Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

On freedom of speech, social tolerance, and opposition to gay marriage
(Ilya Somin, The Volokh Conspiracy via The Washington Post)

Opinion analysis: Dividing the duty to pay for child porn
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

The Supreme Court promises child pornography victims full restitution “someday.” How long is that?
(Paul Cassell, The Volokh Conspiracy via The Washington Post)

Bhutanese pastors released on bail
(World Watch Monitor)

Islamized Armenians voice their 100 years in ‘purgatory’
(Vercihan Ziflioğlu, Hürriyet Daily News)

Christianity no longer a religion, says Turkish minister
(Doğan News Agency, Hürriyet Daily News)

Syria lawmaker becomes first presidential challenger
(Agence France-Presse, Global Post)

Erdogan offers Armenians condolences
(The Daily Star (Lebanon))

Brunei delays introduction of sharia law crackdown
(AFP, The Australian)

Hamas and Fatah unveil Palestinian reconciliation deal
(BBC News Middle East)

Eight arguments about whether the UK is a Christian country
(Jon Kelly, BBC News Magazine)

What's behind Cameron's embrace of 'Christian Britain'?
(Ian Evans, The Christian Science Monitor)

Interview with Dr. Yiyi Chen on Hebrew/Jewish studies in China and Sino-Israel relations
(Yiyi Chen, Middle East Institute)

My faith in the Church of England
(David Cameron, The Church Times)

Freedom From Religion Foundation v. Lew
((Parsonage Exemption Case), The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

American Atheists v. Port Authority of New Jersey and New York
((Ground Zero Cross case), The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Composition of the Lords Spiritual
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

EVENT, 23 April 2014: Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Pakistan and the South Asia Region
(United States Institute of Peace)

EVENT, 23 April 2014: Continuity and Change in the Modern Papacy
(Gerard Mannion, Kevin F. O'Brien, John O'Malley, Religious Freedom Project of the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Who are the victims and who are the victimizers? (How do you protest if the protestors are Muslim?)
(Douglas Murray, Gatestone Institute)

The Moroccans that infuriate the Dutch
(Timon Dias, Gatestone Institute)

Sex, saints and humanists: Wednesday’s Roundup
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Lambda Legal files federal lawsuit to end marriage ban for Georgia same-sex couples
(Lambda Legal)

Suit makes Georgia the last in South to face gay-marriage ban challenge
(Larry Copeland / USA Today, Religion News Service)

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Blair says countering Islamist extremism needs focus on religion
(Thomas Penny, Bloomberg)

Ministry of Health resumes cooperation with the Ukrainian Council of Churches
(Translated by Julia Vituk, edited by Robin Rohrback, Institute for Religious Freedom (Ukraine))

Q&A: Talking discrimination and school dropout rates in India
(Jayshree Bajora, Human Rights Watch)

Ultra-Orthodox schools in Belgium and England face sanctions for selective curricula

Mideast Christians, dhimmis once more?: An abandoned institution makes a comeback
(Mark Movsesian, First Things)

Quinn bid to make it easier to opt out of religion
(Katherine Donnelly, The

India: Tribals torn apart by religion
(Anumeha Yadav, The Hindu)

In West Bank, Israelis and Arabs face different justice systems
(The Associated Press, Mint Press News)

Judge won't rule in Oregon gay marriage case until at least May 14 while he decides on intervenor
(Jeff Mapes, The Oregonian)

Execution case roils Oklahoma courts
(Erik Eckholm, The New York Times)

France clamps down on radicalisation of would-be Syria jihadis
(Jannat Jalil, The Guardian)

A Jewish photographer’s portrait of Arab Israeli teenagers
(Jordan G. Teicher, Slate)

Freedom to marry, freedom to dissent: Why we must have both
(A Public Statement, Real Clear Politics)

Ukraine: It’s all about May 25
(Thomas L. Friedman, The New York Times)

Racial equality loses at the Court
(The New York Times Opinion)

When disruption comes to church
(Kenneth H. Carter Jr., L. Gregory Jones and Susan Pendleton Jones, Faith & Leadership)

Russia: Crimean Tatar leader exiled for five years
(Eurasianet – The Ninth Wave)

Crimean Tatar leader is barred from returning to Russia
(Lukas I. Alpert, The Wall Street Journal)

ACLJ files lawsuit on behalf of student denied college admission because of his faith

Why New Jersey atheists don't want Pledge of Allegiance in school
(Associated Press, The Christian Science Monitor)

John XXIII and John Paul II: Canonizing the Bookends
(George Weigel, First Things)

Countries with very high religious diversity - including China - outpace world in economic growth
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Pope John Paul II: A soul for all seasons
(George Weigel, The Wall Street Journal)

The legacies of John Paul II and John XXIII
(Amanda Murphy and Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

Journalists ‘tiptoe through land mines’ of reporting on religious freedom at RNS event in D.C.
(Brian Pellott, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Tensions between Australian Defence League and Muslim community reach violent new heights
(Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop, ABC News (Australia))

