Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 16 May 2014

Two states face legal confusion over gay marriage
(CBN News)

Religious liberty honoree Rabbi Lord Sacks builds bridges among faiths
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

Hundreds at rally hail ruling to overturn Idaho gay marriage ban
(Laura Zuckerman, Reuters)

From the Archive: Laos, LAOS and anti-Semitism
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Digging for truth in the “Gay Christian” debates
(Chelsen Vicari, Juicy Ecumenism)

Lebanon's Hezbollah disapproves of patriarch's Jerusalem trip
(Dominic Evans and Dan Williams, Reuters)

Canadian Christian University under fire for upholding Biblical standards
(Dennis Crowley, Juicy Ecumenism)

Anti-Muslim bigotry taints Florida ban on foreign laws
(Amos Toh and David Barkey, Reuters)

Pope Francis stresses the importance of Christian history in mass sermon
(Carrie Dedrick, Christian Headlines)

Given 72 hours to renounce Jesus, Sudanese mom refuses, is sentenced to flogging, then death
(Rob Kerby, Christian Headlines)

Commentary: There’s little to celebrate in Greece v. Galloway prayer decision
(C. Welton Gaddy, Religion News Service)

Exploring the social implications of changing religious beliefs
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Religious tensions deepen Ukraine splits - Russian Orthodox official
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Christians condemn death penalty for Sudanese doctor accused of apostasy
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod recommends faith-based program for girls
(Jody Token, Christian News Wire)

Statement on SunTrust Banks' discriminatory actions against the Benham brothers
(Matthew Faraci, Christian News Wire)

Muslim clerics resist Pakistan’s efforts to end child marriage
(Naila Inayat, Religion News Service)

The Al Qaeda split in Syria is now official
(Priyanka Boghani, Mint Press News)

Pope’s trip to Holy Land stirs diplomatic dilemmas
(Daniel Estrin and Daniela Berretta, Associated Press, Mint Press News)

Kazakhstan: Two months' jail for religious meetings without state permission?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Senior Bishop Nunzio Galantino urges Italian Church to consider homosexuality without 'any taboo'
(Yasmine Hafiz, The Huffington Post)

Synagogue reaches out to 'Jews of no religion'
(Donald Liebenson, Chicago Tribune)

Sudan woman faces death for apostasy
(BBC News Africa)

Judge blocks motion to defend Oregon gay marriage ban
(Kirk Johnson, The New York Times)

Judge strikes all Arkansas bans on gay marriage
(Andrew deMillo and Christina Huynh, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Sudan: Pregnant woman accused of ‘apostasy’, sentenced to death
(Mohammed Saeed, Central-European Religious Freedom Institute)

Condemned to hang, pregnant Sudanese doctor refuses to recant
(World Watch Monitor)

Indian Jesuits downplay reports of Vatican censure
(Christopher Joseph, UCA News)

Women take Rabbinate ordination tests for first time
(Kobi Nachshoni, YNet News)

Conservative Christian groups join legal fight to keep Michigan's gay marriage ban
(Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press)

Church schools urged to stamp out anti-gay bullying
(Madeleine Davies, Church Times)

American Christians should prepare to be despised, official tells National Prayer Breakfast
(Rob Kerby, Christian Headlines)

Controversy erupts after student asked to leave church prom over dress, behavior
(Garrett Haley, Christian News Network)

Judge rules 13-year-old can decide to terminate pregnancy
(Carrie Dedrick, Christian Headlines)

North Carolina Supreme Court re-opens school voucher program
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Agreement reached between School Board and FCA
(Livi Stanford, South Lake Press)

Legal and practical implications of Town of Greece v. Galloway
(K. Hollyn Hollman, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

"Too few Anglican women involved in decision-making processes"
(ACNS staff, Anglican Communion News Service)

NARLA honors U.S. Senator Roy Blunt with congressional award for promoting religious freedom
(Ansel Oliver, Adventist News Network)

Iranians demand hijab rules enforced
(Agence France-Presse, Arab News)

Thursday, 15 May 2014

9th Circuit Court temporarily halts Idaho same-sex marriages
(Cynthia Sewell and Sven Berg, Idaho Statesman)

Cameron Univ. official: University policy trumps First Amendment
(Press Release, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Censorship is no way to counter religious extremism online
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Coalition of black pastors speaks out against gay marriage
(Kate Abbey-Lambertz, Huff Post Religion)

European religious leaders consult on societies in transition
(World Council of Churches)

From Adam and Eve to Bill and Steve
(Mark Silk, RNS Blog: Spiritual Politics)

How to paint the sorld as Anti-Semitic
(Noah Feldman, Bloomberg World View)

In Metrobus ads, pro-Israel group features photo of Hitler
(Paul Duggan, The Washington Post)

