Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 28 March 2014

The Pope and the President: common ground but a clear divide
(Frank James, National Public Radio)

Kenyan Christian leaders oppose polygamy bill
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

The Establishment Clause: An interview with Judge Guido Calabresi
(Marie Griffith, Religion & Politics)

Federal government recognizing gay marriages in Michigan
(Matt Apuzzo, The New York Times)

Sham al-Islam: Its project and promise in healing the wounded lands of the Levant
(Translated by Daniel Abdullah, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

The rise of Turkey: The twenty-first century's first Muslim power
(Rahim Kanani / Soner Cagaptay, Forbes)

Some reflections on the sharia wills controversy
(Guest Post by Christopher Luff, Law & Religion UK)

Catholics in America: What crisis?
(The Economist)

As Santería grows and evolves, the increasing focus on Africa opens rifts among the sects
(David Ovalle, Miami Herald)

Hillsong Church Pastor Brian Houston denies promoting 'Chrislam;' says sermon taken out of context
(Nicola Menzie, The Christian Post Church & Ministry)

Christians protest 'Jesus is Muslim' Billboards in Ohio
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post U.S.)

Rabbi: Danish zoo killings show shechitah ban isn’t about animal welfare

Poll: 49% of Israelis favor Rabbinate recognition for Reform, Conservative Jews

What euthanasia steals from us
(John Stonestreet - BreakPoint, Christian Headlines)

Journalist deaths highlight deteriorating security in Afghanistan
(Jason Abbruzzese, Mashable)

Al Jazeera journalists are on trial in Egypt for doing their jobs
(Jesse Rosenfeld, The Daily Beast)

Hindus welcome return of stolen Shiva statue by Austrailia to India
(Eurasia Review)

Lessons from a German homeschooling family about the nanny state - OpEd
(Vicki Alger, Eurasia Review)

Central African Republic: Siege on capital's Muslims
(Eurasia Review)

Lao Christian families who refused to convert to Buddhism flee village

Riyadh: King Abdullah appoints heir designate to throne

Same-sex Marriage (Priests) – Church Commissioner’s Questions
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Ecumenical organizations discuss Swiss immigration vote with Geneva authorities
(World Council of Churches)

Pontiff and president seek common cause amid prickly issues
(Jim Yardley and Michael D. Shear, New York Times)

Many voices try to shape Pope Francis-Obama meeting
(Tamara Audi, The Wall Street Journal)

The people who oppose the gay marriage law
(Tom Heyden & Lucy Townsend, BBC News Magazine)

Asia Bibi's blasphemy conviction appeal hearing delayed for the second time
(Carrie Dedrick, Christian Headlines)

Pakistani Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy
(World Watch Monitor)

Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy, Islamabad bishop calls for prayers for the persecuted
(Jibran Khan,

Calls to repeal blasphemy laws after latest death sentence for Christian
(Christian Today - World)

Blasphemy death sentence for Christian road sweeper in Pakistan
(Christian Today)

Pakistani judge sentences Christian to death for blasphemy
(Mubasher Bukhari, Reuters)

World Vision’s Rich Stearns: ‘A bad decision, but we did it with the right motivations’
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

The peace deal between Manila and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF): Don't pop the champagne just yet - analysis
(Vinay Kumar Pathak, Eurasia Review)

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Concern for Rudy Salles report (The Protection of Minors Against Sectarian Influences)
(Raffaella Di Marzio, Forum for Religious Freedom Europe)

Religious Freedom – Complaint against French MP Rudy Salles, Rapporteur at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
(Peter Zoehrer, Forum for Religious Freedom Europe)

The Institute on Religion and Public Policy stands against discriminatory resolution at Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom – Articles)

The President of the Islam Community of German speaking Muslims alerts President of PACE on "sects" issue
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom – Articles)

Why gay marriage may not be contrary to Islam
(Faisal Kutty, The Huffington Post Canada)

Filipino bishops praise "historic peace agreement" between government and MILF

Phillipines and Muslim rebel group sign peace deal
(Oliver Teves, Associated Press, The Big Story)

In Italy, gay Catholics feel the ‘Francis Effect’
(Anthony Faiola, The Washington Post)

Analysis: World Vision’s gay marriage flip-flop reflects evangelical angst as culture shifts
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Why Obama could get a rough reception from Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah
(Howard LaFranchi, The Christian Science Monitor - Security Watch)

The religious roots of the elite liberal agenda
(Michael Brendan Dougherty, The Week)

Strict Texas abortion law gets reprieve, upheld by appeals court
(Warren Richey, The Christian Science Monitor)

The hunt for child sorcerers in Congo
(Deni Béchard, Foreign Policy, The Daily Herald, Columbia TN)

