(R. R. Reno, First Things)

Germany publishes guide aimed at Jewish tourists
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Harris needs Christian right for GOP NC Senate win
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Pope appoints former victim to sex abuse commission
(Eric J. Lyman, USA Today)

Why some Israeli settlers are willing to live in a Palestinian state
(Joshua Mitnick, The Christian Science Monitor)

Pope taps women, victims for sex abuse commission
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Francis shows political instincts in naming antiabuse panel
(John L. Allen, Jr., The Boston Globe)

Vatican No. 3 finds blame within in abuse scandal
(Associated Press, The New York Times)

Iran’s oppressed Christians
(Liana Aghajanian, The New York Times)

Uzbekistan: Seven Muslims amnestied, but ailing Muslim prisoner waits for operation
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Taxpayers fund creationism in the classroom
(Stephanie Simon, Politico)

Nutter, Corbett, and Chaput embark on a Vatican mission
(Jessica Parks and Claudia Vargas,

Church of England Sunday attendance continues downward slide
(Trevor Grundy, Religion News Service)

Xinjiang’s cycle of violence
(Ananth Krishnan, The Hindu)

Montreal Catholic school fighting for the right to teach ethics and religious culture in its own Jesuit style
(Joseph Brean, National Post)

Chechnya president inaugurates new $10 million mosque in Arab village in Israel
(US News and World Report)

Young advocate seeks pope's aid on immigration
(Steve Lopez, Los Angeles Times)

More U.S. troops to aid Uganda search for Kony
(Helene Cooper, The New York Times)

Government intervenes at school 'taken over’ by Muslim radicals
(Andrew Gilligan, The Telegraph)

Ugandan official: US cuts up to $6 million in aid over anti-gay law
(ABC News)

Countries divided on future of ancient Buddahs
(Rob Nordland, The New York Times)

German customs seizes cocaine addressed to Vatican
(Chicago Sun-Times)

The Catholic roots of Obama’s activism
(Jason Horowitz, The New York Times)

Vatican Chief Justice: Obama’s policies ‘have become progressively more hostile toward Christian civilization’
(CBS St. Louis)

UK police warn of prosecutions over Islamist posts

Madhya Pradesh, two Pentecostal pastors arrested on false charges of forced conversions

Egypt sentences 529 Morsi supporters to death
(Al Jazeera)

UPDATED: Michigan same-sex marriages blocked
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Governor: Michigan won’t yet recognize gay marriages
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Legal questions abound over same-sex marriages in Mich.
(Tresa Baldas and Paul Egan, Detroit Free Press via USA Today)

Are firms entitled to religious protections?
(Janet Adamy, The Wall Street Journal)

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Evangelicals still don't know what to do with the Big Bang
(Karl W. Giberson, The Daily Beast)

In rural Uganda, small Jewish community splits over conversion
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Preserving Jewish Calcutta
(The Jerusalem Post)

Religion and law round up – 23rd March
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Israel, religion and the draft: Get into uniform
(N.P., The Economist [Pomegranate: The Middle East])

Religion rights and human rights: The meaning of freedom
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

"How to think about religious freedom" by Nick Spencer
((download link), Theos)

War is over – now Serbs and Bosniaks fight to win control of a brutal history
(Julian Borger, The Guardian)

Jewish heirs won’t get back art treasure, German panel rules

Jewish groups slam latest Khameini Holocaust denial

District Court invalidates Michigan ban on same-sex marriage; 6th Circuit stays order
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

6th Circuit, critical of U.S. Marshals, still upholds qualified immunity in seizure for Planned Parenthood judgment

Wisconsin governor refuses atheist demands to remove scripture from social media pages
(Heather Clark, Christian News Network)

Op-Ed: American Jewry must reclaim Hebrew
(Ari Rudolph, The Global Jewish News Source)

Nigerian Catholics risk violence, lives to attend Mass
(Catholic News Agency)

Reflections on Son of God movie
(William D. Romanowski, OUPblog)

Manifestations of collective hatred do not ‘erupt’ like a volcano – UN expert on freedom of religion
(Heiner Bielefeldt, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)

Freedom of expression under threat by new measures proposed by Human Rights Commissioner
(Jacob Mchangama, Freedom Rights Project)

UN officials warn against misuse of Article 20 ICCPR to thwart free speech
(Freedom Rights Project)

The evolution of the death penalty in one map
(Lane Florsheim, New Republic)

Saturday, 22 March 2014

China will introduce school uniform guidelines to prevent racial and religious discrimination
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Evangelical Latinos say they could be force in midterm elections
(Nick Valencia, CNN)

For antigay church, losing its cause before its founder
(Michael Paulson, The New York Times)

French parents alone against Syria jihad recruiters
(Nicholas Vinocur and Pauline Mevel, Reuters)

Immigrants from former Soviet Union challenge German secularism
(Ben Goossen, Mennonite World Review)

Israeli diplomat strike looms over Pope's visit to Holy Land
(Allyn Fisher-Ilan, Reuters)

Lev Tahor children in Guatemala can stay with their parents for now, says judge
(Tim Alamenciak, The

Msgr. Fan Zhongliang's funeral attended by 5,000 priests and faithful from the official and underground Churches
(Jian Mei,

Nigeria's insurgency: How about some carrot?
(G.P., The Economist [Baobab: Africa])

Traditional views on sexuality silenced by new liberal "censoriousness", says Lord Neuberger
(Christian Concern)

Turkey's twitter ban unsuccessful
(Al Bawaba News)

UN report blasts Iran for persecution of Christians, other religious minorities
(Benjamin Weinthal, Fox News)

UN warns of anti-Muslim violence in Central African Republic
(Nick Cumming-Bruce, The New York Times)

Friday, 21 March 2014

ACLU of Oklahoma wins appeal of judge’s decision to deny name change to transgender applicants
(ACLU of Oklahoma)

Albania arrests alleged jihad recruiting group
(Linda Karadaku, Southeast European Times)

Can science and religion coexist in equal compatability
(World Religion News)

China: Confused approach to minority issues
(Bhaskar Roy, South Asia Analysis Group)

Detailed Syria maps; activists honor revolution dead in Washington
(Matthew Barber, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

If the contraception mandate passes, it will ruin a core U.S. ideology
(Rick Warren, The Washington Post Opinions)

Massachusetts town hit with wave of anti-Semitism
(The Stream Team, Al Jazeera America)

Supreme Court Judge in striking admission of problems for Christians under equalities law
(Christian Concern)

Syrian military captures Crusader castle from rebels
(Nabih Bulos and Patrick J. McDonnell, Los Angeles Times)

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: I Speak for Myself: Women and Religious Freedom
(Due 15 May 2014, I Speak for Myself Series (

(Academic) freedom is another word for nothing left to lose
(Peter Lawler, First Things: First Thoughts)

New IRS exempt organization head speaks on priorities
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Muslim group to appeal ruling on police spying
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

French university defends shuttering pro-Israel event following heckling

Swiss government, Dutch lawmakers denounce boycotts of Israel

Italian Jewish leader decries bakery’s discrimination against Roma

Crimea annexation frightens Patriarch of Moscow
(Vladimir Rozanskij,

Dutch Jews condemn politician’s anti-Moroccan jibe

Norwegian nurses seek brit milah ban

British shechitah group complains to ethics council about ‘misleading’ article

Discrimination in India: Christians are 6 per cent of the prison population
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Animism is alive and well in South-East Asia: What can we learn? - Analysis
(Murray Hunter, Eurasia Review)

Judge strikes down Michigan ban on gay marriage as unconstitutional
(Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press)

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