Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 1 May 2014

North Carolina’s gay-marriage ban Is challenged by church
(Michael Paulson, The New York Times)

The Muslims of America lose
(Eugene Volokh, the Volokh Conspiracy)

Mistranslation and the Holocaust
(Paul Liben, The Jerusalem Post)

Ukraine crisis: Small numbers, global impact
(Tim Lister, CNN)

Ukraine and Christian disunity: Earthly causes, spiritual effects
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

CofE’s top female cleric: I would have ‘no problem’ with blessings for gay marriages
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

French "far-right" marches toward European elections
(Associated Press, Aleteia)

Vatican pendulum swings from theater to substance
(John L. Allen Jr., The Boston Globe)

Jewish tourism in Tunisia: Causing a fuss
(E.B., The Economist [Pomegranate: The Middle East])

Church-state groups skeptical about Hobby Lobby Bible curriculum
(Bob Allen, ABP News)

Why the death of western Catholicism is great for the Church
(David Carlin, Aleteia)

More than 250 Evangelical pastors urge immigration reform on Capitol Hill
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Guatemala: suppressing dissent at home and abroad
(Patricia Davis, Foreign Policy in Focus)

British tourist arrested and about to be deported from Sri Lanka because of her Buddha tattoo
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Are religious prisoners specially entitled to conjugal visits?
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Sultan of Brunei unveils strict sharia penal code
(Agence France-Presse, The Guardian)

Brunei adopts sharia law amid international outcry
(Arshiya Khullar, CNN)

What Sharia law may bring for non-Muslims in Brunei
(World Watch Monitor)

Brunei’s new Shariah penal code is awful—and about to get even worse
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Nigerians demand government do more to bring home kidnapped girls
(Faith Karimi and Vladimir Duthiers, CNN)

Religion and culture in the discourse of the European Court of Human Rights: the risks of stereotyping and naturalising
(Lourdes Peroni, International Journal of Law in Context)

Ecumenical delegation to visit South Sudan amidst conflict
(World Council of Churches, Anglican Communion News Service)

A fundamental fight: Fatwa on Salman Rushdie
(Paul Elie, Vanity Fair)

Transgender inmate suing over hormone treatments
(Andrew Welsh-Huggins, The Big Story)

Botched execution could renew 'cruel' challenges
(Andrew Welsh-Huggins, The Big Story)

US executions evolved from hanging to injection
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

EVENT, 7 May 2014: Marriages, Civil-Unions, Partnerships and Religions in South-Africa after 1996
(Professor Pieter Coertzen, KU Leuven)

Maliki is ‘certain’ his political bloc will win
(With Associated Press and AFP, Al Arabiya News)

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Fears for China's churches as Christianity rises
(Tom Phillips, The Telegraph)

Georgian Church protests adoption of anti-discrimination legislation recommended by EU

KS school district changes free speech policy after student lawsuit
(Carrie Dedrick, Christian Headlines)

Who knew? The late Cardinal John O’Connor’s mother was born Jewish
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Governor calls for review after botched execution
(Bailey Elise McBride and Sean Murphy, The Big Story)

A look at major players in Iraq national elections
(Associated Press, Aleteia)

Vicious attack at women's prison in Iran
(Shadi Paveh, Gatestone Institute)

Newspaper wars, Israel-style
(Ben Sales, JTA Telegraph)

Is a secular state the best option for Christians in Iraq?
(Aid to the Church in Need, Aleteia)

Abbas pumps new life into Hamas
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute)

UK government rules out inquiry in 1971 killings of Catholics
(David Young, Belfast Telegraph)

Ecumenical Patriarch criticizes nationalist tendencies within Eastern Orthodoxy

Mariupol Rabbi managed to pass three block posts to help chief rabbi of Donbass to ransom his grandson

Russian patriarch urges clergy to remain "above fighting" in Ukraine, to stay within "Divine Mandate"

Glenn Beck preaches Mormon theology at Liberty University
(Jonathan Merritt, RNS Blog: On Faith & Culture)

USCIRF issues its 2014 Annual Report - 15th Anniversary Retrospective: Renewing the Commitment
(Press Release, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

United States Commission on International Religious Freedom: Annual Report 2014

Annual report on the world’s worst religious freedom abusers comes with a new twist
(Knox Thames and Elizabeth Cassidy, On Faith)

Shrinking religious freedom in South Asia
(Knox Thames, Sahar Chaudry, Foreign Policy)

REPORT: State Department should double list of worst religious freedom offenders
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

Site of proposed Ground Zero mosque may become a museum
(Omar Sacirbey, Religion News Service)

Adventist leaders host Mormon leaders, highlighting religious freedom commitment
(Ansel Oliver, Adventist News Network)

Schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria married off to their abductors - report
(Maria Caspani, Thomson Reuters Foundation)

Chibok abductions: Nigeria girls' taken abroad'
(BBC News Africa)

Women politicians in South Asia face violence, threats, abuse-report
(NIta Bhalla, Thomson Reuters Foundation)

Amid widespread discrimination, he ministers to Nairobi’s gays and lesbians
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Victims demand action as Vatican abuse panel gets down to work
(Josephine McKenna, RNS)

Newark Archdiocese wins court case on legality of its headstone business
(Mark Mueller, Religion News Service)

Allah=God? * Jedi Revelations * Jesus’ Divorce: Wednesday’s Roundup
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Islam, scripted: Egypt reins in Friday sermons at mosque
(Christa Case Bryant, The Christian Science Monitor)

Assad's reelection campaign matters—really
(Andrew Tabler, The Atlantic)

Researcher: No real increase in anti-Semitic incidents in Ukraine

Polygamous murderer fights Pa. prison ban on conjugal visits with his multiple wives
(Matt Miller,

The first-ever Sikh prayer at the Pentagon
(Valerie Kaur, Huffington Post)

Yuba City Sikh barred from jury duty for refusing to remove religious dagger
(CBS Sacramento)

President Uhuru Kenyatta signs Kenya polygamy law
(BBC News Africa)

Hindus say minority rights ignored in Kenya’s new polygamy law
(Updated News)

Review of Annabel Brett's "Changes of State: Nature and the Limits of the City in Early Modern Natural Law"
(Mark L. Movsesian, Center for Law and Religion Forum)

ADF lawsuit prompts Kan. school district to end ban on religious speech
(Press Release, Alliance Defending Freedom)

State Churches, disendowment and peaceful enjoyment of property
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Afghanistan: Unspoken realities of candidates and the presidential election - analysis
(Hamed A. Aziz, Eurasia Review)

Some Nepalis to be asked to "reconsider their faith" to get their ID papers
(Christopher Sharma,

Indian Jesuit: General Election, amid a political vacuum and emergence of Narendra Modi
(Cedric Prakash sj,

Iraq, 22 million people vote in first election since the withdrawal of U.S. troops

Xi Jinping visits Xinjiang, the "front line against Islamic terrorism"

Amicus History: Hobby Lobby Supreme Court amicus briefs among record levels
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

More on Hobby Lobby / Conestoga Wood

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

'Rebel priest' prays for Ukraine gunmen, denies doing more
(Thomas Grove, Reuters)

An interview with Philip Jenkins on The Great and Holy War
(Thomas Kidd, Patheos Blog: The Anxious Bench)

Australia: Christian Youth Camp liable for declining booking from homosexual support group
(Neil J Foster, From the Selected Works of Neil J Foster)

C. African Republic: Militants decapitate Muslim
(Associated Press, The Big Story)

Campus divestment votes surge, but pro-Palestinian activists don’t get many wins
(Talia Lavin, JTA)

Contextualizing anti-Semitism in modern America
(Simran Jeet Singh, Council for a Parliament of World's Religions)

Erdogan wants U.S. to extradite powerful former ally
(Jamie Tarabay, Al Jazeera America)

Geert Wilders and Dutch Jews — end of the affair?
(Cnann Liphshiz, JTA)

Hospital that silenced “God Bless America” responds with more censorship
(Pacific Justice Institute)

Human rights activists have noticed negative tendency with religious freedom in 2013
(Translated by Victor Vityuk, Institute for Religious Freedom (Ukraine))

Idaho’s first out gay GOP candidate says his conservative views are “stigmata” for some voters
(Gideon Resnick, Buzz Feed Politics)

Iran: "Blood money" saved 358 people from the gallows

Iraq elections: Sectarian strife threatens to upend gains
(Jamie Tarabay, Al Jazeera America)

Israel honors history with Holocaust remembrance day
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Jewish groups consider including J Street
(Michael Paulson, The New York Times)

Methodists approve same-sex marriage benefits
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Morality study: What would you do for a million dollars?
(David Briggs, The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA))

Mosque in Israeli-Arab town vandalized in ‘price tag’ attack

N.C. group sues, alleging gay marriage ban is affront to religious freedom
(Al Jazeera)

N.Y. City Council joins efforts to punish French rail firm SNCF for profiting from Holocaust

Pahang: Ignore letter to remove Bibles from hotel rooms, Malaysian lawyers tell hoteliers


Religions freedom and conflict: A review of the evidence
(Roger Finke and Robert R. Martin, The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA))

Same-sex marriage advocates launch 'southern strategy'
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

Same-sex marriage backers debate whether traditional-marriage-only supporters should have a voice
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post Politics)

Statement by President Obama on the canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II
(Office of the Press Secretary, The White House)

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