Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Sudanese family lawyer drops lawsuit against Christian woman

Military official says Israel invasion of Gaza is likely
(Jodi Rudoren, The New York Times)

White House Iftar dinner guests press Obama on surveillance of Muslims
(Spencer Ackerman, The Guardian)

Senate bill to nullify Hobby Lobby decision fails
(Kristina Peterson, The Wall Street Journal)

Federal judge rules California death penalty is unconstitutional
(Maura Dolan, Los Angeles Times)

Kyrgystan: Ahmadis "must not worship together. Otherwise they will be punished"
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Transsexuals and marriage: Hämäläinen v Finland
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Tory Human Rights Plans, Child Abuse Inquiry and the Burqa Ban – the Human Rights Roundup
(Celia Rooney, UK Human Rights Blog)

The Tory human rights “car crash”
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

#FreeAlexSodiqov: Vigils for student arrested in Tajikistan for conducting research
(Tobin Grant, RNS Blog: Corner of Church and State)

Utah asks Supreme Court for urgent intervention to halt same-sex marriage recognition
(Marissa Lang, Religion News Service)

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Authorities target Pastor Zhang’s family who flee to U.S.

Buddhists can be terrorists, priests can abuse: Why religion doesn’t preclude inhumanity
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Utah challenges “interim” same-sex marriages
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Israel agrees to cease-fire to allow aid to Gaza
(Nicholas Casey and Joshua Mitnick, The Wall Street Journal)

Transgender employee sues Hobby Lobby over restroom use
(Brownie Marie, Christian Today)

Islamic State warns Muslim cartoonist
(Deccan Chronicle)

Seal of confession under attack in Louisiana court case
(Brian Fraga, Aleteia)

Sen. Blumenthal blows smoke on Hobby Lobby
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Hobby Lobby’s Green family postpones launch of public school Bible curriculum
(David Van Biema, Religion News Service)

Faith communities are dumping their fossil fuel investments
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Commentary: Critics of Supreme Court should focus on politics, not religion
(Tom Deignan, Religion News Service)

Bill to reverse Hobby Lobby decision wins majority, but falls short in U.S. Senate
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

In Kenya, Catholic bishops accused of evicting restaurant because it is run by Muslims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

5th Circuit: Designs of specialty plates are private speech protected by 1st Amendment; Cert. filed on similar issue
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious-civil rights groups urge Obama to exclude religious exemption in planned LGBT order
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

BJC, other advocates urge President Obama against religious exemption in non-discrimination order
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

IRS adopts new short form for applications by small charities
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

The paradox beneath Strasbourg’s French veil ban decision
(Matthew Flinn, UK Human Rights Blog)

What makes a company division 'Christian'? (Article Preview)
(Ruth Moon, Christianity Today)

“In a country professing Christianity, … I find my religion and myself attacked”
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

50 righteous gentiles honored in Warsaw

Swastikas painted in front of Jewish frat house at Univ. of Oregon:

Pew survey: Jews most popular religious group in U.S.

On prayer, hatred and cynicism – OpEd
(Asher Maoz, The Jerusalem Post)

Why do Christians want Christian prayers removed from UK schools?
(Kyle Glatz, World Religion News)

Amidst illegal immigration protests, Saint Toribio, Latino hero, visits Los Angeles
(Emily Murdoch, World Religion News)

Church of England votes to allow women bishops
(Krista R. Burdine, World Religion News)

Pastor who serves homeless women is being accused of raping them
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post)

How Congress can help Israel against Hamas
(Malcolm Lowe, Gatestone Institute)

Pro-traditional marriage Christian promoted to UK's education secretary, keeps role as equalities minister
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Student speaks out on controversial graduation speech, says he just wanted to share good news of the gospel
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

North Carolina pastors demand Gov. Pat McCrory defend state's constitutional amendment banning gay marriage
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

Atheists withdraw support from Gay Rights Bill, blame Hobby Lobby decision
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post)

Around China: Chinese imam uses social media to promote harmony
(Xinhua News Agency, Global Post)

ANC refuses to apologize for employee’s Hitler post

Meriam's case highlights plight of Sudan's Christians
(World Watch Monitor)

How Americans feel about religious groups
(Pew Research Center: Fact-tank)

Supreme Court ruling on public invocations gives Atheists a prayer
(Joe Palazzolo, The Wall Street Journal)

The greatest threat to the health and development of the youth is the poison of religious extremism [Simplified Chinese]
(Er Kenjiang, Qiushi)

