Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

UN accuses Isil jihadists of 'ethnic cleansing'
(Ruth Sherlock, The Telegraph)

Church burns down in Donetsk as shell hits it - diocese

Special Issue: The Internationalization of International Religious Freedom Policy
(The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol. 12, Issue 3, Journal of the Center on Faith & International Affairs at the Institute for Global Engagement)

Monday, 25 August 2014

Children and religion: The true, the false and mythical
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

Why liberals are more tolerant of atheists
(Opinion by Chris Stedman, CNN: Belief Blog)

Clinging to religion: What the politics and religion of the Lone Star State say about modern America
(The Economist)

China broadens crackdown on foreign missionaries
(Nathan Vanderklippe, The Globe and Mail)

A tale of two Chinese Muslim minorities
(Brent Crane, The Diplomat)

ISIS gives Iraq Christians 'one week' to convert or die
(Charlene Adams, Christian Today)

Boko Haram declares 'Islamic caliphate' in captured Christian town in Nigeria
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Atheist group demands Texas charter schools pull out of Christian sports league
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

New conservative Presbyterian denomination reports rapid growth
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Gallup poll shows close ties between political affiliation and religion
(Kyle Glatz, World Religion News)

Great Britain appeals to anti-extremist imams in effort to uproot seeds of radicalization
(Kimiko De Freytas-Tamura, The New York Times)

Boko Haram leader says ruling Nigerian town by Islamic law
(Isaac Abrak, Reuters)

For Nuncio accused of abuse, Dominicans want justice at home, not abroad
(Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times)

Leading Ferguson's faithful through turmoil and beyond

A brash style that filled pews, until followers had their fill
(Michael Paulson, The New York Times)

Teenager arrested in killing of imam in western China
(Edward Wong, The New York Times)

White House releases new post-Hobby Lobby accommodation rules
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

War on the cross
(Jim Tonkowich, Juicy Ecumenism)

ISIS and the echoes of the West's religious terror
(Michael Brendan Dougherty, The Week)

Good news for religious freedom in Greece
(Ruth Kramer, Mission Network News)

Promoting religious freedom worldwide
(John Boozman, Newton County Times)

The rights of religious freedom
(Jim Taylor, The Daily Courier)

Freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion
(Alan Caruba, Canada Free Press)

Have we forgotten what freedom means?
(Ben S. Carson, Delmarva Daily Times)

Cuba cracks down on Christians
(Julia A. Seymour, WORLD News Service)

Religious liberty coalitions shift – Obama backs Becket Fund’s client, previous allies go mute
(Tobin Grant, Religion News Service)

Vatican: Former diplomat who abused children could face extradition
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

World Jewish Congress president Ronald S. Lauder asks "who will stand up for the Christians?"
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

In Ferguson, Nation of Islam members push for peace
(Lilly Fowler, Religion News Service)

Travelblog: Hate speech, the First Amendment and religious sensitivity
(Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

Turkmenistan: Eleven-year wait on haj pilgrimage list?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

China executes eight on terrorism charges; all appear to be Uighurs
(Julie Makinen, LA Times)

China targets ordinary Uighurs with beards, burkas
(Gillian Wong, ABC News)

Patriarch Kirill again calls on UN, Council of Europe, OSCE to help stop fighting in Ukraine

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Police officer states Establishment Clause claim
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Do you think a moral code can restore peace in Ferguson, MO?
(Robert Adams, World Religion News)

Is it legal for political candidates to speak at a church? Five rules churches must follow
(Tobin Grant, Religion News Service)

ISIS and the echoes of the West's religious terror
(Michael Brendan Dougherty, The Week)

Keep state out of religion
(Parker McCoy,

William Payne: threats to religious freedom in the U.S. Military
(John Lomperis, Juicy Ecumenism)

New Obama birth control fixes for religious groups
(Josh Lederman, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Catholic bishops, Becket Fund slam newest HHS contraception mandate rules
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

New accommodation grants employees of religious non-profits access to birth control
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Religious groups concerned about new HHS mandate regulations
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

It is about religion, Obama
(Eliyahu Federman, New York Post)

Why Pope Francis supports limited action against Islamic State
(Thomas Reese, National Catholic Reporter)

Oklahoma City Archbishop drops lawsuit against devil worshiper
(Jacob Gershman, The Wall Street Journal)

Oklahoma Satanists return the consecrated host to the Catholics — or do they?
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

