Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Statement by the President on Yom HaShoah
(Office of the Press Secretary, The White House)

Wenzhou: authorities begin to tear down Sanjiang Church

What is the religion of George Clooney’s fiancé, Ms. Amal Alamduddin? Druze? Muslim?
(Omid Safi, RNS Blog: What Would Muhammad Do?)

Why Christian leaders put aside differences to push immigration reform (+video)
(Lourdes Medrano, The Christian Science Monitor)

Why Saudi is sending this Scandinavian country a harsh message
(Al Bawaba News)

Narendra Modi trying to divide Bengalis on the lines of religion
(Mamata Banerjee)

WCC general secretary speaks on themes of justice and peace in DRC
(World Council of Churches)

10,000 set out from Auschwitz to commemorate Holocaust victims in March of the Living
(Daniel K. Eisenbud, The Jerusalem Post)

International Holocaust Memorial Day
(United States Holocaust Memorial)

Two U.S. soldiers lose bid to dress according to religious custom
(David Alexander, Reuters)

Turkey to seek cleric Fethullah Gulen's extradition
(BBC News Europe)

Cornwall, minorities and the law
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

When religion and politics collide: are there lines that need to be drawn?
(Gillan Scott, God & Politics in the UK)

Rastafarian inmates now enjoy religious privileges in prison
(Voice-Online UK)

Western elites have already lost intellectual dispute, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin believes

Monday, 28 April 2014

As Pakistani Catholics pray against sexual violence against children, more rapes reported in Punjab
(Jibran Khan,

Five members of Hizb ut-Tahrir sentenced for extremism in Bashkortostan

For Palestinians, empathy with Jewish suffering in Holocaust is complicated (+video)
(Christa Case Bryant, The Christian Science Monitor)

Gunmen ambush Muslim convoy in Central African Republic, two killed
(Siegfried Modola, Reuters)

Islam convert from Judaism sentenced for encouraging attacks on Jews

Nigeria: surging bloodshed strains 'marriage of irreconcilables'
(Issac Abrak, Time Cocks and Pascal Fletcher, Reuters)

Protecting religious freedom or legalizing LGBT bullying?
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Same-sex marriage decisions in other states argued in Utah case
(Dennis Romboy, Deseret News)

SDMU “Ummah” Mufti said Ismagilov: Ukrainian Muslims don’t live separately in ghettos, Russian aggression unites us
(Tetiana Mukhomorova, RISU)

The Church in Brazil is dying. This young woman is desperately trying to save it
(Mychelle Oliveira Coelho, Aleteia)

Why fear Boko Haram
(Eliza Griswold, Slate)

Historic Riverside Church recommends first woman as senior minister
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Yad Vashem rite launches Holocaust Remembrance Day commemoration in Israel

Nation comes to standstill as sirens wail for 6 million lost
(The Times of Israel)

Israel comes to a halt to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day (PHOTOS)
(The World Post)

A Palestinian student defends her visit to Auschwitz
(Zeina M. Barakat, The Atlantic)

Abbas’s Holocaust condemnation was sincere, says rabbi who solicited it
(Rebecca Shimoni Stoil, The Times of Israel)

Closing ceremonies of Holocaust Remembrance Day
(The Jerusalem Post)

Georgian Church speaks out against anti-discrimination bill
(Civil Georgia,

The unlikely friendship of Rabbi Marc Schneier + Imam Shamsi Ali
(Lorena O'Neil, Ozy)

Religious progressives celebrate rise with eye on lurking perils
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

Under the radar: Interviews with historians you should know
(Arlene Sanchez Walsh, Religion in American History)

United Church of Christ lawsuit says North Carolina laws restrict freedom of religion
(News Release, United Church of Christ)

Obamacare religious exemption hard to get
(Kathleen O'Brien / The Star-Ledger, Religion News Service)

Conservative Anglican leaders back Uganda anti-gay law
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Antisemitism Worldwide 2013 - General Analysis Draft
(Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry)

New survey of anti-Semitism has grim narrative
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Expert Interview with Dr Matthew Feldman: The Far-Right in the UK
(On Religion)

Deciphering René Girard
(Reverend Keith Hebden reviews James Warren’s book, On Religion)

United Church of Christ sues over NC ban on same-sex marriage
(Michael Gordon, The Charlotte Observer)

Cantor demands Kerry apologize to Israel
(Erik Wasson and Rebecca Shabad, The Hill)

Kerry apologizes for 'apartheid' comments
(Ben Jacobs, The Daily Beast)

Supreme Court denies review in case of disciplinary sanctions on former Kansas AG for abortion clinic investigations
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious campaign to halt EU abortion funding 'lacks mercy'
(Liz Ford, The Guardian)

CAR crisis: Peacekeepers escort Muslims out of Bangui
(BBC News Africa)

Looting follows evacuation of Muslims from Central African capita
(Emmanuel Braun and Chrispin Dembassa-Kette, Reuters)

