Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

New mediation efforts in Milwaukee Archdiocese bankruptcy fail
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Spain's PM scraps hardline abortion reform
(Sonya Dowsett and Emma Pinedo, Reuters)

For Australian Muslims, security crackdown is code for racial profiling
(Matt Siegel, Reuters)

Barbie as the Virgin Mary? Ken as Jesus? Italian Catholics are not amused
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

All Hail Satan, First Amendment Champ
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

What's lost in not recognizing campus religious groups
(Karen Swallow Prior, The Atlantic)

Op-Ed: Islamist indoctrination of children through education
(Ozgur Korkmaz, Hurriyet Daily News)

Full text of Barack Obama's speech to the UN General Assembly
(Barack Obama, The Telegraph)

Obama forbids FBI to use religion in identifying terror threats, as ISIS recruits openly in U.S. mosques
(Breitbart News)

Europe’s anti-Semitism comes out of the shadows
(Jim Yardley, The New York Times)

Gay marriage ruling to go to La. Supreme Court
(Janet McConnaughey, The Town Talk)

President sends greetings for Rosh Hashanah
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

India & Pakistan: millions of children at risk of trafficking following floods
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Citizen can declare that he does not belong to any religion: Bombay High Court
(The Indian Express)

Turkish government may have released ISIS militants in exchange for 49 hostages held by Islamic state
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

Latest partisan divide: religion and politics should mix
(David Hawkings, Roll Call)

False hopes arise that Nigerian army has freed Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by Islamic militants
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Obama praises Islam in United Nations address while condeming ISIS
(Josh Craddock, Aleteia)

Israeli forces re-open Aqsa compound after heavy clashes
(Ma'an News Agency)

N.J. case puts pledge, religion in spotlight
(Rita Giordano,

New study released on Israeli religion-state public opinion
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

His religion caused state to rescind job offer, man claims
(Aaron Gould Sheinin, The Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Kurds not giving up on education in mother tongue
(Fréderike Geerdink, Al-Monitor)

ADF asks US Supreme Court to uphold freedom of churches to meet in NYC public schools
(Press Release, Alliance Defending Freedom)

This is what limiting religious groups on campus does to some colleges
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Lawsuit: Inmate not allowed to worship Satan
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Nigerian Bishops: ‘Stop playing politics, protect innocent citizens’
(Illia Djadi, World Watch Monitor)

Jordanian cleric Abu Qatada acquitted of terror charges
(Al Jazeera America)

Jordan acquits radical cleric of terrorism charges
(Karin Laub, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Teen prepares for major court battle with atheists over God and the Pledge: ‘It is not their right to silence me’
(Billy Hallowell, The Blaze)

Disputes over religion return to Supreme Court
(Richard Wolf, USA Today)

India: No compulsion to declare religion in govt forms, says HC
(Kanchan Chaudhari, Hindustan Times)

Qatar forfeits game in protest over hijab ruling
(C. Rajshekhar Rao, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Spain scraps plan to tighten abortion law
(David Roman and Olivia Crellin, The Wall Street Journal)

Group targets Mississippi State's religious practices
(Michael Bonner, The Clarion-Ledger)

European Parliament adopts resolution criticizing Russia and supporting Ukraine
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

The International Summer School – a place of change
(Marek Mišák, COMECE, europeinfos: Christian Perspectives on the EU)

Obama in High Holidays message speaks of new hope, fighting anti-Semitism

Shatter the silence: A call to the Black Church to protect our children
(Boz Tchividjian, RNS Blog: Rhymes with Religion)

Public sees religion’s influence waning, Growing appetite for religion in politics
(Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project)

Shana Tova * Meet the Khorasan * Textbook drama: Wednesday’s Roundup
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Rosh HaShana Message from PM Binyamin Netanyahu
(Staff, The Jewish Press)

Police heighten security throughout capital for Rosh Hashana
(Daniel K. Eisenbud, The Jewish Press)

Thais say temples, monks must declare assets, holdings to government
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Indonesia: Ahok’s arrogance, religion precludes him from governorship: FPI
(Sita W. Dewi, The Jakarta Post)

Dissenters take over Orthodox church in Rovno Region of Ukraine

OpEd: There are some Muslims who oppose radical Islam
(Phyllis Chesler, Arutz Sheva 7)

Why young Muslim women are speaking out against the Islamic State on the streets of London
(Radhika Sanghani, The Telegraph)

Turkey: What will happen to state-confiscated places of worship?
(Mine Yıldırım, Forum 18 News Service)

Atheism and feminism
(Mart Trzebiatowska, OUPblog Religion)

Qur'an social media challenge, a hit for Muslims around the globe
(Henri Rose Cimatu, Ecumenical News)

