Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Qaeda militants seek Syria base, U.S. officials say
(Eric Schmit, The New York Times)

Lawyer says Scientologists took him for $200K
(Matt Reynolds, Courthouse News Service)

Christian student sues TNCC, asserting college violated his rights
(Peter Dujardin, Daily Press)

Tenn. student religious protection bill delivered to governor
(Sunnivie Brydum,

The flawed moral vision of World Vision
(Al Mohler, Christian Headlines)

World Vision: Why we’re hiring gay Christians in same-sex marriages
(Celeste Gracey and Jeremy Weber, Christianity Today)

Iran resumes monetary aid to Hamas
(Adnan Abu Amer, Al-Monitor)

Lent: The annual Catechumenate
(George Weigel, First Things)

Experts say U.S. could do more to help persecuted Christians
(Carrie Dedrick, Christian Headlines)

White House ‘disappointed’ by Saudi denial to Jerusalem Post scribe
(The Global Jewish News Source)

West Java, Islamists block construction of a Catholic church
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Egypt adjourns second mass Brotherhood trial
(Al Jazeera)

Supreme Court evaluates Hobby Lobby suit
(Sarah Posner, Al Jazeera America)

Faith and theology help to heal communities facing HIV and AIDS
(World Council of Churches)

Austrian candidate under fire for comparing EU to Nazi Germany

State Dept.: Israel’s discrimination keeps it out of visa waiver deal

Tel Aviv allowing some stores to do business on Shabbat

Visiting Kiev’s wounded in Jerusalem
(Jeremy Borovitz, JTA Telegraph)

Seeking newcomers overseas, Winnipeg Jews don’t get what they expected
(Uriel Heilman, JTA)

Hungarian official gives assurances on circumcision, ritual slaughter

French Jewish group urging all-out effort to stop nationalist party

Spain: Jews and Muslims deserve apology and correction of historical wrongs – OpEd
(Faisl Kutty, Eurasia Review)

SCOTUS Twitterstorm * World Vision revision * Faith fun: Tuesday’s Roundup
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

The new tribalism and the decline of the nation-state
(Robert Reich, Eurasia Review)

Is promoting global religious freedom naive or necessary?
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Opinion: To which Charter do we owe our allegiance: Values or Rights?
(Zara Rubin, The Montreal Gazette)

Supreme Court hears landmark Hobby Lobby case
(Emily Hardman, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Full Transcript of the oral arguments in Hobby Lobby / Conestoga Wood
(The Supreme Court of the United States)

Hobby Lobby argument recap: One hearing, two dramas
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

SCOTUSblog evening round-up – March 25, 2014
(Andrew Hamm, SCOTUSblog)

Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood: Post-argument reactions (VIDEO)
(Kali Borkoski, SCOTUSblog)

The end of anti-discrimination: The stakes in Tuesday's Hobby Lobby arguments couldn't be higher
(Jeffrey Rosen, New Republic)

Supreme Court signals support for corporate religious claims
(Lawrence Hurley, Reuters)

Supreme Court divided as it hears argument on contraceptive coverage
(Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

Implied consent: A proposal on for-profit conscience
(Michael A. Helfand, First Things)

Ruling could have reach beyond issue of contraception
(Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

Health-law contraceptive case skews ideological lines on High Court
(Jess Bravin, The Wall Street Journal)

Does the Air Force ‘encourage atheism’ and ‘prosecute Christianity’?
(Chris Stedman, Religion News Service)

9/11 museum at New York City's World Trade Center to open May 21
(Associated Press via ABC 7)

New hope for Central African Republic?
(M. Zuhdi Jasser and Sam Gejdenson, World Affairs Journal)

UN rights chief blasts Israel over colony construction
(Reuters, Gulf News)

Mich. governor deflects same-sex marriage questions
(Paul Egan, USA Today)

Priests and same-sex marriage – further insights from Oxford
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Pope tells Sicilian Mafia: You will end up in hell
(Jim Kouri, Eurasia Review)

Syrian conflict takes center stage at Arab summit
(Ma'an News Agency)

700 Egypt Islamists in court after mass death sentences
(Ma'an News Agency)

Mrs. Smith goes to Ottawa: Ending sex trafficking in Canada
(John Stonestreet - Breakpoint, Christian Headlines)

The Kurdish peace process in the shadow of Turkey’s power struggle and the upcoming local elections
(Galip Dalay, Al Jazeera Center for Studies)

A look at Mideast judicial systems
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Supreme Court takes up Hobby Lobby’s challenge to the contraception mandate
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Entrenching a ‘duty to do wrong’ in medicine: Canadian government is funding a project to suppress freedom of conscience and religion
(Sean Murphy, MercatorNet)