Azerbaijan: Three year prison terms for Koran study?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

These accounts from Arab Americans show why an Israeli visa waiver plan is so controversial
(Adam Taylor, The Washington Post)

Resilience of Rwandans kept nation alive – Kagame
(The New Times)

China accused of anti-Christian campaign as church demolition begins
(Tom Phillips, Shanghai, The Telegraph)

Jewish Mayor of eastern Ukrainian city Kharkiv shot, fighting for life
(The Jerusalem Post)

Our bodies, their battleground: Boko Haram and gender-based violence against Christian women and children in north-eastern Nigeria since 1999
(Atta Barkindo, Benjamin Tyavkase Gudaku, Caroline Katgurum Wesley, for the World Watch Research Unit of Open Doors International, Netherlands)

The cold chill of the legal profession’s rejection of religious freedom
(Barry W. Bussey, Canadian Council of Christian Charities)

Time to annoint Muslim Prime Minister in India - OpEd
(Seema Sengupta, Eurasia Review)

Sako: "In 10 years there will only be a few thousand Christians left in Iraq"

Palestinians aiming to join dozens of international bodies, agreements

Uzbekistan: Under pressure from imams, Christians cannot be buried in state-owned cemeteries

Stay voids 3 legal same-sex marriages in Tennessee
(Heidi Hall, The Tennessean)

Egyptian court sentences 683 people to death
(Al Jazeera)

Egypt sentences top Islamist and over 680 others to death
(David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times)

Hungarian government moves against religious minorities, in disregard of ruling by European Court of Human Rights
(Central-European Religious Freedom Institute)

More than a third live in countries with high religious diversity
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Is Britain a Christian country and, whatever the case, what then?
(Bob Morris [guest post], Law & Religion UK)

EVENT, 28 April 2014: Moral Dilemmas of Partisanship: Ethical Obligations and Limitations for Political Partisans
(Bunn Intercultural Center Auditorium, Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life)

EVENT, 28 April 2014: Religion and Social Entrepreneurship: What's Faith Got to Do With It?
(held at the Advisory Board Company, 2445 M St. NW, D.C., The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Council of Europe Briefing: An attempted strike against minority religions fails, a landmark victory for freedom of religion or belief
(All Faiths Network & European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Francis presides over historic day of 4 popes
(Nicole Winfield and Daniela Petroff, Associated Press, Yahoo! News)

Hungarians march against anti-Semitism after far-right poll gains
(Sandor Peto, Reuters)

NY Times: Decline of religion is making church organists irrelevant
(Deacon Greg Kandra, Patheos Blog: The Deacon's Bench)

Anabaptist historical files on beliefs and practices
(The Association of Religion Data Archives)

Hungary statue plans scorned at Holocaust memorial
(Pablo Gorondi, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Anti-Semitic attacks almost a ‘daily phenomenon,’ global survey finds

Bahrain sentences eight to life in prison over alleged role in bomb blast
(N/A, Aljazeera America)

EVENT, 27 April 2014: Sin, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation: Christian and Muslim Perspectives
(Veli-Matti Karkkainen, Jonathan A.C. Brown, Father Daniel Madigan, The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Popes John XXIII, John Paul II elevated to sainthood
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

Canonising two popes: Big and small differences
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

Historic canonization of two popes brings joy and controversy
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

Jews hail new papal saints who revolutionized ties with Catholics
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

Five facts on canonization for saint watchers and atheists who believe in miracles
(Jacalyn Duffin, OUPblog)

Papal saints: Once a given, now extremely rare
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

Turning waste to wealth - A strategy to reverse discrimination
(Brian J. Grim, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Religious Freedom & Business Foundation News

Meet James Woods, who could be the first open atheist elected to Congress
(Chris Stedman, RNS Blog: Faitheist)

Britain’s Baroness Berridge seeks global coalition on religious freedom
(Brian Pellott, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Religious liberty officials warn of dark cloud over Hungary
(Dennis Crowley, Juicy Ecumenism: Blog of The Institute on Religion & Democracy)

Religion and law round up – 27th April
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Bar society rulings in Nova Scotia, Ontario strike blow against religion: school
(Melanie Patten, The Canadian Press)

Trinity Western blasts N.S., Ontario law societies
(CBC News)

Trinity Western grads will not be eligible for the Ontario bar; Nova Scotia gives provisional accreditation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Ontario law society votes ‘no’ to accrediting Trinity Western University
(The Canadian Press, Ottawa Citizen)

Trinity Western law school rejected by Ontario law society
(CBC News)

Law Society votes against accrediting controversial Christian law school
(Jane Gerster, The Star)

'Have mercy on our litte ones': kidnapping agonizes Nigerians
(Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, NPR - Listen to the Story)

More on the Trinity Western accreditation controversy

Saturday, 26 April 2014

“I’m stunned and horrified” – North Korean Christian tells MPs of their persecution
(Gillan Scott, God & Politics in the UK)

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