London Oratory: Top state school breaking law over discrimination against non-Catholics
(Jonathan Owen, The Independent)

Good Samaritans launch mission to save migrants in the Mediterranean
(John Hooper, The Guardian)

Iraq names moderate Sunni parliament speaker in move to break political deadlock
(Isra'al-Rubei'i and Ahmed Rasheed, Reuters)

Israeli strike kills 4 Gaza youths on coastal road
(Ibrahim Barzak, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

The prison that dared to pray: Angola used faith, family to stem violence
(Ralph Z. Hallow, The Washington Times)

Taking to the pulpit against climate change
(Gregg Zoroya, USA Today)

Casey, still an abortion foe, joins push to overturn Hobby Lobby ruling
(Jonathan Tamari, The Philadelphia Inquirer)

Calls for resignation mount for Minnesota Archbishop in scandals
(Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times)

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

After Hobby Lobby, ACA exceptions may become the rule
(Holly Fernandez Lynch Interviewed, Reuters Health Reform Watch)

Jihadists are destroying our heritage. If only the West cared.
(Phillip Jenkins, Aleteia)

Laos Christians charged with murder – death of convert
(Indian Christian Activist Network)

Puerto Rico issues ruling in church abuse case
(AP, Yahoo News)

Trader sues bishops in tenancy row
(Kamau Muthoni, Standard Digital)

What's next for baker who refused to make cake for same-sex wedding?
(Warren Cole Smith, Christian Headlines)

Supreme Court stay in Utah marriage recognition case not automatic
(Dennis Romboy, Deseret News)

Will the Palestinians take Israel to the ICC? Probably not.
(Alan Johnson / Idealism without Illusion, World Affairs Journal)

Who is Mehdi Nemmouche, and why did he want to kill Jews?
(Marc Weitzmann, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Report: Antwerp shop owner won’t sell to Jews in ‘protest’

British jihadists, Sharia finance and "There is no life without jihad": One month of Islam in Britain: June 2014
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

The right to be wrong
(Ryan T. Anderson, The Heritage Foundation)

White House dinner celebrates Ramadan, religious freedom
(Shahid Abdul-Karim, New Haven Register)

WA ACLU trolls to destroy religious liberty
(Wesley J. Smith, National Review Online)

Church of England kicks the devil out of baptism rite
(Trevor Grundy, Religion News Service)

Morals clauses prove controversial for Catholic school teachers
(Sandhya Dirks, NPR)

Religious college that expelled transgender student not covered by Unruh Act
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Constitutional law profs oppose religious exemption in Obama's planned LGBT non-discrimination executive order
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Town of Greece Board will hear secular invocation tonight
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pope Francis: End the ‘racist and xenophobic’ approach to migrants along U.S.-Mexico border
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

Vatican editor says England’s female bishops vote ‘complicates’ relations
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

The French want to make society safe for religion by banning so-called cults
(Gerry Hadden, PRI)

President Obama hails “Simple Truth” of religious freedom at Iftar dinner
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Trusting God for a second child in China
(June Cheng, WORLD News Service)

Accrediting agency to review Gordon College
(Matt Rocheleau, The Boston Globe)

Israel, let's not become Europe, where hate is on the rise
(Yair Rosenberg, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Lord Carey’s suicide mission
(Laura Perrins, MercatorNet)

All wired up: the contraceptive chip
(Karl D. Stephan, MercatorNet)

Parenting as a political activity
(Holly Hamilton-Bleakley, MercatorNet)

Gaza situation report
(George Friedman, MercatorNet)

U.S. Senate passes bill creating special envoy for religious freedom
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

CORRECTION: Istituto islamico si discute di Diritti ma non è ammesso il Professore israeliano
(Marco Ventura, Informazione Corretta)

Update: Urban Outfitters pulls Lord Ganesh duvet cover after Hindus protest
(Heather Adams, Religion News Service)

Interfaith leaders launch daylong unity fast for Mideast peace
(Dale Hanson, Religion News Service)

Women bishops * peace fasts * prostitute massacre : Tuesday’s roundup
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Church of England split over assisted dying as debate looms
(Andrew Brown, The Guardian)

WCC general secretary expresses appreciation for Church of England’s vote on women bishops
(World Council of Churches)

Community Bible Church introduces innovative program to develop new online churches
(Christian News Wire)

What happens when society rejects a faith-based moral standard?
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

Media bias & the seal of the confessional story
(Rod Dreher, The American Conservative)

Will free markets bring religious freedom to China?
(Edward Trancik, Acton Institute)

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