Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

How peace negotiator Martin Indyk cashed a big, fat $14.8 million check from Qatar
(Lee Smith, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Jim Wallis: America and “oil economy” created ISIS
(Alexander Griswold, Juicy Ecumenism)

Why great Palestinian victories are worse than defeats
(Edward N. Luttwak, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

USCCB: Government report 'confirms' suspicions about Affordable Care Act abortion coverage
(Vinnie Rotondaro, National Catholic Reporter)

Kurdish Peshmerga free some Christian villages occupied by jihadists

Bangladesh, Muslim leader’s death sentence commuted to life imprisonment
(Sumon Corraya,

Towards the synod: challenges for marriage in China, threatened by selfishness and consumerism
(Don Peter,

On trial for separatism, Ilham Tohti says Uighurs and Han Chinese have the same problems in Xinjiang

An 'existential' issue for American liberty
(James Freeman, The Wall Street Journal)

Growing secularization seen weakening place of religion in U.S. society
(Beth Griffin, National Catholic Reporter)

California vs. the Constitution -- on freedom, faith, guns and property
(Tim Donnelly, Breitbart)

Freedom From Religion Foundation says no group should be allowed to leaflet in public schools
(Minneapolis Star Tribune)

Hobby Lobby president: 'Christians must fight for religious freedom in America'
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

LETTER: Religious freedom evaporating in U.S.
(Raymond E. Williams,

Two pastors among 100s killed as UN takes over peacekeeping in CAR
(Illia Djadi, World Watch Monitor)

If the U.S. wanted to, it could help free thousands of enslaved Yazidi women in a single day
(Matthew Barber, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Saudi Arabia's top clerics speak out against militancy

Pope Francis cites possibility of WWIII
(Sheila Liaugminas, MercatorNet)

Head of Russian Orthodox church given fighter jet by factory workers
(The Guardian)

The must-watch video on same-sex marriage
(Ryan T. Anderson, Conjugality: A Blog on the Future of Marriage)

Yale chaplain’s resignation reflects larger mainline tensions over Israel
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Does the Muslim headscarf boost body image? (British study)
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Moderate Uighur scholar faces trial in China that critics say highlights repression
(Simon Denyer, The Washington Post)

Celebrity rabbi takes plea bargain over bribery
(Daniel Estrin, The Associated Press)

Watchdog finds insurers not following health law's abortion rule
(Stephanie Armour, The Wall Street Journal)

Al-Qa’ida in Islamic Maghreb and Arabian Peninsula statement on the U.S.-led coalition against IS
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Are Ultra-Orthodox turning away from vaccination?
(Josh Nathan-Kazis, The Jewish Daily Forward)

EVENT, 17 September 2014: Buddhist Peacebuilders and Fresh Challenges in Asia
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali brings her "Clash of Civilizations" to Yale
(John Burger, Aleteia)

Debate over dress restrictions in Russian universities
(Diana Evdokimova, Novye Izvestiia, Russia Religion News, Stetson University)

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

5774: For Europe’s Jews, a year of upheaval and uncertainty
(Cnaan Liphshiz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Adrian Peterson and the false gospel of spanking
(Matthew Paul Turner, CNN: Belief Blog)

ECLJ to the Grand Chamber of the ECHR: “Returning a Christian convert to Iran would subject him to serious human rights violations"
(Andreea Popescu, European Centre for Law and Justice)

Is Democracy consistent with Islam? - analysis
(Nauman Sadiq, Eurasia Review)

Madhya Pradesh, Hindu radicals attack university professor: he spoke in favor of Kashmir
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Mayoral candidates Cianci, Elorza spar over religion
(Dan McGowan,

Merkel rallies against ‘monstrous’ anti-Semitism in Germany
(AP, The Times of Israel)

Muslim Brotherhood leader gets life as secular pro-democracy activist gets out on bail

Would an independent Scotland be an anti-Catholic Scotland?
(Greg Daly, Aleteia)

Regensburg vindicated (Benedict XVI's lecture and Islamism)
(George Weigel, Denver Catholic Register)

In the name of no God: Atheism has finally found its spiritual leader
(Tom Roston, Quartz)

New Brunswick Law Society members call on council to revoke approval of Christian law school
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

European court tells Turkey to end compulsory religion course
(Today's Zaman)

Euro court calls on Turkey to amend religious courses
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Turkey: 40,000 forced to attend religious schools, media: Alevi minority denounces forced assimilation

Human Rights Without Frontiers International
(Working to protect and promote international human rights standards in the heart of European policy-making in Brussels.)