The politics of not defending Middle Eastern Christians
(Benjamin J. Dueholm, Christian Century)

International petition responds to attacks of sexual radicals on pro-family conference in Melbourne
(Don Feder, Christian News Wire)

London mosque distances itself from 'female jihadi' who worshipped there
(Josh Halliday, The Guardian)

Evolving issues recast religious liberty
(Rachel Zoll, The Rocky Mount Telegram)

RFRA too important to be undone, Baptist legal experts insist
(Bob Allen, The Baptist Standard)

Gay marriage vs. the First Amendment
(James Poulos, The Daily Beast)

Coverage of Certain Preventive Services Under the Affordable Care Act
(Interim final rules, US Departments Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services)

Why top Catholic education organization says Common Core could threaten religious liberty
(Fred Lucas, The Blaze)

2014 Half-year ECtHR Statistics

New Publications: The European Court of Human Rights

Dutch official calls ISIS "a Zionist Plot"
(Evelyn Marlus, Gatestone Institute)

Ireland's abortion laws: Religion, history, and impact on today's society
(Natasha Moriarty, Voice of Russia UK)

The pontiff and the party: For all the humble charm of Pope Francis, the Vatican’s relations with China will be hard to fix
(The Economist)

Full text of the last email the Islamic State sent to the Foley family
(Global Post)

Friday, 22 August 2014

In the battle over abortion, Ireland struggles to define human rights
(Jake Flanagin, The New York Times Op Talk)

Federal agencies act to expand exemptions to contraceptive madate for religious objectors
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Summary contempt finding for wearing religious head covering reversed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Trial court strikes down North Carolina school voucher program
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Dispute over suspension of Methodist bishop dismissed as ecclesiastical dispute
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Settlement In Black Mass lawsuit, but event will go on using black bread
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Islam's moderate voices drowned out by extremists
(Ali Mamouri, MercatorNet)

Greece, N.Y., policy may prohibit atheists from public invocations
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Minn. dept. of human rights settles first same-sex marriage discrimination case
(Stephen Tellier, KAAL TV)

Islamophobia and antisemitism: do we need the words?
(Brian Klug, Public Spirit)

Ontario students’ organization passes BDS resolution
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

New theme: Religious discrimination and hatred
(Public Spirit)

Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life: National Consultation open until 31 October 2014
(Public Spirit)

Legislating against religious hatred
(Chara Bakalis, Public Spirit)

Mapping the politics of fear in Europe
(Raymond Taras, Public Spirit)

Chronicle of terror: Religious persecution by pro-Russian militants in east Ukraine
(Institute for Religious Freedom, Kyiv)

Shell damages Donetsk mosque

West warned not to be faint-hearted in dealing with IS
(Gerald Butt, Church Times)

Half a million Vietnamese Catholics on pilgrimage to the Marian shrine of La Vang
(Asia News)

A fourth same-sex marriage appeal filed
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

No winners in unhinged, disintegrating Syria
(Carol E. B. Choksy and Jamsheed K. Choksy, World Affairs Journal)

Top 5 things you need to know about the new HHS regulations
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Obama administration announces new HHS mandate rules
(Catholic News Service)

Is CAIR lying about a rally for Hamas?
(Daniel Pipes, Gatestone Institute)

Ferguson letter from black clergy becomes interracial call for justice
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Demonstrators rally against Wisconsin’s broken prison system
(Frederick Reese, Mint Press News)

Romanian Christians facing persecution in CaliforniaI
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

From pro-choice to pro-abortion: A new form of abortion advocacy is about to change our debates
(Wesley J. Smith, First Things)

‘One week’ deadlines for Iraqi Christians to convert or ‘face the sword’
(World Watch Monitor)

Hamas publicly executes 18 Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel
(Nidal al-Mughrabi and Allyn Fisher-Ilan, Thomson Reuters, Global Post Chatter)

Israeli air strike kills 3 Hamas commanders in Gaza
(Nidal al-Mughrabi and Maayan Lubell, Thomson Reuters, Global Post Chatter)

Why is the Islamic State still so strong? And where are its weak spots?
(Laura Dean, Global Post)

Reading the Court’s signals on same-sex marriage
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Jewish school in Copenhagen vandalised
(Agence France-Presse, Global Post)

The problem with the "reform three, destroy one" principle [Simplified Chinese]
(Zhejiang Daily)

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