Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

EVENT, 23 September 2014: The Human Rights Center of Ghent University (Belgium): Law and Religion Seminar
(Lourdes Peroni, Department of Public Law, University of Ghent)

Constitution check: What if the Supreme Court takes a pass now on same-sex marriage?
(Lyle Denniston, Constitution Daily)

The jihadists' promise: Power over death
(Louis René Beres, Gatestone Institute)

Constructing the Secular: Law and Religion Jurisprudence in Europe and the United States
(Zachary T. Calo, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 2014/94)

President Obama’s greeting for Rosh Hashanah
(President Barack Obama, The White House)

Monday, 22 September 2014

'Pastafarian' lawsuit has serious ramifications
(Editorial, Journal Star)

Appeals court revives Connecticut synagogue suit
(Dave Collins, AP)

Louisiana judge rules same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional, clashing with federal court
(Chris Geidner, BuzzFeed News)

Muslim groups denounce anti-Islam ads on NYC buses
(Marisa Taylor, Al Jazeera)

Nebraska inmate wants to worship Flying Spaghetti Monster
(Riley Johson, Lincoln Journal Star)

Boko Haram used schoolgirl as suicide bomber
(Angela Lu, Christian Headlines)

Religion and climate change: Competing to save the earth
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

Pope to Albania's faith leaders: religion is source of peace (full text)
(Vatican Radio, News.VA)

Pope Francis in Albania speaks on religious violence and religious freedom
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pope Francis: No one can use religion as a pretext for violence
(Ann Schneible, Catholic News Agency)

Pope in Albania urges Muslims to condemn extremism
(Llazar Semini and Nicole Winfield, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Australia's counter-terror laws will restrict our free speech and free press
(Elaine Pearson, Human Rights Watch)

Appeals court revives Connecticut synagogue suit
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Religion loses clout: Why many say that’s a bad thing
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Interactive: China's Uighur unrest
(Lim Li Min and Yarno Ritzen, Al Jazeera)

UK: More taxpayer funds go to extremist charities
(Samuel Westrop, Gatestone Institute)

Reconciling the Scots: The kirk and its wounds
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

Azerbaijan: Transfer to house arrest a prelude to trial?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

International religious freedom and national security
(Sheila Liaugminas, Mercator Net)

Disputes over religion return to Supreme Court
(Richard Wolf, USA Today)

The sacrifice of governance on the altar of religion [Nigeria]
(Angela Adeboye, This Day Live)

Pew Research: Americans increasingly want churches involved in politics
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Why Christians must repair religious liberty
(Jim Tonkowich, Juicy Ecumenism)

Understanding the federal court ruling that allows an FLDS church leader not to testify
(Will Baude, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Nepal, Hindu radicals target celebrity pop star for converting to Christianity
(Christopher Sharma,

Big pro-democracy student strike starts in Hong Kong

'Love jihad' is a social problem now embedded in religion: Uma Bharati
(The Times of India)

Don’t buy the lie that freedom to worship is the same as religious freedom
(Sarah Torre, The Daily Signal)

Tennesee cheerleaders cleverly defy school prayer ban. Or did they?
(David Clark Scott, The Christian Science Monitor)

In some European countries, church membership means paying more taxes
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center)

Pope Francis appoints panel to streamline annulments
(Tom Kington, Los Angeles Times)

Militants in Yemen seize state offices, force Premier to resign
(Maria Abi-Habib, The Wall Street Journal)

Montana gay couple denied communion after marriage
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Jews join hundreds of thousands at largest-ever climate change march
(Hody Nemes, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Boko Haram leader killed – Cameroon army sources

Islamic State urges attacks on US, calls Obama 'mule of the Jews'
(Reuters, Jerusalem Post)

German Muslims rally against extremism
(The Local)

Distorting Islam
(Neville Teller, Eurasia Review)

Religious hostilities high in 57% of Muslim-majority countries
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Religion and law round up – 21st September
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

How a Nigerian school girl escaped Boko Haram: Is Washington still concerned?
(Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor)

Sunday, 21 September 2014

#WeAreN: The invisibility of the Holy Land Christians
(Andrew Stephen Damick, First Things)

Britain's female jihadists
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Pope tells representatives of religions that religious freedom is bulwark against all forms of totalitarianism

Saturday, 20 September 2014

ECLJ to the Grand Chamber of the ECHR: “Returning a Christian convert to Iran would subject him to serious human rights violations”
(Andreea Popescu, European Centre for Law and Justice)

Religion does not poison everything - everything poisons religion
(Ferdinand Mount, The Spectator)

