Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Church split can be adjudicated using neutral principles of law
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

America can't continue to ignore Middle East Christians
(Lucy Schouten, The American Spectator: The Spectacle Blog)

Religious liberty and the pioneers — Understanding true worth
(Dan Liljenquist, Deseret News)

Sounds of explosions accompany church consecration in Donbass

It’s still not easy being Muslim in Europe, particularly in France
(Kim Ye Dionne, The Washington Post)

French Jews living in fear, minister says
(Ingrid Melander, Reuters)

Burned cross found outside Tenn. church
(Stephanie Ingersoll, USA Today)

Isis denies ordering that all girls in Mosul undergo FGM
(Ian Black and Fazel Hawramy, The Guardian)

Turkey's Erdogan says Israel should face trial over Gaza assault
(Daren Butler and Ece Toksabay, Reuters)

U.N. rights body criticizes Ireland on abortion, church homes
(Padraic Halpin, Reuters)

Two Finnish aid workers killed in western Afghanistan
(Hamid Shalizi, Sakari Suoninen, Jussi Rosendahl, and Maria Golovnina, Reuters)

Finnish aid workers shot dead in Afghanistan
(Emma Graham-Harrison, The Guardian)

Christian charities step into breach as Texas migrant crisis deepens
(Tom Dart, The Guardian)

U.S. Jewish group wants its award back from Turkey's Erdogan
(Jonny Hogg and Nick Tattersall, Reuters)

U.S. government may offer compromise for faith-based groups on birth control
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

Kidnapped girls' parents die as Chibok's trauma rises
(World Watch Monitor)

Is religious exposure making it difficult for your child to distinguish fact from fantasy?
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Chinese Christians 'ready to die' to protect church cross from demolition as month-long vigil continues
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Largest Presbyterian denomination in US demands Obama push for Israeli-Hamas ceasefire
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Federal judge declares Colorado ban on gay marriage unconstitutional
(Jordan Steffen, The Denver Post)

Fifty-two Catholic priests defrocked in England and Wales since 2001
(The Guardian)

A MintPress analysis of the biases in reporting on Gaza
(Frederick Reese, Mint Press News)

Uzbekistan: Another jailing, large fines for meeting upheld, more confiscations
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

Rockets or not, Birthright still going to Israel
(Oren Dorell, USA Today)

Holy Land deserted by tourists as fighting empties hotels
(Alisa Odenheimer and Caroline Alexander, Bloomberg)

Islamists planning imminent attack in Norway: police
(Ole Petter Skonnord and Balazs Koranyi, Reuters)

Pope Francis holds 'very affectionate' meeting with Sudanese apostasy woman Meriam Ibrahim after she arrives in Rome
(Adam Withnall, The Independent)

Iraqi Christians in Mosul told by Isis to convert to Islam or be executed
(Fazel Hawramy, The Guardian)

Life in a jihadist capital: Order with a darker side
(The New York Times)

Preachers rail at police in funeral for NYC man who died in custody
(Jonathan Allen, Reuters)

For Muslims in New York, observing Ramadan is a blend of rituals far and near
(Kiran Nazish, The New York Times)

Special liturgy atones for outbreak of ‘The Great War’
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

U.S. religious leaders embrace cause of immigrant children
(Michael Paulson, The New York Times)

Higher calling, lower wages: The vanishing of the middle-class clergy
(David R. Wheeler, The Atlantic)

Muslim judges quit panel in two key interfaith child custody cases
(Ida Lim, Malay Mail Online)

Polygamous wives who helped settle the west
(Paula Kelly Harline, OUPblog Religion)

A gentle chiding of the Court on same-sex marriage
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Christian-Muslim relations: Critical for religious harmony
(Mohammad Alami Musa, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies)

India, Hindu politicians force Muslim to break Ramadan fast

Same-sex marriage and religion: When a pastor is re-frocked
(E.W., The Economist [Democracy in America: American politics])

Subcommittee Hearing: The troubling case of Meriam Ibrahim
(House Committee on Foreign Affairs,

Solidarity sign * Humanist soldiers * Fact and fiction: Wednesday’s Roundup
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Some good news about Muslims in Europe
(Erik Bleich and Rahsaan Maxwell, The Washington Post)

Anti-Semitism and the “French Intifada”
(Seth Mandel, Commentary)

Contrasting Views of Marriage, Round Two: The Destructive Logic of Marriage Revisionism
(Robert P. George, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Contrasting Views of Marriage, Round Two: The Equal Dignity of Same-Sex Couples
(Jameson W. Doig, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Contrasting Views of Marriage: The Need for a Defining Principle
(Robert P. George, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Contrasting Views of Marriage: The Benefits of Same-Sex Marriage
(Jameson W. Doig, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Eyes on Gaza, tensions flare in Brooklyn
(Benjamin Mueller, The New York Times)

