Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Business brings peace and religious freedom, finds new study
(Press Release, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Women, Religion, and the Family
(Religious Freedom Project, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs - Cornerstone)

Bishops: Executive order is flawed approach to discrimination
(Catholic News Agency)

Religious liberty "fundamental" to human dignity, bishops affirm
(Maggie Lawson and Carl Bunderson, Catholic News Agency)

Why France banned anti-Israel demonstrations
(Myer Freimann, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

What's wrong with being reasonable about the Middle East?
(Lee Smith, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

The muddled iconography of women bishops
(Carolyn Moynihan, MercatorNet)

Hardline Muslims tried to impose Islam in British city's schools: government report
(William James, Reuters)

Puerto Rico Supreme Court upholds subpoenas against church in part
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

10th Circuit wades through procedural morass in invalidating part of Oklahoma's same-sex marriage provisions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Turkey’s culture wars
(Elif Shafak, The New York Times)

Church of England to use positive discrimination to boost women bishops
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Commentary: Scapegoats along the border
(Tom Ehrich, Religion News Service)

Turkey's religious head calls new Islamic 'caliphate' illegitimate
(Reuters, Hürriyet Daily News)

Religion and space: A high vantage point
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

Thousands of women, accused of sorcery, tortured and executed in Indian witch hunts
(Terrence McCoy, The Washington Post)

Conflict over religion and state in Egypt
(Moataz Al-Khateeb, Memo: Middle East Monitor)

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and religious burial customs
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Has Hamas ended the prospects for a two state solution?
(Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute)

Why anti-vaccination movements can never be tamed
(Elizabeth Yale, Religion and Politics)

The last Christian flees Mosul as ISIS continues its reign of terror in Iraq
(Brownie Marie, Christian Today)

Political and religious leaders denounce European anti-Jewish outbursts tied to Gaza
(Elizabeth Bryant, Religion News Service)

Muslims aren't shocked to discover we are watched. But we won't be scared
(Laila Alawa, The Guardian)

Obama's LGBT order: 2 things churches and Christian non-profits should know
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Gay marriage in Florida put on hold pending appeal
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Concern and support for Iraqi Christians forced by militants to flee Mosul
(Tim Arango, The New York Times)

Christians not healthy enough to flee Mosul after death threat renounce faith for Islam 'just to stay alive'
(Leonardo Blair, The Christian Post)

Christian leaders in Gaza, Israel reject blame game but explain hard reality on the ground (Interview)
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Perry Noble's South Carolina megachurch celebrates nearly 300 baptisms on Sunday
(Jessica Martinez, The Christian Post)

How Hobby Lobby split the left and set back gay rights
(Molly Ball, The Atlantic)

Gaza conflict: France criticises 'anti-Semitic' riot
(BBC News)

Islamic State crushes and coerces on march towards Baghdad
(Maggie Fick and Isra'Al-Rubei'i, Reuters)

Christians in Zhejiang cross with authorities over church demolitions
(Minnie Chan, South China Morning Post)

ISIS forces last Iraqi Christians to flee Mosul
(Alissa J. Rubin, The New York Times)

Why are liberals afraid of religion?

Remaining Iraqi Christians forced to flee Mosul
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

American Jews, other 'lone soldiers' serve Israel
(Julie Watson, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

What’s happening to Gordon College is just the beginning
(Joy Pullmann, The Federalist)

The war on women’s dirty 100
(Joseph J. Shimek, Archdiocese of Milwaukee)

Humanists seek support from Congress on military chaplains
(Meredith Somers, The Washington Times)

SBC leaders to tour border facilities
(Tom Strode, Baptist Press)

Judge rejects archdiocese plea to drop clergy abuse case
(Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune)

Israel hits hundreds of targets in Gaza as soldier is confirmed missing
(Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian)

IRS agrees to monitor churches for electioneering
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Muslim on Capitol Hill: staffers look to rebuild
(Bridger Bowman, Roll Call)

Human rights report takes at U.S. terrorism prosecutions, criticizes FBI tactics
(Adam Goldman, The Washington Post)

Obama calls for a ban on job bias against gays
(Peter Baker, The New York Times)

In 30 countries, heads of state must belong to a certain religion
(Angelina Theodorou, Pew Research Center: FactTank)

Demolition of crosses, attacks on Christians, continue [Simplified Chinese/English]
(Chen Han, NTDTV)

