Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

China’s crackdown slows Tibetan refugee crossings to freedom in India
(Annie Gowen, The Washington Post)

Austria: Civil law vs. Sharia law
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Ultra-Orthodox Jews attack Jerusalem buses over ad
(Tia Goldenberg, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Netanyahu reportedly withdraws support for conversion bill

To spank or not to spank: Corporal punishment in the US
(Stephanie Hanes, The Christian Science Monitor)

France moves to clarify the rules on full veil
(Dan Bilefsky, The New York Times)

In Turkey, it's all about the beard
(Pinar Tremblay, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

General Theological Seminary board to negotiate with terminated faculty
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Putting to rest a bad argument: Marriage law and sex discrimination
(Sherif Girgis, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Puerto Rico ban on same-sex marriage upheld
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Puerto Rico federal court dismisses same-sex marriage lawsuit
(Dale Carpenter, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Wyoming added to same-sex marriage list
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

North Carolina County Commission resolution opposes court's marriage equality ruling
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Idaho pastors opposed to gay marriage sue city over law
(Laura Zuckerman, Reuters)

Group: NC officials can refuse to marry gay couples
(Gavin Off, The Charlotte Observer)

Young U.S. Catholics overwhelmingly accepting of homosexuality
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center)

Idaho city ordinance bans distribution of Bible to children
(Eugene Volokh, The Washington Post: The Volokh Conspiracy)

Will the IRS ban on pulpit politics ever make it to court?
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Religious liberty and the bullies
(Jim Tonkowich, Juicy Ecumenism)

Russia and the Uniates
(Andrew Sorokowski, Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Russians see more threats from the USA than from radical Islamists - poll
(Interfax: Religion)

In Alabama, the religiously 'unaffiliated' now surpasses this major religious group
(Carol McPhall,

Top U.S. aid recipient is set to hang a Christian woman for blasphemy
(David French, National Review Online: The Corner)

Here’s what Chipotle and Boy Scouts have to do with the Constitution
(Kate Scanlon, The Daily Signal)

Palestinians throw firebombs at Jewish-owned building in eastern Jerusalem

Five key questions answered on the link between peace & religion
(Institute for Economics and Peace)

Understand concept of ‘infidel’ to understand risks of Islamic radicalization
(Jacob Zen, World Watch Monitor)

The road to sedition: Malaysia and Myanmar crackdown on dissent
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Archpriest Chaplin to Khodorkovsky: people basing on God's law instead of oligarchs and West will determine Russia's future
(Interfax: Religion)

Risen again: China's underground churches
(Emily Rauhala, Time)

EVENT, 21 October 2014: “What’s happening at the Supreme Court? The Fights for Marriage and Religious Liberty” (Washington, D.C.
(Speaker Ed Whelan, The Thomas More Society)

Monday, 20 October 2014

'Mass mobs' are filling the pews at Detroit's Catholic churches
(Carol Kuruvilla, Huff Post Religion)

More than a number: Violence and freedom of expression in Honduras
(Council on Hemispheric Affairs)

Wyoming attorney general says gay marriages can begin on Tuesday
(Dan Whitcomb, Reuters)

Idaho wedding chapel sues over requirement to marry same-sex couples
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Gay marriage ruling will bring renewed push for religious liberty protections
(Hank Stephenson and Ben Giles, Arizona Capitol Times)

Columbus County commissioners approve resolution opposing same sex-marriage ruling

Northern Ireland Assembly votes to criminalise the purchase of sexual services
(Louise Gleich, Care)

Asia Bibi's husband distraught after court upholds death sentence: 'How can I tell my children their mother is not free?'
(Cath Martin, Christian Today World)

What is African American religion?
(Eddie S. Glaude Jr., OUPblog Religion)

Conference at EUI (Florence) on The Roberts Court and the protection of religious freedom in the United States
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Claim of truce raises hope that kidnapped Nigerian girls will be released: But Chibok mediator says government sponsors keep Boko Haram alive
(World Watch Monitor)

Poll: Most Israeli Jews oppose Palestinian state on ’67 lines

New Indonesian president must face religious issues, academics say
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Paganism, religion and human rights
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

About 1,000 Evangelical Christians gather in central Kiev to pray for Ukraine

Interview with William P. Mumma, President of the Becket Fund [Video]
(Deseret News National Edition)

Idaho Ministers Told Perform Gay Marriage or Go to Jail
(Christian Broadcasting Network)

Surge in public executions in Saudi Arabia raises questions about country's justice system
(Christian Today)