Suit challenges city denial of equal public space to atheist
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

U.S. judge knocks down Colorado's gay marriage ban, stays ruling
(Daniel Wallis, Reuters)

The U.S.-Israel alliance: No apologies necessary
(Lawrence A. Franklin, Gatestone Institute)

Congressional primary winner in Georgia espouses troubling church-state views
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Religious workers, interns, volunteers and the National Minimum Wage
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

IRD, allied groups to rally for abducted Nigerian schoolgirls awaiting rescue from Boko Haram militants
(Faith McDonnell, Juicy Ecumenism)

Zhejiang destroys more than 130 chapels [Simplified Chinese]
(Lin Ping, Radio Free Asia)

Commentary: The fate of the Obamacare subsidies in the Supreme Court
(Tom Goldstein, SCOTUSblog)

White House caves on religious accommodations to HHS mandate
(Alexander Griswold, Juicy Ecumenism)

Religious liberty: special interest or constitutional right?
(Bart Gingerich, Juicy Ecumenism)

Catholic organizations responding to kids crossing the border
(Brian Fraga, Aleteia)

ISIS attacks Iraqi town where Christians from Mosul took refuge
(John Burger, Aleteia)

Iraq's waterless Christians: The campaign to expel a religion
(Jason Motlagh, Business Week)

Voice of conservative Presbyterians heard on Capitol Hill
(Chris Woodward, One News Now)

USCCB response to LGBT nondiscrimination order worse than expected
(Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter)

Obama’s executive order and what it means for Catholic organizations
(John Paul Shimek, Catholic World Report)

The problem with Britain's latest suicide bill
(Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff, Aleteia)

“The City of Warren cannot allow” access to space by a group “intending to … discourage the practice of religion”
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Faith-based nonprofits will likely land in court over Obama's nondiscrimination orders
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition)

American Humanist Association educates Congress on movement for Humanist chaplains in the military
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Nigerian atheist’s case isn’t just about religion
(Chris Stedman, Religion News Service)

A ban on new church construction angers Sudanese Christians
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Nursing home evangelism: Preaching at the last ‘bus stop to eternity’
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

What British Jews really think about the Gaza conflict
(Keith Kahn-Harris, The Guardian)

For Arab Christians and secular Arab nationalists, ISIS may be the death knell
(William Dalrymple, The Guardian)

Gay group attacks First Amendment
(Christian News Wire)

IS invades monastery, steals 'everything' from Iraqi Christians
(World Watch Monitor)

Report cites ‘aggressive’ Islamic push in British city’s schools
(Katrin Bennhold, The New York Times)

Turkey's top cleric calls new Islamic 'caliphate' illegitimate
(Ayla Jean Yackley, Reuters)

Oil smuggling finances Islamic State's new caliphate
(Ahmed Rasheed, Reuters)

Egyptian judge accuses al-Jazeera journalists of being in league with devil
(Patrick Kingsley, The Guardian)

Gaza conflict: France jails pro-Palestinian rioters
(BBC News)

Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza shelters Muslims fleeing war
(Nidal Al-Mughrabi, Reuters)

Baptist leaders check welfare of children held at border
(Noah Manskar, The Tennessean)

Evangelical group sets sights on secular Portland
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Obama government looks to satisfy religious groups on Obamacare

Beijing's censorship and Macau universities

Arkes replies to Garnett re: RFRA, Hobby Lobby, etc.
(Rick Garnett, Mirror of Justice)

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Amid France synagogue attacks, support for Jewish self-defense group on the rise
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

Can the Islamic State survive? What can the US do?
(Matthias Baun Brubaker Christensen, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Evangelical group sets sights on secular Portland
(Associated Press, ABC News)

French court overturns ruling ordering halal food in jail
(Agence France-Presse, Global Post)

Hadley Arkes on Hobby Lobby, "belief", and religious freedom: A response
(Rick Garnett, Mirror of Justice)

Heirs of Brooklyn man sue Florida couple for $60 million for ‘ancient’ Bible
(John Marzulli, New York Daily News)

In Iraq, Christians fleeing Mosul take refuge with Kurds
(Jamie Tarabay, Al Jazeera America)

Myanmar to try former religion minister on national security charges
(Myo Thant Khine and Kyaw Thu, Radio Free Asia)

Peace and religious harmony in India, "the goal" of Christians and Jains
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Remaining Iraq Christians expelled
(Lucy Schouten, The American Spectator: The Spectacle Blog)

Federal appeals courts issue contradictory rulings on health-law subsidies
(Sandhya Somashekhar and Amy Goldstein, The Washington Post)

Major new blow to health care law
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Breaking: DC Circuit Court ruling deals massive blow to Obamacare
(Guy Benson,

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