Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 22 August 2014

Zhejiang Buddhist Assocation: Religious activities cannot operate above the law [Simplified Chinese]
(China News)

Same sex marriage statistics: 2014, Q1 & Q2
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Islamophobia no obstacle for British Muslim women
(World Bulletin)

Should Britain consider banning burqa and niqab?
(Anisur Rahman, Open Democracy)

Catalonia to push forward with burqa ban [from July 2014]
(World Bulletin)

Burqa ban debate sweeping Europe after ECHR ruling [from July 2014]
(World Bulletin)

Kosovo elects first lawmaker to wear a headscarf [from June 2014]
(World Bulletin)

Turkish court says headscarved lawyer's rights 'violated' [from June 2014]
(World Bulletin)

France: Niqab banned at Cannes Film Festival [from May 2014]
(World Bulletin)

Iraq Christian population about four time smaller than under Saddam Hussein
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

China tries 5 alleged cult members in killing at McDonald’s restaurant
(Simon Denyer, The Washington Post)

Israel kills 3 top Hamas leaders as latest fighting turns its way
(Jodi Rudoren, The New York Times)

State reverses abortion decision at 2 Catholic colleges
(Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle)

Temple probing alleged anti-Semitic altercation
(Susan Snyder, The Philadelphia Inquirer)

Abduction case tests limits of Amish ties to modern world
(Kirk Semple, The New York Times)

Ohio Diocese discourages ALS ice bucket challenge
(Amanda Lee Myers, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

At Liberty, FBS dreams and a high-resource reality
(Dan Wolken, USA Today)

Atheist politicians may run the UK, but they remain closeted in the US
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

Chinese lawyers demand justice for Christian persecution
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Anti-Arab sentiment on the rise in Turkey
(Pinar Tremblay, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

Bringing Abbas back to Gaza not a good idea
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute)

Court: Care facilities must offer aide for worship services
(Bob Egelko, SF Gate)

Enough hate for everyone: Muslims and Jews are targets for bigotry in Europe
(Kenan Malik, The New York Times)

Faith communities in Geneva show solidarity with persecuted communities in Iraq
(World Council of Churches)

How clergy in Ferguson Succeeded where the police failed
(Jim Dalrymple II, BuzzFeed News)

ISIS combatant posts Gory pictures, threatens Morocco
(Youssef Sourgo)

ISIS threat: Casablanca Airport raises alert status to its maximum
(Larbi Arbaoui, Morocco World News)

NC to appeal ruling banning taxpayer money for private schools
(Anne Blythe and Jane Stancill,

Toronto’s gay mecca a refuge for persecuted Iranians
(Nicholas Keung, The Star)

When will the US, Europe wake up to the threat of radical Islam?
(Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Supreme Court issues stay in Virginia same-sex marriage case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Virginia same-sex marriage ruling is placed on hold
(Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

Groundbreaking Publication - BUSINESS: A Powerful Force for Interfaith Understanding and Peace
(Brian J. Grim, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Resource for Business [Download]
(UN Global Compact for Peace and the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Business for Peace
(Online Resource (PDF), Global Compact Network Indonesia and Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

US journalist who wanted to build bridge to Muslim world beheaded by Islamic State
(Lara Marlowe, The Irish Times)

ISIS and Islam: Detaching religion from terrorism
(Maria Khan, International Business TImes)

Pennsylvania Diocese gets permanent injunction against ACA contraceptive mandate
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

5th Circuit: Interior's Eagle Feather Rules Violate RFRA
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Potential circuit split over the right to possess eagle feathers for religious purposes
(Will Baude, The Volokh Conspiracy)

U.S. effort to protect bald eagle suffers legal setback
(Jonathan Stempel, Reuters, Scientific American)

Florida ban on same-sex marriage nullified
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Pentagon: Isis is 'beyond anything we've seen' and must be contained
(Spencer Ackerman, The Guardian)

London House of Lords' Sikh controversy
(Kyle Glatz, World Religion News)

Who will stop ISIS?
(Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Patheos)

Is ISIS prompting reappraisal of pacifism and just war?
(Mark Tooley, Juicy Ecumenism)

Australian Jewish school evacuated by bomb scare
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Student 'suspended' for saying 'bless you' in class; assistant principal claims it's not 'religious issue'
(Sami K. Martin, The Christian Post)

AFA takes side of 'bless you' student in TN high school
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

