Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 27 June 2014

Canonical trial of ex Nuncio Jozef Wesolowski

China jails 25 members in latest sentencing of illegal cult
(Sui-Lee Wee, Reuters)

Consultation plans a Handbook on evangelism in Europe
(World Council of Churches)

Egyptian law seeks to control political speech at mosques
(Ahmed Fouad, Al Monitor - The Pulse of the Middle East)

First time in 1600 years no Mass said in Mosul, Iraq, says Chaldean Archbishop
(World Watch Monitor)

France has a new Chief Rabbi
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

In New York, unvaccinated kids may be sent home despite religious exemption, court says
(Lois M. Collins, Deseret News National Edition)

Major FBI bust highlights problem of human trafficking
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

Norway passes act that regulates circumcision

Op-Ed: The Presbyterians’ Judaism problem
(Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor, JTA)

Philippines assures Muslim rebels of autonomy by January
(Manuel Mogato, Reuters)

Report: Robbers raid Holocaust victims’ mass grave in Ukraine

Same-sex marriage in Indiana halted, second motion for stay granted
(Fox 59)

Scientology: still battling to find its place in Spain
(Lola Galán, El País)

Skepticism about international religious freedom: types 1 and 2
(Mark L. Movsesian, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Statement by the President on the occasion of Ramadan
(Office of the Press Secretary, The White House)

Supreme Court’s Town of Greece ruling having impact, raising questions
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Terrorists seize church in Shaktarsk and threaten to shoot its pastor
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Vatican fires archbishop accused of sexual abuse
(AP, Al Jazeera America)

Wiccan says he was barred from giving invocation
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Commentary: Conservatives may hold the key to ending the death penalty
(Kirsten Powers, Religion News Service)

Forget Republican or Democrat: Americans divide by their values
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Crimea: Old and new place of worship problems, Greek Catholic clergy restrictions
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Presbyterian Church USA turns more secular as it strikes down pro-life principles
(Rebecca Downs, Juicy Ecumenism)

Meriam Ibrahim: arrested, released, re-arrested, re-released
(Faith McDonnell, Juicy Ecumenism)

Francis and South Korea
(John Paul Shimek, Catholic World Report)

Christian college denied relief against contraceptive coverage mandate accommodation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sudanese woman Meriam Ibrahim 'safe and well' in US embassy
(David Smith, The Guardian)

Meriam Ibrahim and the persecution of Christians
(Charlotte Allen, The Wall Street Journal)

"I am a Christian, and I will remain a Christian": What we can learn from Meriam Ibrahim
(Gabriel Said Reynolds, First Things)

Is there an American culture of Ramadan?
(Abdullahi An-Na‘im, OUPblog Religion)

Gay marriage bans toppled in year since DOMA ruling. But it's not over
(Warren Richey, The Christian Science Monitor)

Religion or Belief in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers Following Recent European Court of Human Rights Judgments
(Equality and Human Rights Commission)

In Europe’s schools, national values infringe religious freedom
(Olivier Roy, MercatorNet)

Colorado AG defending state's traditional marriage law
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

'Buffer zone' laws were intended to cause confusion, says pro-lifer
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

Vatican's ex-ambassador to Dominican Republic defrocked
(Lizzy Davies, The Guardian)

Open Doors sends vital help to thousands of Christian families fleeing Iraq violence
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Judge rules against Christian teacher who displayed Bible verses in classroom
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Where should Christians stand on marijuana legalization, medical use? Pastor clarifies viral remarks
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post)

Decision reinstating United Methodist pastor who performed gay wedding may be appealed
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

OSCE observers released thanks to Patriarch Kirill's request - Boroday

FSB denies Hizb ut-Tahrir activists detained plotting terrorist attack in St. Petersburg

Britain bans Saudi cleric who supports jihad in Syria

Vatican: many Catholics ignore teachings on sex
(Nicole Winfield, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Three European courts grapple with end-of-life dilemmas
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Redrawn lines seen as no cure in Iraq conflict
(Robert F. Worth, The New York Times)

Iraq's Christian minority feels militant threat
(Maria Abi-Habib, The Wall Street Journal)

A year after DOMA ruling, benefits for same-sex federal workers expand
(Eric Yoder, The Washington Post)

Court rejects zone to buffer abortion clinic
(Adam Liptak and John Schwartz, The New York Times)

Republicans woo evangelical base in bid to recapture the Senate
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Battle over same-sex marriages in St. Louis headed to court
(Nicholas J.C. Pistor, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