In Libya's first known beheading, militia kills Filipino construction worker
(Erin Banco, International Business Times)

Monday, 21 July 2014

Chinese police clash with Christian protesters over cross removal
(Ben Blanchard, Reuters)

Jebel Chaambi slaughter spurs Tunisia to action
(Jamel Arfaoui & Mona Yahia, Magharebia)

Christians harassed in largest number of countries, as all are driven from Mosul, Iraq
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

How Hamas uses its tunnels to kill and capture Israeli soldiers
(Terrence McCoy, The Washington Post)

Obama’s LGBT executive order threatens religious liberty, say advocates
(Kate Patrick, Daily Caller)

Gay marriage stirs backlash as businesses assert religion
(Greg Stohr, Bloomberg)

In praise of mixing religion and world views
(Douglas Todd, Vancouver Sun)

Women in the episcopate: legislation and its adoption
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

French minister slams 'anti-Semitic' Gaza protests
(AFP, Yahoo! News)

Misunderstanding a good judgment
(Saif Mahmood, The Hindu)

The Vatican and Islam: Messages of light and dark
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

Year Four: The Arab Spring proved everyone wrong
(Michael J.Totten, World Affairs Journal)

Editorial: Religious freedom requires each of us to accord equal dignity for all
(Deseret News National Edition)

Propaganda war continues in Hobby Lobby aftermath
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

Patriarch Kirill is concerned with attempts to legally destroy human morality

Religion and law round up – 20th July
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Mosul empty of Christians 'for the first time in history'
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Pro-lifers win case, wait for attorneys’ fees
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians
(The Guardian)

Executive Order — Further Amendments to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government, and Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity
(Office of the Press Secretary, The White House)

Religious freedom not protected in Obama's LGBT employment order, Conservatives say
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Spain to rectify 500-year-old Jewish exile
(Krista R. Burdine, World Religion News)

Ban on sexual exploitation by counselor survives Establishment Clause challenge
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

8-year-old wins preacher of the nation in United Arab Emirates
(Emily Murdoch, World Religion News)

Ruling requiring change of use permit for meditation center upheld by court
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Ukraine churches 'weeping' over plane crash disaster; Dutch anger growing over treatment of bodies
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Marriage is not priority for millennials, study says
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

The West's silence on persecuted Iraqi Christians is worthy of contempt, rails British academic
(Morgan Lee, The Christian Post)

Fate of Presbyterian Church USA effort to redefine marriage to include same-sex unions uncertain
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

United Methodist Church appeals 'refrocking' of pastor who performed son's gay wedding
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Meriam's permission to leave Sudan still unclear
(World Watch Monitor)

Concern and support for Iraqi Christians forced by militants to flee Mosul
(Tim Arango, The New York Times)

French youth, police clash at anti-Israeli protest
(Milos Krivokapic and Elaine Ganley, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Tunisia orders crackdown on Islamist mosques and radio stations
(Tarek Amara, Reuters Faith World)

Pope Francis demands justice for Jewish centre attack victims
(BBC News)

Scores dead in first major ground battle in Gaza
(Karin Laub and Tia Goldenberg, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Examining the growth of the ‘spiritual but not religious’
(Mark Oppenheimer, The New York Times)

Unaccompanied children are the focus of L.A. annual immigrant's Mass
(Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times)

Court delays execution over secrecy with drugs
(Erik Eckholm, The New York Times)

Pakistani elders forbid fleeing women from collecting food aid
(Haji Mujtaba, Reuters)

Iraq Catholic leader says Islamic State worse than Genghis Khan
(Dominic Evans and Raheem Salman, Reuters)

IRS agrees to install church examination procedures, personnel, ending lawsuit
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Human rights court: Europe cannot be forced to redefine marriage
(Adelaide Mena, Catholic News Agency)

Bishops: Practicing religion in public is not discrimination
(Catholic News Agency)

Pope laments exodus of last Christians from Mosul
(Elise Harris, Catholic News Agency)

Nebraska priest contributes to article linking contraception, breast cancer
(S.L. Hansen, Catholic News Agency)

Why is Pope Francis spending so much time going after the Mafia?
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

Federal discrimination against religion?
(Mark Tooley, Juicy Ecumenism)

Working for the least of these
(Jonathan Fuller, Juicy Ecumenism)

"Yesterday, a part of my love for France left me": Eyewitness account of how the synagogue of Rue de la Roquette was attacked by a mob, and fought back
(Aurélie A., Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

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