Israeli-Arab Priest at UN Human Rights Council: “Israel is the only place where Christians in the Middle East are safe."
(Anav Silverman, The Jewish Press)

EVENT, 24 September 2014: Faith and Feminism: A Critical Conversation
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Ethnic Rakhines hit out at Rohingya citizenship
(John Zaw, UCA news)

Erdogan meeting with Jewish leaders canceled over scheduling issues

La. state judge: Gay marriage ban unconstitutional
(Alexandria Burris and Courtney Spradin, The Shreveport Times)

CofE to axe seal of confessional?
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Over 600 scholars sign letter against BDS
(Eugene Kontorovich, The Washington Post: the Volokh Conspiracy)

Myanmar grants citizenship to 209 Muslim refugees, even Rohingya

Faisalabad: If we want peace, let us follow the teachings of Christ, says Muslim leader
(Shafique Khokhar,

Xinjiang: Ilham Tohti sentenced to life imprisonment

Hiddush Releases 2014 Israel religion and state index; Strong desire for involvement of world Jewry in efforts for freedom of marriage
(Hiddush News)

Archdiocese of Milwaukee: No resolution from mediation
(Brian T. Olszewski, Catholic Herald)

France’s National Front gaining among Jews with tough stance on Arab anti-Semitism
(Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA)

In aliyah this year (and every year), push is stronger than pull (see France, Ukraine)
(Ben Sales, JTA Telegraph)

Anti-Rohingya and Anti-Muslim sentiments in Myanmar: mutually reinforcing?
(Aparupa Bhattacherjee, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)

Muslim minority bears brunt in Burma as radical monk stirs sectarian pot
(Mary Fitzgerald, Irish Times)

Myanmar’s Rohingya stuck in refugee limbo in India

Source: Al Qaeda group in Syria plotted attack against U.S. with explosive clothes
(Josh Levs, Paul Cruickshank, and Tim Lister, CNN World)

Bombay HC: No govt can force anyone to list religion
(Shibu Thomas, Times of India)

Rulings differ on same-sex marriage in Louisiana
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Israel says local Christians can choose to be Arameans instead of Arabs
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

School bars Muslim pupil,16, in row over face veil
(Keith Perry, The Telegraph)

On Supreme Court docket: beards, church signs, and, yes, Middle East peace
(Richard Wolf, Religion News Service)

Louisiana state court invalidates state's same-sex marriage bans
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

8th Circuit invokes Hobby Lobby to reverse in for-profit challenge to contraceptive mandate
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Muslim groups denounce anti-Islamist ads that will appear on NYC busses and subway stations
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

2nd Circuit says trial court misinterpreted RLUIPA in Chabad zoning case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Rejecting diversity, and racial and religious equality: The scary message behind secession movements
(Todd Brewster, Salon)

Suit seeks religious accommodation in schedulng of tennis tournament
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Embattled evangelicals: ‘War on Religion’ is aimed at us
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

100 Christians, including children, arrested during major house church raid in China
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Most Israelis favor greater religion-state separation, new study shows
(Ben Sales, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Way of truth and justice: understanding Islamic law
(Khaled Abou El Fadl, Australian Broadcasting Company: Religion and Ethics)

Head of Serb church denounces gay pride march
(AP, ABC News)

Analysis of same-sex marriage ruling: Judge says state needs to get with the times
(Cole Avery, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans))

Jaw-dropping poll indicates the waning influence of religion in America
(F. Peter Brown, Western Journalism)

Alevis protest compulsory religion classes
(Doğan News Agency, Hürriyet Daily News)

More Americans favor mixing religion and politics, survey says
(Scott Neuman, NPR)

China sentences prominent Uyghur scholar to life in prison for 'separatism
(Steven Jiang, CNN)

2015 National Religious Freedom Moot Court Competion announced
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Cape Town shuts South Africa's pro-gay mosque
(BBC News)

Seeking a same-sex marriage case fit for history
(Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

Portland activist seeks asylum in church to avoid deportation
(Kasia Hall, The Oregonian)

Christianity in Iraq is finished
(Daniel Williams, Washington Post)

Will Catholic teaching on marriage change?
(Gerhard Cardinal Müller, First Things)

Cardinal Burke: Media hijacking Synod on the Family
(Ann Schneible, Catholic News Agency)

Turkey allows girls as young as 10 to cover hair at schools

The Ethno-Linguistic Situation in the Parishes of U.S. Orthodox Christian Churches
(Alexei Krindatch, principal investigator, The Association of Religion Data Archives)

State-run paper describes China’s social breakdown
(Matthew Robertson, The Epoch Times)

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