Air Force grants its first religious accommodation for Jewish chaplain to wear beard
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

US Air Force swears in its first bearded rabbi
(Dong Seong Lyu, J Space News)

Justice Ginsburg: “no urgency” yet on same-sex marriage
(Dale Carpenter, Volokh Conspiract)

The apocalyptic magazine the Islamic State uses to recruit and radicalize foreigners
(Terrence McCoy, The Washington Post)

Headscarf protests resume in Turkey
(Pinar Tremblay, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

Chief rabbi says French society has turned indifferent to anti-Semitism
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Chinese Christians scramble to save cross
(David McKenzie and Steven Jiang, CNN Belief Blog)

Supporters of Scottish independence promise protection of Catholic schools
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Satanists want to give out materials in Orange schools
(Lauren Roth, Orlando Sentinel)

Satanic Temple will seek to hand out its literature in Florida high schools
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Iran's Ayatollah declines to help US coalition fight ISIS
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

Texas clinics sever ties with Planned Parenthood
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Nigerian Christians: 'We are on the run'
(Illia Djadi, World Watch Monitor)

Sikh basketball players face choice: Take off turbans or don't play
(Emily Murdoch, World Religion News)

Turkey leaves door open to top Muslim Brotherhood members
(Hürriyet Daily News)

EVENT, 16 September 2014: Do religious courts protect human rights?
(Adam Wagner, Dr Iyad Zahalka, Rabbi Chaim Weiner, René Cassin and the UK Task Force, Jewish Community Centre London)

Europe needs to coordinate its anti-jihadist measures
(Arad Nir, Al-Monitor)

An international problem: Religious freedom demands an international response
(John M. Grondelski, First Things)

Citing Hobby Lobby, court excuses testimony from FLDS member who has religious belief in secrecy
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pennsylvania boy charged with desecrating venerated object after Facebook photo of simulated sex with Jesus statue
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

EVENT,16 September 2014: The Awakening of Muslim Democracy: Religion, Modernity, and the State
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Parsonage supporters encouraged by Seventh Circuit oral arguments
(Peter J Reilly, Forbes)

Religious liberty needed to limit state
(Tom Strode, Baptist Press)

Islam and Catholicism: Beyond reason versus faith
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

CPS announces prosecution for assisting suicide
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Satanists seek to hand out literature to students in protest
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

San Francisco moves to enshrine right to sex-selective abortions
(Rachel Lu, Aleteia)

Belarus: Religious freedom survey, September 2014
(Olga Glace, Forum 18 News Service)

Auschwitz guard charged with being accessory to 300,000 murders
(Associated Press in Berlin, The Guardian)

Brussels synagogue fire was arson, watchdog says

Christians in eastern China scramble to save symbol of their faith
(David McKenzie and Steven Jiang, CNN)

Belgium: Murderer in non-capital punishment granted request to die
(Robert-Jan Bartunek, Reuters)

Cheerleaders fill moment of silence with Lord’s prayer at high school football games
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Turkey open to bids for refuge by Muslim Brotherhood exiles
(Sebnem Arsu, The New York Times)

Crimea: Catholic priest faces explusion, residency permit not renewed
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Sudanese Christian Meriam Ibrahim tells for first time of her ordeal
(Josie Ensor, The Telegraph)

In fight against Islamic State in Syria, Iraq, efforts are hampered by Arab divide
(Stacy Meichtry, Jay Solomon, and Maria Abi-Habib, The Wall Street Journal)

Court puts Indiana gay marriages on hold until U.S. Supreme Court acts
(Jason Stein, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine meets
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Women’s rights activist speaks out at Yale against Muslim ‘indoctrination’
(Randall Beach, New Haven Register)

Attorney: University broke law by banning crosses on football helmets
(Todd Starnes, Fox News)

Rise Up Australia campaign launch attacks Islamic law
(Henrietta Cook, The Age)

Dozens of Christians 'including women and children' are arrested in Saudi Arabia after tip-off to state's Islamist police force
(Matthew Blake, Daily Mail)

Religious liberty for atheists, too
(Gene Veith, Patheos)

Air Force consulting lawyer on whether airmen may be allowed to omit ‘so help me God’ from their oaths
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Monday, 15 September 2014

A theory for tattoos
(Mark Bauerlein, First Things)

Ahead of historic vote, many Scottish Jews wary of independence
(Ben Sales, JTA)

Erdogan's new Turkey to requires all students to study the Qur'an
(NAT da Polis,

Houthis' contradictory path in Sanaa
(Maysaa Shuja al-Deen, Al-Monitor: Gulf Pulse)

Minister assures denominational schools of constitutional protection
(Gerry Braiden, Herald Scotland)

No compromise: Trudeau's dubious defense of 'rights'
(David T. Koyzis, First Things)

Settlement reached in Presbyterian church property dispute
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Thousands of Christians march in Bangalore against violence in Iraq, Syria and Africa
(Santosh Digal,

What Christian parents need to know about America’s schools
(Jonathan Merritt, RNS Blog: On Faith & Culture)

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