Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 14 April 2014

Girls are being forced to convert to Islam in Pakistan, but because they are Christian nobody cares
(Nasir Saeed, Christianity Today Comment)

Hanuman Jayanti 2014: Hindus celebrate the birth of the Monkey God (PHOTOS)
(Antonia Blumberg, Huff Post Religion)

Has Malala become a puppet of the West?
(Nico HInes, The Daily Beast)

In Crimea, the Tatars fear a repeat of a brutal history
(Mike Eckel, Al Jazeera America)

Israeli officer killed on way to Seder in West Bank
(Jodi Rudoren, The New York Times)

Jehovah's Witnesses portrayed as dangerous in Russian propaganda
(Interfax-Religiia, Russia Religion News - Stetson University)

Passover in Jewish Eastern Europe
(GLenn Dynner, OUPblog)

Scores dead in bomb attack at Nigerian bus station
(Al Jazeera America)

Swiss suicide clinic helped 2nd British woman 'tired of life' to die
(James Fielding, The Express)

The accused Kansas killer's neo-pagan religion
(Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

The Internet-driven atheist reformation
(Jeffrey Cavanaugh, Mint Press News)

Why Evangelical support for Israel is waning
(Dale M. Coulter, First Things)

In Berlin, giving wronged Olympians their glory
(Hillel Kuttler, JTA)

Dialogue touches on role of religion in society, impact on common good
(Catholic Sentinel)

Statement from the President on Passover
(Barack Obama, The White House)

President Obama announces presidential delegation to the Holy See to attend canonization mass
(Office of the Press Secretary, The White House)

President Obama hosts annual Easter prayer breakfast at the White House
(David Hudson, The White House Blog)

White House Easter prayer breakfast gets benediction by gay bishop
(Sarah Posner, Religion Dispatches)

In an unprecedented symbolic act senior cleric calls for religious co-existence in Iran
(xistence in Iran M. Kimya Hedayat-Zadeh,

Man with history of anti-Semitism jailed in fatal shooting of three at Johnson County Jewish centers
(Laura Bauer, Dave Helling, Brian Burnes, The Kansas City Star)

Three dead in Kansas City shooting, KKK link alleged
(Al Jazeera America)

Shootings at Kansas Jewish Community Centers: a case of domestic terrorism
(Omid Safi, RNS Blog: What Would Muhammad Do?)

Kansas City shootings highlight threat of ‘lone wolf’ attacks
(Rom Kampeas, JTA)

Israeli families gather for ritual Passover meal
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Passover, the Jewish holiday for Gentiles
(Laruen Davidson, The Atlantic)

Charities, religious groups and pre-election lobbying
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Backlog, backlash and beyond: debating the long term future of human rights protection in Europe
(Alice Donald, UK Human Rights Blog)

Lesbian couple make history with first same-sex church wedding
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

New Ian McEwan novel The Children Act to take on religion
(Richard Lea, The Guardian)

State Dept. issues warning against terror threat

The Vatican's precious manuscripts go online
(Liam Moloney, The Wall Street Journal)

Twenty-five Birmingham schools inspected over Islamist 'takeover plot'
(Helen Pidd, The Guardian)

UK: Gove is right to fail schools for religious bias
(Andrew Gilligan, The Telegraph)

Video: Nick Clegg backs probe into school extremism claims
(The Telegraph)

Extremist 'takeovers' in Birmingham schools?
(BBC News)

Vienna Philharmonic to return Nazi-looted painting

Cornell student gov’t votes to table divestment resolution

Pakistan and Israel: a study in contrasts
(Yasser Latif Hamdani, Daily Times - Pakistan)

U.S. Muslims cite progress but say they still fight bias
(Louis Aguilar, The Detroit News - Religion)

Malaysia: No answers from Putrajaya on child conversion

John Paul II’s legacy can help us win back religious liberty
(Ryan Eggenberger, Ignitum Today)

Paris auction of Nazi memorabilia canceled after Jewish groups protest

Two militants suspected killers of Dagestan village imam

Civil law and religious law cannot co-exist
(Marion Tharsis, Free Malaysia Today)

Fiji's Methodists told not to mix politics and religion
(Reverend Tevita Nawadra Banivanua, General Secretary, Fiji Methodist Church, Radio Australia)

ACLU files friend of the court brief supporting Affordable Care Act
(Tom Morton, K2 Radio)

U.S. Sikhs say military's ban on long hair and beards keeps them out
(Lalita Clozel, Los Angeles Times)

Temple Mount closed after violence flares
(The Jewish Daily Forward)

Warsaw Jews donate Passover food to Ukrainian community

Commentary: What Gethsemane teaches us about suffering
(James Martin, Religion News Service)