Pakistani gets death penalty for blasphemy
(Waqar Gillani and Salaman Masood, The New York Times)

Obama seeks to calm Saudis as paths split
(David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times)

Opinion: Why corporations don’t deserve religious freedom
(Jay Michaelson, Reuters)

Obama, Pope Francis hold first meeting
(Al Jazeera America)

Obama, Francis find common ground and divisions
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

An exchange of views, some in accord: President Obama meets with Pope Francis
(Michael D. Shear and Jim Yardley, The New York Times)

Pope tells Obama of concern for 'religious freedom' in U.S

Two versions of Obama-Pope Francis discussion: Agreements, but some divergences
(Barbie Latza Nadeau, Yahoo! News)

The pope’s message to the president
(E.J. Dione, The Washington Post Opinions)

Sri Lanka has changed, not the UN
(Donald Camp, IDN - InDepthNews)

China: EU leaders should confront Xi on rights, says HRW
(Eurasia Review)

Sri Lanka: Christian activists against government, anti-terrorism law, which threatens democracy
(Melani Manel Perera,

Aceh: Ulema against entertainment in hotels and public places
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Since Pope Francis, more Catholics say the church is in touch
(Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Anthony Salvanto and Fred Backus, CBS News)

Slow church movement fights the ‘McDonaldization’ of church
(Bob Smietana, Religion News Service)

Christian ink: Mummy's 1,300-year-old thigh tattoo revealed
(Megan Gannon, Live Science)

Violence against Christian Copts in Egypt continues despite fall of Muslim Brotherhood
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Obama asked to pressure Saudis to revise offending textbooks
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Dervish cleric was questioned in special court for clerics
(Majzooban Noor)

World Vision reverses decision to hire Christians in same-sex marriages
(Celeste Gracey and Jeremy Weber, Christianity Today)

WCC consultation will address migration, human trafficking and modern slavery
(World Council of Churches)

Cremation, incineration and the foetus
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Equality and Human Rights Commission on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

ECHR looks into Russia’s treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses
(RAPSI - Russian Legal Information Agency)

Obama and Pope Francis meet at the Vatican
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sacred and profane: How not to negotiate with believers
(Malcolm Gladwell, The New Yorker: Annals of Religion)

What kind of God did Shakespeare believe in?
(Andrew Hadfield, The Irish Times)

This Harvard-educated monk is reintroducing Buddhism to the Western world
(Carolyn Gregoire, Huff Post Religion)

Uruguay’s Jews concerned by arrival of Gitmo inmates

3000 Syrian Christians flee Armenian village as Islamist rebels take control
(World Watch Monitor)

King’s College London Student Union votes to back BDS

In Africa, homophobia is driving gays to speak out
(Robyn Dixon, Los Angeles Times)

District court enjoins sectarian invocations at county council meetings
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pope Francis visit to Israel is on despite diplomats’ strike

A year on, Israeli team of rivals rules Netanyahu’s coalition
(Ben Sales, JTA)

In Crimea, a Karaite community carries on, and welcomes Russia
(Talia Lavin, JTA)

Buddhist mobs attack aid workers' homes in Myanmar
(Robin McDowell, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Does the RCA hold too much sway over Orthodox conversion?
(Uriel Heilman, JTA)

Hobby Lobby case creates unexpected allies in Dershowitz and Starr
(Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post)

Prof. Michael McConnell (Stanford) on the Hobby Lobby arguments
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy via The Washington Post)

Can Orthodox Jews save Winnipeg?
(Uriel Heilman, JTA Telegraph)

Analysis: If Justice Kennedy writes the Hobby Lobby decision…
(Lyle Denniston, Yahoo! News)

Not just for profit: Religious corporations have their day in court
(Travis Weber, First Things)

Could Citizens United and a semi-colon undo Obamacare?
(Scott Bomboy, Constitution Daily)

Religious non-profits win injunction against contraceptive coverage mandate opt-out rules
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Boko Haram: How a militant Islamist group emerged in Nigeria
(Femi Owolade, Gatestone Institute)

Philippines, Muslim rebels seal historic peace deal
(AFP, Yahoo! News)

Ukraine's phantom neo-Nazi menace
(David Frum, The Atlantic)

U.S. Catholics mirror general public on views of inequality
(Tim Townsend, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

Loyola student government president vetoes Israel divestment resolution
(Aaron B. Cohen, JUF News)

Pakistan leads the world in blasphemy prisoners
(Knox Thames and Elizabeth Cassidy, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs)

Afghanistan’s political transition
(United States Institute of Peace)

Crimea in the Russian imagination: In search of lost time
(A.M., The Economist [Eastern approaches: Ex-communist Europe])

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