Iranian women attacked with acid for 'bad hijab' — attackers may be enforcing law, not breaking it

Mikvahs seek security after hidden camera scandal
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Rabbinical Council to add a role for women in wake of voyeurism scandal
(Michael Paulson, The New York Times)

Houston Mayor amends controversial pastor subpoenas
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Jerusalem bus ads featuring young women in prayer shawls vandalized

Exclusive poll: Utahns attitudes about same-sex marriage shifting following Supreme Court decision
(Bryan Schott, Utah Policy)

Australia's Parliament House lifts short-lived veil ban
(Rod McGurk, Associated Press)

Majority back Supreme Court on gay marriage
(Laura Barron-Lopez, The Hill)

Turkey gives in on helping Syria's Kurds
(Patrick Brennan, National Review Online: the Corner blog)

Single mother travels to Turkey to rescue radicalised son from Isis
(Rose Troup Buchanan, The Independent)

2014 Supreme Court roundup
(Michael Stokes Paulsen, First Things)

Paris Opera expels veiled woman during Verdi’s Traviata
(France 24 International News)

Greek Orthodox launch rebuilding of St. Nicholas, the only church destroyed on 9/11
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Religion and the midterm election vote
(Mark Silk, RNS Blog: Spiritual Politics)

Malaysian state says it will enforce mosque attendance law
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

LFL: Kelantan’s three-strike Friday prayer rule is unconstitutional, oppressive and unworkable
(Press Statement, Lawyers for Liberty (Malaysia))

Religion and law round-up – 19th October
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Can ministers who make a living by conducting weddings be required to conduct same-sex weddings?
(Eugene Volokh, Washington Post: Volokh Conspiracy blog)

Government to ordained minister: Celebrate same-sex marriages or go to jail
(Ryan T. Anderson, Daily Signal)

Govt tells Christian ministers: Perform same-sex weddings or face jail, fines
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

Church must change or 'wither away' warns bishop
(Ben Farmer, The Telegraph)

Despite gay marriage rulings, some Elvis-themed Vegas chapels doing it their way
(Gail Sullivan, The Washington Post)

Catholics bishops: No agreement on gays and lesbians
(Delia Gallagher and Daniel Burke, CNN)

Conflict, croissants and communication (editorial)
(Abdul-Azim Ahmed, On Religion)

Denmark tries a soft-handed approach to returned Islamist fighters
(Anthony Faiola and Souad Mekhennet, The Washington Post)

Pakistani Christian loses appeal against death sentence for blasphemy
(Reuters FaithWorld)

Iranian human rights lawyer barred from practise
(Middle East Eye)

Seven Christians arrested for prayer gathering, released in Laos
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Catholic bishops narrowly reject a wider welcome to gays, divorced Catholics
(Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service)

Interreligious marriage: a look at the synod from India's perspective
(Elise Harris, CNA)

Pope Francis lends friendly support to Anglican Church in North America
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, Religion News Service)

Pope Francis' closing synod speech received with standing ovation
(Catholic News Agency)

Catholicism and capitalism: Redeeming the system
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and Public Policy])

Obama praises Supreme Court's gay marriage orders
(AP: The Big Story)

The Obama brief [reflections on the judicial branch]
(Jeffrey Toobin, The New Yorker)

Religion: Boutique choices in religious marketplace
(Mark Oppenheimer, The Hartford Courant)

State elections in India: The second Modi wave
(A.R., The Economist [Banyan: Asia])

First woman sentenced to death in Pakistan over blasphemy charges
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

From bad to worse – religious persecution growing in China
(Matt Hadro, Catholic News Agency)

China launches massive rural 'surveillance' project to watch over Uighurs
(Tom Phillips, The Telegraph)

Even state-recognized church in China targeted for persecution
(Catholic Online)

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Large church building in Qufu [China] causes dismay
(Marlin Jeschke, Goshen News)

Inside China's secret churches: How Christians practice their faith under an atheist government
(Antonia Blumberg, The Huffington Post)

Pakistan appeals court upholds Christian woman's death sentence for blasphemy
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court orders minister to return church keys, Mercedes and stay away from church premises
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Nigerian court upholds ban on head scarves in public schools
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Superior Court rules in favor of controversial street preachers
(Mensah M. Dean,

Black separatist religious group wins right to demonstrate outide of mall
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Vatican and Vietnam edge closer to restoring diplomatic relations
(South China Morning Post)

New acting head of DOJ Civil Rights Division appointed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Iran appears to fight Islamic State, but are their ultimate goals too similar for comfort?
(Lauren Gunias, World Watch Monitor)

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