Setting an example: bishops spend two days talking about sex
(Madeleine Davies, Church Times)

The Suwayda village of Dama and Druze Militias: A Case Study
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Tocqueville in Arabia
(Joshua Mitchell, First Things)

USTA faces suit by Orthodox Jewish team over holding championship on Shabbos
(JP Updates)

Wary of Salafists, Egypt expands control over mosques
(Ayah Aman, trans.Pascale Menassa, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Welby calls for reconciliation in referendum aftermath
(Tim Wyatt, Church Times)

State university reaches compromise with football team members on wearing cross decal
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Arkansas state football players no longer forbidden to have crosses on their helmets

Oklahoma trial court rejects challenge to state capitol Ten Commandments
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Islamic State frees 49 Turkish hostages captured in Iraq
(Suzan Fraser and Raphael Satter, The Washington Post)

European court warns Turkey to respect parents’ convictions
(Tulay Daloglu, Facts on Turkey)

Compulsory courses on religion and Marxism
(Joost Lagendijk,

WCC general secretary invites prayers and action for “just peace” during World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel
(World Council of Churches)

Protecting international religious freedom [VIDEO]
(The Honorable Sarah Sewall, Katrina Lantos Swett PhD, Thomas F. Farr PhD, Mr. Robert T. Smith, Mr. Emmanuel Ogebe, Mr. Tad Stahnke, US House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform)

International Religious Freedom Policy and American National Security
(Thomas F. Farr, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Religious freedom: Are there boundaries?
(René Azurin, Business World Online)

The secular state cannot be neutral in matters of religion
(Anthony Esolen, MercatorNet)

Turkey welcomes return of hostages held in Iraq
(Sebnem Arsu and Ceylan Yeginsu, The New York Times)

National back to church Sunday expects 3.3 million people to attend this weekend
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

The new top pro-life argument is not abortion: It's climate change
(Kyle Glatz, World Religion News)

British Muslims shouldn’t feel obliged to speak out against Isis atrocities
(Remona Aly, The Guardian)

Anti-Islam ad campaign to run on New York City buses and subways
(Nicky Woolf, The Guardian)

Christians may have to follow MLK's example, go to jail, to protect religious freedom, Rep. Frank Wolf says
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Jehovah’s Witness’s claims highlight employer need to manage workplace religion issues
(William A. Nolan, The National Law Review)

Pakistan represents world's worst situation for religious freedom: United States
(Daily News and Analysis)

Air Force suddenly forgets religious freedom
(The Boston Globe)

Religious freedom exception to gay rights 'a terrible thing,' says Michigan Senate candidate
(Matt Vande Bunte,

Congressional committee holds hearing on protecting international religious freedom
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Dallas preacher set to speak at Baptist event in Oklahoma City

To save the earth, all must change their ways, says Ecumenical Patriarch
(World Council of Churches)

Call for Thailand to end crackdown on academic freedom
(Eurasia Review)

Ukrainian Orthodox parishes leaving Moscow Patriarchate for Kyiv
(Nina Achmatova,

Beirut: Christians and Muslims mourn Hani Fahs, an iconic figure for interreligious dialogue
(Fady Noun,

Chinese authorities tear down two Catholic churches

Moscow to host Quran international recitation contest on September 20

French jets strike in Iraq, expanding U.S.-led campaign against Islamic State
(Oliver Holmes, Alexandra Sage, Reuters)

Pope Francis names Spokane bishop to Chicago, dashing conservative hopes
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Senate approves enhanced U.S.-Israel cooperation bill
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Utah polygamy "Sister Wives" case invokes religious liberty arguments
(Peter Jesserer Smith, National Catholic Register)

Friday, 19 September 2014

Church voices address statelessness at The Hague Global Forum
(World Council of Churches)

Oklahoma judge dismisses Ten Commandments lawsuit
(Tim Talley, AP)

U.S.T.A. faces suit over Sabbath schedule
(Mary Pilon, The New York Times)

Pakistani state's supreme court invalidates appointments of state's Shariat Court judges
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Group says Justice Ginsburg made improper comment on possible review of same-sex marraige cases
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Cert. filed in case of police officer who refused to attend appreciation event in mosque
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Ideology, Islam and religion - OpEd
(Binoy Kampmark, Eurasia Review)

Protestant pastors convicted of "attempted proselytising" in Bhutan

Towards the synod: India's multiculturalism, a challenge and a resource for Christian families
(Santosh Digal,

Archbishop of Bangalore: India must aid persecuted Christians in the Middle East
(Nirmala Carvalho,

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