Stanford to fund pro-traditional marriage event after claims of censorship
(Jason Hardy, Deseret News National Edition)

Hobby Lobby case provokes a twitterstorm
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Commentary: What Pope Francis can teach President Obama this week
(Mary Ann Walsh, Religion News Service)

High-level Philadelphia delegation to invite Pope to visit
(Mary Beth McCauley, Religion News Service)

US lobbies Vatican for pope visit in 2015
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Court OK's firing of 3 by Adventist University for violating church doctrine
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Analysis: Can Pope Francis help ‘reset’ frayed ties between Obama and the Catholic bishops?
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Big day at the Supreme Court for contraception mandate
(Katie Pavlich,

Crowds gather at SC for Obamacare contraception mandate cases

How the Supreme Court justices reacted to today's Hobby Lobby arguments
(Derrick Morgan, Hans von Spakovsky and Elizabeth Slattery, The Foundry)

The left's contraception deceit
(Guy Benson,

Opposing Morsi but defending democratic legitimacy
(Sreven Sotloff, World Affairs Journal)

What does Christianity suggest about human uniqueness
(William Hurlbut, Big Questions Online)

The war on Hobby Lobby
(Rich Lowry, National Review Online)

Russia's most wanted terrorist reported killed
(Andrew Foxall, World Affairs Journal)

Some schools teach Creationism and accept voucher students. Why that’s fine.
(Derrick Morgan, Hans von Spakovsky and Elizabeth Slattery, The Foundry)

Uzbekistan: Detained for religious materials in electronic devices
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

City council members have legislative immunity in suit over zoning vote
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Live Blog: Contraception Cases at Supreme Court
(The Wall Street Journal - Washington Wire)

Live blog of opinions | March 25, 2014

Supreme Court Hobby Lobby case revisits divisive political issues (VIDEO)
(Stephanie Condon, CBS News)

Oral arguments are underway inside #SCOTUS. At stake: whether Americans forfeit their religious freedom when they start a business
((Tweets), Inagist)

Ibn al-Haytham: The Muslim scientist who birthed the scientific method
(Ross Pomeroy, Real Clear Science)

Not just for Catholics: A reflection on Roman pilgrimage (review of Roman Pilgrimage: The Station Churches by George Weigel)
(Timothy George, First Things)

CALL FOR PAPERS, due 7 April 2014: Constitution and Religion June Workshop
(June 5-7, 2014, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Bielefeld, Germany)

Britain’s baby burning: On repugnance and religion
(Tom Wilson, First Things)

Monday, 24 March 2014

To my haredi brothers (on serving in the military)
(Robert Stark, The Jerusalem Post)

U.S. says glad 'noxious' U.N. rights envoy for Palestine leaving
(Louis Charbonneau)

Little girl taken out of Christian school after told she's too much like a boy
(James Gherardi, ABC News)

Most Palestinians back extending talks if more prisoners freed

Canadian court orders seizure of Iranian assets for terror victims

Yad Vashem rejects Hungarian memorial initiative

Religious freedom in the workplace (attire and facial hair)
(Tanique Williams, Legislative Gazette)

Egypt’s miscarriage of justice
(The New York Times Op Ed)

'God's Not Dead': What low-budget hit says about Christians and Hollywood
(Harry Bruinius, The Christian Science Monitor)

A new crusade: Aid proposed to stop Christian persecution in the Middle East
(Meredith Somers, The Washington Times)

Anti-genocide group sounds warning about Myanmar
(Associated Press, The Big Story)

'Story of the Jews' is personal for historian Schama
(Bill Keveney, USA Today)

Kaduna villages’ death toll rises to 150, including pastor’s wife and three children
(World Watch Monitor)

Let’s give the pope’s abuse commission a chance
(Mark Silk, RNS Blog: Spiritual Politics)

Gunmen kill six in attack on Kenyan church
(Joseph Akwiri, Reuters)

Jimmy Carter: Religion part of pay inequity
(Tal Kopan, Politico)

Commentary: The bad theology behind opposing the contraception mandate
(Cheryl B. Anderson, Religion News Service)

Bible verses in newsletter wasn't part of the deal, Buddhist worker says
(Courthouse News Service)

World Vision to recognize employees’ same-sex marriages
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

A major Christian charity lifts its same-sex marriage ban for employees
(Abby Ohlheiser, The Wire)

Monday round-up: The Court to hear Hobby Lobby tomorrow, March 25
(Amy Howe, SCOTUSblog)

Background sources for tomorrow's Supreme Court arguments in Hobby Lobby/Conestoga
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

5 questions about the Hobby Lobby case and contraceptive coverage
(David Masci, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

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