Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Op-Ed: Presbyterians, BDS and Israel — here we go again
(Noam E. Marans, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Fellowship at Two Rivers property sold to Catholics
(Heidi Hall, The Tennessean)

Music and genocide link Jewish lawyers with Nazi criminal on stage
(NIgel Stephenson, Reuters)

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

'Bad veiling' a protest against government, says Iran cleric
(Arash Karami, Al Monitor - The Pulse of the Middle East)

As Presbyterians again weigh divestment, Jewish groups lobby, warn and worry
(Ron Kampeas, JTA)

Boehner’s got a Catholic problem on immigration reform
(Christopher J. Hale, Time)

Church of England to bar clergy from joining parties seen as racist
(Belinda Goldsmith, Reuters)

Egyptian satirist Youssef ends show
(Arab News)

EU adds Nigeria's Boko Haram to blacklisted terror groups
(AFP, Ahram Online)

How Hitler and Judas could end up in heaven
(Damon Linker, The Week)

Islamist militia helps new Libyan PM seize office
(Esam Mohamed, Arab News)

Just two Catholic priests in Dublin aged under 40 - Martin
(Patsy McGarry, The Irish Times Religion & Belief)

Nigeria tops Christian persecution violence list, according to Open Doors, report
(Eurasia Review)

Religious groups and scholars of Islam in Syrian revolution
(Issam Eido, Syria Comment)

Sabha reporter's throat slit
(Asma Elourfi, Magharebia)

The Audacity of Pope: The ‘Francis Doctrine’ puts the Vatican back on the world stage
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Mormon pioneer polygamous wives [infographic]
(Paula Kelly Harline, OUPblog)

Baptist-Catholic university partnership forges religious liberty alliance
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

Religion and Law in the United Kingdom - Second Edition
(Mark Hill QC, Russell Sandberg, Norman Doe, Kluwer Law International)

Christian publisher unveils 'Modern English Version' of the Bible
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post Church & Ministry)

Livni officiates same-sex wedding
(Lahav Harkov, The Jerusalem Post)

United Church of Christ lawsuit adds plaintiffs, while defendants seek motion for stay in case
(PR Newswire, Digital Journal)

In modified opinion, court dismisses some diocesan contraceptive coverage claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Church group removes Alabama billboard quoting Hitler
(Verna Gates, Reuters)

MIT ditches graduation prayer — and may soon gain a humanist chaplain
(Chris Stedman, Religion News Service)

Catholic and libertarian? Pope’s top adviser says they’re incompatible
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Scandal-rocked megachurch loses yet another pastor
(Jennifer leClaire, Charisma News)

Cambodia welcomes return of 1,000-year-old statues
(Sopheng Cheang, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Jesuit director kidnapped in Afghanistan
(Amir Shah, The Times and Democrat)

BBC's Edward Stourton: British media suffers from religious 'blind spot' leading to 'skewed' coverage
(William Turvill, Press Gazette)

Prisons: is there an Article 9 right to see a spiritual adviser?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Pope to packed stadium: families are under attack
(Associated Press)

5 controversies that still plague the (Christian) church
(Bonnie Kristian, Relevant Magazine)

Open Doors releases top 10 list of countries where Christians face most violent attacks
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Navy rejects request for first humanist chaplain
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Atheists lose latest legal fight over ‘In God We Trust’
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Planned Parenthood's 'pastoral letter' says the Bible is silent on abortion
(Melissa Barnhart, The Christian Post)

Tennessee night club partners with Christian church for worship services
(Jessica Martinez, The Christian Post)

Ohio Supreme Court to decide whether execution survivor can be killed
(Michael Muskal, Los Angeles Times)

"Muslim Gospel" revealing the "Christian Truth" excites the Da Vinci code set
(Annette Yoshiko Reed, Religious Dispatches: (A)theologies)

Church of England bans clergy from joining BNP
(Cath Martin, Christian Today)

VA hospital orders Christian symbols to be covered inside its chapel
(Brownie Marie, Christian Today)

Over 60 churches destroyed in Syria, thousands of Christians become refugees - Russian MP

Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society plans to send humanitarian aid to southeastern Ukraine

In first, Mexico's Catholic Church accuses priest of child sex crime
(Lizbeth Diaz, Reuters)

Fearing converts to terrorism, France intercepts citizens bound for Syria
(Alissa J. Rubin, The New York Times)

Judges challenge Archdiocesan positions in bankruptcy case
(Annysa Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

Azerbaijan: "The banned book the Old Testament was confiscated"
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

An afterlife for Europe’s disused places of worship
(Celestine Bohlen, The New York Times)

Vatican: Too early to confirm 2025 Orthodox-Catholic summit
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

Sending a Torah and other cultural artifacts from Earth to the moon, just in case
(Paul Marks, The Washington Post)

Azerbaijan: A leading nation advocating peace and humanitarianism - OpEd
(Peter Tase, Eurasia Review)