World Vision, recovering from gay policy shift, tries to shore up its evangelical base
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

10th Circuit decision could impact Utah marriage recognition case
(Marjorie Cortez, Deseret News)

Turkish court: headscarved lawyer’s rights violated
(Daily Sabah)

Same sex marriage and civil partnership: update
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Thursday, 26 June 2014

2 French Jews jailed for assaulting anti-Zionist reporter
(Press Association, JTA)

Cheektowaga teacher’s religious lawsuit likely to be dismissed
(Rich Newberg, WIVB News 4)

ECHR finds rights of Jehovah's Witnesses violated in Russia
(Oleg Panfilov, RAPSI)

ECHR: Egamberdiyev v. Russia (no. 34742/13)
(Dr. Georg Neureither, Religion – Weltanschauung – Recht [ RWR ])

ECHR: Krupko and Others v. Russia (no. 26587/07)
(Dr. Georg Neureither, Religion – Weltanschauung – Recht [ RWR ])

Krupko and Others v. Russia (no. 26587/07)
(Press Release, European Court of Human Rights)

Local Wiccan uninvited to give city council invocation due to ‘community fears’
(Matt Kroschel, WHNT 19 News)

Religious exemption hotly debated in the White House
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Changing the equation for Orthodox women studying math and science
(Jon Emont, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

There are no "gay" people
(Bernard Toutounji, Conjugality)

Porn addiction is as serious as drug addiction
(Nicole M. King, Family Edge)

Build-A-Baby coming soon?
(Hillary Mast, CNA Blog)

New York Catholics angered over financial hit to students
(Catholic News Agency)

IRS ordered to pay $50,000 to marriage defense group
(Catholic News Agency)

U.S. high court curbs state limits on abortion clinic protests
(Lawrence Hurley, Reuters)

Supreme Court's abortion clinic ruling hailed as win for women
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

Supreme Court unanimously rejects abortion clinic buffer zones
(Catholic News Agency)

9th Circuit denies en banc review on strict scrutiny for sexual orientation classifications
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

For newlyweds, possible stay of Indiana same-sex marriage ruling clouds horizon
(Jill Disis and Tim Evans, The Indianapolis Star)

Emboldened by Utah ruling, Colorado clerk issues gay marriage licenses
(Keith Coffman and Daniel Wallis, Reuters)

Missouri officials battle over gay marriage following Utah ruling
(Carey Gillam, Reuters)

French court approves extradition for suspect in Jewish Museum attack
(Lucien Libert and Chine Labbe, Reuters)

Uighur scholar kept in chains in China, lawyer says
(Michael Martina and Ben Blanchard, Reuters)

7th Circuit: Church lacks standing to appeal injunction against city on cross display
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court strikes down abortion clinic buffer zones
(Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

Jordanian court acquits radical cleric Abu Qatada of conspiracy
(Suleiman Al-Khalidi, Reuters)

Sudan releases Christian convert but insists she stay in the country
(Maaz Alnugomi, Reuters)

Planned Parenthood leans on stereotypes to argue view on Hobby Lobby case
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Crimea: Raids, violence, threats – but what protection do victims get?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

Commentary: Muslims don’t own the term ‘Allah’ in Malaysia or anywhere else
(Salaam Bhatti, Religion News Service)

Section 5: Views on religion, the Bible, evolution and social issues
(Pew Research Center for the People & the Press)

Could baptizing children of gay couples become a new battleground?
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Billy the Kid’s nun * Hoochie Cooch Tattoos * Latin lutefisk : Thursday’s Religion Roundup
(Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

Vatican confronts shifting landscape on family issues
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

Vatican says believers are shunning Catholic lifestyle after scandals
(Lizzy Davies, The Guardian)

US senators ask President Obama to give Meriam Ibrahim asylum
(Brownie Marie, Christian Today)

'Britain is becoming a more religious place, not less,' says historian
(Brownie Marie, Christian Today)

Religion, conflict and the Balkans: An unholy powderkeg
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

The Russian Church criticizes Greek-Catholics for anti-Russian outbursts and proselytism

Icons start myrrh-streaming in Ukraine

Patriarch Kirill asking to free OSCE monitors captured in Ukraine

Law restricting abortion protesters is unconstitutional, all nine Supreme Court justices agree
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Unanimous Supreme Court calls law restricting pro-lifers 'extreme'
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Supreme Court protects prolife rights in abortion clinic case
(Chelsen Vicari, Juicy Ecumenism)

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