8THEIST Plates * Christian Britain * Easter Disaster : Tuesday’s Roundup
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Army approves ‘humanist’ as religious preference
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Israel encouraging more Christians to join military service
(Dan Williams and Ori Lewis, Reuters)

New study by sociologist Mark Regnerus suggests religion can predict sexual behavior
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Nigerian Christians begin three-day fast after schoolgirls kidnapped
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

The Moral Minority
(Mark Silk, RNS Blog: Spiritual Politics)

Nepal OKs some Sherpa demands amid boycott threat
(Binaj Gurubacharya, The Big Story)

Kazakhstan: Baptist jailed over Easter; new deportation order
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

God and gays: A conversation with Albert Mohler and Matthew Vines
(Jonathan Merritt, RNS Blog: On Faith & Culture)

2nd lawsuit filed against Abe’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine
(Odaka Chiba, The Asahi Shimbun)

Brunei returns to the stoning age
(Jay Michaelson, The Daily Beast)

Sri Lanka to deport Buddha tattoo British woman
(BBC News Asia)

Women, sexuality and the Southern Baptist's ERLC Summit
(Chelsen Vicari, The Christian Post Opinion)

Same-sex marriage: One of the most polarizing issues facing the American legal community
(Clay Flaherty, The Jurist (backgroud))

Outside the box: 3 ways people misidentify the ‘Nones’
(Chris Stedman, RNS Blog: Faitheist)

Georgia same-sex marriage ban challenged
(The Jurist - Paper Chase)

France: New anti-radicalisation plans aimed at fighting jihadism
(AFP, France 24 International News)

Europe, religion and politics: Old world wars
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

EVENT, 22 April 2014, A Symposium on the Affordable Care Act
(Susan Herman & John Sexton, NYU Arts & Science Liberal Studies Student Council)

Nevada GOP dropped platforms against abortion and marriage equality
(Heather Ginsburg,

Zivotofsky v. Kerry ('Jerusalem birthplace' case)

Critical meeting over banning of Christian counsellors
(Christian Concern)

Monday, 21 April 2014

Easter 2014: Amid celebrations, tension in Jerusalem and prayers in Boston
(Ralph Ellis, CNN World)

Transgender Islamic school reopened
(Bambang Muryanto, The Jarkarta Post)

RPT-Hollywood plays to the faithful, finds hits with God
(Ronald Grover and Chris Michaud, Reuters)

UN mission in South Sudan condemns ethnic killings in Bentiu
(UN News Centre)

UN cautions Syria against holding presidential election amidst ongoing ‘tragedy’
(UN News Centre)

Francis encountering curial opposition, cardinal says
(Joshua J. McElwee, National Catholic Reporter)

Should our NHS be trying to 'cure' homosexuality?
(Lucy Johnston, Express)

David Cameron Christianity claim backed by religious groups
(BBC News UK)

Poll: Religion trumps belief in Big Bang Theory for most Americans
(Seth Borenstein and Jennifer Agiesta, The Associated Press, NBC News)

Grayling on the JR attack, sacked Christian nursery worker and Al-Sweady inquiry – the Human Rights Roundup (BUMPER EDITION)
(Celia Rooney, UK Human Rights Blog)

US Supreme Court to hear dispute over 'Jerusalem, Israel' as birthplace (+video)
(Warren Richey, The Christian Science Monitor)

Most voters favor prayer, minus Jesus, at public meetings
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

New Jersey lawsuit seeks to ban Pledge of Allegiance
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Attackers said to single out South Sudanese by background
(Isma'il Kushkush)

French troops in Central African Republic escort Muslims to safety
(Emmanuel Braun, Reuters)

Lawmaker shelves bill to name Bible as state book
(Melinda Deslatte, Associated Press, The Big Story)

12 states ban sodomy a decade after court ruling
(Lauren Langlois, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Jewish communities in Latin America shrinking
(The Washington Free Beacon)

Teenage girls seduced by the Syrian jhad?
(Christopher Dickey, The Daily Beast)

Buddhists building new temple in Utah
(Pamela Manson, The Salt Lake Tribune)

China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years
(Tom Phillips, Liushi, Zhejiang province, The Telegraph)

Humanists File Lawsuit Against “Under God” in The Pledge of Allegiance in New Jersey
(Press Release, American Humanist Association)

Neo-Nazi brand opens shop in heart of Jewish London

Egypt stops attempt to smuggle Jewish artifacts
(Associated Press)

In Central African Republic, a town embodies the nation's conflict
(Chris Stein, The Christian Science Monitor)

David Cameron risks 'alienation', public figures claim
(BBC News)

Nigerians mark Easter amid mourning and fear
(The Associated Press via The Washington Post)

Christians in Homs, Syria, grieve on Easter as battles rage
(Sam Dagher, Wall Street Journal)

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