Young Unification Church members prepare for arranged marriages
(ABC News Nightline, Yahoo! News)

Tony Blair’s advisers and their 'ties to extremist group’
(Robert Verkaik and Robert Mendick, The Telegraph)

Obama welcomes 150 Christian leaders for White House Easter Prayer Breakfast
(Leslie Larson, NY Daily News)

Chabad gears up for biggest ever Mexican-style Seder
(Tamara Zieve, The Jerusalem Post)

Barbara Brown Taylor tells Christians to embrace darkness
(Jonathan Merritt, RNS Blog: On Faith & Culture)

Islamophobia and the left: A convenient adversary?
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

A year after Boston bombing, Muslim group seeks to curb extremist tendencies
(Tamara Audi, The Wall Street Journal)

Broader same-sex marriage ruling in Ohio
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Judge to Ohio: Recognize out-of-state gay marriage
(Amanda Lee Myers, The Big Story)

Mayor allows religious services in public-school buildings
(Mara Gay, The Wall Street Journal)

UN to grill Vatican again on clergy sex abuse
(Associated Press, The Big Story)

Goa communists accuse Church, BJP, Congress of spreading hatred
(Indian Christian Activist Network)

Passover Seders move to nights that work for busy lives
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

No rest in the debate over Sabbath business hours in Jerusalem
(Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times)

Nigeria violence: More than 70 killed in Abuja bus blast
(BBC News)

From burger flipper to Bürgermeister? Immigrant could become next Berlin mayor
(Frank Hornig, Speigel Online International)

From demon weed to God’s plant
(Matt Mellema, Slate)

The Leyla Şahin v Turkey case before the European Court of Human Rights
(Resources page,

On back of international pressure, Hanoi releases two pro-democracy activists

Easter in Yangon: Catholics "source of reconciliation, peace and prosperity for the country"
(Francis Khoo Thwe,

Sri Lanka, Christian activists: With John XXIII, defending human rights
(Melani Manel Perera,

Lahore: Third postponement in Asia Bibi's appeal as Islamist threats against judges continue
(Jibran Khan,

Talking to the Taliban after Karzai
(Michael Semple, Al Jazeera America)

Italian court recognizes a same-sex marriage performed in New York
(Ed Adamczyk, United Press International)

Maryland county commissioners agree to obey court order to halt prayers in Jesus' name
(Heather Clark, Christian News Network)

How Europe sacrificed the right to peaceful protest for good relations with China
(Jacob Mchangama and Aaron Rhodes, The World Post)

Asralindia: Association of Scholars of Religion and Law
(April Newsletter)

Battle over estate raises issues of religious marriage and interfaith relations
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religion and law round up – 13th April
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Easter reception at Downing Street 2014. Transcript of the speech
(The Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Gov.UK)

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Crimea Catholics - "We are cut off"
(Aid to the Church in Need)

No, Israel isn't about to turn into a theocracy
(Yair Rosenberg, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Religious hostilities weigh down the extremely poor in 5 countries
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Rudy Salles échoue dans sa tentative d’exportation d’une politique antireligieuse dans les 47 pays membres du Conseil de l’Europe
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom – Articles)

Video: Dr Aaron Rhodes and Professor Vincent Berger, side event on religious Freedom at Council of Europe
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)

Saturday, 12 April 2014

7th Fundamental Rights Platform meeting – Conference Summary (10-11 April 2014)
(Report compiled by FRA and FRP Advisory Panel)

Abortion in cases of rape: New rifts in old debate
(David Crary, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Christian vigilantes trap 14,000 Muslims in C.Africa town
(Jean-Pierre Campagne, AFP, Yahoo! News)

Diversity and dishonesty
(Ross Douthat, The New York Times Opinion)

Employment law: Faith in the workplace
(The Economist)

Fresno County educators, Sikh leaders vow to work against bullying
(Ron Orozco, The Fresno Bee)

Global war on Christianity is violent and real
(John L. Allen Jr., The Boston Globe)

Hollywood tries to win Christians' faith
(Chris Lee, Los Angeles Times)

How to resolve conflict: A Bible lesson for foreign policy leaders
(Chris Seiple, On Faith)

India: Most converts to Islam are backward; they need quotas
(A Sirajudeen, The Times of India)

Micro-Christendoms: Building in the ruins
(Peter J. Leithart, First Things)

Myanmar newspapers in black to protest journalist arrest

Rebels kill 14 in attempt to disrupt India election
(Al Jazeera America)

Soul seekers: How spiritual is secular America?
(Sara Israelsen-Hartley, Deseret News National Edition)

Why people exaggerate religion behavior
(Shankar Verdantam, NPR)

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