It’s perfectly logical to oppose abortion and support gay marriage
(Mark Joseph Stern, Slate)

One Uighur man’s journey in two cultures
(Chi Zhang, Tea Leaf Nation)

Opposition wins India vote in early tally
(Al Jazeera)

Pope Francis: Without the Church, you are not a Christian
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post World)

Religion and Diplomacy: A Transatlantic Dialogue
(Pricipal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Uzra Zeya,

Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy
(Al Jazeera)

The 8 worst places in the world to be religious
(Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

Ukrainians become more religious

Women in secularism: Got a problem with that?
(Rajesh Jumar Singh and Aditi Shah, Religion News Service)

Same-sex marriages on hold in Idaho, given go-ahead in Arkansas
(Greg Bothelho, CNN U.S.)

U.S. appeals court stays ruling overturning Idaho gay marriage ban
(Laura Zuckerman, Reuters)

Arkansas: Same-sex marriage in limbo (UPDATED)
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUS Blog)

Arkansas judge strengthens ruling striking down gay marriage ban
(Steve Barnes, Reuters)

Pakistani Christian and Muslim leaders condemn Rashid Rehman's assassination
(Jibran Khan,

Religious liberty honoree Rabbi Lord Sacks builds bridges among faiths
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

The Ah-ha Moment - The Connection of Religious Freedom and Business
(Brian J. Grim, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs - Cornerstone)

Buddhists celebrate Buddha day with prayer and good deeds
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Welcoming Pope Francis to Israel
(Ron Kronish, The Jerusalem Post)

Pope Francis will take rabbi and Muslim leader with him to Holy Land
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

Op-Ed: Stealth anti-Semitism
(Dr. Richard L. Cravatts, Arutz Sheva 7)

Turkish students arrested for Nazi salutes at Nazi death camp
(Ari Soffer & Ege Berk Korkut, Arutz Sheva 7)

Missouri governor critical of 72-hour abortion wait law
(Kevin Murphy, Reuters)

Obama opens 9/11 memorial, a 'sacred place of healing and hope'
(Roberta Rampton, Reuters)

N.Y. lawmakers consider ban on gay 'conversion therapy' for minors
(Curtis Skinner, Reuters)

U.S. won't immediately deport man who took refuge in Arizona church
(Paul Ingram, Reuters)

Hackers deface Bulgarian church website over mosque attack
(Angel Krasimirov and Tsvetelia Tsolova, Reuters)

Women in Saudi Arabia: Unshackling themselves
(The Economist)

What the European Union’s new freedom of expression guidelines say about religion
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

Court says Catholic health system's pension plans qualify as "church plans" under ERISA
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Prosecutor tells jurors not to be fooled by a cleric
(Benjamin Weiser, The New York Times)

Jury in NYC begins deliberations in terrorism case
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Pat Robertson needs to quit mocking fellow Christians, says creationist leader
(Rob Kerby, Christian Headlines)

Obstacles to a just and sustainable peace agreement
(Rabbi Michael Lerner, Tikkun)

New book "Down in the Chapel" studies religious life in jail
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Remedies and the religion clauses: Reflections on the jurisprudence of tradition
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Commission: Sharia source of worldwide religious oppression
(Ryan Mauro, Juicy Ecumenism)

Judge denies stay request, gay marriage legalized in Idaho
(Carrie Dedrick, Christian Headlines)

UK calls on Iran to free jailed Bahá'ís and halt destruction of faith's cemetery
(Saeed Kamali Dehghan, The Guardian)

Raleigh church goes green for God
(Samantha Gilman, News Observer)

The discipline of matrimony in the Orthodox Church
(Metropolitan Jonah, Juicy Ecumenism)

The Pennsylvania Dutch search for greener pastures
(Chris Scinta, OZY)

Three words Protestants don’t understand (spoiler: the first is “Protestant”)
(Tobin Grant, Religion News Service)

The Devil beware Father Gabriele Amorth
(Anthony Faiola, The Washington Post)

Ohio measles outbreak largest in USA since 1996
(Kim Painter, USA Today)

The state of Evangelism
(Ed Stetzer, Christianity Today: The Exchange)

Jimmy Carter and the demise of progressive evangelicalism
(Randall Balmer, The Christian Century)

She can’t be a mother — it’s obvious to the child she’s not his real parent
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Jewish mother, baby assaulted in Paris
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Sudanese Muslim woman sentenced to death for Christian conversion

Sudanese woman who married a non-Muslim sentenced to death
(The Guardian)

Sudanese woman sentenced to death for converting to Christianity
(Khaled Abdel Aziz, Doina Chiacu, and Michael Georgy, Reuters)

Aussie principals have option to cut religion classes
(Russ Jones, Christian Headlines)

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