Thai coup leaders warn against making 'Hunger Games' sign
(Voice of America)

Mass migration helping stem church decline in Britain
(Ruth Gledhill, Christian Today Church)

Pope Francis tells couples not to substitute dogs and cats for children
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

Hawaiian churches win partial victory in fight over school rentals
(Sarah Padbury, WORLD News Service)

West Java authorities yield to Islamic pressure and close down seven Protestant churches
(Mathias Hariyadi,

Tiananmen psychosis: Even Bao Tong, who wanted to stop the massacre, is arrested

The story of Anni Zhang, China's youngest prisoner of conscience

Egyptian satirist Youssef ends TV show
(Evan Hill, Al Jazeera America)

Live discussion with Vatican & British Embassy: Ending sexual violence in conflict
(Carly Andrews, Aleteia)

Stop the premature talk of surrender on same-sex marriage
(Carson Holloway, Aleteia)

Nigerian police ban protests over abducted schoolgirls
(AFP, France 24 International News)

EVENT, 3-5 June 2014: Religions and Constitutional Transitions in the Muslim Mediterranean: "The Pluralistic Moment"
(Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Como, Italy, The International Center for Religion, Law and Economy in the Mediterranean Area and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Muslims in Malegaon burn effigy of Najma…
(Indian Christian Activist Network)

Murfreesboro mosque fight laid to rest after Supreme Court ruling
(Bob Smietana, Religion News Service)

Midwife lodges legal challenge against a Swedish County Council for denial of her right to freedom of conscience and religion on abortion
(Pat Buckley, National Right to Life News Today)

Monday, 2 June 2014

'Millions denied end-of-life drugs'
(Tulip Mazumdar, BBC News Health)

Gay cakes * Zombie guru * Camp Kill Jews: May’s Religious Freedom Recap
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Southern Baptists face a moment of decision on gay marriage (and you will too)
(Al Mohler, Christian Headlines)

US Supreme Court refuses to hear Tenn. mosque case
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Supreme Court won't hear Murfreesboro mosque case
(Scott Broden, The Tennessean)

Reuven Rivlin, Israeli presidential front-runner, champions pluralism in politics but not Judaism
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Laws forbidding conversion and inter-faith marriage shake Mynamar
(Lizabeth Paulat, Care2)

Rafiq Hayat: Religious extremists 'devoid of faith'
(PR Newswire)

Making religious excuses for human mistakes is wrong, top religious official says over Soma
(Zeynep Gürcanli, Hürriyet Daily News)

Is Ndanga persecuting Christian churches in Zimbabwe?
(Etiwel Mutero, Bulawayo 24)

Turkey labels Christian church website pornography

Indonesia: SBY condemns attack on Catholics
(Jakarta Post)

Boko Haram is not an Islamist group
(Al-Hakim Andanu, Nigerian Tribune - Letters)

Clerics seek to whip Iranians into religious shape
(Camelia Entekhabi-Fard, Al Arabiya News)

Joel Osteen say he's not a 'prosperity' gospel minister [VIDEO]
(Yasmine Hafiz, Huff Post Religion)

Israel learns the Palestinian narrative
(Akiva Eldar, Al Monitor - The Pulse of the Middle East)

Israel to mandate teaching evolution in middle schools
(Al Jazeera America)

Religion and psychiatry: Mixing soul medicines
(H.G. and B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

Judges question use of archdiocese trust fund
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Pastor gave over $240,000 to Republican Senators, may be the largest contributor among U.S. Clergy
(Tobin Grant, Religion News Service)

Survey: More than four in 10 Americans support controversial contraception mandate
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Parallel lives: the Brussels suspect and the Toulouse shooter
(Charlotte Boitiaux, France 24 International News)

HS2, burial grounds, the Church of England and hybrid bills
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Tolerating campus anti-Semitism: Does NYU have a Jewish problem?
(Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, Leila Beckwith, New York Daily News)

The Church in Europe. We have a dream: Two voices, but a shared vision, in times of crisis
(Fr. Patrick H. Daly & Jorge Nuño Mayer, europeinfos)

France arrests four suspected of Syria jihadist recruitment
(AFP, France 24 International News)

If you serve your country, do you have to serve God?
(Emma Green, The Atlantic)

Religious freedom in America
(Sarah Bartel, Catholic News Agency)

Terrorists and Europe's "newspeak"
(Peter Martino, Gatestone Institute)

Religious freedom linked to economic growth, finds global study
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Is Religious Freedom Good for Business?: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis
(Brian J. Grim (Georgetown University), Greg Clark (Brigham Young University), and Robert Edward Snyder (Brigham Young University), Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion (Baylor University))

Sudanese Muslims risking their lives for a Christian woman sentenced to death
(Tina Ramirez, Hardwired)

Sudan retracts claim that Meriam Ibrahim will be freed
(Agence France-Presse, The Guardian)

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