The changing landscape of religion

Religion is not a commodity to be controlled or sold
(Sharif D Rangnekar, Hindustan Times)

Universities not immune to religious controversy
(Jennifer Brown, Gainesville Times)

Temple U. Jewish student punched at pro-Palestinian group’s booth
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Diaspora dissent against Israel's occupation is vital – and risky
(Antony Loewenstein, The Guardian)

Atheists may not pray, Brevard (Fla.) county commissioners say
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

China accused of ‘crime’ against Christianity
(Tom Phillips, The Telegraph)

A religious rights ambassador must not be selective
(H.A. Hellyer, The National)

Archbishop's suit seeks return of Consecrated Host taken by organizers of Black Mass
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Holy replevin, Bat-wing-man!
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

UPDATE: Group gives back stolen eucharist; archbishop drops lawsuit
(Janelle Stecklein, CNHI News Service)

Forgetting the meaning of freedom
(Dr. Ben Carson, Town Hall)

Why is the world silent while Christians are slaughtered in Middle East and Africa? asks Jewish advocacy group leader
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post)

Dr. Kent Brantly leaves hospital after battling Ebola: 'today is a miraculous day'
(Sami K. Martin, The Christian Post)

Richard Dawkins: 'immoral' not to abort if foetus has Down's syndrome
(The Guardian)

Archbishop Coakley files lawsuit against black mass organizers
(Brian Fraga, National Catholic Register)

Violence, threats, prompt more Muslim women in Britain to wear a veil
(Belinda Goldsmith and Olivia Harris, Reuters)

Number of same-sex weddings revealed for the first time
(BBC News)

More people going to Switzerland for assisted suicide, study finds
(Pam Belluck, The New York Times)

Housing projects sprout where local parishes closed
(Kathy McCabe, The Boston Globe)

Fargo's LGBT residents: 'Our marriage is not worth the paper it’s written on'
(Dominic Rushe, The Guardian)

Sharonville clinic halts abortions, quits court fight
(Chrissie Thompson and Kimball Perry, The Cincinnati Enquirer)

Ebola crisis provides glimpse into Samaritan’s Purse, SIM
(Brady Dennis, The Washington Post)

Churches and crosses demolished: lawyers challenge Zhejiang government in defense of religious freedom

Recent consistory court judgments: reordering, extensions and building works
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Israel vows to continue bombing Gaza
(Al Jazeera)

Islamic State video shows conversion of Yazidis to Islam
(Michael Georgy, Reuters)

Patriarch Kirill demands intl protection of Orthodox Christians in Ukraine

British Muslims blame jihadi subculture after beheading video
(Kate Holton and Raheem Salman, Reuters)

EEOC files discrimination suit against Food Lion
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Food Lion sued by EEOC for religious discrimination
(The National Law Review)

Test of gap in veterans’ benefits for same-sex marriages
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Civil partnership conversion to same-sex marriage: religious content
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Maghreb al-Qaeda torn apart by ISIS
(Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)

Saudi Arabia toughens stance on jihadist groups
(Abdulmajeed al-Buluwi, Al Monitor)

Food Lion Sued by EEOC for Religious Discrimination
(Press Release, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

Foley abduction linked to British jihadi kidnapping ring
(Josh Rogin, Eli Lake, The Daily Beast)

Myanmar asks for shunning 'Rohingya' name
(Al Jazeera)

Catholic Diocese of Greensburg injunction becomes permanent
(Paul Peirce,

No peace while anti-Semitic hatred endures
(Mortimer B. Zuckerman, U.S. News & World Report)

Why Jews are worried: The rising anti-Semitism in Europe
(Deborah E. Lipstadt, The New York Times)

Obama: "ISIL speaks for no religion"
(Real Clear Politics Video)

Steinmeier considers arming Kurds in Iraq
(Reuters / AFP, Deutsche Welle)

Muhajireen Battalions in Syria (Part IV)
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Germany's state churches seek survival strategies
(Deutsche Welle)

Islamist militants execute N.H. reporter James Foley
(Travis Anderson and Bryan Bender, The Boston Globe)

Displaced Iraqis traumatized by Islamic State, betrayed by neighbors
(PBS News Hour)

How the U.S. and Europe failed James Foley
(David Rohde, The Atlantic)

Family mourns murdered journalist James Foley, Obama condemns Islamic State
(PBS News Hour)

Case-law on religion and employment
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Saudi grand mufti denounces ISIS
(Press TV, Al Bawaba News)

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